Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa: DocksRowing his small boat back to shore and hopping from it with a flourish twirl and onto the wooden docks, Gramps lifted his head up and blinked his eyes as he looked all about him. As he was pulling back into port, he had discovered a most beautiful woman standing back on the dock’s deck, looking out at him! That had only helped fuel his need and desire to row back to the Spa, and now that he was here, and able to see the lass in front of him, Gramps nodded sagely to himself, once again confident and assured in his senses’ abilities. Even at his age, the ability to know when beautiful women nearby had never dulled.
Quickly tying the boat to the docks, Gramps began to saunter his way towards Nani, whom had been watching him approach. The man was quite small and wide, almost hunched over in body statue, as his age approached mid-eighties. He had very fine, whispy white hair trailing from a moustache and beard, and big, bushy eyebrows. As the man clad in fine, black robes, trimmed with white sleeves and boots approached Nani, he offered a wide, cheerful smile and saluted the pirate girl.
“Hello this, Miss! How are you? One of the Spa’s guests, I presume? My name’s Gramps! What, may I ask, could be yours?” The old timer walked up to Nani, and put his hands on his hips as he looked up at the much taller (in comparison) girl. “Are you staying with us at the Spa, today? You look like you could do with a good massage or two! Would you like one?”

Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa: Hot Springs: Male Section“Yeah, Lute, Quentin’s right! Don’t be afraid of getting naked!” Tobi’s voice from behind drew the attention of both the water mage and virtuoso, to reveal a completely buck naked marauder behind them taking off his boots with one hand, and swinging a towel about and onto his shoulder at the same time. For whatever peculiar reason, Tobi had decided to take his clothes off before his boots… an interesting challenge, no doubt.
“C’mon! Last one in’s a rotten egg!” Tobi laughed, whipping his towel off his shoulder and whiplashing Lute’s behind with it, as he ran straight towards the steaming springs and dove straight in. Marcus, Quentin and Lute were left speechless as they watched, until a sudden wolf whistle could be audible to all. A certain wolf whistle emanating from…
“…Lute?” Asked Marcus, whom had now finished changing and wore a towel around his waist as well. The virtuoso went beetroot red. Sometimes he hated his partner.
Tobi, meanwhile, started swimming back and forth.
Cuttersbury: Drych Lake Spa: Hot Springs: Female SectionEstelle couldn’t take her eyes off her.
As both she and Aria got undressed, Estelle looked at Aria and was simply amazed at the girl’s skin and physique. She looked absolutely immaculate and beautiful, and Estelle could only wish she’d have skin that fine when she was a little bit older. But, considering all of the fighting she did, and the scars she bore, she wondered if that was even possible. But then again, Aria was a Guilder too, and she had her fair share of small scars too, so maybe one day…?
“Wash our backs…? Sure!” Estelle beamed, smiling widely and following Aria’s lead towards the springs. A part of her wished that more of the others were here to share in their excitement of the hot springs, but that was okay. She could simply come back again with them all later as well!
“Woooow~” Estelle gaped in amazement as they stepped out of the changing room, and into the outdoor hot springs proper. The outdoor area was furnished rather nicely, with a range of faucets and buckets to the side in a rinsing area, and giant rocks, peppered with potted plants and quaint, stone statues lining the edge of the steaming hot springs. Estelle couldn’t wait to enter the spring and find out what it was all about…!
And then she suddenly stopped, seeing someone very unfamiliar standing in front of her. A large, broad shouldered and lean, youthful man with messy hair, wearing an expression as shocked as Estelle’s. At the same time as the swordswoman’s own, his cheeks grew incredible red.
Estelle screamed.

“Ruff!” Jasper jumped and barked, sloshing more water from his bucket over the floor as Estelle screamed. His little tail wagged from side to side enthusiastically, happy to meet and talk to new people. His companion, Harvey Jr, however, said absolutely nothing.
"I- um, we weren't aware that the bath was being cleaned-?" Aria asked, readjusting her towel. Harvey took his eyes off Estelle to look at Aria, and recoiled back in surprise once again. He grew ever bashful, and averted his eyes to look directly at the ground. He then began to shuffle towards the changing room and exit, moving as quickly as he could to get out of their way and bare them the peace they deserved.
“S-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-ssorry,” Harvey Jr stuttered so very meekly as he stopped at the exit, bowing deeply, and then rushed off again out of sight. Jasper in contrast, barked another, more jovial goodbye, and bounded after his best friend with a much more enthusiastic spring in his step, leaving an utterly confused and stunned Estelle and Aria behind.
Emerging into the reception, Harvey Jr stopped as he looked at the reception desk and saw the ‘Closed for Cleaning’ sign he had gotten out, ready to put over the Woman’s area, but having forgotten to do. The flustered man shook his head from side to side and buried it in his hands, before rushing off elsewhere. He needed to go find somewhere else to clean, and think about what he’d done, and the best way to apologise to those two ladies later.
Meanwhile, back on the docks, Estelle’s scream could be heard even as far as here. To the wise and worldly Gramps, he knew exactly what it was and where he came from. He smiled. He knew taking down the ‘Closed for Cleaning’ sign would be a great idea for his grandson!