Avatar of Darcs
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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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Dinh, your verbose posts are actually killing me. Are you secretly Somber?
If you haven't written a Fallout: Equestria variant, you totally should.

Also, character sheet.

Name: Lily-Of-The-Valley Churra/Flower with Horns



Race: Human (Psyker), permanently altered by tribal potions and salves
Primary: Survival, Medicine *(More First Aid experience than Doctor)

Secondary: Gambling



Some say it takes a village. For a time, Lily had just that.

Originally named Flower with Horns, she was born in 2270 as a baby of the Crazy Horns, a dwindling nomadic tribe that primarily operated in Northern Nevada. Her father was a lowly hunter, and her mother was the tribe witchdoctor and resident psychic. Her tribesmen were like family, regardless of blood, each member doing their part to raise the child. Tribal life is hard in the wasteland-- all the more when you survive not by combat, but by relying on the guidance of spirits, apparitions, dark forces-- the unknown. In this tribe, babies were miracles from the spirits alone, but a child of the tribe's last living psychic? She was practically born a goddess. Surely under the training of her mother this child would bring about salvation!

So under the training of her mother, Flower with Eyes, she went. Starting the day Lily could talk, Flower with Eyes set about training her daughter in the old ways of mysticism, herbalism, and living off the land like an ancient Crazy Horn-- teaching her the names of flowers and fungi and how to make poultices, potions and poisons. By the time Lily was 5, Flower with Eyes began testing her psychic ability, training her from a young age to be in tune with the dark forces not visible to those without the sight. By the time Lily was 7 she could be considered an apprentice medium. She had communicated with ghosts, had visions of places she was not, could hear the past.

Yet she had never spent a day playing with her friends-- she didn't even have any. Children her age went on hunting trips with heir parents and friends, the little flower could barely fire a bow. Her father's face blended into those of the tribe, all faces that looked at her with love... and fear. Everyone smiled at her from a distance. She had a village, but she was solitary. Flower with Eyes was more of a mentor than a mother, when Lily asked her Flower with Eyes about this, she cryptically replied, "To live in the world of the living and the world of spirits is to tear yourself in two, the decision has been made for us, little Flower, we must honor our gifts."

"Do not let their reverence and fear tear you, my young one."

Lily didn't argue, but she didn't agree with her mother either. Flower with Eyes saw this, but trusted not the spirits-- but her daughter, to do the honorable thing. Despite a growing uneasiness in Lily, this trust was well placed. Years passed and Lily studied the mysticism and shamanism of Crazy Horn ghosts, the tribe survived-- only barely, as a competing, militaristic tribe, the White Legs, grew in the region-- but they did survive, which, for a time, was enough.

Only for a time.

Flower with Eyes told of his coming, a 10 year old Lily saw him as well. A New Canaanite dressed in grays, coming to the Crazy Horns with a proposal. The Tribal chief welcomed the self-proclaimed missionary, Daniel, with open arms. Crazy Horn way of life left allies few and far in between, and an alliance with New Canaan could help alleviate some of the tribes sorrows brought about by the growing threat of the White Legs. After a feast and a tribal ceremony welcoming the Mormon stranger, a meeting was held between the Crazy Horns chief, Daniel, the tribe Witchdoctor and her apprentice. Lily marveled at the man as the adults spoke, sure, she had seen ghostly apparitions and beforetime visions with men who looked like Daniel-- but this was her first time seeing such a figure in the flesh, his clothes were alien to her as well, and the device on his back... She heard the war-chief talk about those; G-U-A-N-Z. Guanz they were called, like bows, but louder, with small and fast arrows.

It was all so impressive to her, in recent memory, the only other time she felt such awe is whenever she could talk to a ghost about the beforetimes (and was able to understand their English, with the little she knew). The meeting was fateful-- important matters were being discussed that pertained to the tribe's future, she scarcely understood any of it though, more interested in simply hearing someone speak English in the flesh-- someone who wasn't her mother, anyway. The meeting had much more grave meanings for her mother, the Chief, and the tribe as a whole. But for Lily-of-the-Valley, it was the day she decided she wanted to leave-- to see the world she had only just now begun to learn about, to learn from ghosts and people and experience everything that inspired awe in her, like the man Daniel.

The following months saw major shifts in the Crazy Horns modus operandi. The Mormon missionary, Daniel, assumed executive power over the tribe in all but name. They stopped moving around and made a home near Zion national park. Hunting stopped being the focus of the tribe, guns were introduced, and those who could, learned how to fight as the skirmishes with the White Legs increased as time passed. Daniel was unsure if he was doing the right thing, but he continued, backed fully by the chief of the tribe.

Flower with Eyes spent so much time using her own sight to aid in the coming war with the White Legs that for what felt like the first time in her life, Lily was free. She spent almost all of this free time pestering Daniel, trying to learn of him, the outside, what he called Mormonism, everything-- radio and music particularly interested her. Ghostly voices that sing for you whenever you want! What *isn't* to love? They bonded, he eventually taught the girl how to speak proper English. When not with Daniel, Lily felt it appropriate to learn how to properly use the weapon of her tribe, the wasteland bow. This and more she did with her freedom, she still felt ostracized by her tribes "Fear and reverence" of her, but even without company, she certainly didn't waste her break. These few months may have been some of the best in her young life.

