Avatar of CrimsonCastle
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    1. CrimsonCastle 8 yrs ago


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Guys, I haven't abandoned this! I got home at 4 am last night and I have to go back in, in a few hours. It normally isn't like this but everyone is sick..I will post the OOC tonight. It is going to take me a couple of hours to write it up because it needs a lot more substance.
Sorry for the late reply. Work has had me running around more than usual and I assumed that we would get more action out of Zack and Samus.
Roland of Gilead paused for a moment to contemplate the newcomer's question. Did he remember how he got here? The entire introduction of the setting seemed a little rushed, and most of his attention was focused on self preservation during the first few moments. Roland took a moment to collect his thoughts and really think about his forced transportation into this world. After a brief collection of seconds, he let out a sigh.

"I don't recall how I got here. The final moments that I was conscious in the last world are the last moments I remember before waking up here." Roland explained to York being careful not to reveal any sensitive information about his quest in mid-world; he could not know whether this entire situation was an illusion set up by the man in black, or worse...the Crimson King. He would glance back over his shoulder once more to assess where the armor clad knight and the fool with a sword equal to his torso were doing.

The pair appeared to be exchanging tense words, as an ominous glowing cannon remained pointed in the face of the dark haired man. Roland could not hear what they were saying despite his sharp senses, but whatever it was it was not reaching any conclusion. All of a sudden a bright flash emanated throughout the landscape from what seemed like a quarter of a mile southeast of his and York's position. Roland had to make a decision. Was the spaceship and potential adversaries over in this area a more important place to observe than the seemingly godly illumination to the south? A fire burned in his belly saying no. 'Must be Ka' Roland thought to himself.

Roland shifted his blaze blue eyes over to the man in the suit he had just met. The same fire in his belly that told him to move towards the light told him that this man was here to help him in this diversion of a quest. A temporary ka-tet beginning to form? Roland knew not what tricks it played with him this day. Scoffing and finally making a decision, the cowboy addressed York. "We should head over there. Whatever these two are doing, I believe we best leave it up to them." He paused for a minute and extended his hand outwards towards the slick looking York. "My name is Roland of Gilead, last of the line of eld and their gunslingers." The words he barely ever had the opportunity to say anymore reverberated through the air. A small aura of darkness could always be felt when he said them.

Once the greeting was over, Roland would begin a low jog away from the bush southwards towards the light. He assumed York would follow closely.

@TheUnknowable Sounds good to me! I will try and have an OOC up by late tonight when I get off work.
@BringBack1996 I really didn't see that one coming! Awesome.

I've worked on the format of my posts a little as well. RPG doesn't favor the traditional style of indention anymore it seems.
"Evening..." the words evoked a knee jerk reaction from the gunslinger. Popping up to his feet to confront the executor of this surprisingly low profile ambush, the last of the line of Eld drew the impressive revolver from the holster hanging at his right side in a matter of half a second. Roland had not even a slight hint of detection before this man simply encroached upon his space. Given his developed "sixth sense," some would call it, the whole thing struck him as eerie.

Brandishing what looked like a very heavy (but finely made) handgun in his intruder's face, Roland assessed the man. He wore a suit, one like he had seen in Jake's New York, and his hair style appeared to match the average description of the people he had seen there as well. Given the tone of his words and the crass nature of the action he had taken, Roland decided that the man in the suit was not an immediate threat. Roland lowered the gun, but kept it at his side. He would briefly look over his shoulder to ensure that the other two persons (if they were indeed people) in question had not taken an interest in the events unfolding in the bush. Roland turned his head back to the man in the suit, who was smoking a cigarette. His own vice started to play upon his mind; he would have to roll one when things died down a little.

Roland held eye contact with York, "Not wise to sneak up on strangers," he holstered his gun, but kept his hand close to the polished sandalwood grip, "keep your voice down. Those two could be dangerous." The gunslinger motioned with his head backwards towards the area that the armor clad figure and the man with the giant sword were conversing at. He attempted to have a presence of mind in both the area he was in and that one over there. Nothing was going to surprise Roland.

Upon thinking about it more, the only way that the man in the suit could've gotten the jump on Roland is if he had been a master in stealth or he just appeared behind him. Given that the man simply walked up to Roland and addressed him with a friendly greeting, the gunslinger assumed the latter. That was distressing news. No doors, no portals, no man in black; were people just being plucked from wherever they were and taken here? That surely is what it felt like to Roland. In his experience Ka worked in more subtle ways, but he supposed Ka had to answer to no one. "Do you know how you got here? Any clues at all?" Roland said wasting no time even to exchange names. @BringBack1996
Damn. Unfortunately the character of my character requires him to be too cautious to be an active player at this point
@seriousarmour Are you a fan of the dark tower series? It's one of my favorites.
Is everyone restricted to being an Earthling? From reading the synopsis that's how it would seem. Are we also students of other hermits/martial art styles or is there other ways we can claim to be good fighters?

