Avatar of Rexcalibur
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    1. Rexcalibur 11 yrs ago


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The dragon turned to the cat. Once again eyeing the syringe briefly. Concerns of the rest of the picture, however, more pressing.
“Care to explain...” he whispered to the feline. Slight nod gestured towards the scenery with a hushed tone.

For someone new to the game, Xell was taking in the sights pretty well. Then again, almost dying may have something to do with it.

Crispin inhaled deeply - to keep calm and knock the stuttering out of his breath. He was very animated with his hands as he described the sitch to Xell: "Ahem. Hi. So. Apparently you were knocked out, for whatever reason. THAT guy said THIS thing could wake you up, but everyone pussed out of using it - so I bit the bullet."

Good enough, right? "Also, you don't know these two"--he hesitated, don't say anything that can get you killed!!--"uhhm... guys there, do you? Cuz if not, lucky me, we're on the same boat." As for Fleur's injury, he was sure whatever Xell could think of that happened was probably accurate. He didn't feel like recounting that one. Or explaining that this new guy can phase through walls. All things considered, that was probably the least creepy fact in this room.

Truth be told, the Ocelot was both relieved that the attention was off him, but deeply disturbed that it was now on the ladies.

"Strip then." - Well this got dark. You know... darker than it was five minutes ago.

As much as Crispin would've loved to step in and offer his coat, his buckling knees prevented him from leaving Xell's side. Plus apparently this had something to do with dignity among the women, which he didn't want to "interrupt," given what these two crazy asshats are capable of based on this nightmarish room. Thankfully squirrely-girly decided to take the L on this one, though her taunts towards Zach seemed a bit... unprompted. Zach seemed just about as scared of this situation as the rest of them. But perhaps she noticed a pattern Crispin had not?
Just when Crispin felt he was finally getting the upper hand on getting Zach ol’boy to talk, he felt himself disabled. Curiously hovering. Disabled, but not in pain – and not in the best position to react either, as if his limbs suddenly croaked. The easiest way to shut a cat down. But what exactly was holding him up back there??

And before he knew it – plop! Right back on his ass. Ouch.

But what hurt more was seeing Zach cower in fear like that. ‘guy could be a dick, sure, but never did Crispin think this reaction was even possible from him. He rubbed his arms uncomfortably as he watched Zach return to his seat as ordered.

And then the others he had interacted with earlier today had shown up suddenly, with Xell knocked out. This was some crazy shit.

Was this the CEO? Mr. Julien certainly had the demeanor for it. As big into commentating as Crispin usually was, this time he worked to keep his mouth shut.

He pondered for a bit whether Zach was trying to con some information out of him under Julien’s command. Especially after seeing this reaction from him. But man, all Julien had to do was ask him himself if that were the case. So maybe Zach was just trying to be friendly?

Then things suddenly went loud. “Jess please just go drown yourself!”
Yeah, Crispin couldn’t hide a slight snicker. Good to see the dog’s back. Had to find some silver lining in this mess.

Especially considering what was going on – i.e. what Crispin would’ve called a bipolar temper tantrum, if it wasn’t for the fact that he was about to pee himself.

”Mr. Ocelot.”

Oh GOD, not me! …oh, phew, okay, he’s just monologuing.

It was then Crispin learned that he must’ve taken Xell’s medication to react as poorly as he did before making it to this room.

He didn’t really know the guy, Xell – but everyone else was tossing up excuses or being too puss to do anything about his sitch. Considering the crazy kaleidoscopes of colors engulfing this room, among everything else going on, Crispin was assured anything could happen in those seven minutes. They could all get fired. Julien could administer the same shot to all of them. They could all take injuries the same way bunny-girl did. Or Xell could die. Or they could all die.

Crispin loudly scratched the back of his head as he rose from his seat, nearly knocking his chair over in the process. Well, if he was going to be fired for breaking some law that Jessamine described, he’d take that shot. Beats waiting around trying not to puke. Or die.

“All right, all right, fine. Gimme the thing. I’ll do it.”

