Thanks for stopping in on my bio. Instead, have some useful information about me: Favorite: Color: #1 (#1ACAA9) Cyan. #2 (#2E0854) indigo purple Mammal: Pangolin Reptile: Caiman lizard Insect: Dragonfly Arachnid: Jumping spider Fish: Senegal Bichir Time: 12:34 Academic subject: Science (engineering) Hobbies: Wirework, photography Game: Spore... ); Writing genre: Sci-fi Reading genre: Sci-fi Movie: Guardians of the galaxy Superhero: Batman lego set series: Power Miners Movie franchise: Marvel or Star Wars... Harry Potter movie: FBAWTFT Book series: The Ranger's Apprentice.
Thanks for stopping in on my bio.
Instead, have some useful information about me:
Color: #1 (#1ACAA9) Cyan. #2 (#2E0854) indigo purple
Mammal: Pangolin
Reptile: Caiman lizard
Insect: Dragonfly
Arachnid: Jumping spider
Fish: Senegal Bichir
Time: 12:34
Academic subject: Science (engineering)
Hobbies: Wirework, photography
Game: Spore... );
Writing genre: Sci-fi
Reading genre: Sci-fi
Movie: Guardians of the galaxy
Superhero: Batman
lego set series: Power Miners
Movie franchise: Marvel or Star Wars...
Harry Potter movie: FBAWTFT
Book series: The Ranger's Apprentice.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Thanks for stopping in on my bio.<br>Instead, have some useful information about me:<br>Favorite:<br>Color: #1 (#1ACAA9) Cyan. #2 (#2E0854) indigo purple<br>Mammal: Pangolin<br>Reptile: Caiman lizard<br>Insect: Dragonfly<br>Arachnid: Jumping spider<br>Fish: Senegal Bichir<br>Time: 12:34<br>Academic subject: Science (engineering)<br>Hobbies: Wirework, photography<br>Game: Spore... );<br>Writing genre: Sci-fi<br>Reading genre: Sci-fi<br>Movie: Guardians of the galaxy<br>Superhero: Batman<br>lego set series: Power Miners<br>Movie franchise: Marvel or Star Wars...<br>Harry Potter movie: FBAWTFT<br>Book series: The Ranger's Apprentice.</div>