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Your Princess is in Another Castle seems like a fun idea to play around with, Enchantress, too. Color me interested!
Oxymoron alert.

It's basically this

>be hedon
>living in my own land
>it's pretty small (only a million acres) but I don't mind living modestly as long as I have freedom
>last few months have been pretty boring, I haven't even been able to visit other lands
>their owners haven't yet decided to sign a contract allowing me temporary physical occupation of their property
>business has been tough, a lot of employees haven't been able to cover their innovation quotas so I kicked them out
>I hope they are fine, I actually care a lot about people, that's why I donate to charity
>like that time I donated a penny to that charity contest
>it would decide who would occupy the new vacancy at mr. shekelton's foundry
>how generous of mr. shekelton to offer his employment capacity to the charity
>thanks to men like him we live in this utopia
>walking around the limits of my property I see a man lying horizontally on neighbor land
>he looks malnourished and is covered in rags, he is probably an employee of the property owner
>I yell at him "you lazy bum, you should get back to work!"
>"don't you see how ungrateful of you it is to do nothing when the graceful owner of this property has generously allowed you to make a living working for him?"
>he replies "sir, I actually am not an employee of the…"
>he couldn't finish the sentece, I had already shot him in the head
>how dare he violate another person's property
>nearby workers of the land look at me with hate in their eyes
>I am not worried, they won't try anything funny
>they know that any attempt to violate the NAP will be met with instant airstrikes from the non-statist private property protection agency
>I tell you, we could never have achieved such efficiency if we had to consider "workers' rights" like a state would have forced us to
>I go back to my mansion where I live by myself, even though I occassionally get visits from female employees, if you know what I mean
>getting laid has never been easier since capitalism figured it could use women like property and currency
>just another way capitalism makes life better for everyone
>I get a notification on my surveillance device, which I use to keep track of my employees
>Smith-36 will turn 18 today, how splendid
>tonight I will probably visit the family
>I'll be sure to bring the customary birthday omelette and the contract where she must sign in herself for life
>it's just a little device I figured to prevent the eventuality of employees leaving for an employer that will offer them a better deal
>certainly, only through voluntaryism can a person enter any contract he wants, just another wonder of ancapistan
>oh boy, I remember the first time I introduced that contract
>there was a huge outrage, but I told them that I would fire those who didn't accept, so they signed the contract voluntarily
>matters have been so simple ever since
>sometimes I just sell some employees (or their children) to another capital owner
>sometimes I take the cute ones to my "private" "property", lol I'm such a playa, I got game theory hoe
>so anyway, on my way back to my mansion I find a crowd gathered around an old employee
>he is having a stoke, probably from exhaustion and his poor diet
>well, if he wanted to eat anything more than junk food he should become an entrepreneur
>junk food is like minimum wage, it's not meant actually maintain a person, everybody knows that
>haha, minimum wage, good thing that went away with the state
>it's better this way, now people are paid what they are worth
>if employers pay employees less than their labor is worth, then they wouldn't accept the deal
>it's simple economics everyone can understand, unlike that "surplus" bullshit they love to babble on about
>anyway, Johnson-87 was lying on the ground, dying
>the rest demanded that I did something about it
>I answered that it wouldn't be profitable, his health was very deteriorated
>the cost of taking care of his health would surpass the profit his work would provide me the rest of his short life
>he lived to be 27, though, he shouldn't complain
>another employee calls me tyrant monster and threatens to organize a strike if I don't do something
>I fire him and then fire at him for standing on my property without permission
>I then leave, admittedly angry, at the nerve of those worthless, selfish assholes
>oh well, at least I've got enough property and profit to stay competitive in the market
>all is good in hedonist land
>inb4 wintergold scum tell me I'm dishonorable

So I am a lazy piece of trash and have a much easier time explaining certain aspects of the story in a casual conversational sense, than in the official capacity Aeon has set up for all the other factions. So, here's a quick tl;dr!

Wintergold and The Hedon/Hedonists are factions that were basically created simultaneously last year in RP time after, that whole mess beat Motum Diversum to a pulp.

The Hedonists grew in the south, after the majority Castalia Family mafia basically swore loyalty to a Judas within the Castalia family, who killed the old Don and exiled Lucania. They took Serenity, a very profitable city because of the Dam, and basically became rich by selling the power to everyone else, similar to Motum Diversum, but at an even higher rate. They exist to serve themselves, and are a very cutthroat people, even towards each other. Serenity is incredibly well defended, and full of mercenaries. The territory operates as a kind of libertarian slave based society. They're basically all lazy assholes. Also literal hedonists.

Wintergold is the other faction that came from the spiderbomb. Headed politically and economically by Lucania of the remains of the Castalia Family and Andrei of Moscow Echo (a sizable mercenary group based out of Wolfwater Lucania had been allied with for a few years prior). Wintergold's power comes from their vast wealth in the form commonly used currencies (bullets, although Lucania's trying to implement her own gold standard) and their connection to pretty much every criminal enterprise across Dust, including the return of private banking and a kind of proto-stock market. They've gotten pretty big over the past year, and have allies in private communities and in the Aqueous Protectorate and Gaens as well as in organized crime across Dust. They're basically a nation of "sophisticated" organized criminals and mercs, less cut-throat, more bound together by honor, tradition, history and religion. Currently at war with the Forsaken.

ALSO; the Aqueous Protectorate is basically just a region of the Aqueous faction that doesn't receive as much from the central government in the way of supplies and resources, but is promised protection in case they get attacked, and have much more self governing power.

If anyone has anymore lore questions, just ask! I am a nerd who is better at talking about it like this than writing it nearly as good as Aeon did (although I will fill their descriptions with something proper EVENTUALLY)-- Mono and I have been working on Wolfwater for months and it's huge and we'll post that eventually, also coming soonish-- OUR FIRST POST!



A Slice of Life-Fallout RP seem like exactly what I need in my life right now...

I made a weirdo for it! She gets shit for being commie scum and everything!

In Cat 9 yrs ago Forum: Off-Topic Discussion
@Shohmyoh So yeah, I don't think I'll be able to join this as a player this time around after all. I will definitely be lurking around and waiting for a round two, but for now I really need to put a little more effort into my own life.

(it's mostly getting money...)

I don't think I'd be able to put in all the time appropriate of an idea this rad, and I feel it's unfair of me to ask you to wait when p much everyone else here is ready to get started (although it is cool of you that you actually did wait!) Sorry if I caused any inconveniences.

@corneredbliss Thx good vibes totes received.

I'm going to hang around and read this as you guys go though, if y'all don't mind. It's rare that you see RPs with interesting premises that have clear set ending conditions. I think this will do really well, especially judging by the quality of the CSs' so far.

The original battlestar is practically unwatchable after you've seen the new one. But yes, as far as space operas go the new one is a really great sci-fi glimpse into the human psyche under extreme conditions.

Also, aren't battlestars shit? The whole point was that they were shit right? Like there was only one left and it was just constantly breaking down and needing to be fixed and stuff.
Mich you should read some Descartes
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