Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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Most Recent Posts

Arc and I are working on a post that will probably be done on Saturday.

Later today, I'm going to update a bunch of quest/plot/rumor stuff AND I'll make a post not featuring Lucania, but NPC's! It seems like some people's actions have had an effect on the world...
In OVERRATED 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@mdkEverything post-red wedding has been a mess (and a lot before that) on the show. D&D basically gutted the books, took out 70% of the side plots, completely avoided introducing several important characters and stories, and simplified most existing characters and plots for the sake of a TV audience I can only assume they think wouldn't be able to follow the books. Instead we get;

"You need the bad pussy"

I want Lady Stoneheart and Euron now plz
In OVERRATED 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
If you people want character development watch Game of Thrones. Marvel is about making scary monsters/robots/robomonsters explode and fuck everybody who doesn't get that. Get your complex themes out of my eye candy.

mdk have you seen seasons 3 - 5 yet
Do you think we'll get a Daredevil cameo?

I want it I want it I want it

I feel like I'm in part to blame for this.

Vaporwave itself has transcended being a simple cosmopolitan genre, created out of internet culture and experimentation with image, music and ideology-- the pretentious, horrible and genius child of what Marx thought of as something that exists for no purpose and business terminology for a product the public will never get-- for playing slowed down elevator music from the 80's and Diana Ross. No, it is now it's own art movement with various directions, musical and artistic philosophies, and genres that exist under the incomprehensible, marble, windows 95 themed, anti/pro consumerist umbrella that is Vaporwave. It's the millennial answer to the punk movement in some ways, with an even greater stance on non-conformity-- to the point that you don't have to match a certain culture to appreciate it or fit in, you are anonymous, and in the sea of creation, you are one perspective that will only ever exist as yourself-- you create it all and interpret it for yourself. Sea punk and Vaporwave aren't two sides of the same coin-- because the coin is all in your head-- they're two different people looking at a beautiful statue, of an ocean's wave, the vapor coming from a bong, or old advertisements, man.

Sea punk, is but a sub-genre, borrowing an aesthetic, and viewing the sea and the internet of the past as interchangeable. It is but an unlabeled VHS tape one might find in the dumpster of a long abandoned Japanese thriftstore while high, and also alone forever, and possibly in purgatory. And there's like, a bunch of abandoned malls on the block too, and down the street there's like this graveyard with a bunch of witches and bees and they're probably playing Twin Peaks there? And I guess there's neon everywhere too, and the beach is pretty close by, and it's a picturesque dusk, even though there's constantly a storm brewing further out. You feel pretty sad and alone and also you're high-- did I already say that?-- you're high on something, maybe it's just the freedom of finding something that wasn't marketed to you, a piece of art that will exist uniquely in your perspective and then you may never see again. Something that will take you somewhere beautiful and/or unnerving (porque no los dos?) for a moment in time that you can appreciate.

But I'm getting away from the point-- and that is, Sea punk is ideologically part of Vaporwave, the aesthetic, the culture that created it-- even if the album isn't overly parodying/celebrating the culture of the past and painting consumerism in a negative light-- the idea that this a unique experience that you discovered freely still pervades. And I think it's beautiful. Saying Sea punk is better than Vaporwave is like saying Goldman is better than Bakunin. It's petty to compare student to teacher when they fought the same battle.

tl;dr Post-Vaporwave>/=Mallsoft>Witch house=Future Funk>Vaporwave classic>Sea punk=Pre-Vaporwave>Sadboys>>>>>Ocean Grunge

My sensei only uses samurai swords and ninja knives
This RP looks rad.

I'm thinking about making a general store cashier year type character, I'll finish her up in the morning.
In OVERRATED 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@BrobyDDark He was "adopted" by the same man that killed his parents, and as easy as it is to view Loki being given a life in Asgard as a charity by the all-forgiving Skyfather, it could also easily be viewed by some with a more pessimistic view as him being a living trophy taken by Odin to represent conquest.

He was raised as someone who was perpetually the odd one out-- he's a Jötunn among Asgardians, someone of lower birth among Royalty, someone who relies on cunning and magic amongst warriors-- added to that that he KNOWS about his lineage, and since his birth he's been overshadowed by a trueborn brother that seems to best him in every way imaginable, a brother that indeed personifies the mentality that led to him feeling so ostracized, a mother who would never nurture him like a child might need, and a father who would always prefer his "real" heir over Loki.

Add into that a little more Kafkaesque ostrazisation from the comics and myths-- that Loki is NOT a fight, but he's encouraged to be one by Thor and Odin, whom he seeks the approval of and feels he can never really have, and the fact that the BODY HE INHABITS, to Loki, feels foreign-- this plays into why he's such a trickster and he relies on transformation magic, he doesn't feel as if he is a single gender or even a single species-- and in that, is isolation.

As a plotter, as someone who was raised seeing those around him achieve Nordic greatness, and being the "second son" meaning he will never rule, he uses what he knows he can do to achieve that greatness he feels compelled by his life to achieve. He plans and uses trickery, and from Thor to the Avengers we see him becoming mentally unhinged as he comprehends the failure of his shortsighted bid to rule Asgard, and promising himself to other entities to achieve some fraction of that power.

He developed in his becoming progressively more unstable in his attempts to seize power-- he went from trying to rule everything he loved, through his own cunning and planning, to attempting to take everything Thor loved through promising himself to other entities, despite preference from trickery over violence.

His character's transition from Thor to The Avengers is the transformation of a misguided child trying to please his family by doing something great, to an abandoned adolescent, willing to do anything to get that greatness in spite of a family he feels abandoned him and never truly loved him.

We even see that in the movie itself-- Loki preferred using mind control to get what he wanted at the beginning of the Avengers, he even planned to get captured to sow discontent within the Avengers-- it wasn't until Thor and co. intervened again and again that he became unstable enough to launch an attack New York, despite knowing by that point that he couldn't hope to rule on Earth either.

imo Loki's one of the most fleshed out MCU characters
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