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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
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The Earth.

Tyler was floating in space-- hundreds, maybe even thousands of miles above the earth-- and just looking at it. He wasn't some astronaut, he wasn't even sure he had his physical body. But he was observing the earth, surrounded by the deadly silence of space, being presented with a picturesque image of his home.

He was aware that he was dreaming.

Tyler had been asleep for some time now. Initially it was a nightmare, he traveled around the earth, completely robbed of a physical form, only able to observe the destruction brought on by the plague and feel absolutely worthless as he could do nothing but watch, that went on for what felt like years. Eventually, however, something changed and that dream gave way to this much more lucid one. He was aware that he was in cryostasis, in a satellite in Earth's orbit. NASA had placed him, and an innumerable amount of other individuals in this state for 50 years. With the hopes that they could fix it, that was certainly in line with his own...

But for all this awareness, he was here, in a subconscious recreation of high earth orbit. Dread and loss filled him, but it was because of his own thoughts, and not those forced upon him by the subconscious self. Space travel was never precise, what if something went wrong? What if it was something as simple as the cryostasis? The technology had been rushed... what if these were his dying thought? He'd been in this state for something that had the feeling of an eternity, but may have only been a few hours. What if everything HAD worked, but he was in a coma? What if he wasn't able to do anything to help with a cure, just like before?

The dream scape changed as Tyler let his mind fill with the doubts and concerns, he began to feel less intangible and more... physical? Was his vision blurring?

”...Ending. Awakening Subject...”

That was all Tyler heard. It was all he wanted to hear. His mind felt a small elation for the first time in what he knew had been some years. He was waking up!

Senses! It felt good to feel those slowly return, groggy as he may have been. His vision was hazy, both because of long period where his eyes had not been used, and that he was still behind the glass of the cryostasis pod. Feeling, that was good, he felt the suit NASA had given him to wear, his locks touching his neck, the taste and feeling of new saliva being made in his dry mouth. He smelled the sterile, recycled air and let out a noise akin to a yawn. Good. He could still make sounds-- and hear at all. His brain got to work rebooting everything for the physical world. The memories came rushing at him like cold water, he had JUST talked to his mother for the last time-- he had JUST gotten in this thing. Even so, all of his family was certainly dead, it had been 50 years!

The pod opened as he began to rediscover movement, starting small. His face, hands and toes-- no nerve damage, it seemed. He took his first step in (technically over) half a century and came falling clumsily out of the pod and onto his face. Good way to start the year, T. He waited on his hands and knees for his body to readjust to the shock and strain of movement. As Tyler took deep breaths in preparation for standing, he heard the voices of his... neighbors? The men and women who had awoken from Cryostasis nearby. A male voice had finished calling out something, 'A hello maybe?' a feminine voice closer to him, she seemed to be speaking to make sure she still could. As he finally stood, another, deeper male voice, closer still to where he was, gave him his first coherent sentence from another human being in over 50 years. "Two hundred years huh? Hope you guys said your goodbyes."

The voice let out a chuckle at this before dying down. Panic-- that was new. Not quite welcome, but refreshing. Tyler turned to check the date on the pod to confirmed was met with a horrible reality. 2230. It didn't strike him as hard on a personal level, but on a practical one. The plague was strong. Potential extinction strong. What would happen when they returned to earth? If everything was automated, they'd presumably return fine, but what about after that? Nothing? Was there even a NASA anymore? What if they landed in the fucking ocean?

Tyler quieted the doubts. He could address them as they came, getting hysterical now would do no good. The hallway of pods was sleek and sterile, and his neighbors didn't seem to know anymore than he did. "So." He couldn't think of the proper thing to say in this situation. There was none. "200 years." he parroted, absolutely dumbfounded as to what he should do next. For a moment he clenched his eyes shut, opening them, he said the best thing to come to his mind, "How do we get down?" Were they even still in space?
I planed on separating Eve/David by post after their intro, so I'll probably do a post of his walk to the hotel and talking with Hailey and Richard soon. If you want to do a collab let me know.
Sorry about the character steering, I tried to keep it to a minimum but I figured a small amount of it also comes with the position.
"and what are we doing if you dont want to talk?"

Kukcoo had just suppressed a blush when the young Nimin came up to her with the new situation. "Have you seen the executive officer or captain around anywhere?" Thankfully the Nimin girl was low-level security, as much as she hated to admit it, top brass wasn't too fond of fraternizing, she quickly moved herself an appropriate distance from Isaac, and was about to respond to the girl's inquiry, before she seemed to realize something and asked another question. "Or if you don't know where they are, perhaps you could help. You see, ma'am, I believe there's someone suspicious on the ship. I saw him leap away from the window..."

Oh, shit.

