Avatar of Orpheus
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Old Guild Username: LuckyEsper
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 835 (0.20 / day)
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    1. Orpheus 11 yrs ago
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8 yrs ago
I'm trying to be more active than I was before, so here's commenting on the Spam and other Misc. forums.
8 yrs ago
Oh boy I'm beat đŸ˜„
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Group 1
Location: Outside || Action: Not Devouring It || Mood: Much Ragrets
Interacting with: Kaleo đŸ”Ș @Tenma Tendo, Targilde đŸ”Ș @Mae, Ignatus đŸ”Ș @Paddiecake

They barely filled half an hour of walking along the tracks before another problem showed itself.

This one, he didn’t even notice- to be fair, Kain was busy keeping an eye on the horizon and the twitchy wreck who had reached for the spear at the first opportunity. Look, it wasn’t on his agenda to get skewered by his own craft right after saving a bunch of casuals and the man kept staring whenever he thought nobody was watching, so Kain thought it would be better to trail him the most. Just in case he did some crazy shit.

Of course, if he knew that the unassuming blondie would suddenly give off a pseudo-spirit mist
 thing like she had just stepped out of a hot bath, he would have had reconsidered what passed for a threat in his eyes.

Damn, the Gods just loved pissing on him today, didn’t they?

The creep spoke- somehow, he understood, and at the back of everything else he heard the butler-type call out to him. It was difficult to compartmentalize his tension and play it off; there was the constant threat of those things coming back for them, which he had to spot since he was the only one with a damn longbow, and now this spooky fuckface was attempting to up the ante with some nonconsensual vore shit. Still, he had enough of his wits to respond almost immediately- by covering his nose and his mouth with a hand.

“I’d prefer not to; I don’t swallow until the second date,” Kain joked, his response coming out muffled from under his fingers. He turned his head to the side, to look at Targilde and avoid the spectre’s eyeless- yet unerring- gaze. “Tuxedo man, where did this thing come from again?” And while he waited for an answer as to how in the everliving shit something like this snuck up on them, the mercenary swayed from side to side as if to urge the presence to go away. That didn’t work, so he resorted to wiggling. Again, didn’t work; if anything, the weight on his abdomen grew heavier.

“Oh come on, you shadowy bugger. Shoo,” Kain complained under his breath, managing to sound both exasperated and half-hearted at the same time.

Group 5
Location: Aether || Action: Schmoozing || Mood: Satisfied
Interacting with: Druuk @Duskshine749, Michael @Burthstone, and Regulus @Mae

Seona was victim to a rising sensation of alarm when she clued in that the astral king may or may not have been flirting with her during the entire encounter. Thankfully, she was far more adept with suppressing her thoughts, and none of her inner turmoil broke through the gentle smile she wore on her face.

When the exchange concluded, the noblewoman did as Regulus bade and noted with a slight frisson of surprise the star on her hand, surpassed only in brilliance by the golden imprint on Michael’s forehead. The mark on her hand felt like a
 piece of this place, as if she had brought a bucket with her and scooped out the essence of the Aether. She wondered if its effects would come into play once they left the glittering city, and admitted to herself that she was quite curious to see what it was meant to do.

“Thank you, Your Majesty. It would serve as a reminder of our fleeting, yet memorable time here in your wondrous domain. Would that we could repay your kindness,” SinĂ©ad dipped into a deep curtsy to show her utmost gratitude. It was quite a challenge, as the monarch still held her other hand in his own, and for a moment there her initial worries about that last bit she said bubbled. Not allowing those thoughts any leeway lest they fester, Seona stomped them down and focused on the socializing at hand. When she rose, she cast a quick glance towards her companions, as if to cue them to speak. Michael remained silent, and Druuk

Group 1
Location: Outside || Action: Being a Perv || Mood: 👉👌
Interacting with: Kaleo @Tenma Tendo, Targilde @Mae, Ignatus @Paddiecake

Right. First thing the butler did was to notice the spear. And you would think that Kain, after seeing how the other man was lugging around a pale, half-conscious girl, would have the grace and sense to keep on track.

Not a chance. That line was ripe for the picking.

"Yeah, it's even bigger up close. I know, I know." The mercenary affirmed with a wide grin, his voice echoing with the promise of laughter in circumstances less dire. "'S what they all say." His good humor failed to leave the lines of his mouth even as he surveyed their ragged, bloodied group. Ah, what a mess. It was some comfort the beasts were giving them space though.

