Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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The Imagination said Sleipnirs?

Irradiated hyper-wolves called Fenrirs????
Sovi3t said Dibs on,, his soul

Ask me if you ever want to talk to it.
Shmewyy said Freelancer
In the technical sense, Freelancer is not an actual job class, it is simply a placeholder until the player acquires actual Jobs. Thus, only games that use a job system have Freelancers. The Freelancer is distinguished by basic and/or very general abilities, as its name would imply, and unlike other Jobs there is no "traditional" appearance for the Freelancer, the party members usually wearing their default clothing.
Though they lack any specific skills or strengths, this serves as their only real weakness, as otherwise Freelancers are well-rounded in all areas of combat. Also more often than not, Freelancers can equip mostly every piece of equipment on their respective games, and also being capable of using abilities from other Jobs, which in essence makes them the most powerful "Job" in their game. Unfortunately this is usually seen very late.

Hello favorite class.
Cool! I love me a good zombie apocalypse, I'm looking forward to this as well.

Name: Maria Alo Gonzaga

Age: 42


Gender: Female

Family: 0, Maria was raised by a single mother who died when Maria was in her 20's, she was never introduced to her extended family and she has no children. Keeps things simpler that way.

Personality: Her privileged upbringing shows. Maria is descended from kings, and she knows it. She openly scoffs at what she finds uncouth, commands those she sees as beneath her, and turns her nose up at that not worth her time. This was born of a lonely childhood filled with loneliness and mental struggle. She turns her posh and stoic acts up to 11 to hide her own insecurity; "Do they know I'm crazy?" "Did my mother love me?" She is someone who wears a false heart on their sleeve.

Bio: Maria's childhood was spent in equal parts between Portugal and Brazil, her mother, royal ambassador Teresa, was hardly present, but she was brought up in the lap of luxury. As a descendent of Portuguese and Brazilian royalty, she lived a life of privilege. Teresa, while not present for much of her life, gave the young Maria a qualified staff to raise her as she went between countries, receiving the best available training in every subject in school, as well as public speaking and communication, and other generally antiquated Royal lessons. The most time she spent with her mother was the occasion the two needed to make a public appearance.

Genes for "insanity" often run in Royal bloodlines, Maria was unfortunate enough to be the recipient of one of these genes after decades of Royal inbreeding in the past. Her mother never acknowledged it and the help simply told her to hide it. So hide it she did. Schizophrenia is and easy mental disease to overcome, but with a determination born in Maria, and medicine provided by occasional trips to the USA, Maria hid it.

It wasn't until she was 17 that she got her US citizenship, receiving precedence due to her regal bloodline. She received advanced lessons prior to her entry in the country, due to this and a lifetime of advanced lessons, she graduated with honors from her private American high school the same year, without pause she did her mother's bidding and went to an accredited university in Portugal and got a master's in business administration.

Then Teresa died.

Not knowing what else to do, Maria moved back to America with a very generous inheritance, and used her connections, monetary resources, and Royal education to quickly move up the ranks in various jobs she found her passions in. She eventually settled on work as an agent, she enjoyed the job for it's similarities to the ambassadorship she had been trained for, as well as the wealth the private sector provided. By the age of 30, had become a major partner in several LA modelling agencies. By 40, her models and actors could be seen and heard on practically every major television channel in the US. By 40, she had gone international, and began to dominate the local Portuguese and European modelling scene. Then with 42, came an apocalypse that took that all away.

Job Before The Outbreak: Modelling agent, partner, and major shareholder at several LA-based and international modelling agencies

Disability/Fear: Maria is actually an example of functional living with schizophrenia, from a young age she suffered from mostly auditory hallucinations as well as having an increased chance of paranoid, the medicine she takes for it keeps her mind relatively normal, but the thought that once her medicine runs out-- that's it, the thought gnaws at her. She wears glasses to help with her slight near-sightedness. As someone who has climbed the business ladder, she has participated in any number of vices, she has become attached to some more than others-- she may simply have a taste for some drugs, while she might be borderline addicted to others, she's certainly developed an addiction to caffeine and tobacco. Lastly, as someone who led a relatively sedentary lifestyle before the outbreak, it's unlikely she'll be anywhere near as capable physically most other people in.

