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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
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In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
HylianRose said -pokes thread-

So... I'll be trying to work on actually getting the Character List together later today and then we'll discuss more about... that... dynamic thingy you guys want.

So, while I'm gone...

We have options. We can do a simple "What does you character think of everyone?" thing where you list all the characters and say what they think of them. I'd even have a system for checking it quickly. I.E. % = Like ^ = Dislike, etc etc. It'll be cooler than that though... Anyway...


We can just do it informally without much order. I personally prefer the former because it's more structured and that's the way I roll, but if you guys want it, we can do it informally and I'll try my best to facilitate it... or something. -shrugs- I haven't the foggiest. Remember that they've only been a group for a few weeks or so. Which, -looks to Chuks- we need to decide exactly how long they've been playing and stuff. So we need to decide how long the character has been playing and how long they have been a part of the group and who started it. It could be Prince that started it kind of... half heartedly after meeting Cynthia but Cynthia is probably one of the first people from the group that he met. In fact, I think she is. So... there's that.

-rolls around anxiously-

I've had lunch and I haven't had dinner so I need to go stuff my face with the like... 5 minutes have left before I need to leave so... TOODLES.

I vote for option A, but would like to add an addendum, that pre-existing relationships stated in the OOC, don't mean they can't change with the natural flow of things in the IC.

Like, Grey and Marinette could totally have the friendly rivalry thing going on, but that doesn't mean maybe later they become thief-bros or something.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Marinette was brought out of a musical trance by Hazard's comment. She looked at her fellow sand dweller with a confused expression. "But dude-- TV dinners are the best." The mention of rocks prompted her to get up and stretch, she aimlessly paced the room before continuing, "Like, no offense, Catty, but have you guys never been to K-Wall-Trader Joes-Mart? They just expanded their selection of Girl Scout cookie flavored Pad Thai. Shit's amazing."

She rested again against the back of the couch, the song currently blasting into her artificial ears was some odd mixture of reggae, soft rock, hip hop and washing machine sounds-- very soothing. Ness, the player behind the character, much preferred convenience and practicality over senseless hassle. Having grown up practically impoverished, he found extravagant meals to be a waste of time and money, and gravitated toward the simple and fast-- having practically lived off of ramen since middle school, this habit bled over into other things, and it was why he found Paradise-- the character he could be, as well as the world itself, in it's elegant simplicity-- so desirable. With access to the internet, he could take his classes and do his work from here. It was a perfect set up.

"And I'll be honest..." Marinette continued, leaning her head back with the beat of a song only she could hear, "I think I've had the best food while in here..." Ness had been logged in as Marinette for about 72 hours at this point. "But MAYBE, that's just a lame and corny reason, like the power of friendship or something..."
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
'Our love is fading away, away, away, away, away...'

Marinette bobbed her head with the beat, by now her fellow clan members knew about her audio addiction-- they also knew, however, that she was listening to everything they said. From Cynthia's armor problems to Raijin bitching about having to get up, Marinette's head rested precariously on her arm as the discussion continued. She considered these people her friends, and even if it was a character, they considered her one, just getting to hear their banal banter was a blessing.

"Right, but only so many people want to play as the worst possible class, Grey-kun." She said, smirking playfully. "The armor's so heavy because otherwise it'd literally have no downside," She paused to get up from the table, only to go collapse on the carpet in between the couch and the TV, "I mean, at least at this stage in the game, that stuff is a fucking stonewall." She stared at the ceiling of the cave from the ground, "But even the speed penalty isn't that much of a debuff, all you'd really have to do is get good--" Marinette's head turned to look at Cynthia, "Do you even lift, Cynthia?"

"Also--" She sat up to face the companion who had just walked in, "Hey Catty. Do you know why we're waiting? These guys won't tell me."
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Raijinslayer said I watched Big hero 6 today, it was friggin' amazing. it had a great story, great cast, great visuals, great everything. And the best part, no pointless romance. 10/10, I wish I had the money to see it again. Haven't liked a movie this much since how to train your dragon 2.

Did you not see and/or like Guardians of the Galaxy.?

ProfessorNV said yes yes YES. amazing movie :3 "I am not fast"

Guys stop, you're making me so jealous.