He made an odd, deep noise at the back of his throat, shoulders rising in time with his breath. It sounded suspiciously akin to a snicker.

Kain's eyes narrowed all of a sudden. "I'm lending you people this thing. Don't think of trying to stab me with it, or some other shit idea. I'll hate you, everyone else will hate you, and there will be crying. It'll be a bad time for all of us in general. Got it?" He thrust the spear towards the others, whomever of them was willing to take it, and glanced again at the treeline. The monsters were still prowling about, no doubt waiting for a chance to strike again. He shouldn't have found the situation funny; things that retreat only do so either because they're waiting for you to die off on your own, or because they have another card in their repertoire. Something was wrong. He didn't know if it was with him or everything else, and that was pretty damn irritating.

"I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest we keep moving. Don't want to patch Blondie upwind a buncha carnivorous beasties, right?" He jerked his chin towards the opposite direction and gazed at his fellows. He still had his longbow at the ready, though. Just in case.

Group 5
Location: Flying Train || Action: Soaring, Flying đŸŽ¶ || Mood: Concerned
Interacting with: Druuk @Duskshine749, Michael @Burthstone, and Shinies @Mae

"I think I'm getting the hang of it!" Seona exclaimed in delight, though her joy was dampened a bit with chagrin when she realized that her new acquaintance was the one keeping her grounded. Offering no other comment regarding their current physical closeness, the young lady bobbed her head and murmured, "I apologize for the inconvenience I am causing you, Michael." Still, she felt as though she was now less likely to bounce from side to side. How odd. The weightlessness felt as though it were absent from her bones, and the act of floating was more a mental task than a physical routine. It was quite a difficult concept. She supposed it was how a fish would feel if they were given feet in exchange of flippers one random day. The noblewoman was startled out of her thoughts when a new arrival joined the two of them.

Unable to give a formal bow, Seona settled for greeting Druuk with a nod and a welcoming smile. "Greetings. I am Sinéad, of the Argents. And you must be?" At first she wondered if he was irritated- she did just barrel through his compartment like a drunken fishwife- but then a chorus of silvery voices pierced the otherwise tranquil atmosphere of their carriage.

Seona turned to Michael when the curious little creatures all but vibrated in place from their excitement, "I have to say I'm quite worried about this, dear sir. 'Most probably' is still a probability." She gave him a gentle pat over their clasped hands, implying in what must have passed for a polite and grateful manner that she was ready to let go. With a sigh of resignation, Sinéad tidied up her appearance before lowering the volume of her voice, until it was barely heard above the song of the ethereal stardrops. With their proximity to each other, both men ought to have heard her words even so."Nobility are a poisonous lot. Let's hope this King Regulus is far more amicable than his human counterparts, hm? Or at least as playful as that adorable blip over there." The last part was uttered with some fondness for the starling who had grown quite attached to Druuk, and was now weaving around him with a restless vigor.

Group 1
Location: Cargo Hold -> Outside -> Kaleo's Compartment || Action: Being a Badass || Mood: >8D
Interacting with: Beasts @Mae; Indirectly Kaleo @Tenma Tendo, Targilde @Mae, Ignatus @Paddiecake

A dagger, some wood, and a pair of very, very skilled hands equals a spear.

Granted, it was crude and had barely any other detail to it than its form, but it was sharp and that was the point. Ha. Kain hefted the weapon up and threw in the air for a few times, testing its balance and durability; he had also fashioned a hook of sorts which he was hoping he could use to retrieve his bow. The mercenary swung the pole from side to side and, satisfied, turned towards the exit. At the start he had been certain the monsters would break down the door and mow him down, but
 Well, he wasn’t going to complain.

Kain exited the cargo hold and dropped to a crouch, returning to the place where he had fallen earlier. He crept closer, alert for any sound from the beasts in case this was a ruse to draw him out. Only until he had reached the edge of the train exterior did he realize he was relatively safe, because the monsters had flocked to a different prey. Niiice. Well, sucks for them, but... Y'know. Win some, lose some. The mercenary lay down on the ground and used the extension of his spear to snag his bow. Miracle of miracles, it caught! Now to actually get it back. Kain pulled on the drawstring as gently as he could, eyes trained on the body of the bow to make sure it didn't get knocked loose from a rock or blade of grass. He could scarcely believe it when he succeeded, and exhaled all the air he had been holding in.

