Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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In an alley in Fairfield, a few of the city's homeless discuss literature in the early of the morning, Eric Dumile among them.

"No man, it's not Cersei, I'm telling you." Eric gives a smile, these men are the closest thing he has to family. He is distinguishable from them though, he still occasionally changes his clothes.

"Bullsheeit. Then who?" A toothless black man named Daiquirius asks, his graying hair in uneven dreadlocks. He takes a swig of his 40.

"Dude, okay. It's going to seem like I'm pulling this out of my ass, but it was totally Little Finger."

"Buuuulllsheeeeit, nigga! Why you playin' so much?" The man practically spits out the alcohol, clearly surprised by the information.

"Fucking Little Finger, man. Look, you can tell he's crushing on Cat, right?"

"Nigga sprung." Daiquirius comments.

"Full on pussy whipped." Another man, "Bazooka Tooth Joe," pipes up, he's an older white man with a severe overbite and dressed several coats too warm. He lives in a really nice box.

"Yeah, well, her sister, is... reverse-pussy whipped? What do you...? What is that? When a girl is sprung--"

"Dick whipped."

"Thanks Bazooka tooth. Okay, yeah, so, y'all might not be far enough in the books yet, but Lysa is basically all over this guy's dick."

"Lil' Finger." A middle southern woman responds this time, her name is "Dixie" and she is missing an eye and her eye patch.

"Yeah. There's actually this whole love triangle because they grew up together, and LF has always wanted Cat and shit... ANYWAY, he takes advantage of Lysa."

Dixie furrows her brow, "How?"

"He gets HER to poison Jon Arryn!" Uproarious yelling and "Aw shit(s)!" follow, in the afterglow of the revelation, Eric digs through his bag, "I actually was thinking about you guys yesterday..." Riffling around a second longer, he pulls out a stack of library books, obviously stolen, all the current 'Game of Thrones' books, and is rewarded with another round of applause from the vagabonds.

Bazooka tooth makes a face Eric can't quite discern, it's either sexual, cocky or thankful. "You really do care!" The face makes it really hard to tell if that comment is sincere or not, Eric gives a curt nod before adding.

"I'm honestly just kind of getting tired of giving you guys episode by episode synopsises..." Eric stands up with a grunt, "figure you can read while you beg or something. I don't know." He notices the look Bazooka gives him as he stands, not quite as vague. "I've actually got somewhere to be right now though, so I'll see y'all later."

"Still pretty early! Ya sure ya don't want no squirrel, it's Frash!" Dixie called after him.

Eric couldn't help but sigh at that, "No, Dixie, that's gross as fuck. I'm going to go get my free meal from McDonald's or some shit like a normal fucking person-- no one ever wants squirrel! We're vagabonds, not mountainfolk... Jesus--You don't even know how to cook a squirrel! Dixie, go to the shelter for breakfa-- Bazooka, make sure Dixie goes to the shelter today." He turned to walk out of the alley again, he could hear a distinctly southern grumble in the form of 'all y'all had to say was 'no'' and an enthusiastic 'Alright' from Bazooka tooth.

These were the people he called "friends."

He put on his headphones with a shudder-- last night... the music had... "spoken" to him. In a different way than normal, the bars gave him rhythmic instructions, some Prophecy Meeting with the savior and the destroyer. It could've just been MF DOOM being weird, but the rhythm was... divine. As he turned out the alley, he turned on his phone, he went to shuffle on the same playlist, and almost as soon as the Deltron3030 track started, he felt the same tingle in his body. This time the song had instructions-- directions. Something big was going on, either that, or he was finally losing it, either way, Eric had his interest piqued, there was no stopping him.

The words were tailored for his each step-- he was headed to the Fairfield City Morgue.
So the morgue guard was dead.

Eric was no forensics expert, but he looked like he died because he was an old motherfucker. That isn't really what bothered Eric, nor was it the prophecy thingy-- he knew he needed to go to the morgue, his music had become normal as soon as he got here-- no, what nagged at Eric was the fact that a man could die, and not one person would notice. Why hadn't they noticed? Did it really matter? To be fair he was still pretty fresh, again, not a forensics expert, but the guy felt warmer than everything else. Maybe it was five minutes ago he had died?

Eric couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was powerful universal symbolism at play here.

He looked at the crowding sidewalks, if one of them died, just snap-- and fell over dead-- would anyone do anything? Probably. But why? It's not like you know them? Even if you did-- so? It was an inevitability. Wouldn't it be better to just walk over the lump and move on? Maybe push the body off the sidewalk for courtesy. He looked at the old guard again. Like this guy was a courteous guy, he isn't going to be in anyone's way... Eric couldn't tell if he was Diogenes reincarnated, or a homeless person becoming a sociopath.

