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Sorry I took so long. My character should be done by tonight. Hopefully. :/

Name: Yumiko Ueda

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Hometown: Nefton, rather large town in the Eastern part of Wall Maria

Nationality: A mix of Japanese and German, though she looks mostly Japanese.

Rank: Cadet

Personality: Yumiko is mostly very quiet and reluctant to socialize, especially with people who are clearly extroverted. Because of this, she is known to have only a small circle of close friends. She has a good heart, albeit a skittish nature, and will often help out someone in need. She has a short fuse when it comes to anger, though she hides it extremely well, so most will say she's rarely ever angry at all. This has lead to a few developmental problems growing up and has caused her to be a very shy teenager. She is terrified of Titans (it doesn't help that she's rather short), so she goes with a more sneaky approach rather than a straightforward tactic when fighting.

Bio: Growing up, she had a small family of four, which included her Japanese father, German mother, little brother, and herself. Though her father was strict and often yelled at her for seemingly nothing (and on occasion even beat her), her mother was kind, and loved Yumiko and her bother with all her heart. Her father would teach her a little basic Japanese. When she was young, her family came down with a severe illness that left all but Yumiko bedridden for numerous days. They eventually sent her out to get a doctor, and she was treated almost immediately, but by the time she'd lead the doctor to her home the rest of her family had passed. A close family friend and her wife (Mrs and Mrs DeLorme, though they're referred to as Mummy and Mom by Yumiko) took her in as their own. They raised her from age seven to sixteen, and have been very generous and kind towards her. Yumiko, though still haunted by the sickly faces of her deceased family, has come to accept the couple as her new guardians.

Major Skill: Unlearned

Minor Skill: 3D Maneuverability

Relationships: Clara DeLorme (Yumiko's "Mom") ; Scarlett DeLorme (Yumoiko's "Mummy") ; Hideki Ueda (Yumiko's deceased birth father) : Anya Ueda (Yumiko's deceased birth mother) ; Joshua Ueda (Yumiko's deceased little brother) ; Emily Smith (Yumiko's closest friend)

Any interesting information: She enjoys woodcarving, climbing trees, and listening to other people talk. Sometimes she'll accidentally speak in Japanese mid-conversation but will quickly correct herself. She always has her hair up in a ponytail.

Picture by me but base credit here
The flashing lights and loud buzzing was more than enough to wake Oliver from her sleep. She groaned and turned over in her bed, covering her face with her pillow. It didn't help much. After a second or two, she sat up, yawned, and threw the covers off her legs. She went straight to the mirror and, despite her groggy vision, managed to brush her hair down and apply a minimal amount of makeup. She wrapped a few hairbands around her wrist in case she's need to pull her hair up later.

Oliver was still mildly tired when she exited her room, book in hand (which may or may not have been a copy of Dead Wrong that she was rereading for the fifth time), and slugged down the hall. She perked up a bit when she realized she was the last one to walk into the main room. She smiled sheepishly, walked to the nearest wall, and propped herself up against it quietly, waiting for the situation to be explained.


Real Name: Oliver Stone

Alias: Skylar (Sky for short)

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Weapons: none

Powers/Skills: Oliver has the ability to conduit Lightning. Although this ability has it's advantages, it has it's drawbacks as well. She is unable to use electric vehicles, go into water, or even use electronics around the household. However, she has gained some neat abilities along the way of her training, including using the force of her electric currents to boost herself around the place. All-in-all, she makes a fine addition to the team.

Personality: Oliver is the quiet, submissive type. She prefers reading and staying at home than going out with friends or family. However, she fights hard and well for what she loves and believes in. Oliver isn't aware of the fine line that separates good from bad; she instead sees it as a large blurred line, and that many people fall within that blur. Most times she prefers trying to help put criminals on the right path, rather than fighting them and locking them up immediately. This is often seen as a weakness, and she is usually taken advantage of because of it.

Biography: Oliver was born in southern Ireland into a happy family. When, at a young age, her electric abilities were discovered, her father left her and her mother, claiming he could never deal with such a child. He took most of their money with him. After a few years of living in a shady part of town with an abundance of crime, she and her mother moved to the U.S., where they hoped to find a better life. Oliver spent the rest of her years looking up to the heroes that protected Jump City and other close by areas, such as Batman, Wonder Woman, and the Teen Titans. She idolized Starfire especially, admiring her ability to keep peace while fighting for a cause. She barely developed her own powers, choosing to conceal them instead; she was only ever able to use them at night or in private. When Oliver discovered that the Teen Titans were disbanding, she knew that she wanted to be the one that people looked up to as a protector, just as she had looked up to the Titans as a child. She bid farewell to her mother, promising to visit often, and was off to the Tower.

