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Alpha looked at the team member that addressed his comments (Cerise).

"...first, my name is Alpha Miss...formerly K Nine as stated...copycat or not, this individual has taken two lives so regardless, must be stopped...a good disguise is needed yes...but all the same, myself and others might need to know of such things...and my time as CPD may compromise this mission regardless of a disguise...", Alpha monotoned.

He then looked around the room noting the new faces but then tilted his head slightly at Cerise and then talked normally again.

"I'm sorry but do I know you? Are you one of the new transfer Heroes I heard about?"


Alpha had taken his own chair in the meeting room as he listened in on what the emergency was.

And it was, indeed, an emergency. Two heroes KIA and the person ID'ed as a old enemy to Hugo Powers it seemed. More important, he recognized the name that is Black Baron. As Miss Lavender said, he believed that super powers were a poison but by the end of the day, he was just another villain.

No...that wasn't right. He or she was perhaps something worse.

A hero killer.

Even back in his training days and even his run with the "secret" government team, he knew how bad this individual was. Weird poems aside, Black Baron was a high threat. Tier S threat as far as he was concerned. Baron didn't care about the lives lost. If the target had a power, said target was on borrowed time. It was because of individuals like this that the US government wanted their own team in case they had to personally respond to such threats quicker than any other organization.

Of course, ICOSA would never have any of it at the time...

Putting those thoughts aside, Alpha then raised his hand briefly then spoke monotone about something else he had to ask.

"...all due respect Ma'am, this isn't going to be fun...I won't mince words everyone...even in my early training days, I've heard stories about...many dangerous individuals...Black Baron is among them...simply put...a hero killer...he says super powers are a poison but far as I heard, he only targets hero's and possibly works with villains...you can add hypocrite to his dossier..."

He then closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He felt that he most likely scared everyone in the entire room with such a statement.

That's when he spoke in a normal tone, perhaps surprising those that knew him to be strict or stiff.

"Sorry everyone. What I mean is that we have to be extra careful on this one. This isn't going to be some random showdown. This is undercover ops. Much more sensitive work. Which leads me to ask some things. First off, Black Baron's known abilities. Is the target super powered or not?"

He then asked this from everyone in the room.

"Now to all of you. I apologize if this sounds rude and over stepping my rank but based on what Commander Lavender said, most of the known gangs in Castleburg are going to be there so...if there's any "dirty laundry" or some history you may have with any of them, now's the time to say so before it rears it's ugly head. I'm concerned as well since when I work with...I mean...when I USED to be "K Nine" of C.P.D., I've done patrols and it's possible that thugs may know me by face so as to avoid me. The last thing we need is one person being called out and we all pay for it."

One week...one week that changed everything for me...

Alpha sat on the edge of his bed in his room inside Hero One. Still wondering if he had made the right choice...because his decision had one of several consequences.

But the primary one being that he was no longer an official "police officer" and being stripped of his police badge, sidearm and even his secondary codename "K Nine".

Though he also knew that this wasn't the first time he had messed up. His "secret" team back in his day weren't all that different. Well...they were smaller in number compared to the numbers assigned to Hero One. Plus, Hero One was a official team of Heroes. But even then, it was only because another Hero team had called them out.

This time, he had only but himself to blame...for the first time since he was only a kid...he lost control of himself...only this time, he didn't suddenly use his power to kill someone...he chose to help his new team. To trust them...and this was the result.

Not long afterwards, I.C.O.S.A. made it no secret that they wanted to split up all those involved with stopping Seraph's coup de tat. Though to him, it was only because they actually got the job done while they were still dragging their heels during the whole incident and just wanted to cover their own rear ends. It would look bad for the I.C.O.S.A. if they were disgraced for failing to react to a situation that Seraph and his EAGLES caused. The only reason Alpha knew any of this was because Alpha still had some friends within the US government here and there. At the very least, they warned him that he was going to be watched a lot more closely now. If not by Powers and/or Lavender but from anyone I.C.O.S.A. sends.

Though it wouldn't be the first time he got busted by the I.C.O.S.A. as he thought.

But...it was two days after the incident that both his parents paid him a visit...not only to check up on him and his well-being...but to celebrate his birthday...his 23rd birthday.

They were happy as always but even more so that he started talking to them normally rather than a stiff soldier. So much so they they even told him this.

"No matter how much you change. For better or worse...we both are proud of you."

Now...he was just an emotional mess.

