Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
9 yrs ago
Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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@Tenish the Mighty Not obscure enough Orion! Don't you know everyone's listening to recordings of bees superimposed over cosmic noise with Carl Sagan speeches playing backwards now?

JEEZ, get with the times, grandpa!

...but hey I mean if you wanna get with the times you should go to the graveyard maybe...
"We are literally," Mary paused for emphasis, "Like, literally literally, like, literally I'm using the word literally by it's Oxford friggin' dictionary definition literally..." She stepped into the focus of the cluster of a group.

"LITERALLY." For the moment, all of her attention was on Maxwell, "We are literally in a magic treehouse. This isn't some red neck's backwood shack, dude. We're literally in a magical home made from a tree-- not hollowed out! With a couch somehow perfectly formed, plants that shouldn't exist and like," She pointed to the ethereal glow of the orange flames the vines had been continually producing, "Those."

She sighed, slightly surprised how intensely she had come to defend their 'Leader' "What's more concrete than that? We're here-- we see the magic house, and based on the shit Fox McCloud was growing... just... I can assure you on the sinister shit front. Something worth looking into happened here. I'm talking mind control shit-- coma, brain damage... poison that can make you sleep to death..."

She pointed a finger at Jackson, "It honestly might do this guy some good though!" She didn't catch her rising voice until it was too late-- it was still well under room temperature, but the sudden volume shift stemming from frustration... very un-Mary-like, Mary.

"Seriously though, man. Chill the fuck out, okay?" She held the vial between two fingers, displaying it to Jackson, "Do you see this? It's a fucking potion? I didn't even know potions were a thing anymore, and like..." Casual serenity. Closing her eyes, Mary focused for several seconds on recapturing that feeling, that warmth, that she had felt several minutes prior. The lilac glow surrounded her hands, "We can just make them! Kanoa just taught me how, like just now! It was... um... nevermind! Point is, she'll get around to the other stuff, but you need to give her time." Mary paused, "She's kind of a weirdo, and social interactions are hard-- I think most of us can agree with that," She shifted her glance to Orion, "Well, except Orion. He just has awful tastes in music," facing Jackson and the group at large, she continued, "Still, I don't know. I think we've got some moral responsibility, y'know?" She tilted her head, "Jackson, is your schizophrenic demon being a dick? Tell it to check it's privilege and chill."

From the murky, smokey bogs of her mind, Mary could hear a distinct Latin chattering of a man and a woman and... cackles? Were they laughing at her?

Shut up!
how dreadful hue hue hue
The Castalia's also have a flag and family crest!

Why does a mafia have a flag and crest in a post-apocalyptic world you may ask? Because so here they are.

And just to make it super Game of Thrones-y I made Lucania a personal flag and crest

You mean he wouldn't play a vaguely racist song about it on his fiddle?
Chae, Miguel, Moksha - Suburbs - Ricky

Throwing her bag over the fence before taking a few steps back for her jump, she steeled herself. It wasn't a horribly high fence; she was familiar enough with it's kind that she was fairly confident she could scramble up the obstacle unassisted. But that'd take time they didn't have. As the crowd roared for a second chance at getting a bite of one of the group, Chae gave a nod thanking their sudden benefactor, a man talented and possibly homicidal man-- a man she was just now realizing she had never gotten the name off...

All the same, she thanked him, and with a practiced spryness, she and her cat vaulted over the fence. Mid-jump, she realized something and asked the second she landed.

"Wait, how are you going to get over?"

As if answering for her, Miguel approached the man, a grim gleam in his eyes. Simultaneously pulling up his sleeve, Miguel exposed a fresh bite mark to the man and yelled to the other side, "Relax, chica. He's coming over next..."

"Ohh..." Was Chae's momentary response, before an even more confused, "But wait, then how are YOU getting over?"
She dead
Chae, Miguel, Moksha - Old Jefferson, Suburbs - Ricky

Placing a hand on his shoulder, Chae shuffled behind the man-- his Canadian accent failed to portray just how southern he truly was, she watched, a slight awe, as he hacked away at the infected corpses with an over sized knife, apparently intended for 'gators'. He possessed a fervor for the activity, she might never possess-- Miguel maybe-- but it edged too close to enjoyment for her tastes. Still, she could appreciate how soon the investment of saving the man's life was returned in kind, with interest. He didn't tire, even as the quartet were surrounded by the biting, hissing shells of people long past.

Chae, despite herself, was scared less by the physical threat they imposed, but more by the humanity she could see in each figure. They all were, more or less, like her at one point. And she'd probably end up like them sooner or later...

Possibly sooner, it seemed! Despite the man's knives and Miguel's brute force, the quartet was becoming surrounded!

"Veer right." Kicking away one of the infected as she spoke, Moksha bristled in he arms, "Look for a backyard with a fence-- the more of those we can hop the better."
K. Me and Cops are doing a second part of our Collab-- I'll probably get something as Octavia up soonish. I'll control Evelina after said megacollab.

Aeon, I'll PM you after I get some sleep. I've been up 2long4me

Ha, 2long4me.

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