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Blue looked to Clara as she gave Sky a death stare. At that moment she jumped in the air and swung her leg at Blue. His eyes opened wide and instantly powerful lightning aura surrounded his hands while he went to block and grab her leg which would force the lightning aura to shoot up her leg causing her some pain.

Blue listened to Clara and Red Dawn speak before shaking his head slowly. He let out a sigh before looking to Ahrah. "No, I'm no hero and I never will be. I don't deserve to be so highly respected. I've barely done anything of worth as of yet. Right now, I'm no leader. I would hate to steal the leadership position off Pixie after all she has done for everyone. I could never be like her. I wouldn't even know where to start." He slowly looked to Summer and sighed again. "That's why I can't make any decisions right now. If I could hand the responsibility of leader to Pixie, I would in a heartbeat. Ahrah doesn't deserve me. Either Sky or Pixie would be far more skillful than me and make a better leader. I've never even wielded a sword nevermind trained for battle." He looked to them both then looked to Ruby. "I must thank you for helping to rebuild the city and healing the injuried but I must decline your challenge. At least for now." Ahrah glowed and quickly spoke up. "I highly suggest you accept the challenge Blue. It will help you test your skill and as a leader you will need Wisdom and Wisdom comes from experience.
Experience comes from making mistakes."
Blue looked to Ahrah and sighed then looked to Ruby. "Alright. I'll give you my sworn promise to fight you but please not now. We need to let things settle first." He gave a small bow of his head and looked to Clara again.
Red Dawn and Blue

Red Dawn was still resting when she saw Grace return with Clara. All of a sudden Clara ran past her and shouted over to her. She looked over confused and when she saw Clara disguising herself as a typical Lalafell she became even more confused. She got up and walked towards where Clara ran off to. She kept following until she saw Blue, Sky and Pixie together. As she walked closer however she quickly noticed why Clara seemed so excited. In his right hand Blue held Ahrah. Red Dawn sped up quickly and then called out brightly. "Blue?!" Blue turned around quickly as he saw Red Dawn and a lalafell he didn't recognise. "Oh, hello Red Dawn, and hello Miss." He smiled at them both as Red Dawn stood beside Clara. "This is my friend, Clara. She's heard all about you, how you guarded Ahrah for years. Never once leaving his side, through thunderstorms to blizzards." She turned to Sky with a small chuckle. "So Sky, I bet you wish you had taken the honor upon yourself to guard Ahrah now?" She gave a small smile before looking down to Clara.

Blue was glued to Ahrah, unaware of anything that was happening in the City. All he saw was a huge coliseum in the sky with a few explosions and he could very faintly hear some music. Blue sighed and continued to sit on Ahrah, determined to protect him. Eventually, after a wait that seemed forever he heard someone speaking. He looked up quickly to see a demon snake and what seemed to be some sort of Samurai. Blue gripped Ahrah tighter and his eyes widened. There was no way he could fight these two off, he could see their demonic power radiating off them. It was obvious though why they came, there was no question about it. "I don't care what you do to me but I won't let you have Ahrah!" Just as Blue finished talking Ahrah glowed brightly. "You are right Blue, he cannot wield me, it would cause the end of everything." with that said Ahrah shrunk down to Blue's size and he spoke once more. "Blue, your time of waiting has finally ended. Wield me and defend yourself!" Blue's eyes opened wide and just as the shockwave was about to hit them he grabbed onto Ahrah, holding him in his right hand. Immediately after a huge shockwave erupted from Blue so powerful it would vibrate and send powerful shockwaves to both heaven and hell. The shockwave emitted from Blue would reach as far as the Lalafell Kingdom and even the abandoned Usamimi Village. Blue's eyes glowed brightly, magic quickly filling him to the brim. His wings stretched out widely until after a few moments Blue fell to the ground briefly out of breath. Ahrah spoke up to him quickly. "Blue, get up. Our enemy may of retreated but there are allies in the Nimbat City that are severely injured. We must go to the city and help Grace and the others to provide aid immediately." Blue wasn't entirely sure who Grace was, but a part of him knew that she was an Angel, and not just any angel. God. Blue flew up slowly, his eyes brighter than ever. "Right, let's hurry!" He had a million questions to ask Ahrah but he could ask them later. For now, he needed to focus on helping anyone he could. Blue quickly flew towards the Nimbat City and when he arrived all he saw was blood, death and destruction. His eyes opened wide as he looked around shocked.


Raphi was unconscious, unmoving. Pain seared through his entire body, he had several broken bones which were almost piercing his heart. Raphi was on the verge of death. In his unconscious state he could see himself in a room of pure darkness. Shadows lingered in the background before his unconscious mind began to sing. "Despair, you come to me with your poison and misery. Oh, Death! You come to sting with your poison and misery!" At that moment the shadows grew larger and began to chant loudly. "Death! Death! Death! Death!!!" as they chanted Raphi's mind sung again. "Death surrounds me singing to me softly. Death, a shadow spreadsheet its wings around me. In the night, close your eyes, I can hear you calling." As he Raphi finished singing another version appeared. This one beaten and broken. His eyes started to flicker before shooting open and forcing himself up slowly. "This is how it feels when you're bent and broken! This is how it feels when your dignity is stolen!" the other Raphi began to sing once more. "In the night, close your eyes! I can hear you calling!" but Raphi wouldn't give up. His eyes glowed brightly and he shouted loudly. "I can feel the shadows creeping in my mind! Don't. Close. Your eyes!!!" In that moment Raphi's eyes shot open. Magic surrounded him and he slowly got himself up.

