Avatar of Cyadical


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Getting back into roleplaying for the first time in awhile so do keep this in mind. I apologize for errors as I’m currently trying to get back into the swing of things!
I’m a casual roleplayer who solely roleplay as animal characters, mostly canon and some original characters.


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I saw coralline for the first time! It’s my roommates favorite movie and he was so happy that it went back into theaters for the anniversary so we went to see it.
I’ve also been rewatching Charlie Brown movies lately even though they don’t match the current season (example being me watching the Christmas movie while it’s summer) they’re just so cute! Been so long since I’ve seen these and I’m showing my roommate them who hasn’t seen much of Charlie Brown.
In Hello! 22 days ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome! Nice to see another warrior cats fan here! Your profile picture is cute! Did you draw that yourself?
@Shepard @Feline Thank you both for the compliment on my intro! :) I admittedly typed it out right before going to bed haha!

Hello everyone! Excited to be here since it seems to be fairly active! Been years since I properly roleplayed, but I’m trying to get back into it! I solely roleplay as animal/nonhuman characters particularly of the cartoon variety such as the probably familiar canine you see in the gifs!
I tend to like being the side character or side kick to the main characters! I play as either certain canon characters (Expect characters from properties like Disney, Dreamworks, PBS Kids and etc! This is broad I know, but it will be more specified in my bio!) typically or original characters of mine that I own. Overall I’ll mostly tend to do light hearted, slice of life and laid back roleplays to lighten the day of folks on the webs since it gives them a chance to interact with a character they may know from their childhood!
Didn’t plan on rambling this much for an intro, but all is well!
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