"Damn. You're a pain in the neck," Kain grumbled as he (lovingly!) brushed the dirt off the grip. If it had a voice, maybe it would tell him to get over himself because it wouldn't have fallen were he not such an uncoordinated bag of shit. Or maybe he was just projecting his thoughts again. Anyway, now that Kain had his longbow back, there wasn't really any other reason for him to stay...

And then someone screamed from within the crumpled carriage. A girl too, from what it sounded like. The abominations circling the ruin burst into giggling fits and jumped around in a frenzy. Gods, he hated their ugly mugs.

... Ughhh. Fine. He wouldn't want to get eaten by these asshats either. Kain turned around and started walking away as fast as he could, going so far as to jog when he was sure the hyena-things wouldn't notice. When he reached a slight distance from the wreck, he plunged his rudimentary spear in the ground and flexed. With another stretch he nocked an arrow then stretched to a full draw. Kain exhaled slowly, and let loose. The arrow soared.

A pained screech rippled through the air as the mark was hit on the side, a spray of blood erupting from the wound while the creature staggered from the impact. Its pack hacked and coughed before retreating to the treeline. Even with one of them rendered immobile, another of the beasts started bounding towards him, its tongue lapping about as it bared its jaw. With a cold, cruel practicality to his movements, Kain picked another arrow from his quiver and shot it through the eye. A clean, precise hit. He pulled his makeshift spear from the ground and ran, past the intact arrow covered in gore, after the thing crumpled down in the macabre gyrations of death.

Kain skidded to a stop in front of the obliterated carriage, eyes trained on the treeline and the twitching abomination he had injured earlier. It was still stunned. He considered killing it now with the polearm, but...

"Sorry to disturb your 'my train just crashed but otherwise it's a-ok' day but... Anyone here? I'm sure heard you earlier. If there is, now's the best damn time to get your asses out of there!" He snapped at the inhabitants of the cabin without so much as sharing a look within the compartment. He smelled blood though. Great. Just peachy. Whoever was in there's either dead or injured, and he didn't know smack about advanced field medicine.

"I drove the things off for a while, but I bet they're gonna come back soon. So, chop chop, ladies and gentlemen!"

Group 5
Location: Flying Train || Action: Soaring, Flying đŸŽ¶ || Mood: Stressed
Interacting with: Druuk @Duskshine749, Michael @Burthstone, and Shinies @Mae

"Heavens yes! Heavens yes! We are the heavens!
Hello! Hello! Welcome to the heavens!
Be the heavens with us!
Yes! Yes! Fly and shine!

One does not simply “fly and shine” without a certain degree of grace to it.

Unfortunately, Seona lacked that grace.

Understandably panicked about the concept of ‘being the heavens’, the noblewoman flailed- and maybe let out a squeal or two- when she realized that she was hovering above the ground in escalating increments. This meant that at best she floated aimlessly, at worst she smacked into an overhead lamp while trying to latch onto something. The epitome of poise. The distance Seona travelled simply by floating was actually a bit far, though she managed to right herself halfway through Druuk’s cabin, whom she noticed was distracted with a golden visitor of his own.

The man from earlier had deposited himself on the balcony, occupying himself with watching the passing landscape. As she finally managed to approach, she thought she heard him and the starthings conversing about something- a Regulus? Well, whatever it was, it seemed fancy. A King of some sort? These tiny magickal beings had a hierarchy too, it seemed. Then, the stranger turned towards her and introduced himself. Seona patted her hair down- her braid had snagged on that accursed lamp from earlier- and grabbed on to the railing. “I don’t mind. It’s a pleasure to meet you, although these circumstances are rather...” Seona paused and glanced at the twinkling creatures, not wishing to inspire any sort of ill will from anything that was holding her aloft several miles off the earth. “Unique. My name is SinĂ©ad Argent.” She managed a wobbly curtsy.

She remained drifting which, when combined with the strong winds at this height, was not quite a good state for anybody wearing a long skirt. Although it was picturesque to some degree. Seona knew nothing scandalous was being revealed right now, but she preferred having her skirt do what it was supposed to be doing- covering her legs from the cold. Wait. Oh.

Oh dear.

Seona began to ascend
 and then descend, where she bumped against the balcony’s door. “Up? Wait, I think I’m thinking about it wrong!” Embarrassed and not quite able to anchor herself, the lady grabbed onto Michael’s hand as she started to hover past him. “My apologies. Do you know when we’re going to reach our destination? I fear as though I’m going to make an even bigger fool of myself the longer we’re up here,” Seona exclaimed over the din of the moving train and the rushing winds, although she was good-humored about her state enough to share a laugh or two.