Taking a deep breath, he moved to where Xell lied with unusually firm steps. A young man definitely facing an uncomfortable situation head on.

He shuffled the syringe in his hands before firmly gripping it with his right. He was ambidextrous, but didn’t want Julien slicing him up for holding it in the wrong hand too. He looked to the injured Fleur, cringed for a moment, and – “Here it goes!” – jabbed the needle directly into Xell’s shoulder.

He hoped to whatever gods were watching that someone would take care of the gal next to him. He was a chef, not a medic. He knew first aid, but not enough to stop someone from bleeding to death! Maybe this would placate that psychopath CEO??
It was one thing for Zach to joke about this being Crispin's longest standing job - considering the cat's running record until now, that was something about him that stood out to his peers. But now to ask about his family? Crispin couldn't hide his bewilderment. But behind his shock, he could hide his suspicions.

First, it seemed his own medication that was saving his life tried to kill him. (Never mind that was due to his own blunder.) Then, the summoning to the almighty "Director." Now, this dark room. It seemed a bit too... planned, to ask something so personal, in this environment.

Is this a threat?

"Well, this is sudden." Crispin furrowed his eyebrows in thought for a moment, before relaxing back in his chair and looking moderately less alarmed. "They're not in any danger, are they?"

Of course, Zach wasn't going to give himself away. "I don't know. Are they?" he said with a smirk. And left it at that.

Crispin sighed. Can never really tell with this guy. Poe's Law and all that. Then again, for as long as Crispin knew Zach (Crispin's done his fair share of eavesdropping), this is pretty much how he responds to anything remotely serious. The cat shrugged. "Yeah. Okay. Thanks."

Just keep it cool.

He leaned back into his chair and brought a finger to his chin, as if pensive. As if this topic that meant to much to him was a joke. "Where do I start? Well, there's my twin sisters and my mother. And having older twin sisters is a bit of a nightmare. Be grateful you didn't grow up with that. One's married, the other's not..." He took a deep breath, paused, then spoke again. "Yeah. That's really all you need to know about them.

"Aaaand Mom? Works for the Feds. Big techie, but I think she's gotta be a Merc on the side or something. Carries around a scimitar like it's a purse. Never lets us touch it, never tells us why." Never really told them about what she does for work - she just comes home with money; that's all. While Crispin's pretty toned himself, his mother was most definitely considered built. And one-eyed, wearing a bandanna over the fucked-up part of her face like a pirate. Crispin jokingly relayed this information to Zacharias, laughing at himself in between sentences.

Crispin either didn't know or had straight up forgotten that he had listed his mother as his emergency contact on his resume quite sometime ago. Zach had all the information he needed to know on her. "Lady" was her name. Lady Ocelot. And based on this shit the cat fed him, he wouldn't doubt she gave this name to herself.

"And your father?"

"My dad? Uhhh. He'd been working abroad since I was a baby. What's the word for it - expat? No? Is that not the word for it?" Much to Zacharias' dismay, Crispin rambled on about the right term for his dad's situation before eventually giving up on it. "Eh, I guess that's not important. Honestly, I couldn't tell you much about him even if I wanted to."

He looked at his gloved hands. "Though I get my looks from him, I guess. Mom & sisters are purple, I'm dark gray. Markings here, no markings there, blah blah."

Unless Zacharias and the Big Boss needed to know names and deets, that's as far as Crispin was willing to share.

While Crispin was mostly carefree (and careless to some extent), he was defensive about his sisters and mother - so mismanaging his pill-taking was, as far as his coworkers knew, the only thing that ever caused him to worry. And now Zacharias knew a bit about his family. Cool. Crispin had been pretty chill with him, all things considered, up until they hit this room.

The ocelot maintained his usual laid-back persona, though was now much more guarded. "Frankly, Zachy, if this is how you start your small talk"--Crispin laughed--"yer pretty bad at it. Might wanna get some help with that. You wanna tell me about your fam too?"
"Seriously... cats."

