Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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"Enjoy it? Ha!" She laid back in the seat and looked blankly ahead, as if the memories were being presented like a movie, "It's... my life." Can that be your life anymore? You've seen how easy it is to die... How do you know-- She shook the though from her mind and expanded, "I was the same way as you; Dad was the doctor, Mom was... a lawyer? A business executive? Still not really sure. Anyway, perfect life. Except I was never good at anything but... music. I love melody and lyricism and cadence, I figured, 'I already know what I want to do, so why am I in school?' So like, I dropped out."

"Of course, my parents weren't too happy about that, and they kicked me out. So I just..." Denny gave a little shrug, "Kept making music. I DJed, I sung, I played with bands, I wrote songs, helped produce some beats... Hell, I even did a little battle rapping at one point." She gave a dry chuckle, "I'd say it worked out in the end, but we're driving in a stolen truck to keep away from weird... sick... weirdos..." She rolled her eyes, allowing herself to peer at the passing corpses one more, it was all they had passed, no other cars were on the road.

A though popped into her head and she opened up the glove box, "I could never learn the guitar," she rummaged around looking for something, "I mostly work with digital software, but I took singing lessons, and piano lessons... and taught myself a lot of percussion... But I never got the guitar." She closed the glove box, visibly disappointed, "I was hoping they had a map..."
Orchestratic said I soooo want to be in this, but I'm geographically stupid. .____. I would just go learn it, but chemo-brain prevents me from retaining knowledge like that unless I study everyday. While not knowing anything about Puerto Libre would I still be able to join?Also, hi again Polyphemus. :D

You're in luck! It's completely fictional! I can give you more details on Puerto Libre later, when I finish working through the map, but right now, your characters would be getting information packets from the school pre-RP.

Gisk said You just sat here and name dropped three different things I love(guess which ones)I'd love to join, I've had a lot of fun masterminding mystery RPs before, I think it would be fun to be on the other side.

Nightvale, Twin Peaks, Persona? (just a hunch)

Tyrant from the West said I might be up for this! Mind if i stalk around for a bit?

No prob, Bob.

Unless you're BOB, then we might have a prob.
I think right now I'm going to label Puerto Libre as a United States Associated State, kinda like Palau, but with more... liberty. They've got their own currency, system of government, infrastructure, etc. but they also have a US embassy, military base, and an agreement with the US that allows Puerto Librens to live in the US as expats and vice versa. They're sovereign and autonomous in all matters but military, and even that's negligible-- the biggest US influences on Puerto Libre are language (most people besides the Natives and Tribals speak English, or some understandable corruption of it) and business.

And yes, they're a HUGE tourist trap-- both for people looking for the paranormal as well as normal vacationers that want the Caribbean experience without as much of the sun.
"Hmmm," Denny tapped her bottom lip, thinking of the most appropriate response to the request, "Well... Denny! There's an interesting story behind that nickname..." She paused, thinking of where to begin, looking out the window, she could see the detritus of the city flying in the breeze as they drove down the suburban street, rare were the reanimated standing sick corpses of Colorado citizens, but they did remind her this wasn't some evening drive.

"My father is..." The words came automatically, she hadn't even taken a moment to consider her family in all this, "...was, a doctor. But when I was coming up, he was still in med school. So him and his work friends, they'd go to-- you can probably already tell-- Dennys... Well, my mom was still doing her hippie thing, so I'd actually be going with him to all these late night Dennys trips. I mean, he'd never outright ignore me, I'd always get to go in and get something. But, I wouldn't know why so I started asking him, and he'd always cook up some fantastical answer, that late night Dennys was magic. Really, it's just that he'd a med student in bum-fuck Colorado and Dennys is the only thing open, but I was young, and I started to believe the stories he'd tell me about the magical food..."

She caught a glimpse of Charlie's appraising eye before continuing, "... So I'd always ask for Dennys, because I thought it was magic! Breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I'd bug everyone about it-- there was only one nearby too, so I got to know the employees. Eventually I became 'little Dennys,' which is... really cheesy, now that I think about it... but that made it's way home and into school... Eventually I did grow out of eating that stuff all the time, but the nickname stuck, kinda. So, when I um, got into music, and being serious about it, I needed a DJ name, so I went with Denny!" She gave another thoughtful pause before finishing, "But really, I don't even like Dennys now..."

Danielle's head tilted as she leaned over toward Charlie, "Okay! Your turn!" Really. If it wasn't for the occasional walking corpse or gunshot in the distance, this night would have been downright pleasant.
General Interest thread

So I've been brainstorming with this idea for a while, and I was wondering if there would be any actual interest?

More or less; the RP would take place on a fictional Caribbean island (I'm thinking of Puerto Libre) that's famous for it's abundant fog and it's frequent unexplainable events. I wouldn't want to limit the amount of players that can join, but the first round would be a group of students entering an experimental boarding school/exchange program on the island. There would be a plot and I'd be controlling most NPCs as well as detailing your interactions with the environment, but I wouldn't remove your autonomy, and if you decided you wanted to do your own thing, you could totally do that. But remember, in keeping with Twin Peaks and Persona, this IS a murder mystery with very real supernatural dangers, and consequences for ignoring hints or spiritual advice may be negative-- INCLUDING DEATH (I actually kind of want that to be a very real threat).

I'm thinking of keeping things episodic to help give us a sense of time, as well as this, there would be a LOT of one on one with players and the supernatural world, for this I would PM players. You could then choose whether or not to share this with your fellow players IC. The supernatural figures would be both original, and based on 'real' tales.

