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Bump! Still looking! :)
<Snipped quote by Curious Fawn>

Same... I enjoy the sounds of a hairbrush on hair... I'M WEIRD I KNOW!

Oooooo, that’s nice! I like tapping and soft whispering, lol.
I actually enjoy some ASMR videos...
About me

1: Mature (18+) only, please.

2: I consider myself to be mid/high casual. While I'm not saying you have to be, I would like someone who is able to reply with at least three to four paragraphs. Typos and grammar mistakes now and then are fine, we're all human after all. Just no one-liners, please.

3: Please don't control my characters. If you have an idea or plot twist in mind that involves my characters then by all means, feel free to share it. Just no killing off my characters without asking. (Yes, I have had this happen many times).

4: I would love it if you were able to reply a couple times a day. If not, once a day is fine.

5: All role plays will take place via PM's. I no longer role play over email, and I hate Discord with every nerve in my body.

6: I love dark themes, so please be comfortable with violence, blood, gore, etc.

7: The only pairings I do are mxf and fxf.

8: Please be able to double as other characters (I will be doubling as well).

9: I don't mind chatting and holding a conversation while we role play, all I ask as that you use some form of ooc and bic.

10: I personally don't make character sheets, I just try to describe my character as best as I can in my introduction. But if you use them, feel free to send/link me them!

Now, I'm hoping I didn't come across as a pushy jerk and someone is hopefully still interested...


(Pairings that appear bold are the roles I prefer to play. Also, I have plots for the majority of these).

Vampire x Slayer (Typically I do this one mxf, with me playing a male slayer. However, I don't mind changing this to fxf.)

Werewolf x Human (Plot is along the lines of a darker, twisted Beauty and the Beast)

Widowed father x Nanny (Slightly darker plot)

Serial Killer x Ex best friend

Other Ideas

Twisted Fairytale (Think along the lines of The Chronicles of Narnia mixed with The Huntsman: Winter's War).


Short list, I know, but it's currently what I'm craving. If you're interested in any of these, or would like to know what plots I have in mind, feel free to shoot me a DM! I look forward to hearing from you! ^.^
Hello, everyone!

I decided to make an introduction post considering I'm "new" here. I actually used to role play on here years ago, but then college and life came into play, so role playing took a spot on the back burner. Now that I have more free time, I decided to start fresh and jump back into the swing of things.

Feel free to call me Fawn :)
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