But it was those emotions that he noticed that made his stronger...for one, when he was trying to heal Quake, he didn't waste energy doing so. He then followed both her and Joseph out and even had energy to spare to heal Joseph or at least stablize both of them and at least lessen their recovery time in the hospital. He could never do that when he had kept his feeling to himself. When he healed someone else's injury, even if it was a very minor one, he was exhausted afterwards.

His parents were now constantly calling him. No doubt aware of his emotional problems now but really, he was taking some down time until he can calm down or figure out what happened to him.

So far, he hasn't had any luck. At first, he felt that meeting Pandora was what first triggered it. His sudden outburst when Commander Lavender told and warned him about her history and her unique condition plus bad attitude towards others. But no. He'd met and even heard of such stories of other meta humans over the years during his training. Or perhaps meeting and interacting with other heroes more frequently simply made him realize how different from others he was...or maybe he just got fed up with being told who his friends and enemies were.

But that changed when he received a certain text message on his iPhone...an invitation to join a group..."C.R.E.W."

Seeing who the message came from, Alpha then thought about it...those group of rag tag heroes...joining them would lead to trouble no doubt...then again, that's probably why she contacted him...simply because he was the most level-headed operative...but not right now...not with his emotions clouding his judgement...but...sitting here and moping about it wasn't going to help either.

So, for better or worse, Alpha sent a reply text.

"...I'm in..."

Alien Angel

Meanwhile, a certain vigilante was on the roof of a nearby building from the place called the Neko Tengoku. But it wasn't that fancy restaurant that she was interested in.

It was the new "business" that was starting next door to it. The words "CREW" spray painted on the upper front door.

"Firewall", a well-known hacker now working for Infinite, had notified her about this. Even the "boss" was curious to see how far "the rookies" has the boss called them could take this business venture. Though Firewall warned her that it most likely wouldn't last. Both the I.C.O.S.A. were "supposedly" making moves against them and even the police were no longer trusting any meta humans from Hero One after the Club 27 incident.

She even had heard about that stiff guy Alpha losing his police badge after that.

As she looked at it, she really wanted to help. Normally getting too involved in others affairs in her line of work was NOT advised. They were just on opposite sides of the law. And even if she did openly join them, I.C.O.S.A. would use her as the excuse to cause those heroes more headaches than they need right now. Either that or "CREW" would look like "hired vigilantes". Bad publicity.

Still, Infinite had an interest here in Castleburg. Zero had shown itself here. She needed to do her part to figure out why. Yet it seemed like this group of heroes always seemed to find their way towards one or more of their members.

And somehow they all lived to tell the tale.

She was glad when she heard Quake and Joseph were ok but she couldn't go to visit herself. Even if he didn't like the I.C.O.S.A., Hugo Powers himself would no doubt arrest her personally on the spot. And she sure as hell wasn't going to risk her human form just to visit some hero's during their hospital stay. Sure, Firewall was good at what she does but Hero One also had their brains that could match hers or perhaps surpass it.

"Heh. Those ombre's probably don't even come close to my level but amigo, don't chance it. Too much heat going around", she had warned at the time.

But now, Firewall had tipped her off about the CREW business. Pulling out, with the usual pink color, an iPhone from her pink backpack. She then hit the speed dial on a certain number.


"English please."

"Oy loosen up A.A. but ok."

"I'm top of a building across from the target. Any updates?"

"Oh yeah. Text messages are going out. Can tell you Alpha, get this, accepted the job. Figured he'd say no after his emotional imbalance right now."

"Heh...well what do you know. The lap dog finally got fed up with the leash."

"Bound to happen...A.A. I know you hate those types but in this case, give him credit. Kid saw s*** very early in his life and it changed him. Even he saw how dangerous he was when he lost control."

"Yeah I know. The whole "living blue bomb" thing. Yet he can heal others. That's handy as hell I'll admit."

"Shame we can't recruit him but kid's got too much baggage with military parents and a dropped body on his conscience. Possibly more."


"...A.A. Back to reality."

"Yeah sorry. So what's the word from the boss?"

"While you can't join, we CAN shadow them. We'll watch and ONLY step in if it's necessary. Keeping secrets like the Zero Organization is most likely going to catch up with these newbs unless Powers finally decides to actually trust his own team a bit more for once. So for now, just keep tabs as usual but don't slack off on your patrols. You ain't the only meta that can fly you know. Peace out."

"Gotcha. Thanks for that update."

Hanging up and placing the iPhone back in her pink backpack, Alien Angel moved away from the edge of the roof and just started some stretching routines. Firewall was right though. Can't stay in one place for too long. Patrols still need to be done just like the Hero One members did no doubt.