Extra Info: Oliver learned basic battling skills from a friend at school whose father taught him martial arts. This boy was Oliver's closest friend, and one of the few who knew about her powers. She continues to stay in school to keep up a secret identity-type facade, and to stay in touch with this friend. Said friend's name is Daniel.
Leona stayed stationed just outside the church doors, watching in disbelief at the events that unfolded. In a bought of self-control, she put her bow down and waited. She couldn't help but to feel sympathetic for the strangers; especially the girl that had been singing earlier. Her red-headed brother (possibly her partner or cousin?) reminded her all too much of her own big brothers. She knew that her brothers would react exactly the same way if she had been put in any sort of danger.

Assuming that the whole dragon ordeal was dangerous to begin with. Naturally, dragons equaled omens or fire or death, and by the grave looks on some of the strangers' faces, that's exactly what was going to happen. She hoped she wouldn't have to be dragged into anything having to do with humans and dragons, in that case. She contemplated backing away from the church and returning to the town's center, but her curiosity kept her glued to her spot.
Leona quickly covered Joseph as the scene unfolded, only relaxing when the pretty girl and the large men were far gone into the darkness. She noticed a few interesting-looking individuals follow not far behind. She turned to Joseph and knelt beside him. "Go home. Go straight to your mother. Don't leave her sight until morning. If things settle down, I'll be back soon, okay? I swear." She added the last bit when she saw his disappointed frown. She smiled and ruffled his hair, then ran off in the direction that some of the others had gone. I hope I can keep my promise, she thought.

Leona stayed close to the shadows, moving at a fast but steady pace. She saw that one or two people ahead of her had the exact same idea. Not too far ahead, the men and the cute girl where standing, facing a red-headed boy and a boy with blue hair, along with some of the other interesting people she saw follow in earlier. They seemed to be confused. She stopped in the shade of a tall building and took out her bow, picking an arrow and getting ready to draw it back. She stood in a defensive position, eager to attack if need be.
Leona squeezed Joseph's hand as they listened, and he squeezed hers back. The woman, who was assumed to be portraying Mère, sang beautifully - her voice carried through the crowd and caused a soft hum of contentment. Whether her voice sounded out words of an ancient story or just high and low pitches of nothingness, Leona couldn't tell, but it didn't matter. She never wanted to stop listening. By the way Joseph closed his eyes and smiled faintly, she assumed he felt the same way.

Leona was caught between paying attention to the singing and observing the young woman's beauty. The girl on stage was dressed in a flowing white dress that seemingly glowed. Her skin was a smooth pale color, and her cheeks were flushed a slight pink. Her blonde hair fell onto her shoulders and brushed against her eyelids. When she opened them, her irises were a concentrated blue, that almost looked as if they were made of ice. The girl's appearance took Leona's breath away, if only for a moment. She assumed her radiance had the same effect on most of the others in the crowd. Hopefully she wasn't the only one intoxicated by the girl's beauty.
existing and present, yo.
Leona was seated in a second-to-front-row seat to the play near the middle of the town, one hand holding onto the hand of a child she had met before (his name was something akin to Joseph, such as Jacob or Joshua), and the other hand covering her yawn. Though her body was tired, her mind was racing and her eyes were wide awake. She found it hard to contain her voice during the start of the play, but she managed to keep quiet, if only to hang on to every word the actors spoke. Her smile brightened indefinitely at the mention of her ancestor, Mère.

I'm glad they speak well of our Great Mother, she thought. I wonder which of Her brothers is responsible for the Haukka tribes... I hope it's the mage. He seems like an honorable, free man. A lot like the boys of our tribe. Especially a lot like my own brothers. Leona's mind didn't drift very far before her attention was drawn to the actors. A battle of sorts was obviously about to occur between the two men on stage, and she was anxious to learn how the fighting style differed from her own. She scooted to the edge of her seat, and she noticed that Joseph did the same.
Leona managed to get into the gates without much trouble. Once inside, she found herself overwhelmed with all the wonderful people and activities: shopkeepers lined through the alleys and corners; children dancing and playing, their feet stomping against the stone pavements; people of varying races and species chatting and laughing among themselves. It created an aura of happiness that drew her in. Her eyes darted from scene to scene, taking special notice of a cute, short girl with white hair, an impatient redhead attempting to get around a stranger, and a pair of pretty women sitting on the fountain in the middle.

Leona didn't know what or whom to interact with first, but her observations were interrupted when a small child pulled on her pants to get her attention. He asked about her bow, and if maybe she wanted to play tag with him and a few other kids. She happily agreed, ignoring the bow question and jumping straight into chasing him around the roads. A six or seven other children joined in, running and giggling and screaming as Leona ran after them. She couldn't help but to laugh as well.
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