Avatar of Darcs
  • Last Seen: 2 mos ago
  • Old Guild Username: Darcs
  • Joined: 11 yrs ago
  • Posts: 1517 (0.39 / day)
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    1. Darcs 11 yrs ago
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Stop and frisk me, daddy. Unf.
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Organize a strike in your school or workplace on the grounds that it does not satisfy your need for indolence & spiritual beauty.


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In YOU BASTARDS 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Nothing is anything
I wish I could play a character in an RP that didn't die.
Bruh, If you don't have a computer why would you buy it? Like wouldn't you be able to get the legendary edition for cheaper if you just waited?
gibe teh pussi pls, b0ss
Haha about as real as the moon landing footage.
Humans don't posses a sense for detecting wetness, what we feel as wetness is actually just several of our senses of touch working together, primarily superficial pressure and temperature.

Both, that way the Wendigo gets to eat, the Skinwalker gets a new outfit, and finally given the sweet release of death my pineal gland will project my incorporeal astral mind and I will ascend to join my higher self once more.

@RedDusk I'll get on that sometime this week

New Interest Check because why not?

The Dust: Begin Again
By Aeonumbra
GM'd by Mono and Darcs


The Dust is a Post-Apocalyptic roleplay which has already been going for a few months now, where players live as an 'Immortal.' That is, a person who contracted a sickness that gave them powers beyond human belief. These Immortals live, with everyone else, on a string of post-apocalyptic desert islands, the largest of which is called 'Dust.' It's a simple concept, but players are encouraged to create their own plots, cities, factions and add to the world, either through action, slice of life descriptions, or political intrigue.

The World is divided up with different factions, on an island continent with no foreseeable way off. This is explained vaguely in the lore. In fact, mostly everything is explained because I have it all written down. The factions, some history, many of the "cities and towns" have a CS style information sheet, while still leaving some undone for player interpretation. The world is open, but plots will come into the fray over time.

Another thing-- this is not a fast RP, sometimes we may go weeks without a post, that doesn't mean the RP is dead, it just means interest might be swaying or lives might be getting in the way. It's chill, just check in every few days in the OOC to remind us all you're still alive.

The World
Dust, a post-apocalyptic desert island filled with mysteries from the Old World and constant reminders that the New is a bloody struggle for survival. Cities infested with gangs, corruption and sin dot the sandy horizons filled with mutated creatures, roving bands of killers, and wild, hollow men and women, with skin as hard as stone and black as night. The past year has shaken the island to its core, and great nations have risen and fallen on Dust. Battles are fought daily, either between individuals for survival, or between nations and factions for something as flimsy as ideologies.

For those adventure seekers sick of Dust's relative safety and political bureaucracy, the advent of new shipping technology and bridges both above and underwater, have opened up completely unexplored, untamed islands and lands-- new horizons exist for those curious-- or suicidal-- enough to make the journey.

Current Events
Approximately one year has passed since the Fall of Motum Diversum. A massive man-made horde of hollow spiders decimated their military force, and gave the joint forces of The Castalia Family Mafia and the paramilitary group Moscow Echo to take most of their holdings and create the Wintergold Republic.

Wintergold is an empire based on near feudal standards, with their monarchs being criminals and mercenaries, their armies are hired, their wealth is vast, and they control an economic zone where barter is replaced by a gold standard, and banking and credit have been revived after a near 300 year slumber. The Hedons to the south rose up and now control the island's main source of power. In the west the Forsaken have begun a conquest to consume the east with near infinite manpower. The island's main source of fresh water, the Aqueous have been suffering internal problems and are beginning to show weakness and internal instability as regions split off and declare independence, the same is happening to Gaen controlled lands. Mutated men and women cloaked in white claiming to be the mysterious Edenites are appearing Wolfwater.

Outside of political drama, gangs and factions fight for control of the streets of cities and towns. Various religious institutions have been given more power than ever. Slavers continue to prey on the defenseless. Areas find themselves vulnerable to increasing numbers of Hollow that prey on those outsides of cities, with organizations now cropping up to fight back the threat. The instability caused by the wars, as well as the games being played by the leaders of the land has driven more people than ever to take up a life of banditry and crime.

Dust is a land of struggles.

So that's about the size of it. Dust has been going for a while now, and we're always looking for new people so i figured I'd open a fresh Interest Check to see if this still appealed to anyone?

Interested? Have a question? Need something clarified? Confused? Let me know! I don't bite! (In fact I like being bitten)

The woman maintained the calm in her voice, but her body language told a different story, the accusation that she might have been the kidnapper was more than baseless. It made her truly angry, although it only showed for a moment. Jeanne guess that she might have been a victim of the kidnapping, as opposed to the kidnapper him... or her? Itself. Her expression at the word 'kidnapper,' or rather, lack thereof, portrayed some vulnerability. Almost as if Jeanne had accidentally prodded a very open wound.

"I probably know less than you!" She sighed. Fearful, and still rather impressed with the ability of the white-haired woman, Jeanne gave a nod and did as commanded. She sat on the barstool adjacent, with much less grace than the slender white-haired assassin. She sat hunched over, leaning on the bar, with her head resting against her hand on her cheek. Her legs were open, crossing them like a 'proper lady' as they dangled in the air from being in the stool, at her height, with her curves-- would be even more awkward than simply trusting in her skirt to protect her womanhood from view. "It was supposed to be a simple delivery--"

As Jeanne spoke of why she had come to the the City in the first place, the rocky relationship she had with her employer and the parcel he had given her as some ransom to men who had either kidnapped his daughter, or something very important to his daughter, and how it had all led her here, her eyes wandered. She observed the woman, who carried herself like royalty and her lithe features of a dancer. She was intense, serious, trained in her art and apparently oblivious to her natural magnetism. The contrast between the two struck her hard; Jeanne must have looked like some common peasant sitting next to this woman.

Still, Jeanne maintained jovial and finished her tale; "I thought the guy might show himself if a mere femme with a package was all that had been sent to rendezvous with him!" She shrugged, "If it was that simple I doubt the culprit is still here now... probably went running scared after you cut that guy's hand off." Jeanne blushed slight again, "Which-- again, I know you don't want to hear this, but that was really amazing! I've never seen anyone handle something so quickly and coolly before! Sorry."

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