All good things must come to an end though, this particular good thing came to its end a few weeks after her 11th birthday. Flower with Eyes had a single vision the day of the Crazy Horn's march on the White Leg encampment, ghosts of their victims told her of their numbers-- their brutality. Grabbing her daughter's hand, she ran faster than the march of every Crazy Horn fighter, stood in front of Daniel, the Tribe Chief and the full Crazy Horn vanguard, and relayed to them the visions. Relayed the warning. For the first time in the tribe's history, a Chief ignored the warnings of one of it's Witchdoctors. He followed Daniel, and the tribe followed him, they had the Heavenly Father in the sky on their side, not a few spirits on the ground, they couldn't lose.

Without a word, Flower with Eyes took Lily, returned to camp one last time to get a single Brahmin carrying everything they needed, and they began the long walk back to Nevada. Lily hadn't seen her father for weeks.

The entirety of the Crazy Horn fighters were brutally slaughtered that night. Any survivors were sold into slavery.

Mother and daughter traveling alone in the wasteland, vulnerable and weak. They should've been easy prey. But three weeks of walking and they found themselves in New Reno. The two relied on the spirits of the desert to keep them safe, help them hunt and find them a place to settle down, and the reliance paid off. Any differences the two had before were wordlessly forgotten in the journey. Lily cried as the ghosts of her former tribesmen-- the ghost of her father-- caught up to them to say goodbye, and Flower with Eyes burned with a cold resentment that she hadn't done enough to prevent what Daniel led her people into. Lily got her wish, to leaver her tribe and see the world.

But at what cost?

Despite tribal origins, Flower with Eyes and Lily did well in New Reno. Flower with Eyes picked up where she left off in regards to her mystic training in the dark arts, however this was tempered with more freedom for Lily, and time for Lily to learn about new things and explore her own interests. Lily was young, and so was renamed after the flower her tribal name was based off of 'Lily-of-the-Valley,' shortened as Lily to better avoid a tribal stigma. Her last name, Churra, is that of a 4-horned old world sheep, in remembrance of the mutated Chupacabras the Crazy Horns were known for herding and hunting. Flower with Eyes kept her name, not entirely stuck in her old ways, but resigned to the fact that, unlike her daughter, she could never belong to New Reno. To make caps, the pair charged for holistic, tribal mind/body/soul healing, tribal drugs, poultices, potions, and on occasion poison, and psychic readings. The tragedy brought the two closer with time, and the new found freedom granted to her by her mother, as well as the life of the city, brought Lily to life.

The second Battle of the Hoover Dam passed, life moved on, New Reno kept on keeping on. As Lily aged, she healthily began to move away from home, taking on a myriad of odd jobs and learning the in's and out's of more wasteland. At 14 she got paid to advertise for a few casinos and clean up after customers at restaurants, at 15 and 16 she tried petty and not so petty thievery-- it went quite well with the use of her ghosts, her mother didn't approve. For a few months between 16 and 17 she tried merc work, it didn't fit her-- farmhand work fit her even less right before she turned 18. 18 and 19 saw her working as a Cat's Paw prostitute-- she did quite well at that, being what was essentially a flower child raised conservatively, sexual liberation fit her well. Her mother urged her to leave, but even as she neared 20 and began to dabble in prospecting, scavenging, and career gambling, she'd still occasionally work as a call girl for a hundred caps or two, she was always lucky enough to avoid the dangerous customers. By 21 she could scavenge with the best of them, she was better at finding specialty items, through her own perception, luck and paranormal assistance. During this time, she happens upon what she considers her most valuable find-- her Pip-boy 2000, and the ability to listen to radio whenever.

At the age of 23 her mother's health started fading, she had to stop leaving on prospecting trips so she could spend as much of Flower with Eyes' remaining time with her as possible. The New Reno radio tower had been revived sometime when she was 21 or 22-- it needed music and DJs, with a Pipboy full of recorded music and scavenged holotapes galore, she got the job. This job let her finally express a passion that had been mostly silent up until this point and well as remain close to her mother, and watch over her in her decaying health.

Flower with Eyes died sleeping next to her daughter, full of regrets the she had failed her tribe, but happy she'd at least succeeded her daughter.

Lily worked through the sadness of her loss. She eventually became a New Reno's resident 'Audio Procurement Specialist,' and a part-time DJ with a hell of a music taste. She regales listeners with stories she's picked up of the beforetimes, from ghosts and men. In a certain sense she's content, the caps are good, she lives in a radio station-- she's a voice of upper Nevada with admirers and fans. In another sense, though, she feels fed up with being where she is-- she never forgot her childhood dream of seeing the world, to honor her gift for her mother, to do... something.

Ghosts whisper in the shadows of something coming from New Vegas, Lily-of-the-Valley's curiosity is piqued.
Terminal said Oh Mot, you - FILTHYDon't just have things like that plastered into your signature for the entire world to see, you deviant! Of course people aren't going to understand, because it's gross!

*winks in an either sexual or non-sexual manner, you decide*
AtomicItalian said
Before you make a CS, a couple of tips 1) Read up on whats happening. PM me with questions. 2) Make your character useful. I don't need anymore stabby-shooty types. Bring something useful to the table. I'm currently lacking a doctor. 3) This is a High Casual/Advanced level RP, so make sure you're writing at that level.

You got it, chief. Looks like I got a bit of reading ahead of me before I get the CS started.

I DO like playing non-combatants, though.
Always accepting???

Being in this kind of Fallout RP would make my day.
Interest, but I'm also wondering about jobs-- Freelancers or Gamblers are my jam.
Some of those ideas look bretty gud, I'd be in.

Also, do you have a link to the image?
No more reservations? Does this mean the RP is full, or that if I want a spot I'd need to post a CS now, before it's full?
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