@Fairess I'm really sorry, but I'll have to drop interest for this one. Don't get me wrong, the premise is wonderful and I truly regret missing the chance to participate in this RP, but current events in my life have made it difficult for me to handle more extracurricular activities past those I already have. I thought it would be better if I told you instead of disappearing? In any case, good luck with the RP! 💖

Group 1
Location: Outside -> Cargo Hold || Action: Trying || Mood: Penitent
Interacting with: ??? @Mae

Aight, here's the story. When he was a wee boy, Kain walked past a bunch of rubble. Exciting, right? Now what made this rubble special wasn't the fact that it was rubble- everyday stuff in the Old Lands- but rather what it had in front of it: a mound of bread on a chipped but otherwise clean plate. There was also a few sticks of odd, smoking wood arranged in front of the display. At the time, Kain didn't think much on it and gulped the food down, but now he was pretty sure that blasted loaf was left out there as tribute to some vengeful, grain-loving god.

Said deity was now exacting their punishment.

"God. It didn't even taste good," Kain grumbled as he raised his head from the ground. He attempted to escape, but apparently the only thing in here that had managed to do any escaping at all was his dignity; when he started to run from the wolves, he instantly tripped on a rock and hit his head on- you guessed it- another rock. His forehead felt like the Devil was leading a conga line down his brow. Low, malicious hacks and giggles rumbled from far away, every cry rooting itself within his unsettled psyche. He found the humor to chuckle at his run of bad luck, although a deeper part of him expressed concern that he was already starting to imitate the monsters, even for a matter as trivial as mockery.

The mercenary started to feel a warm sensation pattering down the better half of his face and his toes hurt like shit, but none of these were enough to make him forget the approaching danger. Emboldened by the presence of the threat and his own instincts for self-preservation, Kain heaved himself off the ground and resumed his pace. He maintained a brisk stride that was halfway between a walk and a run, and the faint noises from behind alerted him that none of the beasts have gotten the notion to chase him like prey. Yet.

Speaking of notions, the cargo hold provided shelter but little else. Looks like Plan B went tits up as well. What a bleeding shame. Kain's eyes fell on the various planks of wood strewn about, a result of the boxes crashing into each other from the tumult of the disaster, and he wiped his brow. This was no gold mine but... Yeah, he can work with some wood. He marched down to the middle of the carriage and pulled one sturdy-looking pole from the debris, while his fingers fished out the dagger he always kept on his person. Time to make something dangerous.

Group 5
Location: Carriage || Action: Roaming || Mood: Concerned
Interacting with: Druuk @Duskshine749, Michael @Burthstone, and Shinies @Mae

Well. The man was certainly quite stoic. Seona was about to repeat her question, but thought better of it. She would just have to find a better way to solve this mystery! Preferably, with an outcome where the train and its lovely inhabitants aren't dashed to the ground. First, she would have to find out why and how it had ascended in the first place. If this was the work of some highly advanced technology formed by the Empire, she would've heard about it. The most impressive inventions always make their debut in front of the Queen and her grand court. She would know; she was there.

 Oh. It would have been so nice to have someone to talk to," Seona whispered with a sigh as she placed her hands over her cheeks. Stealing one last glance at the imposing man, the lady readied herself to continue walking down Druuk's carriage to reach the next one when


"Oh!" Seona whirled around, positively sure there was supposed to be no other person in her cabin except her, and wrung her hands out. When she realized it was a fellow tribute, she relaxed and let her hands drop to her sides. "You surprised me, dear sir. I- oh, heavens." The noble's eyes went wide as she realized what she was seeing. This man
 He was being held aloft by a motley of luminescent orbs! In a flash, the girl seemed more terrified, for now she was regarding the 'fairies' with a mixture of suspicion and confusion. "That's
 That's not safe at all. Are you alright? Do you feel strange? Oh, wait!"

Seona whisked her skirts from side to side as she turned around to look for a sufficient object. Dissatisfied with what she saw, the noblewoman raised a hand and offered it to the stranger. "Just in case you are at risk of drifting away
@Fairess Hello! I'm very interested in this premise, and would like to take the chance to apply for a Knight or Noble role. I'll be able to pm my CS by tonight since I have other matters to attend to at the moment. c:

Group 1
Location: Outside || Action: Retreating || Mood: Wary
Interacting with: ???

This is definitely reaching Customer Service.

