Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Marinette found herself shrugging at most of what Catty was saying, "Maannn..." she looked at Catty, her head tilted to the side slightly, "I've been surviving all my life... we all have, and we'll keep doing that, surviving and whatnot... but... surviving... it's not enough, it never is!" Marinette's expression was carefree, and her arms seemed to spread as if she wanted to hug all three of them, "We can't let this get to us. Whatever this is, whoever's doing it, they sent that message out for a reason, they know the first step to getting us is wearing down our resolve. We can't lose our resolve, or our hope, or just... the things that make us happy."

She looked Catty in the eyes, a slightly more serious expression, "We can't give them control-- they don't have it, we're still alive, we're still together, we're still in control. So sure, we'll survive, but there's no reason to not also enjoy ourselves while we survive..." She broke her gaze with Catty and found herself looking at the artificial Paradise sun, "We'll be fine, we're pretty fucking great."

And with that, she began to walk slowly ahead of the group, "So c'mon, I wanna fight dragons." Marinette turned quickly again, "Arnoth does have dragons, right?"
Nah, I think everyone got all they needed from Che and the boat.

I'm thinking of just getting everyone back into the fray with a timeskip, just a few days into the future, do give you guys more freedom with what you can do and give erryone more TO do in general.

Everyone cool with this?
Is this still happening?
Ada Cinet – Gas Go Markets Gas Station – Clayton Burrows

"Your turn," Clayton said, Ada couldn't help but scowl at the sound his knife made as he pulled it from the child's head. It needed to be done, she knew that, it was just an empty shell, but still, seeing something that looked so similar to a child with a knife in it's head, it made her feel something. Regret?

Either way, she didn't have long than a second to feel it, the other two sickos let out louder growls and moved fast at the pair. Ada delivered a kick to the chest of decayed sicko, thanking her lucky stars that it had weakened with time spent decomposing out in the Texan sun, it didn't quite fly across the room with the blow, but it gave Ada the time to duck under the other sicko's arms. He was stronger, fresher, recently turned, what mattered to Ada, though, was his knife. The sicko was distracted by her that he didn't noticed Clayton rearing up for a swing with his mace looking thingy. The sicko's head produced a geyser of blood and brains with Clayton's attack, Ada took the hunting knife and lunged at the other one, the sick squelch signifying whatever 'death' was for these things.

Ada fell to her knees, panting, "Always leave the hard work to the girls, hmmm?" Ada said mirthlessly, getting up, she walked over to the other sicko and dug her new knife in it's skull, more of a precaution than anything. Pulling the knife out, she then re-aimed it at the recently turned man's stomach, she took a deep breath, listening to the growls of approaching zombies in the distance beore thrusting the knife down with all the force she could muster. "I think..." She said, moving the knife forward, through cloth, skin and gore with a grunt, "...that they like, see you, by smelling you... or something," She moved the knife again, another grunt, part of her found that she was having small talk while cutting up a man's stomach, another part of her found it completely natural, "...or more like..." with another final cut, she opened up the man's abdominal region, "...it's whatever the sickness is, if you cover yourself in it, they get confused..." setting the knife aside, she stuck both her hands in, letting the sour blood and gore well up around her arms, "I'm not a doctor or anything... just had a lot of time to try and figure out what made 'em tick... all I know, is they don't attack their own, and through this, we can walk into a crowd of them and be fine."

Ada looked Clayton in the eyes, "Look, we just met, I get that-- But honestly, you're the first person I've seen that didn't just try to kill me..." She looked down, a scowl on her face, "...or try and use me..." She shook her head, looking back at Clayton, "...in quite a while. I'd like it if you didn't die..." She pulled out gore and intestines, unflinching at the black blood it dripped, or the awful smell, "So do you wanna rub this on yourself, or should I?"
In Paradise 10 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Still here.
I wasn't aware she was talking about cars. I thought she was talking about large phallic reproductive genitalia for men and large breasts for women.

My bad.
Ada Cinet – Gas Go Markets Gas Station – Clayton Burrows

"Aren't we all nomads in this world? Safe haven doesn't exist and you know it." The man replied in his toned down world-weary voice. He read her well, and he was confident in that ability. He wasn't wrong at all; safe havens, places like The Reservation, they didn't last, the both of them knew that. But he was certainly pessimistic about it. Perhaps he thought he was just being a realist? Either way, he had a point. As he approached her, part of her tensed, naturally, but she continued to relax, reminding herself that there were still good people.

Or at least, people driven by more than the desires of the Id.

"The name's Clayton. I have no interest in being your friend or your foe. I just need a tyre for my vehicle over yond-", Ada tensed, her gaze following Clayton's to the two sickos by the car that he had apparently driven into Bandera. Clayton looked back to Ada, she hadn't taken her eyes off the sick, "It's probably best if you put your gun away and use something more persona-"

The blare of the car alarm gave her a start. Ada's eyes went wide and her attention became split between the car, Clayton, and the three sickos she had trapped in the back room, she could hear them scratching against he door, as others approached from the crevices of the alleys the small Texas city had. The sick seemed to materialize from the darkness of the shadows in the distance. He had brought them here-- more specifically the noise from his car, it's what drew them here, and the alarm would draw to this location, and then the light would... Well, that was one problem she could solve.

Ada noticed Clayton's own surprise, he looked at her, both of them barely registering how quickly things had gone to shit, Clayton appropriately commented, "Shit..."

You need to remain calm.

"Shit, indeed..." Ada found trying to keep an even voice, trying to think. She put her new handgun in her bag as she left the gas station, and approached Clayton. "Looks like you got a friend for the night, Clayton--" Moving fast, she snatched the torch out of his hand and threw it toward the quickly amassing crowd of the sick, hoping it'd buy them even an extra second, "--there are three in the back of the shop, we can take 'em out, cover ourselves in their sick scent, and get out before too many get here."

She didn't wait for a response before turning to run back into the gas station, at the door of the shop she stopped for a second, turning her head to the side, "I'm Ada, by the way."
We all still here?
Rinnee said ~10+ points for you, Darcs.

10 points for moi? Looks like Christmas came early/late this/last year!
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