Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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The guy who made RWBY??? That is depressing...
It's been pretty wet here down south.
Thats what she said.
*blush* Well, I never!
The idea of an alternate modern era, I think, leaves a more open to creative interpretation since it's basis is a lot less vague than option B.
It's been pretty wet here down south.
Seems like the whole dice thing should really classify this rp as a Tabletop rp rather than a casual one. Casual rp is more of a collaborative storytelling experience. This kinda sucks for me as I was looking for a good TWD/Zombie rp but I have no interest in the randomness factor in Tabletop style rps. A shame, really.
It still is! The dice aren't controlling the direction of the story, I think they serve more to make things that would normally be out of the player's control now not entirely in the GM's control either. Which, for me, actually adds a certain sense of realism to it all. Especially in TWD universe where sometimes random things happen for no discern able reason other than that they can.
I am also sufficiently hype.
Name: Mona Scott Age: 35 Gender: Female Number: 4 Associated Color: Gold, darker than the childish cheer and optimism of yellow, gold is commonly seen as representing the luxury and all the material riches associated with the precious metal. Feelings of elegance, prestige, and sophistication are evoked by the color, as well as extravagance and the excesses of wealth. Physical Description: Mona appears to be of at least partial Asian parentage, with her other parent either being Native-American or African-American, her heritage grants her a unique golden copper skin tone. She's short, standing (barely) at 5'3'', however this has the advantage of making her rather average figure appear curvier and more buxom than would be normal. Her face is flat and heart shaped, with warm brown eyes (whose shape betray her Asian blood), her lips and nose are delicate, resembling the designs of a porcelain china doll-- to contrast her hair is wild, black and medium length, held in an unruly bun by scavenged rubber bands. Personality: Mona is the typical 21st century tragic office drone; smart enough to comprehend her own shortcomings as a person as well as the soul crushing reality of modern day capitalism, but not smart enough to do anything about it. Mona can come off as detached because of this, often seeming to actively be trying to escape reality. She prefers to distract herself with fluff than address issues at hand, as she had become so numbed to her own fatalistic view of the world that she is unsure if she can even handle her own emotions anymore. Known History: Mona has been working the same dead end desk jockey positions for a little over 10 years now. Before that? She dropped out of college. Before that? Childhood. And before that? She was born in some American military base in Germany. Real History: The last thing she remembers is getting ready to leave a movie theater. She had stayed behind to see if there were any post-credit scenes and told her friends to go ahead without her before the world went black. She doesn't have any recollection of which friends she was with, the theater she had gone to, or even which movie she had just seen.
No done with personality/bio yet, but figured I'd post errything else before I went to sleep.
Appearance: Standing at 5'8'', Sylvia is taller than some, but certainly isn't the most imposing figure to approach. Her figure is one of a toned athlete subjected to years of the complacency that comes with a regular job, the wear and tear that come with age, as well as the pounds of fat gained over still exercised muscle give her a slightly 'plump' appearance, especially around the midsection. Aside from the odd crack of bone or groan upon movement her body is generally free of the wrinkles that begin to appear around her age. Although, with rising of the dead, she has begun to spout a few gray hairs. Sylvia has several tattoos on her back, legs and upper arms from her youth, she tends to keep these covered up with the black slacks and dark blouses stereotypical to teachers. Name: Sylvia Velázquez Age: 41 Gender: Female Occupation prior to apocalypse: High school history teacher, co-tennis coach, and drama club sponsor Family: Unaware and/or deceased;
She is estranged from her parents and doesn't feel hopeful that they've survived, but doesn't particularly care either way. She does have two younger siblings who she hopes have survived, but doesn't know either way. Slyvia's had a significant other killed herself early on.
  • Bachelor of Education (Secondary) in Curriculum and Instruction, Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education for Specific Subject Areas; Drama, History, and Social Science
  • Licensed instructor in academics and physical education
  • Trained and certified in CPR and basic first aid
  • Excellent at negotiating between two (or more) hostile parties
  • Improvisational abilities
  • Skilled in calming young children
  • Above-average long distance runner
  • Trained in stress management, basic first aid and CPR
  • Becoming a walker and hurting those she cares about.
  • Becoming more useless with age.
  • What is unknown about the walker sickness.
  • The death of children.
  • That her companions may have malicious intent.