He breathed heavily before looking to the sky and singing loudly. "Death surrounds me! My heartbeat slowing down."

Although just as he stood on his own two feet another shockwave came straight for him. He continued to sing out loudly as the shockwave blew him back but on impact his own shockwave was fired off. His eyes glowed brightly before he continued to sing. "I won't take this world's abuse, I won't give up, I refuse! This is how it feels when you're bent and broken! This is how it feels when your dignity's stolen! When everything you love is leaving you hold on to what you believe in!" Magic surrounded him more growing more fierce as he walked up to Rhiaroar. He held out his hand and his magic surrounded Rhiaroar, slowly and carefully he was pulled of the horn and placed down. Raphi bent down to him and placed his hand on him infusing his magic into him and begun the healing process. "No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're going to stand and fight forever! Don't close your eyes!" He sung loudly, his voice echoing and even reaching the forest giving anyone who could stand the energy and motivation to try. He then walked towards Kiwi and used his magic to pull her off the support frame and placed her to the ground. He bent down and placed his hand on her, his magic surrounding her to begin the healing process. "No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're gonna fight for us together! No! We're not gonna die tonight!" He looked around as he continued to sing. "This is how it feels when you take your life back! This is how it feels when you finally fight back! When life pushes me I push harder! What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!" Raphi then ran towards Frostflame and bent down towards them. He placed his hand on their chest and his magic surrounded them, healing their bones and wounds. "Don't you give up on me! You're everything I need! Don't close your eyes! No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're gonna stand and fight forever!" Slowly he stood up and began to shout out louder. "No! We're not gonna die tonight! We're gonna fight for us forever! We're not gonna die tonight!" He looked around slowly, he had already started to heal some of the injured but there was many more that needed aid.


Blue looked around slowly seeing that the entire city had been destroyed. There was nothing left standing. Not a single building. Blue then focused on the casualties. He saw that Raphi was around around healing others. He flew quickly towards Sky and Pixie who were together and as he checked on them Ahrah spoke. "They are both alive just heavily injured." Blue nodded and held out his hand towards them and allowing his magic to wash over them quickly healing their wounds. He then flew over to Red Dawn knowing he didn't have time to talk to Sky. He checked her over but she wasn't in the worst condition. He held out his hand and allowed his magic to wash over her before flying off towards Erik. Erik was dead and Blue was going to need a little extra magic to bring life to him. Luckily that wasn't a problem anymore. "Ahrah, please lend me your magic." As he finished speaking Ahrah spoke. "There is no need to ask Blue." He held out Ahrah and repaired Erik's body before stabbing him in the heart. "Life!" Erik's body was shot with powerful magic to the point it began to vibrate. Then Blue pulled Ahrah out, not a single wound would be on his body. He then flew towards what remained of a building and moved some rubble until he found Erik's Book. He opened it and flipped through it for a moment before floating it to him. "Here, take this. I'm going to see if I can help anyone else." With that Blue flew off quickly. Flying toward the edge of the city he spotted Serenity. He held out Ahrah once more and shot a powerful beam of concentrated magic into her, causing Blue's magic to surround and heal her injuries including her spine. With that he flew off a little more until he found Rena. He landed next to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Rena, there you are." He infused her with his magic healing her injuries before getting back up and looking around.


After the chaotic disaster Rena groaned in pain quietly. She couldn't imagine just how many had died or the state of the city. Slowly Rena forced herself up and let out a small sigh. She turned towards the city and began to slowly walk towards it when another shockwave came straight for her. "Oh, come on!" She was hit by the shockwave and blasted back a few feet from where she started. She was barely conscious but still aware of her surroundings. After a little while she heard Blue's voice. She wasn't sure exactly how long it had been but she felt herself being healed. Still, despite knowing Blue for so long, the feel of his magic felt off. She slowly sat herself up and rubbed her head before turning to Blue. "Thanks Blue, I'll be okay I just need some..." Rena stopped talking immediately when she saw Ahrah. She stared at him for a moment before finally speaking again. "Ahrah, is that really you? How and why is Blue wielding you?" Just as Ahrah began to speak Rena shook her head. "Actually, nevermind. You can tell us all later. I'm going to go back to the city and try and figure out what I can do to help. In the meantime I can try and figure out exactly what the hell changed." She flew up with yingyang energy then flew to the city. Once she arrived she looked around and wasn't surprised to see everything was gone. She landed gently and walked around. She could already see that a few people had been healed and were back on their feet. One of which being Raphi who was singing and healing others. She let out a sigh and she look at the ruined City. She walked slowly but after so much injury she hadn't completed healed, not yet. Everyone was working hard already so she decided to sit down for now and wait until everything had settled. Then they could start discussing exactly what happened, what changed and what to do now.