It was only after Crispin's stomach finally calmed down that he noticed Zacharias' repulsed remarks. He chuckled nervously, now aware that it wasn't just someone watching his nauseating episode - it was the green boy himself, the front man who always seemed upset for some reason or other. Crispin wiped whatever gunk was left by his mouth with his glove.

"Zachary, my boy! I, uh... sorry you had to see that." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I don't... know what might've... uhh..."

It was obvious Crispin would keep rambling forever about his confusion, so Zach was straight to the point. Crispin's slicked ears perked up immediately. "The Director?" He blinked rapidly, trying to process what the dog just told him. Then he flitted his eyes to the putrid mess he had made, before looking back at Zach and pointing at himself. "Me? Was it the puke? Dude, I can - I can clean this up in a jiffy. I'm a cafeteria man, I've dealt with this shit before. I just..."

Wait, did he get caught fumbling with his meds? Crispin sighed and defeatedly placed his hands in his coat pockets. Now that his throat stopped burning, the ocelot couldn't help but worry about what's going to happen to him now. Medically, at least. Did he ingest it in time? Who does he even talk to about what to do in this sitch?

Crispin's shoulders slumped as he followed along after Zacharias. "All right all right, I'm comin' I'm comin'." Quit yer bitchin', Nancy.

As if on cue, Crispin immediately winked and pointed back at Jessamine as she blew her kiss at him. A thing he often did at female coworkers who looked in his general direction, but damn, Jessamine and Athena both knew his reaction with their playful quirks was definitely just a tad more into it than usual.

Although, once she was out of sight, he glanced around to make sure no one else was near, before pressing himself into a wall and performing a series of deep breathing. Like getting out of that vicinity was a workout in of itself. "Phew!" he exhaled once he felt himself calmed down enough. Since Crispin still had plenty of time to make it to the cafeteria (it wasn't noon o'clock after all, that was a total lie), he took his time with getting himself straightened out before moving on.

Well, he couldn't just go back there. That'd just defeat the purpose of why he left - to save what little face he could. Soooo, he supposed he'd move on to the cafeteria. All was well again for the kitty. Though he was still completely unaware that he had taken Xell's dissolved medication along with his own.

And that unawareness might as well be the death of him, because without a warning, Crispin suddenly puked all over the floor. Completely flooding the doorway with this breakfast.

He dropped to his knees and clutched onto his stomach, his eyes wild more so with confusion rather than pain. He hadn't eaten since dawn, so it couldn't have been his food. Especially since he had cooked it himself! The last thing he drank was his water, to take his meds, and he'd never had this reaction before with his medication so--

Oh. Oh wait. Did this mean his meds were out of his system now?? Wait, his prescribers never prepped him on whether he should take another dose when this happened...!?

He heaved again. Round two impending.
“Noooooooo….” Xell leapt in the air, hand wound backwards as he was going to attempt to smack the pill out of Crispin’s mouth.

Crispin's eyes were definitely not on the dragon during this time. Though he did notice Xell's drawn out cry at the last minute, hesitated, and - whump! - got smacked across the jaw. The ocelot stumbled and tumbled, bringing down two chairs with him as he slumped to the floor in slow motion. During this time, the pill in hand had gone flying off as well. Right towards, and into, Crispin's glass of water.

Crispin flopped on the floor like a fish out of water for a few seconds before scrambling back to his feet. "Oh geez oh God," he exclaimed after realizing what had happened. Well, after realizing what happened to the pill... never mind the fact that a dragon socked him square in the jaw. No, the cat's determination to keep on time with his own meds trumped whatever happened here, especially as he was still under the impression that was his own pill that had gotten dunked.

He fumbled for his bottle of meds a second time, successfully whipping one out, and used a different coworker's glass of water to chug it down. Not leaving a single drop of liquid for the coworker when he was finished.

After his final gulp, he slapped the glass back down on the desk and let out a huge sigh of relief.

Yeaaaah, eyes were definitely on him now. How long had this fiasco gone on for?