He took the guard's ring of keys, and silently entered the morgue, muted music playing out of his headphones. He took them off upon seeing the dark haired little girl. "Oh... hey?"
Name: Eric Dumile

Gender: M

Age: Appears as a somewhat tall 12-15 yr old, is actually 23 with a 24th birthday coming in the near future

Personality: Eric is an opinionated free spirit, but his time "in the real world" trying to get a degree, and simply trying to survive, have numbed this with a little nihilism. He questions whether there is actually an objective good or evil, and weather human life actually has any innate value. He holds an appreciation for music, with a special place in his heart for hip hop, the music of gods, philosophy, and all things of the internet and Netflix. He regards "where he grew up" 4chan, with special feelings, he doesn't try to hide the fact that unhealthy amounts of time in his youth and in the present influence who he is. He views capitalism as a game he intends to stop, despite the fact that he views the best way to win is simply not to play. He has never held a legitimate job longer than a week in his life. He is listening to Immortal Technique right now.

History: He was raised middle class, but the day he turned 18, his parents kicked him out. His life has been stints of homelessness, college and crime since then. College was never going to be Eric's style, his teachers in High school had seen this. But he still wished to go, that's what he'd been told was right. Go to school, go to college, get a job, have kids, get a house and a car, settle down, pay your taxes and die. He wasn't stupid, but that didn't change the fact that after a time, he simply didn't want to do the things. The laziness and apathy of young adulthood had stricken him. This was, of course, strengthened by a love for shrooms and weed. Crime paid off, for a time, he even tried his hand at dealing for a stint. But again and again, he couldn't keep up with maintaining his level of comfort as well as college costs, and again and again, he was forced to drop out. He had become extremely disillusioned, tired of all the pettiness and consumerism, and was just ready to give up and begin a life of wandering homelessness. Then he saw the light, while listening to some MF DOOM.

Eric wants to ask you something, if an apparition of a God devoted to everything you loved appeared to you, wouldn't you follow it? Eric has. It led him to a fucking Morgue.

God They Serve: Kirsten: God of Death, or Whatever, Probably

  • Due to what appears to have been a complete lack of any development of the mature traits that typically come with puberty, Eric looks 12. This means he still gets free meals at restaurants, can usually just take public transit for free, and generally do things kids typically get away with without the fear of punishment as an adult. The downside is that this makes doing "adult" things almost impossible.

  • To compensate for this, Eric has become an expert at shoplifting, petty thievery, grand larceny, grand theft auto, and racking up incredible credit debts in the names of other people.

  • He's poor and unmotivated, he's gone, and dropped out of college three times now. With no living family or friends, and a college debt that would impress most-- he truly has nothing left to lose. This had made him, over time, willing to take crazy risks for little gain. He has become good under pressure normally presented by risks

  • (1) Messenger bag (For keeping most of his shit in)

  • (4) Rolling papers (no weed)

  • (1) iPhone w/ headphones(no plan, relies on surrounding wifi)

  • (1) "A-town" snapback (Quick, simple, disguise. Also rep your city)

  • (2) Switchblades w/ frames that look like pens (Simple instruments for attacking, people don't typically think pens can become knives)

  • (1) .44 Revolver w/ full ammo (Gotta keep your heat/gat in the city)

  • (3) Books (For shit to do on the train/bus)

  • (1) Wallet (Why DOES he have this? It's not like he ever actually has any money)

  • (1) Makeup kit (When looking like a kid isn't a good enough disguise; cross dress!)

  • (1) Bike chain w/ lock (Long, reinforced steel chain for his bike-- what? You though he could afford a car? The lock and chain combo are also good for knocking motherfuckers up)
ActRaiserTheReturned said Why doesn't anyone want to worship the middle aged Nerd slightly aspergers wizard, priest god?

You sound alright. A little /r9k/esque, but alright.

But lets be real, if all these gods appeared in real mythology, I would actually devote myself to the once with an appreciation for hip-hop, being a loli is just a bonus.
Do we need to get permission to make heroes? Because I wanna worship the baller loli god.
Worry about college debt as I go to college AND WORRY ABOUT COLLEGE DEBT.

Crazy times we live in.
OtomostheCrazy said I think that could work, as long as we summarize what happened in those conversations here in the OOC. After all, we need to know how a character feels about another character.
How I usually seen it done is that you you usually copy it word for word. And whichever character is posting add their perspective.
TheLonePup said You were obviously high when you played Zeta if you thought it was the best

You don't understand-- it's so fun when you're high, though. Like, there's a fucking samurai, holy shit! And a cowboy, gee that's rad! And a black chick that call you a ho!

Like whoah. Ancient aliens man, wild stuff.
Stuck in a conversational limbo, so sorry I haven't introduced myself to anyone else. Can we agree it might be better to do some of these longer conversations over PM?
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