It was a normal day, like any other day. Farid Ansari, a young olive-skinned man with a mohawk, dressed in his usual normal clothing - a red hoodie with brown khakis. He woke up at a normal time from his normal bed, was greeted by his normal Pokemon friends, and prepared a normal breakfast for the three of them - a morning like any other. Maybe today they'd go for a run. Or a swim. Or a hike. Or a friendly spar against the gym leader. Things that normal people in this normal town tended to normally do.

During breakfast, something caught Mighty's attention, drawing the black and grey canine to the window. Maybe he saw a Pachirisu or a Dedenne scuttling about. They loved tearing through the vines outside Farid's house. Again - normal ass things in a normal ass town. Farid and Coco continued munching on their breakfast happily.

But then the living room exploded.

The walls came crumbling down, smothering Mighty beneath its weight, as a multicolored beam tore through the room. Farid fell from his chair screaming, knocking over his milk and cereal in the process. Coco began yapping and yelping as well, running up to Farid and huddling beside the boy.

In the middle of the now destroyed room (with the screams of citizens bursting from outside the house) was a Zubat. Kind of. Farid's vision was blurry - it must've been a Zubat. Blue linen skin with its gaping mouth. Wasn't it? His vision corrected itself soon, and he saw the Zubat waver in the air. It was losing its balance, its wings completely unstable. Only then did Farid get a closer look at it.

Limbs, there were extra, orange limbs jutting out from its body - five, in particular. They were hardened and sharp, with crimson stains scattered throughout their surfaces. The Zubat's mouth wasn't the pitch black nothingness Farid was used to seeing. No, there was a red gem, glowing brightly within. These were parts of a... Staryu.

And the thing dashed right at Farid. He cried out.

"Mighty! Help!"

From the other side of the room, the canine Mighty uncovered himself from the debris - from the fragments of the wall that had shattered atop him.


The beast roared and leapt for his owner.

As he charged forth, the Mightyena's fangs glowed a brilliant red - red, and redder, and redder, and redder. They soon ignited, fire bursting from his gleaming white teeth, as he sank them into the abomination that was harassing his owner. The Zubat-Staryu hybrid let out an ear-piercing scream as it fell, shaking Mighty right off it. This gave Farid enough time to get on his feet, snatching up little Coco (a Poochyena) with him and motioning for Mighty to follow along.

The trio made their way outside, with the thing floating right after them in jagged patterns. It let out another multicolored beam their way, though Mighty knocked Farid down in time to avoid it. It was freezing, freezing cold - Aurora Beam? "What the...? They can't learn...!?"

Another disgusting roar pierced the skies. A simple glance upward revealed the silhouettes of a few flying figures. Great, Silverton City was being raided. At least it wasn't a whole horde, but that didn't mean their sudden blasts on random homes wasn't dangerous.

Especially not the Unfezant that had just flown by, drawing in a huge gust with it. Well, a kinda Unfezant. With brown spikes on its back. A Sandslash hybrid?

Then it landed on the gym and began tearing it apart with its talons. Wonderful. Sure knew how to pick a fight with the wrong people. The bird-beast let out a piercing shriek, similar to the Zubat-Staryu's. It was... a cry of anguish, not terror. And yet...​

"Ohhh my Arceus," Farid gasped, rising to his feet. "What in the hell is going on here?"