Weapon of Choice: A rapier wit. Maria relies less on an established weapon of choice and more on "desenrascanço"-- improvisation in the moment. When under threat of zombies this could be something like finding a weapon, exploiting the environment around her, or finding a quick route of escape, while dealing with people, this skill could become more charisma based.

Did you KNOW the city of Atlanta used to be called terminus?
Any news from Stalking Bear? I kind of went with "assimilated tribal" to foil his full on tribe mode persona.
The Pluto Knight said Darcs = Jeanne

Name: Kiiro Sayuri
Gender: M
Age: 17

Clubs/Occupation: On and off member of the school photography club and school newspaper, volunteers at a local animal rescue shelter, works part-time as a concierge and receptionist at his uncle's filling station/motel.

Personality: Kiiro takes life, and it's challenges, as they come. At a passing glance he appears to be nothing more than a leaf on the wind, nonchalantly going about about everything-- day by day activities and major life events-- with an extremely free spirited attitude. Formerly a flower child, these aspects of his past show in his strategic avoidance of conflict, commitment, and any other stressor presented to him. Certainly, this obvious airy persona is a part of who Kiiro is, but it's not mindless. He is an individual almost completely consumed by memories of his past and thoughts of the present and future, always considering possibilities. Some would call him a "space cadet," he prefers aloof, with a good, albeit erratic, work ethic.

History: Until about 9 years ago, Kiiro's life was perfect. He lived with a single mother who had been entirely dedicated to the "free love" and "counter-culture" movement's of the 70s, she was the kind of hippie other hippies strive to be, and despite making questionable (and occasionally downright illegal) decisions as a parent, the two were perfect for each other. They moved from hospices and communes in Japan as years passed, Kiiro's formative education consisted primarily of things he picked up with his mother in their travels, he didn't completely understand basic mathematical concepts or 'get' how to read until he was 10, but by the time he was 5 he could live off the land like a pro and already understood complex animal, plant and fungi identification.

In all honesty, with some of the places they went and some of the things his mother did, they were lucky to have ever been together.

One day, when he was 8, that luck ran out.

What were basically hundreds of minor offenses like loitering, trespassing and shoplifting, coupled with more major drug related and "child abuse" offenses all came down on Kiiro's mother. Early in the morning, before the young boy could even process what was going on, she was taken away. His mother crying in the back of the police cruiser, saying how much she loved him, was the last time he saw her.

With this, Kiiro became a ward of the system. He was thrown from relative to relative, until at the age of 9 he found a fit with one of his uncles. The brother of a father who had died before his child could be born. Uncle Ozo the bozo Kiiro would call him, the man was short, stout and nearly hairless, he was a strict guardian, whose conservative ideals often clashed with what Kiiro had come to accept about life as he grew up. Kiiro still doesn't entirely agree with the man, but an uneasy love has formed between child and guardian. Ozo means well, he believes family is all there is and that a man should have a good work ethic, certainly, it's almost entirely due to Ozo's guidance that Kiiro was able to catch up in school-- and his ability to continue doing well while being a somewhat active member of two clubs, a regular volunteer, maintain his familial duties at the Sayuri motel and gas station and find time for friends... or cloud staring.

Weapon: Attack dog

~Name: Hel
~Arcana: Fortune
~Drain: -
~Weak: Almighty, Fire
~Null: Ice
~Reflect: -
~Resist: Light, Dark
~Skills: Megido, Dia, Mudoon, Hamaon
I was a fan of Point Lookout less in the actual playing of it and more in what it added tot he lore. A bunch of pre-war scientists, billionaires and people "in the know" all found special ways to survive the apocalypse and now play what is practically Game of Thrones: Fallout, with each other and the whole world? It's a conspiracy theorist's wet dream!
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