But she was no hero. She was a vigilante.
Alpha / K Nine

Alien Angel

One thing led to another for Alpha during those extreme moments on the speed boat...the handle braking...literally rushing past the turrents...nearly crashing into people...then just suddenly stopped in mid air it seemed for a safe landing of all things.

But being the trained hero he was, he didn’t miss a beat. So when he disembarked from the boat and saw Pandora dealing with a badly injured Quake, he immediately rushed over to them.

Pandora was nodding along, half listening to Jamie’s answers as she examined the wound. Carefully, she lowered her fingers until they passed straight through the outfit and into Quake’s body. Jamie would hardly feel it, especially in her delirious state.

“Hold on. I think I can do this better”, Alpha said normally. Pandora retracted her fingers and it was as if nothing had happened at all. She squinted at Alpha, suspicious.

Taking off his SWAT helmit and mask, he then took off his right tactical glove to expose his bare hand and perhaps to the surprise of Pandora, Alpha himself started to glow with energy.

Pandora interrupted her ignoring of Rumi to glance over at Alpha. She raised an eyebrow. "I doubt it." She commented, narrowing her eyes at the now glowing police officer.

Taking a deep breath, Alpha then put his hand on the spot where he guessed Quake was “shot”.

As he was doing this though, he then noted another approached and recognized the “pink creature” based on what he heard a report on before.

“...a sharp icicle passed through her. It’s no bullet wound”, Alien Angel then said, hold her side as Winterfall’s wound on her side healed up.

“...that helps...”, Alpha said, now in monotone.

“I also know you Alpha aka K Nine. Basically weaponized energy or ki if you want to use anime lingo. But I was told you haven’t perfected “healing others” from what I was told”, Alien Angel said.

“...shut up...I’m doing my job-”

“Oh get off your high horse. Just let the other lady save-”

“I got this! Her method may hurt her too much!”

Alpha immediately stopped and stared a hole at Alien Angel as she did the same.

Pandora grabbed Alpha’s hands and moved it over slightly on Quake’s body. It was clear Alpha had just guessed where the wound was.
"In future, just start cutting through or taking off clothes. Everyone’s naked on a morgue slab. Decency won’t do them any good." She advised. Alien Angel had joined the list of people Pandora was ignoring. She was even ignoring Quake. Her attention was on the quietly glowing young man. She curled her hand and rested her cheek casually on her knuckles.
"Spread the love, darling." She gestured to Quake. ”Don’t forget the exit wound. They’re usually bigger. Roll her over if you want, she’s barely even here." Pandora chuckled lightly.

Sighing then taking a deep breath, Alpha then started undressing her or at least, around the part where he saw the most blood. Sure enough, he found the wound. Ripping up the clothing to make a hole, he then put his glowing hand on it.

“...Pandora...have you seen my power before by some chance?”, he then asked. Alien Angel just looked on but made a mental note about the lady “Pandora”.

Pandora watched, disinterested. She tried to make eye contact with Jamie but gave up.

"Mmm," She assented dully. "Life energy powers. Very versatile. Usually need direct physical contact, in my experience." She shrugged, studying her fingernails.

”Maybe just let the entry wound sit. I think you’re focusing too much on it. Your energy should still be rattling around in there. Flip ‘er over and apply pressure from the back. Like I said, exit wounds are usually worse." She explained. ”Just a theory, of course."

She looked at the wound. Briefly, she brought her fingers down to her own bare midriff, as if she was remembering something. Shaking the thought off she continued to watch and wait.

Putting his exposed hand at Quake’s back where the exit wound was, he then began to focus. But this time, he tried to actually “feel positive” rather than just being mute or thinking about nothing. It was spur of the moment and he did run his mouth about his method being better than Pandora’s...perhaps that’s what his problem was...he was scared of himself but...didn’t trust others enough.

Meanwhile, Alien Angel decided to drop to her knee’s near Quake’s head and just stroked Quake’s hair with her clawed hands. Not in a way that it was cutting her hair but just to comfort her.

She only hoped this big mouth super cop had anything left for Joseph. He took a beating as well...
Alpha / K Nine

Now on the boat with the others, Alpha took charge when he decided to take care of steering the boat they were trying to use to get to the Seraph's private island.

Noting the turrents that Pandora pointed out guarding the island, he then spoke with emotion in his voice again.

"Go ahead Pandora. I'll control the boat. Just don't get shot up. If it's too much, just get back here and well try something else", he then said, perhaps surprising the others with him that he didn't speak monotone.