Kukcoo's mind shifted into work mode, she began thinking of theories and plans of action, in her stead, Isaac answered the girl "Unless Kuckoo know's of their locations, I guess you have to do with us, I may not be security but I can help with a simple matter as this" He was right. She didn't know the location of officers or captains, and although the situation could escalate, it certainly wasn't dire. So she definitely had cause to act independently. Given what they knew, this wouldn't be another Sector 7 massacre or anything, still, it wouldn't hurt to keep quiet about it, no need causing a riot.

Kukcoo put on a polite smile as she began to speak, "I'm glad you came to me when you did!" She placed a reassuring hand on the Nimin girl's arm as she went on, "This isn't a cause for worry-- we'll just need to quietly slip in, solve the problem, and slip out, easy enough for IGCP's best!" Moving over to the crate Gogo was sleeping on, she knocked twice, waking the grumpy Nymph up with a shot, a snort, and a scowl on her face-- If anyone else had tried waking Gogo up, they'd have been dead in that moment. Without missing a step, Kukcoo moved back to Isaac and the Nimin.

"We're dealing with an amateur here." Kukcoo started gesturing for them to follow her toward the ship, "A skilled one, granted, but an amateur." She stopped at the entrance of the ship and turned to her new 'party,' "They could only possibly be a spy, a thief, or a saboteur--" She began, "My money is on thief. A spy would have tried to blend in with the crowd, and a saboteur wouldn't so greatly risk being caught. Our target isn't working with faction-- if he is, it's a minor one. More likely, he is a privately hired mercenary or working independently. He's skilled to have gotten this far, but only an amateur makes the mistake of being seen-- he may not even be armed." Kukcoo bit her lip as she considered her next step, "Gogo, I want you on perimeter. No one enters or exits this ship-- that's an order." She didn't waste the time to see if any of that registered with her distant cousin before she shifted her gaze to Isaac and the Nimin, "You two; with me."

The three entered the Exeralune.

Upon entry, the three stood in the main corridor of the freshly renewed ship. They didn't really have time to wax poetic about it's beauty however, Kukcoo immediately asked of Isaac, "How soon can you get us the ship's video footage? I want to know where our thief came in and where he is now." While waiting for his answer, she turned to the young Nimin, "And you..." She looked the girl up and down before an impish smile crossed her lips, "I don't know your name yet!"
AYoungWarthog said .........Mr. NCR, do you remember that time that sixty Paladins held off hundreds of NCR Troops at Helios? Yeah? I'm sure ninety Paladins and Knights can destroy a few hundred tribals using spears... The spears'll just break over the power armor we wear. Then we will use our trusty AER9 and AER12 rifles to vaporize them. :)

Remember when the Vipers #rekt the BoS with simple poisoned weapons? And how even when they got the advantage they weren't able to EVER completely wipe them out?
Notice how every time the BoS actually want to do something they need the help of some random tribal?

More like Brotherhood of Shit, lol
AUGH That post was kind of rough, they'll be better when interactions are with other people. Also I need sleep.
David could only let out an audible sigh, he wasn't one to say "I told you so," but the situation he currently found himself in certainly warranted it. He might very well be late for his flight-- their flight, technically. While he wasn't particularly looking forward to it, the flight to Brazil was a very generous gift, he wouldn't want to inconvenience someone by missing the flight. Eve, David's step-sister, was driving like a maniac, eating a leg of chicken wrapped in waffles, and talking on the phone with their mother-- well, her mother, his step-mother about the situation. Eve was certainly breaking traffic laws, and perhaps even a few laws of physics, based on the speeds she traveled down the freeway with. Eve had always been able to do impressive things like that without much thought, regardless, the matter at hand was that they both had 1 hour to get to the airport, that seemed to be 30 minutes away.

Eve nearly chocked on her food responding to her mother, her sultry, accented voice sounded over the car radio, "Yes madre, we're like 5 minutes away--"

They most certainly were not 5 minutes away, still, David's downcast eyes flicked over to the dim glow of the car radio clock; 5:55 am. We shall see.

"I will make sure he gets there, madre." At this Eve gave an overly obvious wink to David, he did not reciprocate, "Si, si, si. I'll be at her hostel downstate for about as long as he's gone..." That was a lie. Eve was going with David to Brazil for the "stress-relief" or whatever the company wanted young adults in Brazil for. David was the original heir of the trip, Eve was apparently able to get an extension of his own invitation to her. She isn't telling their mother or father she's going because she should technically be taking classes.

The thing with Eve was, she just didn't care.

"Si, mama-- papa, too!" She had perfected a tone of voice for talking with their parents, she gave a final "Love you!" in a cheerful tone before hanging up the phone. This pleased Eve greatly, as it meant she could return the car radio volume to 'lethal' volumes.

David glanced back at the clock, 5:57. "Evelyn!" David had to exert his typically reserved voice for her to hear his cry.