He was morbidly embarrassed. So much for setting good impressions while he was still interning. "Uhhh. Oh, man, wouldja - wouldja look at the time. It's noon o'clock and I gotta start... preppin' lunch n' shit bye!"

He glanced around nervously then took off in the same direction as Jessamine, not aware that'd be the long way around to the cafeteria, but at least it was a way out.

Meanwhile the lizard he was with resumed working on his own code, acting as if none of this had ever happened.
A low drawn-out whistle followed as Jessamine skipped down the hallway. Sitting directly behind Xell and Rey was Crispin Ocelot, a face that stood out only because he was the only one in that office wearing a hat. (There was of course the anthromorphic lizard he was sitting behind, shadowing him and learning the ways of the code - but he focused hard on his computer like every other drone in that building.) The young cat's eyes followed the squirrel until she was just about out of sight. "Kinda cute though, isn't she?"

"Do you ever. Shut. Up."

"I mean she's got the right kinda mindset. Maybe a bit too much, but I think-"

"Look." The reptile's typing came to a complete stop, catching Crispin's attention back from Jessamine. "Do you want to learn how to do this or not."

A few seconds of silence passed by before the lizard resumed typing. Crispin slowly scratched the back of his head. "Not your type, I take it?"

The lizard explained here and there which commands performed what function, and occasionally asked Crispin simple questions to confirm that he was understanding the algorithms. Which he wasn't, for the most part, but hey, fake it 'til you make it. This continued for some time, until Crispin's watch buzzed. On cue, the ocelot reached into his jacket's pocket and plucked out an orange bottle. As he went to twist open the bottle-

"Hey! I asked you a question, Ocelot!"

The sudden jump in the lizard's voice startled Crispin - he fumbled with the bottle in hand and, pretty much in slow motion, watched it drop to the ground and roll away. And since the cap had been loosened... a few pills had rolled out.

"Ah... ahaha, excuse me a moment."

He pounced from his chair to the floor and scrambled to pick up the spilled tablets, then charged for the bottle, which had rolled over to the desk next door. Xell and Rey's desk.

Suddenly he popped up onto his feet beside them, a gleaming smile in his face as he held the remaining dropped pill between his fingers. "Whew! Gottem all. Oh! Sorry guys. Don't uh, don't mind me. Lizzy here just bein' an asshole n' scaring me. Pretend you didn't see me."

What the ocelot didn't know was that he had inadvertently grabbed Xell's pills that had spilled by his feet. And he was fairly close to reaching for his water flask to down it.
Name: Crispin Ocelot

Species: Anthromorphic Ocelot

Age: 25

Occupation: SEO Cafeteria Head Chef + Software Engineer intern

Personality: Hot-headed, competitive, energized, passionate & fun-loving, flirty, jumpy/easily startled
> "Not the face, not the face!"

History: Crispin’s never been too good with landing jobs – he’s a fantastic chef, arguably the best in town, but a nasty history of arson kept him from getting hired. At least until he started taking these peculiar pills daily. He hasn’t been arrested since. His position with the SEO is his longest-held job to date – which can lead him to be pretty anxious if he’s off by even minutes of when he should be swallowing his meds.

Trying to help his family out in the meantime (after he screwed them over pre-pill life), he’s been interning on the side as well. If he’s not in the cafeteria, he can be seen shadowing fellow coworkers at their desks. (Those who could put up with him, anyway!)

Looks: (since I can’t draw for shit haha)
Crispin’s fur color is that of a regular ocelot (reddish gray) and bears the expected markings of one: black and white eye markings, a few stripes, and thick spots. His ash gray hair is generally messy under his cap, but some girls think it cute so he keeps it that way. To say the least he’s pretty natural-looking – so if he’s drawing someone’s attention, it’s usually due to some dumb thing he’s saying or doing.

When he’s not dawning the SEO chef apron, he often dawns a long black jacket with gold buttons (usually a pink shirt to go with) & ripped black jeans. But even when hard at work, he’s never seen without his patched-up snapback baseball cap.