I'm not going to get to see it for another 3 weeks, at minimum.
Kukcoo had been walking to the ship's cafeteria when the she heard the voice over the intercom, it wasn't electronic like Isaac. Kukcoo's body froze in place as the grave voice-- the Captain-- spoke:

"Yes, this is Captain Ahn Vora of the Exeralune speaking. Am I on? Yes? Well, I request everyone to man their battle stations on the Exeralune and prepare for lift-off. This is not a drill. I have reasonable suspicions that a planetary bombardment is in progress, likely from a single, or small group of enemy ships. I'll be arriving with all due haste, but please be ready by the time I arrive. All non-combat personnel, find your room mentioned in your data packet and wait. That is all."

The adrenaline hit her body hard. Kukcoo abandoned the search for the stowaway; the ship needed to be gone-- and the crew needed to inside. Her gravity boots sparked on, the red gems glowed with life and the boots began pulsating. Then she was levitating. She didn't have time to appreciate the miracle of flight granted by her well worn boots, she propelled herself through the corridors of the Exeralune, zipping through the hallways toward the entrance she had used not 5 minutes prior. Her mind explored possibilities-- Could this ship survive a direct hit? The warehouse certainly couldn't, it'd be a nice buffer, but it would only lessen the damage so much...

Isaac rounded the corner just as she did, and she had to swerve to get her boots to stop their jet propulsion. It was an inappropriate time, but as he walked towards her, she realized his eyes were a bright and intense goldenrod in color. She had just pegged him as human... That could wait though. He nodded toward her, "whats the plan?"

Her voice was calm, "Well--"

“Aye!” That obnoxious voice could only belong to a Korrvain, there was only one here, thankfully, “I dunno who’s in charge here, but until ye reveal yeself, this is what we’re doin’. These attackers may get here before the cap’ does, and if we all stuff into the ship we’ll be cornered. You bunch, get inside the ship and make sure the other crew is safe. The rest of us are gonna put up a defensive formation around the ship..."

Her demeanor became markedly more annoyed. She answered Isaac's question with haste, "I need you to get this ship ready to leave, and keep an eye on radar. When the blasts get too close you get us out of here, the Captain should be here soon, we leave the second he steps on this ship. If you can't do that..." She observed the Korrvain, organizing his defense. Against what? Death rays from space? She turned to Isaac, "...Then you find someone who can, and relay the order from me!" She let out an audible sigh, "... I... need to go handle this." With that, she left Isaac to tend to the technical side of emergency lift-off preparations.

"...Any objections?” was all Kukcoo could hear as made her way down the hallway toward a still open entrance to the ship. Yes, quite a few, actually.

Kukcoo emerged into the warehouse like an asteroid belt murderbeast, "What the hell are you all doing!? You heard Captain's orders! We're preparing for an emergency lift-off, not fighting insurgents!" Her voice boomed through the warehouse, It had the scolding of an angry mother combined with the fear inducing quality of an angry comet wolf. Her small body levitated over an entrance to the ship and she continued, "Everyone. In the Exeralune-- NOW. Or we will be leaving without you."

That last bit got their attention. The various security personnel who had decided to follow the Korrvain's orders made their way into the ship, she'd need to remember to reprimand them all later-- She wanted to reprimand the Korrvain now-- But her desire to get everyone off the planet safely was (however slightly) stronger than her prejudice toward the Korrvain.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
*plays song of time*
How is errybody?
It could just be holiday slowness, I just shot them a PM to check up.

But we can probably just keep going with whatever and update them whenever they get back, the plot seems to be player driven as long as nothing too crazy happens.
The Township and the airport are primed for the taking, sorry if the post seems a little rushed-- I originally wanted to describe what Aesir and the girls were doing as the night happened, but I realized that'd have been against the whole point of covert operations, so I did a slight time skip to the dawn (or just before it).

(Also updated CS with names, more reasonable numbers for a group of spies, better descriptions of things and (spoilers) deaths in the Cascadians)
Operation: Swooping Crane





Aesir's journal - "Operation: Swooping Crane_1" holotape no.2

"This was really the best you guys could afford to get us?

"I'm not arguing with command or anything, I know caps are a tight resource in what is basically an all out war... But still...

"10 minutes is a really short window of time to get 6 bodies and like 50 pounds of explosives and guns into 3 crates, that's all I'm saying.

"The ride has been bumpy thus far, but I really don't have any complaints, a few of the girls even found it soothing enough to take a nap. I brought a few of these tapes, so I figured I'd use them to bide my time constructively. It is now 1440, or about that time, the Caravan has been moving constantly since we left Yakima territory, and barring any unexpected interruptions, we should reach the bridge in about an hour.

