Aliquam: Tobias’ Gala
Dylan smiled at Amy’s suggestion of ‘wine-tasting’. He was tempted to join in as he wanted nothing more than to get drunk at the moment, but if he was being honest that would probably end badly.
He’d probably start a scene and no one would want that.
"Come on you lot," Moira complained, slapping the bar. "We're here to have fun, right? I dunno what you're moping about but stop it." The woman proceeded knock back her entire drink, drawing the stares of everyone at the bar. Dylan sat gaping at her - it was an incredible sight. Even Tobias was slack jawed.
“Ummm,” he pulled at his collar, loosing his tie to make himself more comfortable. “Yes, I suppose we are. You know what? Screw it!” He knocked back his drink, suddenly determined to match her drink for drink. “Let’s do this!”
Across the bar, Tobias stared at the scene, his face blank with shock.

“D-d-dancing?” Estelle stammered, her cheeks flush with red. “I-I-I, er, don’t do dancing…”
Dalia smiled gently at the girl, the flush of her cheeks matching the flush in her aura. It was adorable! “It’s okay, Estelle,” she said kindly. “Don’t worry about the dancing. It’s quite easy actually, we just need to find you a strong partner.” She spun slowly in place as she talked. “You just follow his lead.” She hummed to herself as she finished her twirl. “Look, even I can do it! Where’s that friend of yours? Marcus? Does he know how to dance?”
She glanced around, suddenly realizing that he wasn’t with them - where did the man get off to? “That’s strange,” she muttered. “Did anyone see where he went? Not that it really matters, he’s probably fine on his own. I doubt there’s much trouble he could get into anyway.”
Turning her attention back on Rose, she smiled. “I was actually going to show them around to some of Tobias’ galleries, if you want to come along. You know he has some of the best around!”