The truth of the matter was that Pandora had seen the worst this world had thrown at her from what he assumed...and that acting all "stiff" around her, as he thought before when he first met her, wasn't going to do her any favors. So if acting...normal made her comfortable enough to focus on fighting and helping them...then so be it.

Then there was everything that happened back at The Club crime scene...he had suspected Hugo had some "Aces" hidden even from his knowledge but "Blade"...he had thought him to be just a rumor but there he was already with all the evidence they were looking for before he directed them here.

But he'll have to talk to Hugo about it later...assuming he was still alive after this whole mess.

Taking the controls of the boat, he then steered the boat away from the turrents.

Alien Angel

Alien Angel wasn't quite sure what had happened...did she just...slow down during that charge?

She shook her head after colliding with the wall...and noted that Winterfall was now focused on Joseph.

...ok he's distracted...whatever his power is, does it let him do whatever it does by line of sight? Or does it simply have an area of effect to it?, she thought to herself.

Then, she remembered something about the villains that her boss told her about that work for Zero...one of them being a "lab coat" as she put it.

"Joseph move! Stay out of line of sight! He slows your molecules down!", Alien Angel yelled at him.

She also wanted to draw his attention. No way his runes were going to work if Winterfall saw them coming. Plus, she had to hope that her healing factor would even work against his powers. It might not but her DNA wasn't exactly normal...heck, even her blood wasn't registered to any "Leftover" that was on file last she remembered.

"...now I remember who you are...Dr. Peter Osberg...psh...just another "lab coat" abusing knowledge for his own benefit...", she said.

This time, she didn't fly at him. She just did a normal run at him but then broke to his left then moved in bearing her claws. She couldn't afford to over shoot him this time. Even if it means taking a deadly blow, she had to give Joseph an opening somehow assuming he was still ok after the attack. For all intent and purposes, Winterfall would most likely see her as the bigger threat due to her mobility and healing factor. She also knew this guy could beat most in one-on-one duels so they had to make the numbers right now count before someone else got critically hurt...or worse...
Alien Angel

Terra watched as Quake quickly dispatched the supposed "soldiers" that were enforcing the law. Needless to say, Quake had things under control.

It was when their next "opponent" showed...an ice user it seemed.

But to Terra's horror, she watched as a shard pierced Quake's torso.

"QUAKE!", Terra called and quickly floated to her despite the room temperature rapidly dropping.

For Alien Angel, such ice cold torture or even extreme heat wasn't anything new. Even in her days as a lab rat, the "lab coats" as she called them subjected her to such tests just to see if her healing factor could hold up to it...and whether she liked it or not, it did.

Pushing those memories out, Terra quickly unslung her pink backpack and produced, of all things, a First Aid Kit it looked but the special symbol on it looked as if it was designed for super hero injury care.

"...Joseph...take care of Quake...I got first dibs on this cyromancer...any of the special equipment in there has instructions if you need help..."

Now, slinging the pink backpack on, she then approached Winterfall after he made his threatening speech.

"...so basically, were all dead...uh not yet...but after all the s*** I went through once upon a time...who knows? Maybe you can torture me worse than those lab coats playing god on me and so many others..."

On that, Alien Angel started floating only an inch off the ground but beared her claws...

Then suddenly flew right at Winterfall.
Alpha / K Nine

K Nine listened to the group as they discussed their next action as a group. Then he heard Pandora speak her mind on her laid out plan.

While he didn't like knocking out his own CPD team members, Bulldog included in seemed, he also hated to admit it. They didn't have much of a choice.

Both her and Kanati were also quick to point out his "behavior" with Bulldog as he let his emotions show before with him as well as asking him to personally see the crime scene himself.

"...I apologize...but...meeting Pandora for the first time before...well I couldn't keep...if I may speak freely, keep the 'stick' up my ass in her case...but if we make it through this...I'll be sure to tell Powers and Lavender why it's called retirement...at any rate...I don't like the methods were going to apply to the CPD...but...would it help if I...lured Bulldog near here so we can have a...private...talk...", K Nine then asked monotone.

Alien Angel

Alien Angel had did her part with The Admiral before. Now, it seemed most of the "group" was gathered from a "portal" super power it seemed.

Then, the comment or two thrown at her for working with a criminal.

She just dismissed it till members of another group called Division X suddenly came in but thankfully, it seemed they were here to help. Alien Angel did have problems with authority types but she wasn't about to complain in this case. Castleburg was in serious trouble if everything the commander here, Ether, said was true.