"I will update then."


Aesir's journal - "Operation: Swooping Crane_2" holotape no.3

"So it's Narfi and Nari who volunteered to take out the bridge.Their jobs are incredibly important to the success of this operation, falling more on the 'conquer' side of the mission than active sabotage. With the majority of the township's forces focused on the north and the airport, the eastern bridge should be the only location any patrols are sent most of the night, having those taken out any time, along with the sentries and guards stationed at the bridge, over time, will contribute to the attrition of the townships forces.

"They ALSO will hold a strategic point for any forces wishing to attack the airport from behind, and of course any supplies found at the bridge outpost will be ours for the taking.

"...Hmmm? Oh... Oh! They're leaving now-- I'll be right back--



Aesir's journal - "Operation: Swooping Crane_2" holotape no.3


"Okay! So those two are gone; that just leaves me, Notte, Vanir, and Freya. They used their stealth boys as planned, and the lack of gunfire seems to indicate that everything worked out. So, current status: Bridge as good as secured, 2 currently deployed, 4 remaining. They didn't don't need any explosives... At least, I don't think they did? They didn't take any either way, so they'd *better* be okay with just the knives and guns.

"Ah yes! Speaking of those guns, send whoever got to work on those so quickly my thanks! They aren't made of stopping power, but they'll be more than enough for our purposes!"


Aesir's journal - "Operation: Swooping Crane_3" holotape no.4

"Okay, everyone's left but me, each deployment seems to have been successful, and the Caravan is approaching the end of New Dalles' territorial claim, so I'll be leaving soon. As far as mission status goes, I figured I should elaborate on what each of us are doing.

"We're acting independent of specific orders, but our general mission going into this is two-pronged. One: Sabotage or destroy any military equipment, or equipment that may be useful to New Dalles, any vehicles, mounted guns, and the like, as well as strategically placing mines and traps to further weaken their forces in the morning. Two: The assassination of anyone in this territory with any type of power, this includes men and women with military leadership, as well as any community leaders. We will gather this information through... creative... interrogation of soldiers and citizens.

"With this... umm... what was it called? Trojan horse? What's a Trojan? What's a horse??? With this "Hide-In-Caravan-To-Get-Into-The-Township-Without-Them-Knowing" strategy, I think we can theoretically have this place ready for claiming in one night.

"Because rest assured, anyone who might put up resistance will be killed tonight.

"Even more will be killed by the explosives in the morning, and while we can't take out all the forces stationed north without risking direct combat, we will be scattering them in the morning. When all of us fire off our flares, we'll trigger our C4. Ignoring the casualties that will cause, the forces stationed at the airport, without a central command, should scatter.

"There will be some fighting, but it should be so minimal the airport and Township will all but be thrown into Yakima control."


The flares went early into the dying night sky. Aesir hadn't fired her's, and it hadn't come from the bridge. The Cascadian general made her way through the alleys of the township northward, the planned meeting point was where the Mechanized Battalion should be stationed, she assumed her girls would make their way there.

The explosions began. People were waking up.

They weren't horribly behind schedule, but still-- it wasn't dawn, they had more time. Who fired early?

The dawn sun shone on the encampment, engines began to purr with a foreign sound as the drivers and soldiers of the Mechanized Battalion began the morning preparations. Aesir waited in the shade of a tent as her spies found their ways back to her, Notte and Vanir already had, their nights having gone similar to her own, successful, just cut a bit short. Aesir had already been growing worried, so seeing Nari running toward the tent, bloody and crying, nearly gave her a heart attack, Aesir rushed to meet her, followed by Notte and Vanir.

Aesir blasted Nari with questions as the girl tried to catch her breath, "What happened? Where's your sister? Who's blood is that?"

Nari eventually recovered, and answered slowly and deliberately, as if weighed by some heavy knowledge, "Narfi's fine, she stayed at the bridge to continue holding it. Blood isn't mine it's..."

"Freya? Is she--"

"Nah... the person... the kid... who tagged her. Commander's son, she didn't expect him to... She's dead, kid is too. Body got vaporized...."

Nari continued her attempts at catching her breath when she finished. Aesir and Vanir stood in silent shock, Notte broke down in tears.

Still here!
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