
Name: Yumiko Ueda
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Hometown: Nefton, rather large town in the Eastern part of Wall Maria
Nationality: A mix of Japanese and German, though she looks mostly Japanese.
Rank: Cadet
Personality: Yumiko is mostly very quiet and reluctant to socialize, especially with people who are clearly extroverted. Because of this, she is known to have only a small circle of close friends. She has a good heart, albeit a skittish nature, and will often help out someone in need. She has a short fuse when it comes to anger, though she hides it extremely well, so most will say she's rarely ever angry at all. This has lead to a few developmental problems growing up and has caused her to be a very shy teenager. She is terrified of Titans (it doesn't help that she's rather short), so she goes with a more sneaky approach rather than a straightforward tactic when fighting.
Bio: Growing up, she had a small family of four, which included her Japanese father, German mother, little brother, and herself. Though her father was strict and often yelled at her for seemingly nothing (and on occasion even beat her), her mother was kind, and loved Yumiko and her bother with all her heart. Her father would teach her a little basic Japanese. When she was young, her family came down with a severe illness that left all but Yumiko bedridden for numerous days. They eventually sent her out to get a doctor, and she was treated almost immediately, but by the time she'd lead the doctor to her home the rest of her family had passed. A close family friend and her wife (Mrs and Mrs DeLorme, though they're referred to as Mummy and Mom by Yumiko) took her in as their own. They raised her from age seven to sixteen, and have been very generous and kind towards her. Yumiko, though still haunted by the sickly faces of her deceased family, has come to accept the couple as her new guardians.
Major Skill: Unlearned
Minor Skill: 3D Maneuverability
Relationships: Clara DeLorme (Yumiko's "Mom") ; Scarlett DeLorme (Yumoiko's "Mummy") ; Hideki Ueda (Yumiko's deceased birth father) : Anya Ueda (Yumiko's deceased birth mother) ; Joshua Ueda (Yumiko's deceased little brother) ; Emily Smith (Yumiko's closest friend)
Any interesting information: She enjoys woodcarving, climbing trees, and listening to other people talk. Sometimes she'll accidentally speak in Japanese mid-conversation but will quickly correct herself. She always has her hair up in a ponytail.
Picture by me but base credit here