Though it seemed she wasn't aware of the "other" organization that was helping Seraph...

"Heh. About time. The ICOSA is taking their time but...eh. Whatever. Not like any of you trust me anyway. Say what you want about the "Infinite" group but let's just say even we were tired of Seraph's "Ego Trip" as my boss put it. Though at the moment, I'm just the first responder", Alien Angel said.

She then looked at everyone.

"But just so you know, it's only me at the moment. As the portal girl put it, too much help from my group would make it look bad for the rest of you but still, not about to sit this one out. But hey, it's your call all. But just to warn you. Anyone tries to slap some Isolene cuff's on me or any funny business and I'll give you a new hole to breath out of", Alien Angel then warned.

But settling down, she then said this.

"But if you all think your in over your head, I'll call in my own reinforcement regardless..."
Alpha / K Nine

Standing at attention, K Nine listened in as Bulldog recounted his side of the events that had happened so far as well as the evidence that was discovered against Aria. Any other day, K Nine would have followed the rulebook on this one.

But not today...not after seeing and reading Aria's side of the story during the week.

"...with all due respect sir...despite all that...this all feels like a setup...she can't even LOOK at a dead boy without feeling sick...plus, I'm sure you heard about what happened to me, Aria and several others a week prior during the fourth of July festivities...kidnapped...hunted by Ogre's...the villain Nero...if anything, she's mostly the reason why we all lived through that...if I may speak freely for once...bullshit of a kidnapping...we had even obtained evidence that linked Seraph to it...but after what Powers did to the bar here a week prior and his sudden "retirement" allowed him immunity from that case thanks to his lawyers no doubt..."

Then, much like he did before, K Nine stopped talking monotone and spoke in a normal voice. His emotions on this matter showing.

"Again, with all due respect Bulldog, I don't like this whole setup. Right now, all were doing is feeding Seraph's ego. And I know Wings of Law had taken credit for things they never did. They did it with Hero One and I KNOW they did it with CPD over the years. And now were supposed to "trust" his word while his Eagles run around the city causing damage worse than Hero One has ever done in one mission? Even now from what I heard, a fellow hero Brum has lawyered up in Aria's defense and Starbright is using HIS social media status to rally support for her through out Castleburg. But more importantly sir...don't you find it weird that Aria got THAT sloppy with fingerprints and hairs left behind even though she hid herself behind a hoodie? And the fact that the list of people Seraph thinks committed these murders is mostly those that were kidnapped a week ago minus myself?"

K Nine then closed his eyes and crossed his arms as he continued.

"Then there's the fact that he hijacked every general media device from T.V.'s to Radio's to broadcast his suspicions. Even before that, a villain called Caustic did that to publicly execute then Wing's member Rainbow Dancer with him admitting to the wrongs the Wing's of Law did...you should know Bulldog. The only reason Seraph and his Eagles are getting away with this is because the ICOSA is dragging their heels on this but then again, Power's sudden "retirement" might be one of the reasons for it."

K Nine then took a deep breath then went back into "monotone" mode.

"...sorry sir...but all this stinks worse than a pile of trash...and as the CPD, we can't exactly sit on our butts and say "well we don't believe you Seraph"...but we do have criminal charges on Seraph for causing all this ruckus and NOT leaving it to official hero teams and CPD among suspicion of kidnapping myself and the others...but yes sir..."

He then saluted Bulldog but told the first "lie" in his life.

"...I'll keep an eye out for Seraph if by some miracle I do find him...then I'll personally put a pair of Isolene Handcuff's on him...as for Aria...I'll try to bring her in sir...but I do it under protest..."

On that, he then left towards the alley and dumpster the others were hiding in.

Alien Angel

Thing were heating up as Alien Angel watched the fight from her vantage point in the air. She really was just distracting The Admiral so to give her allies any openings for an attack.

It seemed to work as The Admiral lost his anchor and an injured arm...but when he made the ground and even parts of the building shake, even she knew all bets were off.

Even more so when he rushed at Quake with his war statement.

"Heads up Quake!", Alien Angel said as she quickly dove towards The Admiral, ready to punch the guy flat on his back.
Alpha / K Nine

One event led to another and now K Nine found himself in an alleyway near Club 27. But it seemed simple enough. They needed information on what was going on around the crime scene and anything that was discovered during the investigation. Or perhaps even better, gain access to the crime scene itself so they could perhaps find something that the CPD may have missed.

