Once he heard the sirens, and footsteps of the Tall Boys, Ty got nervous. He immediately ducked down into another alleyway, and leaned his head out to watch what was all going on. It seemed like they were chasing a criminal. Whoever this guy was, he wasn't half bad either, being able to dodge the Tall Boys arrows with seemingly ease. And then he heard the voice of the Lord Regent. Kingsford. A wolfish grin crossed his lips.
"Wow, that didn't take long. Looks like it's my lucky day, and your's too laddie." He muttered to himself. Time to get his vigilantie on.
Ty blinked around from alleyway to alleyway, and rooftop to rooftop to remain unseen. Which was pretty easy, Kingsford was making a lot of noise after all. All eyes were on him. Ty could probably remain unoticed even if he rode in on a flying whale. He noticed the old man who popped his head out to yell at the former gangster, and sighed.
"You're gonna get yourself killed you dumb fuck." He muttered to himself. He adjusted his cap, making sure it covered enough of his face.
Ty blinked behind Lysander, and sighed.
"Aye, I can get behind that. Besides laddie, you and me has some business to discuss." He stated as he made his presence known. He held out his right hand, the mark on his palm began to glow. He used his pull ability to keep Kingsford in place, and forcibly bring him to him.
"Gotta love that Outsider." He smirked.
"How about you leave these poor sobs alone, and you and me have a little chat about your mates in the Broken Bottle Gang."He then released the former crime lord, and dropped him on the ground.
"So what's it going to be mate? You, me, badass superpowered battle that'll end with me dragging you off, and forcing the information that I want out of you. Or we can both walk away now, and get what we both want, Slackjaw, and his mates being brought down." He asked as he tapped on the hilt of his sword, showing that he was ready for fight. He looked around, expecting the city guard to arrive soon.
"Decide fast laddie, those Guardsmen are like cockroaches, emphasis on the cock. They just crawl out of the courners. And no matter what, you just can't stomp on 'em all."