Avatar of DamnLucky
  • Last Seen: 9 yrs ago
  • Joined: 10 yrs ago
  • Posts: 25 (0.01 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. DamnLucky 10 yrs ago


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9 yrs ago
Current I'm gonna be out most of the day tomorrow, so here is fair warning now!
9 yrs ago
Back, at least for a little bit!! RP is good for my mind, I need some happy right about now!!
10 yrs ago
Not in a hotel anymore... goodbye all! I don't know when I'll return!! Soon, I hope.
10 yrs ago
In a hotel. Free wifi!
10 yrs ago
I have to go drive out to see my dad again. I love him, but god dammit I'm so tired.


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I have a reply to do but here's a bump cuz everything seems pretty active.
I'll be cooking all day today, but feel free to PM me whenever~
Bump and updated!
Welcome! My name's Lucky. Some of you may know me, some of you may not, but I'm back from a long hiatus and I hope to be here for a while! So, here's a life-time-supply of rules to go along with a life-time-supply of pairings and plot ideas! So, if you'll please step this way, I'll tell you the basics of what I'm looking for! If you've already viewed this interest check and weren't interested, but see it near the top of the 1x1 interest checks, it's safe to assume there are new pairings you might be interested in, so check back often!


-Be literate and socialable. I simply cannot stress this enough. You don't have to be a perfect, outgoing grammar-angel, but I want to be able to talk to you and have you talk back in coherent sentences.

-Post at a high-casual to advanced level. And be able to post somewhat frequently. I understand that sometimes it can be hard to find inspiration or the time to post, but I really don't want to RP with someone who can post one paragraph once a week.

-Tell me about your limits before we begin. I really don't want you to feel uncomfortable, since I have pretty much no limits, so I expect you to tell me if something is bothering you, and I'll do the same if something bothers me.

-Be willing to create short character sheets before we begin. I really like to have at least a name, an age, and a real-life referance picture for each character in the roleplay, and I like to have these posted before we start, so we can discuss them some.

-On the topic of discussion, discussion it one of the most important things to me. We don't have to talk out every little detail, but if you have an awesome idea for the direction of the roleplay, tell me! I'll do the same to you, if I get an idea as we go along. Of course, discussion at the beginning is really important too.

-PM only! Please, I don't like to go off-site and I don't like threads that much.

-Lastly, 18+ content is absolutely fine with me. I am very 18+ myself. Sex, smut, violence, and dark themes are totally okay with me. So, like I said earlier, tell me your limits.


Alright. Now that that's over with, let's go on to the pairings! Most of these ideas are somewhat original, and somewhat from other sources, but I'd love to try any of them! Each one will have a specific gender pairing or pairings I'm interested in using for that idea. I will mark the character I'd prefer to play with a * for each pairing, but I'm totally adjustable to either role.

Alright! I'll certainly be updating this in the future! Please PM me instead of posting here, I won't really be checking back here much.
Bampity Bamp!
Hello! This is a specific interest check for a kind of horror-like post-apocalyptic roleplay, hopefully with romance involved!

Now that that's taken care of, here's some more details on what I'm looking for:

~ I'm looking for someone who can post daily. I understand that shit happens, but please tell me if you can't be on for more than a few days. I'll do the same for you.

~ I'm looking for someone who is 18+ because there's going to be violence, gore, cursing and possible sexual content. And for violence and gore, I mean, REALLY violence and gore. Yeah.

~ I'm looking for something purely over PM.

~ I'm looking for something romantic and I can do MxF or MxM, myself playing the male character.

~If you're interested, PM me only, do not post here!

~ I'm looking for any writing skill level . I can bend or stretch to meet what you want, usually. But good grammar is important.

My Rules:

~ I'm not as mean as I sound, so please be nice when you PM me. You don't have to tell me your life story, but I'd like to know who I'm roleplaying with. :D

~ I like to make basic character sheets to go with my characters, being name, age, height and referance image. Please no anime or cartoon pictures, please only real life.

~ I have absolutely no limits in an RP, at least, not to my knowledge. If anything comes up I'm uncomfortable with, I'll let you know. Please do the same for me.

That's all! PM me! Yay!
I've been gone for a while-- but here's a bump!
Dammit, that was probably terrible. I hope I made enough room for interaction. Like, William could steal his books and then y/c would be forced to spend the night in the slums and the next day he could track down William and make his deal with him? :)
High above the buildings of the wicked slums, in a tower that was originally constructed as a watchtower for the King's gaurds, but had since been abandoned, a young criminal examined a small bottle. There was no door to the tower, windows too far up to be seen through. In the criminal's hands rested a long, thin vile with a tiny jewel on top. He screwed open the small lid, but instead of doing anything with it, the masked young man set it on a creaking wooden table, earning a delicate clinking sound. His tall grey boots made soft, unnoticeable noises as he walked across the uneven stone flooring casually.

William lifted a shimmering silver knife from the sill of a tall window and cautiously ran his finger around the inside of the handle, where there was a hole that led to the base of the blade.

Taking a few steps towards the table, still examining the light blade and balancing it on his slender fingertips. William lifted the vile off the table and slid it into the small hole in the hilt of the dagger, nodding his head and tossing the knife back and forth between his hands. If he wasn't wearing a mask, his wicked smile would be obvious.

The night fell over the slums, which in any other place would mean the falling of the daytime activity. Of course, if the slums were any other place, that would be true. But it wasn't. It was the hub of criminal activity in the kingdom, where everyone was always looking over their shoulder. The people there ranged from petty crooks to well known killers like the masked man, who was now loading up his figure with weapons of every kind.

Small pellets, that would explode into dark colored smoke and little, flickering flames wherever they landed on the ground.

A light, wood-and-steel revolver that the young, masked man had stolen from a member of the king's navy without his notice. The finest that was available at the time, quick and functional.

And of course, several poison-tipped needles, a small file of refill poison, and the beautiful knife that he had just come into possession of, that silver beauty, with the vile of poison inside. William knew it was bound to become one of his favorites.

He threw himself out the largest window, metal blades sliding out of his boots and out of the wraps around his wrists that he promptly jabbed into the wall and climbed down silently into the hustle of the town. People silenced as he walked by, sacred of what he could do to them. No one that had seen his face had ever lived.

William had caught wind that one of the King's mages would be coming through the slums on his way to chase after some fairytale, so he figured that they would have some valuables on them. He slid down an alley that looked out on the main road through the slums, the obvious path to chooses for a Mage, the safest and the least likely place to get mugged. His dark eyes peered out the alley, nearly all the was visible of his frame.
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