Kain exhaled slowly and wrenched his fingers off the nearby handle. When the yipping started, he reached for his bow and quiver- he had refused to be separated from his weapons- because what the hell. Force of habit. Then, that. Gods above and below, for a second there he swore he felt his soul cross planes. But enough about that. He wasn't about to let their mystery guests catch him ass up. Not today, at least. The mercenary stretched his arms and leaned over the next seat, wincing when the inner workings of the train creaked whenever his weight shifted to a different point. However, climbing up to the only exit proved to be no trouble for someone with his level of fitness; in a single, continuous motion, Kain pushed himself off the last booth and swung a leg over the carriage exit to stabilize himself. His fingers were already reaching for an arrow and drawing the bow taut before he could even scan the environment for the threat.

The creatures below were anything but normal, that was for sure. At first he thought they were hyenas, but it was just
 wrong. Their bodies were grotesque lumps of multicolored flesh and bone, with a patchwork of scars and scabs running in places that promised a macabre tale. Kain had difficulty telling which or what began and ended where. His dominant hand loosened its grip for a second and- thunk- the bow descended right in the middle of the horror party. The abominations sniffed the new addition and started cackling.


Which lead to the next bad decision: retrieving said weapon from midst of the cackling, drooling beasties. Preferably without any of them noticing him. He failed at that too, by the way- the treacherous train decided to let out this horrendous squeal just as his boots touched the ground. The only reason they hadn't all lunged at him like he were premium dog chow was because most seemed to be winded, but he was sure that creatures such as these wised up quick. And as if the possibility of getting mauled to death by horrific flesh monsters wasn't enough, the larger ones convulsed wildly before ripping into two smaller versions. Four split off from the pack and ambled off towards his general direction.

" Kain whispered as he looked over his shoulder and dropped into a crouch, stepping back as softly as he could. "I reckon saying "good boys" won't cut it this time?"

Group 5
Location: Carriage || Action: Roaming || Mood: Uneasy
Interacting with: Druuk @Duskshine749

The trip was pleasant enough, and the sight of the Gate would have been memorable at any other time. But the further they traveled from human lands, the worse Seona felt. She barely registered the passing scenery and the window glass reflected her pinched, unhappy expression. All the while, her thoughts ran amok. What of the situation back home? Seneschal Vir was trustworthy- the estate couldn't have been left in better hands- but
 Well, there was a limit to what he could do. Speaking of, her siblings were too young to assume any position in the household. Should anything happen

Seona vigorously shook her head and sunk down to the table in front of her, willing her fears to ebb away. It didn't quite work, but at least she could pretend to do something else

Wait. Where were they going? She gathered up her skirts and pressed her cheek to the window. The landscape was but a swath of color below, and they were surrounded by rich tones of blue swirling with soft strokes of white. It couldn't be... Is the train flying!? Since when!?

The noblewoman stood up from her seat, looking around for someone who could reaffirm what she was seeing. She walked down the aisle, heading for the refreshments tucked by the exit. The next cabin was curiously unlocked. Gathering some courage, Seona peered into the next room and its lone occupant. "Greetings. My deepest apologies for inconveniencing you. Have we somehow missed our destination?"
Aw yis. I'm excited! I'll get a post up within the hour~
@BrokenPromise I'd hate to derail the topic but, that was a sentiment one of my artist friends made when I asked her about the ethics of recoloring. As for me, I usually source from Pinterest (which is widely regarded as an a-ok place and it's safe to assume works have been posted with consent) or link out instead of re-uploading. I guess it's a case of "don't add more sins to the ones you've already made"? At least that's how I see it. Sorry for typos, on mobile atm.
Hmm. Not really, but they always seem to be coded as attractive by the other RPers I'm writing with? Maybe they based off the personality, or the way people react to that person. Regarding physicality... I do know someone whose every female OC was a big-breasted, gorgeous bombshell (YES, the redundancy is deliberate) so that's his preference.

I haven't ever used RL pics for my RPs, so when I do tend to scour for art I try to find drawings that are vague so I have room to describe my characters. (I pick a pic then build off from there until they're barely the same people lmao; though only through writing descriptions- art coloring/tampering is bad, people!!!)

Right now, one of my ladies has that type of picture, but for me she's average. IRL I grew up around physically subpar or average people, and I've seen how certain attitudes/quirks can make them shine so much more... So yeah, I don't place much value on attractiveness in an OC, since you can give them a presence that comes from a source other than their face or abs.
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