Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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Denny made her way back to the truck with Tomlin and the lad with the swords, picking up her pace as she heard the hoard quickly approach in the distance. She slammed the door and looked back at the group of the sick, now upon them, everyone seemed to be getting away...


The little girl. Danielle couldn't act fast enough. She could barely process it. But within seconds the crowd of sick undead cannibals was upon her small form, the already bloody red teeth tore into the young girl's flesh with a sick squelch. The moans of the putrid turned, drowning out her futile screams-- she couldn't even do that for long, they tore at her throat, they turned the small body of the innocent girl into a pile of meat and blood within seconds.

Denny wanted to help. She wanted to look away. She didn't know what she wanted, but she knew she had to do something. Tears in her eyes, she raised her gun and fired several shots into the crowd, it was too late. She knew it was, she was probably doing more harm than good with her potshots. But to see more death, so graphically and violently, again, happening to someone so young. She lost a part of herself as she watched the young girl die.

Opening the door, she dropped the gun to the asphalt and retched. After a few seconds, she got up, and wiping a few tears away from her eyes, weakly called over to Charlie, "C-Charlie! We have to get out of here!"
Let's just say she didn't get the nickname for her looks.

Also, it's all good. Less free time is expected around the holidays, as a filthy heretic pagan, I am totally looking forward to the solstice tomorrow.
Anyone hype for the solstice tomorrow?

That seemed to be the general consensus amongst the kids- Che caught himself mid-thought, they really weren't much younger than he was- the students. He couldn't blame them, for some of them they had practically traveled half-way around the world just to get to their small little island burg. He hadn't flown half the distance these kids had just to get here in his whole life, but he'd gone far enough to know that jet-lag was a cruel mistress. Jenny was the first to speak up, almost exaggerating her displays of lethargy in the process, pretty much confirming his suspicions, the ones he had every year, they wouldn't be registering anything, not for a good couple hours at least. Mary will still freak out about it, but at least they wouldn't be the types to go get themselves shitfaced right off the plane.

At least, that was his theory until Max spoke up.

He didn't seem upbeat, but he wasn't just content to yawn and stare at the ceiling, either; he said what the rest of them were probably thinking. 'Cherry bomb' made Che chuckle, half-genuine, half-rehearsed. The plump man shifted his position on the bench to face Max, answering the question that was almost certainly only asked to keep away the silence.

"Well, there are the private ones, but you have to pay for those, and," He grunted, "You could always swim..." He turned again to Dana, "As for the fog..." He chuckled, "No one actually knows! Weather science is a huge field here, Puerto Libre pretty much made meteorology what it is today, and our Universities and academic communities put a lot toward its research... but no one actually knows!"

Che raised his hands in a kind of shrug motion, a smile rising on his face, "We have plenty of hypotheses, but not a single accepted theory, everything from magnetic pole interference, to gravity wells pulling more moisture from the atmosphere... I once heard someone say it might just be an underwater volcano's steam..." He gave another tired chuckle, "Put simply, though, most locals seem to think of the fog as the spirits of our ancestors... Maybe they're right too..."

As Che finished the sentence, the loud purr of the old ferry boat consumed the background noise of the world. He checked his watch, more out of habit than anything, he knew exactly what time it was, 6:30, and they'd be there at exactly 6:45, that's how it always was.


A distant, loud voice started Che out of his seat, he left the cabin for the deck to check on the commotion. Three silver figures ran along the dock to catch up with the ferry, now slowly moving away from the Atoll. One threw a suitcase onto the boat before making a jump for it, Che barely had the time to catch it.
James Santiago could feel the fires of hell in his chest as he ran, he knew he could still catch that 6:30.

Behind him, he could practically feel the grip of one of Biez's goons-- he couldn't look behind to check it was only one, too much time. Just call it a hunch, or blind hope, that he had lost them all but one. Ahead of him, was Princess, who, for a drunkard, could run incredibly fast. He figured that was probably the thing she got in exchange for having no ass.


He knew the ferry wouldn't wait. The ferry never waited. His real hope was that maybe someone on board would help him, as he ran down the old wooden dock he new he was going to have to jump.


He tossed his suitcase onto the boat, using that as some sort of measurement of the distance. The fog made it hard to see, but he knew it made it. His chest burned and the end of the dock approached, it was now or never.

Princess jumped.

His run came to a halt as his mouth became agape.

Princess REALLY jumped.

Glancing behind him, he could see the same dumbfounded expression on Biez's lackey. He smirked, and resumed his pace for the last few steps of the slippery wharf and made the jump, hoping to grab the guard rail of the ferry, with all kinds of hope in his burning heart.
The fear of the Gods and the Loa could be seen in Che's eyes as Princess, the island famous drunkard, displayed an impossible feat of human strength in her jump to the boat. She wasn't able to land the jump, of course, and face planted against the side of the cabin, and rolled onto deck, only kept on the boat by a guard rail. Che would have rushed over to tend to her, but in the fog he saw another figure preparing to jump.

His brother.

Throwing don the suitcase, Che made his way to the back of the boat, just in time to catch the hand of James, his older brother, who had slightly missed the guardrail he was probably aiming for.