She turned down the volume again, and asked with a mouth full of chicken and waffle, "Que?"

"Do you really think it's safe to be going this fast?" The gray of the asphalt blended with the green of the trees as they speed by on the freeway, it was early though, and not many other cars were present.

"Oh suuuuure." She responded playfully, "Por que, Davy? You worried about me?" Eve placed a hand over her heart and exaggerated her surprise as she said this.

"Well, this is kinda just your friend's car..."


"And neither of us actually have a license..."

"Mmmhmm?" She took another bite of the wafflechicken.

"O-or a permit!"


"And this car isn't even insured!" David couldn't understand how she could be so reckless and nonchalant about all of this.

She didn't respond to this, she just looked at him, she did this whenever he might say or ask something she didn't approve of, but might not feel like explaining why. David had already been siting in a reserved manner, but her glare must have made him sink several inches further into the seat of the filthy car. It felt like an eternity-- How could she even do that!? Drive and stare so intently at him? It was always surprising to David exactly how much of free spirit Eve was, it was also one of the only things that reminded him the two weren't 'really' related. "Davy?"

The sudden vocalization pulled him out of his reverie, had he been sleeping? "Yes?"

"We're here."

Hearing this, his eyes immediately went to the clock; 6:00 AM. No way. He looked over at Eve, who only had her typical smug smile on, "Definitely a new record of some kind..." She moved to the backseat of the filthy car to remove her 'luggage' just two book bags of different designs, knowing Eve they could contain anything from trip necessities to 80 pounds of MDMA. David had a laptop case and an actual suitcase-- so that'd be next. They needed to check in their luggage, and then go to security. Eve marched ahead, listening to some music-- maybe they wouldn't be late? David let out a sigh and followed.
"I'm up at midnight, I'm dippin' off in my Nizzikes, A gun and a metal pizzipe, a knizzife is to my rizzight, I'm lurkin' servin' on pussies who lack a purpose, I've got 'em filled up with frizzight like Mizzike is you all rizzight?"

Eve felt herself nudged by her seatmate, apparently she had begun to recite the lyrics of the songs she was listening to, switching from Hardcore Hip Hop to more Chill IDM, she found herself trying to emulate her brother a few rows ahead of her. Sleep was good, it'd do to pass the time. While she briefly considered texting a few of her friends, they were definitely on the plane-- her final verdict, a yawn-- advised against it.

When she awoke, the plane was apparently in Rio. Distantly following David, she traced his steps to see where she should go herself. Her trailing eventually led her to the "Teen-Stress Relief" counter, just her name and passport was enough to get all the information she needed-- the hotel, the key, and room number, 2. Exiting the airport, Eve noticed that, perhaps to get away from her, David opted to walk the several blocks to the hotel.

Maybe he just needs some alone time?

Eve was able to put that out of her mind for the second, and recalled her knowledge of Portuguese to hail a taxi. Pretty soon she found herself at the impressive looking hotel, sooner still, she found herself in front of the room that would be her new temporary home. Eve entered 'dos' and did three things in a very specific order-- Plug her phone into a charger, turn on Cartoon Network, and finally collapse on the bed. Seizing her phone once more, she sent a mass text to her friends;

'So I thought Brazil was the big booty capital of the world? I have yet to see a fabled big booty bitch.'
AllOurPrettySongs said @wintergrey here you go. And @AliceZaru thank you for the suggestion but this is who I based her on. (:

Die Antwood is high tier.
"well she is relaxed" Isaac said, observing Gogo entering her patented comatose state. Kukcoo wasn't sure Gogo was actually physically capable of relaxation, but still, the deadpan comment got a chuckle out of her. How he responded to her next question surprised her, happiness was something she had yet to achieve in her position, she found herself forgetting that other people did do things like this because it was their 'lifelong passion' or such. In Isaac's case, it was an ascended hobby-- She didn't know everything but it certainly sounded ideal... For a job to also be a hobby.

If only listening to music was a job.

His next question surprised her even more than his response to her own, although she should have anticipated it, "so, what about you, your a pretty high rank here, how you manage that?"

How DID she manage it? Nepotism? Luck? A tiny amount of skill? The question made her more anxious-- incredibly so. She tried not to let her hands shake as she took another puff, she wouldn't let him know how piercing that question was, she could answer it fine.

Out of the corner of her, she spotted (and heard) an Korrvain male make a very lively and jovial entrance. Even though it was a split second glance, she couldn't help but feel the racial resentment... and, the perfect excuse. Perfect, saved by the asshole! Kukcoo feigned surprise and fear, deftly grabbed Isaac's hand, and hid on the other side of him. "Hide me!" She whisper-screamed in mock terror, "I don't want that guy to see me! He might want to..." She pantomimed a gag, "...Talk."
Question; Did you have an experiment idea for Vault 59 or is it up to me?
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