K Nine didn't like the thought of entering the crime scene though. For one, they weren't exactly prepared for it. Usually you'd have to wear plastic gloves and more depending on what kind of crime scene it is. If they were discovered, someone could easily say that they contaminated the crime scene and that any evidence that the CPD discovered already could be "void".

"...as much as I want to investigate the scene, that could be tricky...if we get caught, someone perhaps close to Seraph could say that we contaminated the crime scene...and any evidence that CPD found either "for"...or "against" your favor would be null...I'll talk to Bulldog...were on good terms...he may get suspicious though that I'm suddenly here...I last told dispatch that I was following a lead...he might think I'm still at Pandora's...", K Nine whispered but monotone.

Then he noted someone at the opposite end of the alley...Kanati.

"...we have company...Kanati...fill him in...I'm going to talk to Bulldog...", K Nine monotoned.

Briefly waving at him then pointing behind the dumpster where Aria and Pandora were, he then went around it towards Club 27 and Bulldog...

Alien Angel

Alien Angel had to admit...after sitting in Quake's car, in her back seat with all that trash...plus her driving...she regretted saying that she got tired of flying.

Still, after her explanation, she know now wasn't the time to be gentle. Hero One was about to be a battleground from the sound of it.

Then, she noted all the protestors...and the signs...Starbright?

"...oh THAT goofball? Well his songs aren't ALL bad but...oh don't tell me he's using social media to help...if he is, it's the SMARTEST thing he's ever done", Alien Angel said with a smirk on her face.

She then followed the duo into Hero One, staying near Quake in case anyone "friendly" asked about her presence.

But apparently, someone named "The Admiral" wasn't friendly.

"Heads up guys!", Alien Angel warned as The Admiral launched his attack.

She immediately went airborne as much as the inside area could to avoid what looked liked a ground based shockwave but also moved sideways to avoid it all together if it was also a gust of wind.

"...think your the first super powered person I know that fights with an anchor. Nice to meet you popeye", Alien Angel mocked.

She then flew right at him but stopped just shy of him then started to circle him from his right to see what kind of move he made. From the looks of it already though, this guy fought similar to Quake but just needed the big anchor to cause the tremors. She'll rely on her flight and agility to avoid any attacks he tried on her.

Worse come to worse though, she'll bear her clawed hands and feet and start dealing serious damage if he didn't know when to quit.
Alpha / K Nine

After hearing Bullet making his choice to stay, K Nine followed the group upstairs. But based on comments, he knew they didn't fully trust him yet. Understandable in this situation.

K Nine then quietly listened in on the planning session.

Elmore Island was the first place Bypass mentioned on her first choice of places to go. After her explanation, it made sense but trying to get there would prove difficult since she herself had never been there so teleporting was out of the question. For now, it seemed that was off the table.

Then Club 27 and Hero One was talked on. As well as Bullet volunteering him to go to Club 27.

Speaking monotone, K Nine then said, "...yes...rather obvious. Perhaps besides Bullet and Pandora, anyone else on Seraph's list would most likely get arrested or be forced to...defend themselves against CPD...I'd rather not have that happen...if anything, yes, I'll go to Club 27 and personally make sure there isn't any more foul play...I will agree...Seraph either has Eagles just outside the crime scene waiting on anyone trying to get too close...or perhaps there are some...dirty cops he paid off..."

K Nine then looked at Bypass.

"...you should also know...that's what happened to Firebird...I had checked reports and people claimed he was caught by a member of Eagles named Rubber Man...nobody know where they took him after that..."

K Nine hoped that the dirty cops part wasn't true. After all, back in the Wings of Law days, it wasn't just heroes they stole credit from in terms of "doing good" on behalf of Castleburg.

Then Pandora spoke up about them touching her plants.

"...were guests here...mind your manners everyone..."

That's when K Nine thought her heard some sort of explosion...he then looked towards a nearby window.

"...I heard an explosion...", K Nine monotoned and walked towards said window...

Alien Angel

"Cool. Could use a break from going sky high. But yeah, I'll behave...and Angela?...that's actually cool. Yeah you can call me that", Alien Angel responded with a nod.

On that, she carefully got in the back seat of Quake's car...before she heard something loud in the sky.

"Whoa! Fireworks?! Where's that coming from?!", she suddenly said.

Getting back out suddenly, she quickly took to the air. Thankfully, she didn't have to go very high till she saw said fireworks. She then came back down to the group.

"Uh guys. Quick question...I think the fireworks is coming from your base Hero One. Is that some sort of signal?", she asked.
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