"Gracias, hermano!" Jame answered with a dumb grin on his face, he was panting like a dog, and, in a way that annoyed Che to no end, had an expression that seemed to imply he had planned this all from the start. Che could only reply with a face that looked half-relieved and half-horrified, his grip was strained, it was the only thing holding his brother out of the water. On the dock, the man yelled at the ferry as it bobbed away, something about James being a dead man, Che didn't quite process it.

James noticed this bewilderment, and whistled to get Che's attention, "Hey! Hermano! I can't explain a damn thing dangling like this ship's sack!"

Che shook off his shock and hoisted his brother onto the ferry with a grunt. "Boat." he replied quietly, moving back to the cabin, as if on autopilot, still processing what had just happened.

James, followed, pulling a cigar out of his suitcase. "Que?" he responded, cigar in mouth. He sat in between Dana and Max as he lit it.

"This isn't a... ship... it's a boat... Anyway, bro, what--"

"What happened!?" The man shot up with a new-found energy, as if he hadn't just run half the length of Crescent island, "So there was this meeting in the Estates, right?" He flung the cigar around as he spoke, excitedly pacing back and forth in the cabin. "It was for realtors, and you know, I got my license in that last month, so I was on it like..." Princess moaned as she stumbled into the cabin, the old drunkard slurred something to Che, James and the students, before falling asleep on the bench next to Che. James fished a bottle out of her pocket, "Hey! I was on it like La Princess on wine!"

He gave an obnoxious laugh before continuing, "Anyway, bro! You know Biez... oh, you don't? Well, I was trying to pay attention to whatever ponzi scheme that rich asshole was trying to get us in on, but he's got this wife..." He but the cigar in his mouth and the alcohol on the bench as he simulated groping something with both of his hands, his eyes were starry as he looked through the smoke into the distance, "and these two daughters..." He began to salivate as his hands dropped to his side, "... and they were all willing to do it together..." He slammed his foot on the ground, "Mmmm!" He blew out a ring of smoke and retook Princess' drink.

"That old bastard didn't know what he was missing... so well... when he caught us..." James stood with a cocky smile and gave a chuckle, Che, meanwhile, saw it fit to slam his hand into his face with a groan. "Hey, pequeno!" James declared, his arms outstretched, "We gotta live while we still can, you know!" he threw himself onto the bench, this time next to Jenny, for the first time, he took note of the group of students.

"Hey, these guys are new... you guys tourists or something?" He took a drink of the mystery drink from Princess, approval in his eyes as he swallowed the liquor.

"Exchange kids." Che grunted out.

An even wider smile appeared on James' face, "Heeeyy! These guys prove my point! We gotta give them a whole lifetime of Libre in a year!" Che gave another grunt, more like a groan, in response. James blew out the cigar smoke through his nostrils and continued, handing the alcohol off to the students, "Well, from me personally, I want you to have a hell of a year... if not for you, then for me!"

Princess threw up a little as she slept, James disregarded it as he continued.

"Welcome to Puerto Libre!"
Good Afternoon.
Dinh AaronMK said We're one major war off from basically coming around full circle.

We're also at point where the lack of a major war breaks that circle, and modern trends cast doubt on the likelihood of a WW3 any time soon.

Mortalbean said I have no idea what to make of this statement. Did you mean to say that Russia was goaded by Germany?

I meant exactly what I said, Russia moved their troops before they were involved because they were scarred of being made bitches again. If Russia hadn't mobilized then Germany wouldn't have any need to, and WWI would have stayed a small conflict in the Balkans.
Hugs are lame stream, true patricians gaze longingly across smoky tables in dimly lit coffee houses as shitty poetry and free form/avant garde jazz plays.

Also schnauzers are top tier dogs
Mortalbean said You do realize that WW1 was entirely about Russia and had jack to do with France or Britain's politics? Germany was threatened by the Russians who were starting to develop their industry which when combined with their superior man power would have made them stronger than anyone else in Europe. This caused Germany to launch a pre-emptive offensive called the Schlieffen plan that involved a quick occupation of France by invading through neutral Belgium. This was done to avoid having to confront France and Russia at the same time on two fronts as the two had close ties at the time. Germany didn't realize that the invasion of neutral Belgium would drag Britain into the war before German forces had occupied France.

Russia practically goaded Germoney though, they only got their troops ready because they didn't want another embarrassing military defeat, and Japan absolutely #reking their shit was still fresh on Russia's mind.

So Boerd said North Korea didn't care about Nukes.

NK is China's lap dog.
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
"What do you mean?" Catty asked, an inquisitive expression on her face, "what did you wish for?"

Marinette was lucky the make-up she wore prevented anyone from seeing the character blush, "Well what had happened was..." Scratched the back of her head, ruffling her hair a little, embarrassed in retrospect, her smile became more and more sheepish as she stalled to think of something to say.

"Well, Cats, if we're going to be completely honest, I actually kind of wished we did something like this... I certainly didn't wish for THIS," She gestured around the world, holding up the Book of Life as if it was the cause of all of their problems, "But I did find myself wishing we went out and did something that this..." Marinette placed a finger on her lower lip as she paused to think of the right word, "Galvanized us to go out and do-- which is recklessly fight monsters."

"I guess I just..." She found herself lost just looking at the Book, considering the implications of it's existence more seriously, "I guess I wished we'd go do some impressive impossible challenge, or whatever-- I still do-- so in a weird, sick way, this is kind of exactly what I wished for..."
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