Crispin’s love for cooking is one thing – his love for boxing is another. Sparring is the best way for him to blow off steam.

Keep him away from open flames though. Never know what could happen if he’s not medicated enough.

He’s a romantic at heart, though he’s too used to rejection to let it affect him for longer than ten minutes. His attempts to show off to any ladies remotely interested in him can go either way. He has an extreme weak spot for cat- and bunny-girls.

Crispin also carries around a frying pan with him. A "high-tech" frying pan that works like a pocket-knife in that it can shrink itself down to the size of its own hilt and be stored away in his butt pocket. His mama made it. He says it’s for cooking mobility but nobody at SEO has ever seen him use it for that purpose – though he has been seen whacking someone on the side of the head with it on two occasions.

It was a normal day, like any other day. Farid Ansari, a young olive-skinned man with a mohawk, dressed in his usual normal clothing - a red hoodie with brown khakis. He woke up at a normal time from his normal bed, was greeted by his normal Pokemon friends, and prepared a normal breakfast for the three of them - a morning like any other. Maybe today they'd go for a run. Or a swim. Or a hike. Or a friendly spar against the gym leader. Things that normal people in this normal town tended to normally do.

During breakfast, something caught Mighty's attention, drawing the black and grey canine to the window. Maybe he saw a Pachirisu or a Dedenne scuttling about. They loved tearing through the vines outside Farid's house. Again - normal ass things in a normal ass town. Farid and Coco continued munching on their breakfast happily.

But then the living room exploded.

The walls came crumbling down, smothering Mighty beneath its weight, as a multicolored beam tore through the room. Farid fell from his chair screaming, knocking over his milk and cereal in the process. Coco began yapping and yelping as well, running up to Farid and huddling beside the boy.

In the middle of the now destroyed room (with the screams of citizens bursting from outside the house) was a Zubat. Kind of. Farid's vision was blurry - it must've been a Zubat. Blue linen skin with its gaping mouth. Wasn't it? His vision corrected itself soon, and he saw the Zubat waver in the air. It was losing its balance, its wings completely unstable. Only then did Farid get a closer look at it.

Limbs, there were extra, orange limbs jutting out from its body - five, in particular. They were hardened and sharp, with crimson stains scattered throughout their surfaces. The Zubat's mouth wasn't the pitch black nothingness Farid was used to seeing. No, there was a red gem, glowing brightly within. These were parts of a... Staryu.

And the thing dashed right at Farid. He cried out.

"Mighty! Help!"

From the other side of the room, the canine Mighty uncovered himself from the debris - from the fragments of the wall that had shattered atop him.


The beast roared and leapt for his owner.

As he charged forth, the Mightyena's fangs glowed a brilliant red - red, and redder, and redder, and redder. They soon ignited, fire bursting from his gleaming white teeth, as he sank them into the abomination that was harassing his owner. The Zubat-Staryu hybrid let out an ear-piercing scream as it fell, shaking Mighty right off it. This gave Farid enough time to get on his feet, snatching up little Coco (a Poochyena) with him and motioning for Mighty to follow along.

The trio made their way outside, with the thing floating right after them in jagged patterns. It let out another multicolored beam their way, though Mighty knocked Farid down in time to avoid it. It was freezing, freezing cold - Aurora Beam? "What the...? They can't learn...!?"

Another disgusting roar pierced the skies. A simple glance upward revealed the silhouettes of a few flying figures. Great, Silverton City was being raided. At least it wasn't a whole horde, but that didn't mean their sudden blasts on random homes wasn't dangerous.

Especially not the Unfezant that had just flown by, drawing in a huge gust with it. Well, a kinda Unfezant. With brown spikes on its back. A Sandslash hybrid?

Then it landed on the gym and began tearing it apart with its talons. Wonderful. Sure knew how to pick a fight with the wrong people. The bird-beast let out a piercing shriek, similar to the Zubat-Staryu's. It was... a cry of anguish, not terror. And yet...​

"Ohhh my Arceus," Farid gasped, rising to his feet. "What in the hell is going on here?"
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