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  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
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In OVERRATED 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum

But Guardians of the Galaxy exists

Also the Iron Man trilogy was all character development, so was Thor. The only really egregious examples of shit character building in Marvel movies I can think of are in Cap 1 and Avengers 2.

And that's not even entirely true for Avengers 2, it was just centered around Hawkeye because??? And even then, the real good actors managed to improv some development for their characters though (See; Black Widow, Iron Man, Nick Fury). What was horrible was how they handled Scarlet Witch and Quick Silver, but that's getting into something else entirely.

I haven't seen Antman or FF. I'm hoping everyone's just being overly critical of FF and it actually does great though, because if it doesn't that pretty much means there's no chance of getting She-Hulk into the MCU.

Shulkie is my bae.

EDIT: Wait so they at least included DOOM in it though right

"What the hell is Homestuck?"

This is cringeworthy. Watch at your own risk.

I always wondered where Franku got that from
I'd brag about being able to run 5 minute 30 second miles, but that's not even that good compared to people who practice everyday, or most mammals. So many fast things, you have to wonder how Robonik caught them at all.

Also I can't jog. Stamina is for people who want to run practically like a bunch of dorks. Like, just get a bike, it's like jogging but better in every way.
Flowermom: Reveal yourself

Your Lusus, possibly the most beautiful and well groomed BLOOMSPHINX on Alternia-- she is a gorgeous, white-pelted four-legged medium-sized feline, with a tail that resembles a vine of kudzu ending in a Venus-flytrap, fur that feels like moss, paws that grow bushes of white begonias and posies, a mane that appears as a giant rose surrounding the humanoid head of a breathtaking woman, with the horns of what a human would call A GOAT, the teeth and ears of what a human would call A LION and the tongue and eyes of what a human would call A SNAKE, you find the names of these common creatures ridiculous in the human lexicon, but you believe they fit in describing your Lusuii's facial profile nonetheless. She also possesses wings that appear to be feathered from leaves and con summon prehensile vines forth from her body to interact with you and the world.

She's basically the best.

From the corner of your eye, you spot her and smile. She is beginning to photosynthesize at you impatiently. You suspect she wants you to check on the seeds, or something, instead of talking to your internet friends.

You love your Lusus so much. She is your tried and true companion, and if you ever truly felt the human emotion of friendship for any living thing, it would probably be her. However, you find her dedication to KEEPING THE SEEDS a little fucking annoying sometimes. She was so proud of you when you got the assignment though, and it's not like she can't make you-- so you may as well. With a sigh, you explain the situation to Aleka

Lyalli Dihcro: Equip thyself

Equip? With what?

Your strifedeck is empty!

You've lived alone in the frozen south your whole life! You've never had a need for something as clunky as a strife specibi-- you are something of a pacifist, you prefer love... or rather, flirting uncontrollably, over fighting, which only makes you fear culling for being defective so much more. You are not violent, you find a grace in this-- and rouge plant that has attacked you can always be taken care of by your dear sweet Lusus. Besides, like your captchalogue cards, your strife deck in probably broken!


Just as expected!

The coding from empty strife specibus card and kind abstrata selection seem to be fundamentally damaged on some deep metaphysical level, 'equipping' some weapon for yourself would only make it beautiful art and impossible to comprehend on your plane of existence, let alone use in something as completely non-libidinal as a battle.

Anyway, you can think of alternative ways to aggrieve if you ever actually need to... much, much more graceful ways.

You can just use your naturally gifted psionic flowers powers to summon to dour powerful flowers! In the daily seedcrop there are always some 'defective' seeds that never meet HICs ridiculous standards for preservation. You'll just keep a few in your pockets in case you ever need to summon the beautiful might of mutant Alternian agriculture, for some reason.

You do need to remember to actually put them in your pockets though, because storing them in you sylladex will mean they will be lost forever.

Lyalli Dihcro: Head to the Floral Computation Mainframe and do that thing

You walk confidently into an antechamber of your hive where the drones had set up a huge Floral Computation Mainframe or FCM, to assist in your seed duties. Your lusus purrhisses proudly, clearly happy you are attempting to make something of your life. You mostly want to bag a few defective seeds and get back to the internet, and that nefarious countdown. However, you keep up the charade long enough to marvel at this machine, and make her happy. Because you love her.

The FCM is massive, the screen is several feet taller than yourself and covers three entire walls of this respiteblock. There exists an interface for typing and cataloging, as well as an appearifier that uses some arcane technology to make seeds appear from all over the world. A scanner tells you whether or not they meet Her Imperious Standards, and from there it's you lulling the seed into a dormant sleep to preserve its life for generations, entering it's information, and dropping it down one of the various chutes that connect to this respiteblock. All filled with peaceful, sleeping seeds.

That beautiful thought makes you smile.

Lyalli Dihcro: Log in to the FCM and do that thing

You log on to the massive computer and summon seeds from every corner of the world, by pressing buttons and adjusting levers very lazily.

Eventually, you summon one defective seed of completely hybrid, unknown types for each sweep of your life thus far. You still are unsure as to why you felt compelled to do this, knowing that you are a pacifist, and further, you have 0 need to ever fight, but it makes you feel better. Knowing you have a few plants at your command that would fight for you, capable of producing infinitely more...

That is to say, you did the thing.


You briefly wonder if the FCM would make that countdown faster, before realizing you couldn't use the floppydisc to upload the countdown anyway...


You hear your Lusus hum a sigh as you log on.


Feeling a little brave, you even decide to message Maluuk...!

Pfft, more like the first migration out of Africa

I predict Off-Topic will be the Neanderthal to Spams real human beans
In Closed. 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Bruuuh why is it that all the cool RPs aren't accepting.

Okay, I don't mean to whine, but if you ever need more people I will be here in a heartbeat. I'm really digging romantic Slice-of-Life stuff like this.

This is a cool thing, have fun with your horny post teens!
hes probably super hot right
Long John did nothing wrong.

as long as bringing them in dead won’t adversely affect anything

Maybe they have a family that misses them or something idk

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