You can certainly be a student from one of the hermits if you wish, but your character is entirely up to you. If you want to be self taught, or some kind of adventurer (or anything really) be my guest. As far as races go, due to power levels needing to be somewhat balanced, I can only allow earthlings and animal characters.

Age 737:
A space pod sent from the planet Vegeta hurdles into its targets atmosphere at great speed. The space pod, containing a small child with a tail, finds its point of landing inside the ashes of a home it destroyed. The home, on mount Paozu, belonged to a renowned martial artist by the name of Son Gohan (now dead via collision of the space craft.) The pod opens, revealing the small boy with a tail weeping at the top of his lungs; nobody comes. The world forgets about Son Gohan and the boy is left to survive in the wilderness on his own..

Age 748:
Trouble begins to brew in the world. An ambitious military force known as the Red Ribbon Army ascertains four balls of legend said to grant any wish to the gatherer of all 7. It is at this time that Bulma Briefs, heiress to the capsule corporation wealth, begins her search for the dragon balls as well. Her initial goal is changed when the leads in her search turn her onto the Red Ribbon plot to gather the dragon balls and conquer the earth. Despite her best efforts (and massive amounts of zenni) the world's monarchy, at the time controlled by King Furry, ignored the girl's pleas. Red Ribbon has control of 3 dragon balls by the end of 748. Red Ribbon attempts the annexation of the Northern territory, and succeeds.

Age 749-750:
Red Ribbon continues to have trouble locating the four other balls. Bulma Briefs, using capsule corp's resources, assembles a resistance force to halt Red Ribbon's advance into western territory. Red Ribbon controls East capitol city, the northern territories all the way to Emporer Pilaf's castle. The castle is the last "friendly" territory before the helpless cities of the west; Bulma Briefs and the resistance stand firmly against the advance here. The world cowers as Red Ribbon's advanced weaponry and technology continue to easily trump the rest of the world's military forces. The hermits continue to stay out of it, but the turtle hermit takes a student by the name of Krillen, who hopes to become strong enough to help the resistance.

Age 755/current:
Krillen leaves the kame-house a master martial artist and practitioner of ki, making him a rare fighter among the world. He begins his journey to castle Pilaf in order to join the bloody fight against Red Ribbon, who allegedly now have five balls. At this time Tien-Shenhan (tenshenhan) embarks on the same journey after chaotzu, his best friend, is murdered in a razing of the crane house by Red Ribbon. The resistance forces are lacking in strength and numbers as Red Ribbon's five year siege of the castle finally begins to make major progress. Kami begins to worry for the world, and sends Popo out to find powerful fighters for the resistance, less they lose the planet to tyranny and his dragonballs be used for great evil.

Explosions rang off in the distance as the sound of artillery cannons went off and crashed simultaneously. Pilaf's screams could be heard down the corridors of his massive castle. "My castle! Everything is falling apart! BRIEFS!" Pilaf screamed in frustration as he watched the beautiful but hardened blue haired woman ignore him. Bulma pressed into an earpiece she was wearing on the right side of her head to communicate with her men outside.
"Yamcha it sounds bad from in here. What the hell is going on out there?" she spoke calmly into the earpiece. After a moment of static the earpiece rambled back.

"It's ugly Bulma," bullets could be heard whizzing past via the live feed from the piece, "Our foot soldiers can't stop the advance of their tanks. They also have...I dunno, cyborgs? Androids? Whatever, they're strong as hell! I'm using up a lot of explosive ordinance out here." The feed cut as Yamcha displaced his finger from the button. Bulma turned around and glared at Pilaf who was sitting on his throne panting and sweating. He knew what this look meant. Pilaf leaned over to the arm of his oversized throne and pressed a big red button. Speaking in a reluctant and miserable tone, he addressed his top henchman.

"Mai, scramble the Pilaf machines." After a brief moment Mai would buzz back with a quick roger that. Pilaf's henchmen and castle had been quickly appropriated for military use, but even he would admit it, it was a surprisingly good fit. The decision to side with the west's defenses had ultimately been made on the promise that Pilaf would be appointed "Supreme leader of the world" directly afterward. The thought made his mouth water. Moments later a guard ran in and put up a four finger salute pointed towards Bulma.
"The next wave of recruits have arrived safely ma'am!" the guard shouted in an officiating tone. Bulma turned around and grinned snidely. This wave of recruits may be there saving grace; at least thats what reports said. Fighters selected by the guardian of Earth, some would call him god, himself. Hopefully they could save the resistance.

Synopsis: This is a roleplay that I thought might be interesting to pitch. It follows an extremely diverted timeline from Dragonball in which Son Gohan is killed by Kakarot/Goku's space pod and in which Red Ribbon has flexed their military might over the world in their search for world domination via the eternal dragon. You are a character who, for one reason or another, is selected by Kami to join the resistance and hopefully put an end to it. In the roleplay you will encounter canon characters (obviously) and fight them/alongside them. I know the timeline and intro need a little fleshing out but I just wanted to put this out there to see who might be interested. I was thinking high casual probably.
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