So--- supernatural, psychological-thriller, murder-mystery, slice-of-lifeish, plot AND character driven RP where death is a very real possibility (but this IS about spooky stuff, so death might not be the end).

I'm thinking anywhere between low-high casual for this.

Anyone interested?

I've got specifics of the plot and Puerto Libre pretty much done, so feel free to ask anything. Also, I'm VERY open to suggestions!
Casual Interest thread!

So I've been brainstorming with this idea for a while, and I was wondering if there would be any actual interest?

More or less; the RP would take place on a fictional Caribbean island (I'm thinking of Puerto Libre) that's famous for it's abundant fog and it's frequent unexplainable events. I wouldn't want to limit the amount of players that can join, but the first round would be a group of students entering an experimental boarding school/exchange program on the island. There would be a plot and I'd be controlling most NPCs as well as detailing your interactions with the environment, but I wouldn't remove your autonomy, and if you decided you wanted to do your own thing, you could totally do that. But remember, in keeping with Twin Peaks and Persona, this IS a murder mystery with very real supernatural dangers, and consequences for ignoring hints or spiritual advice may be negative-- INCLUDING DEATH (I actually kind of want that to be a very real threat).

I'm thinking of keeping things episodic to help give us a sense of time, as well as this, there would be a LOT of one on one with players and the supernatural world, for this I would PM players. You could then choose whether or not to share this with your fellow players IC. The supernatural figures would be both original, and based on 'real' tales.

So--- supernatural, psychological-thriller, murder-mystery, slice-of-lifeish, plot AND character driven RP where death is a very real possibility (but this IS about spooky stuff, so death might not be the end).

I'm thinking anywhere between low-high casual for this.

Anyone interested?

I've got specifics of the plot and Puerto Libre pretty much done, so feel free to ask anything. Also, I'm VERY open to suggestions!
Paradigm Shift said new crazies

Dinh AaronMk said Obviously we should bow to a diarchy forged at the head by two god-monarchs who are immortal and sun and moon kings. Such figures being able to balance security and freedom with such magic.

Solar plebs gonna pleb.

I'd rather worship the one true crystal god-monarch like nature intended.
Denny gave a tiny smile when Charlie wiped away the tears, she was never particularly that uncomfortable about showing her own weakness or emotions when she felt them, but that Charlie, a person she essentially just met, didn't persecute her for crying, it meant something to Danielle.

"R-right." Denny gave another smile in response before finding herself surprised at Charlie's strength, Denny was practically pulled along as Charlie rushed along the street to a truck she seemed to recognize. Cars were good. The sick couldn't get you in cars, and it'd be harder for cops and rioters.

Denny kept quiet as Charlie broke the glass to the truck and began the task of turning on the car, apparently lacking a key, keeping watch, knowing that the breaking glass might attract noise. She found herself drawn back to studying Charlie though, curiosity overcoming her fear of the sickly risen dead. Hot-wiring was a skill Danielle had never learned, so she took interest in her new companion as she worked, and couldn't help but let out an audible 'yes!' when the engine actually began to purr.

Her cheers died down when she noticed the blood coming from Charlie's cheek. "Oh!" Denny rummaged in her bag, "Ouch. Revenge of the window..." She continued looking for a moment, noting that the horde was quickly approaching, she let out another small cheer when she found what she was looking for.

"Oh-kay!" She unwrapped the small moist towelette, Danielle couldn't help but smirk, "You know this is going to sting..." Before Charlie could object Denny used the towelette to wipe up the blood and disinfect the cut, "Glass scrapped you... you probably already knew that..." She carefully placed a band-aid, "Still..." She lingered in applying the bandage, "Best to not risk infection, you never know... It, umm, might hurt to smile in a few hours."
”I can’t just sit around doing nothing after doing that for 200 years…”

Tyler chuckled at the brunette, Raina's, response. He couldn't help but let it out, it was absurd and also completely spot on. For Tyler, it wasn't personal reasons that made the miscalculation so heavy, but the implications, both medically and in regards to society itself. Would he still be able to have the family he promised his mother and father he'd start one day? Would he even make it back to earth? So to hear someone disregard his advice, quite logically when viewed objectively, so casually-- because they'd done nothing for 200 years. It helped put a smile on his face.

"That..." He replied to Raina in his accented voice, "...is fair." Still, joking aside, he realized what NASA had sent him up here for, he'd need to evaluate everyone as soon as possible, they barely knew what 50 years in cryostasis, while in low gravity orbit-- 200 years, plus having to experience re-entry while awake... He'd need to do his job.

But he couldn't do that up here.

Thomas explained that he could get them down. That was all Tyler heard, for more reasons than doing his job too, he had been asleep for two centuries and the curiosity wouldn't stop biting at him. He gave a sigh as Thomas explained the risks and proposed that they vote. The thought of slowly starving to death in space didn't appeal to him, neither did burning up on re-entry, or perhaps simply landing wrong, but he felt the choice was a clear one. God had placed him here for a reason, he had to trust he could get back and continue doing good, find a life. If that meant trusting this pilot, who was essentially a stranger to him, then so be it. Jared interrupted his thoughts.

"Seeing as flyboy can get us out of here, then let's go already." Crass, yes, but in no way wrong.

Tyler, always the pragmatist, answered Thomas simply, "The sooner we get down, the sooner I can get a read on our vitals."
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