  • Despite her age, Slyvia is still unnerved when she finds herself alone in the dark.
  • Sylvia's knowledge of guns is next to nothing, although this may be a front she puts on due to a simple disliking of guns, she may know more than she lets on, having been a member of the Black Panthers.
  • Her tendency to trust strangers may put her in dangerous situations.
  • Does not kill children or walker children.
  • While not particularly religious, Sylvia does believe in respect for the dead, this includes at least trying to remember the deceased fondly, and conducting proper burials over burnings whenever possible.
  • Sees herself as morally responsible for seeking out the good nature in people and trying to help them.
  • As a rule, she does not follow the 'shoot first, ask questions later' philosophy, preferring diplomacy whenever possible.
  • Does not kill children or walker children.
Main weapon: Aluminum softball bat, the bat is hollow and becoming dented from use, and has a weighted end. Secondary weapon: N/A Equipment: Large school book bag- Food/water: 1/2 bottle of wine (0.75 lbs), 1 bottle of absinthe (1.5 lbs), 1 bottle of absinthe (repurposed and filled with water)(1.5 lbs), half eaten box of crackers (0.3 lbs) Misc Supplies: 2 changes of clothes (3 lbs), assorted books/diaries (4 lbs), pen and pad (0.4 lbs), duct tape (0.25 lbs), other personal items (0.6 lbs), 1/2 pack of cigarettes and lighter (-- lbs) Personality: Despite her conservative catholic upbringing, or perhaps in spite of it, Sylvia is an extremely open and liberal individual, having herself never fully grown out of her involvement in the hippie and counter-culture movements of her early youth, she tempers wisdom granted to her through years of experience as a teacher with an almost childlike optimism and idealism. She doesn't have the nurturing qualities of a mother, not in full at least, but she exemplifies the qualities of an ideal teacher; she is an approachable, relatable, and friendly figure who strives to protect those around her, as well as teach and learn. Her sense of humor is one based on sarcasm, and as a naturally calming person, she often employs it to relieve tension. Despite the breaking of society, Sylvia still believes people are intrinsically well-meaning. Bio: Originally conceived in Nicaragua, Sylvia's parents were part of a large group of upper class citizens who fled the country to escape the violence of the the Nicaraguan Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, and came to the US, allowing their daughter to be born into American citizenship. Sylvia only learned of her parent's native country through stories they would occasionally tell to her, and as she grew this would serve as a barrier between her and her parents. Her parents spent her childhood working, maintaining their high position in society, leaving a young Sylvia to be raised by the private education system of California, and friends. In her early teens the extra educational opportunities her parents had bought her had thrown her several years ahead of most other students her age allowing her to graduate nearly 3 years before the typical college age, during this time her life took a major turning point as she met two of the greatest loves of her life; Tahliah Morris, Sylvia's first true love, introduced her to revolutionary ideologies and hippie philosophies. Sylvia became more and more immersed in Californian youth culture during her hiatus from school, and by the time she did start school, she had already joined up with the Black Panthers and practically lived at a commune. Her parents disapproved of this lifestyle and ultimately gave her a choice, between her beliefs and school. It's a decision Sylvia regrets, and she kept the beliefs, but she chose to have her parents continue paying for her schooling, at the cost of the meaningful relationships in her life, including that with the first person who she felt truly loved her. Teaching wasn't her first passion, but it was one she could pursue with the options her parents had given her. After Sylvia graduated she moved as far away from her parents as she could afford-- this happened to have been Georgia, Atlanta's east side, specifically-- and there she has remained, moving up from the charter schools to Grady High School, in the 15ish years since. While she has been able to rebuild relationships from her past, as well as forming new ones, she was never able to quite get back into the world she was forced to leave behind. Addition info:
  • The loss of her girlfirend, despite having happened months ago by this point, is still a sore subject for her
  • Sylvia exhibits borderline alcoholic tendencies
  • Sylvia is no stranger to drug use, and may seek out self medication if things get too stressful
  • Despite being raised in a home with parents native to Nicaragua, Sylvia can't speak Spanish. Her parent's reasoning for not teaching her being that she shouldn't have to speak it in a more 'civilized' country, like America.
The courier Delphi sent could have found Sarel. Since Athel is doing pretty much what Delphi predicted.
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