Avatar of DaFrenchiestFry
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    1. DaFrenchiestFry 9 yrs ago


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Finn... Fiiiiiin. Finn opened his eyes slightly as a honeyed female voice cooed. Is it time for school already? It felt far too early and far too Saturday for these thoughts. Something was amiss here, dream or not.

Fiiin... Time to get up Finn. Pausing his thinking process as the voice sounded again, it crossed Finn's mind that this was not his sweet mother's voice at all. Finn thought for a moment before it hit him. His eyes shot open as he frantically looked around the car.

"Naula where are you?!" Finn exclaimed before finally seeing his stuffed companion sitting in the passenger seat next to him. "Thank goodness you're safe." After a short sigh of relief, Finn began to fully asses the situation at hand. After a quick glance around and some thinking some may consider to be on par with rocket science, he concluded he was, in fact, in a half buried car. Wasting no time on his brilliant analyses he grabbed Naula and tumbled over the front seats of the hunk of junk he occupied to test his luck with the back doors.

To his luck, the back seat's door was unlocked and unbroken, just begging to be opened. He did just that, stepping out afterward to get a better look at his new surroundings. The drab landscape (rather ally) he was greeted to came as a shock to him, Finn wasn't the best at lucid dreaming, but his gut told him something in the whole process had gone awry. "No sense in standing around here." he spoke to his companion. After gaining the confirmation he requested they set forth south down the ally then headed east at first chance. Wherever they were, objective one was to see the new land they inhabited.
"No no, I could attend a regular school if I so desired..." Roy trailed off, seemingly piecing together his next phrase very carefully.
"It's more of a... Want to. I've always been interested in art programs and how art fits into society, as well as how technology can make improvements to the everyday drag." Roy continued with a distraught look on his face.
"This seemed to be the best combination of the two, so I went for it." Roy soon realized he had gone on rambling again (a specialty of his) and quickly apologized to his new classmate. Something odd was still going on, however, that distraught look hadn't left his face since the subject had been introduced. If Roy was trying to hide this look, he may need to reconsider that Drama class..
Name: Finnian "Finn" Callaghan.

Age: 17

Gender: Male.

Appearance: A stout young lad with scrambled red hair just above his amber eyes. An audible Irish accent with just a hint of sarcasm laced between his words on occasion. Quite tall, at 5'11" and he doesn't care far too much about his clothing. He normally wears a comfortable flannel or tee paired with straight jeans or shorts.

Dream appearance: Same as IRL appearance.

Personality: Finn is an extrovert, he is always trying to become friends with others and normally everyone can easily trust him. Due to the loss of his father at a young age, and him trying to fill this void in his life, he tries to always be talking to someone, on the phone at the very least. He can be snarky and sarcastic when he feels it is appropriate but his normal nature is sweet and overly kind to everyone.

Dream personality: Same as IRL personality.

Background: Finn was always attached to his father since he was young, always depending on his wisdom. Unfortunately, when he was in middle school he passed away in an accident involving work. Now days, he lives with only his mother, Tonya, and cat, Sam. Because of his situation, he has been taking everything he has been given more seriously, this includes academics and become the programmer he wants to be. Finn hates to be alone, he has ever since the accident with his father. Due to this, he is almost always on the phone talking to someone he has managed to befriend. Finn doesn't quite understand lucid dreaming. He knows what it is, he knows he has a knack for it, but the whole idea is still very new to him.

Power: Finn carries around a small bear with a heart embedded on it's cheek. His father gave this toy to him when he was in elementary school, and when he lucid dreams this little bear talks to him to keep him company through the night. It's voice is that of a little girls, and only he can hear it.

Other: Finn is really into Tide Laundry Detergent. He is also into video games.

P.S. TIL Ducks can quack with determination if their hearts really feel it.

P.P.S. Lyrix was a HUGE help in the writing process, this application wouldn't be half as good without their help.
Roy stood, quickly offered a hand to the new face on the ground, and awkwardly laughed.
"It's so hard to keep an eye on where you're going with these crazy wristbands on." Anon reached and grabbed Roy's hand who pulled him to his feet.
"So uh... What class were you headed to? Ya know, before I revealed my inner clutz and took us both down." Anon thought for a moment.
"I was on my way to singing lessons."
Roy looked back down at his wristband for a moment before replying.
"What a coincidence, that's my first class as well!" Roy paused for a short time.
"Maybe it was a good thing we crashed into each other, you saved me from going to my 4th class a biiiit too early." Roy blushed slightly, putting on a light smile.
Name: Roy Callaghan >:u
Age: 16
Appearance: Medium length straight red hair with fluorescent green eyes. His normal attire consists of a solid color undershirt with a flannel.
Personality: Shy, kind, and soft spoken. Often fumbles over words.
Classes: Voice acting, singing, stagecraft, design, and general arts.
Anything Else?: Nah.
Name: Finnian "Finn" Callaghan.

Age: 17

Gender: Male.

Appearance: A stout young lad with scrambled red hair just above his amber eyes. An audible Irish accent with just a hint of sarcasm laced between his words on occasion. Quite tall, at 5'11" and he doesn't care far too much about his clothing. He normally wears a comfortable flannel or tee paired with straight jeans or shorts.

Dream appearance: Same as IRL appearance.

Personality: Finn is an extrovert, he is always trying to become friends with others and normally everyone can easily trust him. Due to the loss of his father at a young age, and him trying to fill this void in his life, he tries to always be talking to someone, on the phone at the very least. He can be snarky and sarcastic when he feels it is appropriate but his normal nature is sweet and overly kind to everyone.

Dream personality: Same as IRL personality.

Background: Finn was always attached to his father since he was young, always depending on his wisdom. Unfortunately, when he was in middle school he passed away in an accident involving work. Now days, he lives with only his mother, Tonya, and cat, Sam. Because of his situation, he has been taking everything he has been given more seriously, this includes academics and become the programmer he wants to be. Finn hates to be alone, he has ever since the accident with his father. Due to this, he is almost always on the phone talking to someone he has managed to befriend. Finn doesn't quite understand lucid dreaming. He knows what it is, he knows he has a knack for it, but the whole idea is still very new to him.

Power: Finn carries around a small bear with a heart embedded on it's cheek. His father gave this toy to him when he was in elementary school, and when he lucid dreams this little bear talks to him to keep him company through the night. It's voice is that of a little girls, and only he can hear it.

Other: Finn is really into Tide Laundry Detergent. He is also into video games.

P.S. TIL Ducks can quack with determination if their hearts really feel it.

P.P.S. Lyrix was a HUGE help in the writing process, this application wouldn't be half as good without their help.
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