Red Dawn
Red Dawn laid still barely conscious after the shockwaves. She wasn't even aware of Ahrah's awakening. The shockwave Blue emmitted with Ahrah only sent her a little further back. After what seemed like forever to her, Blue came up and healed her then immediately left. It happened so fast that she didn't even know it was Blue that had healed her. After a few moments Red Dawn slowly sat herself up and looked around her. "Bloody hell, how did it come to this?" She leaned back with a sigh and closed her eyes then after a moment's rest she slowly got herself up. She looked towards Raphi slowly seeing that he was healing others which meant in the chaos, he must of become a Legend Seeker. Of course he did, what else could change. Looking around she saw there wasn't much she could help with right now, the situation was being well handled. So she walked out the way slowly until she saw Rena and sat herself down next to her. "Glad to see you're safe Rena." She gave a brief smile before letting out another sigh.


Serenity couldn't move, all she could do was wait. The pain was unbearable but she didn't faint once. Instead she waited painfully until eventually Blue shot her with a powerful blast of magic. She could feel her body mending slowly until she was able to stand up. She struggled to her feet and let out a small sigh. Finally, the pain was over. Serenity looked around the ruined City and saw that there wasn't much that she could really do and almost everything was being handled. So for now, she sat back down in a more comfortable spot and closed her eyes as she leaned back.


Omi and Mamba were in hell waiting for Maru's signal when suddenly the two of them were summoned along with everyone else. They listened to Maru closely and when he was done Mamba spoke. "Finally, I was afraid you weren't going to invite us." With that he and Omi left. Once they reached the city Mamba spoke once more. "The City is almost completely destroyed. This will be easy. Omi, let's separate and cover more ground." With that Mamba sunk into the shadows and slithered through the city when suddenly, he sensed the awakening of Ahrah and immediately after Maru and Orochi disappearing. "What in hell changed?" Soon after he sensed Ori and Kraken leave, before sensing Omi leave. Mamba then sensed the arrival of Grace. Mamba quickly slithered through the shadows of the city and towards the forest and just as he was about to leave, he saw Bella. She was heavily injured and being destined for the Earth's vessal would change a lot if she were to die, plus he wouldn't mind taking her power as his. Quickly the shadows around her lunged forward and bit into her neck. As they did black venom would seep into her, turning her skin darker and darker still until it was completely black. All the while Mamba took in her power, feeding him. Immediately after he was done he came out the shadows and teleported back to hell with a full meal.

Green, Earth and Fire

The shockwaves emitted from Pixie quickly woke the Spirit of Earth. She screamed out in pain and agony as trees were ripped out from the ground. With each blast, stronger than the last the forest became more and more damaged. After Pixie's shockwaves were over, a small green dragon awoke. His eyes looked around quickly seeing the destruction of the forest. He could feel the Spirit of Earth dying and with no vessal to call her own there was no way to save her....unless. Green quickly flew to the center of the forest and sensing another shockwave coming soon he had no time to rest. He began to channel his lifeforce into the forest as he sang.

"Day to night, dark to light, fall the sands of time. Let the years like the gears of a clock unwind. In your mind, walk through time back to better days. Memories, like a dream, wash tears away. Like a star in the sky darkness can't reach you. Light the night joy is light til the new dawn. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine. Heal what has been hurt Change the fate's design. Save what has been lost, walk through time back to better days."

Green's eyes slowly started turning dull, his once bright green scales began to darken as life drained out of him and into the forest. As the shockwave came a powerful time bubble surrounded him, the wave passed right through.

Meanwhile in the deepest and hottest volcano laid to rest a phoenix. It could sense the pain and agony of the Spirit of Earth. Fire shot up like blazing glory and flew off quickly towards the forest. When he arrived towards the center of the forest he saw a dragon giving his life to save the forest. Fire's eyes turned pure white and then suddenly he disappeared. Seconds later the entire forest caught ablaze. There wasn't a single point where the forest wasn't on fire. Then a song echoed out of the forest so loud it would reach the Nimbat City. "Heal this spirit, heal this soul. Mind and body shall be whole! Beast of the burning sunlight seal this wound that pain may cease. Heal this spirit, heal this soul. Mind and Body shall be whole! Beast of the burning sunlight seal this wound that pain may cease!" As he sang the forest would begin to regrow and heal. Once the shockwaves were over and the Earth Spirit was safe the fire dulled down until there was nothing left but a fire bird.

During the healing of the forest something far worse had happened. The Earth Spirit sensed that Bella had been killed. Her vessal was gone. However now laid a dragon in her forest who had given her life and soul to try and safe her, dying slowly. It was then that the forest itself spoke.

"You who has risked it all. You who has given life. You who died to save me. I give you the greatest honor of all."

With that plants, vines and the earth itself wrapped around Green forming a large caccoon that glowed brightly. As the caccoon was formed it healed Green, bringing him back from the brink of death but the forest became deathly silent.

The Fire bird watched as the Earth Spirit chose her vessal, the same green dragon that had risked it all to save the forest. As the birth began the fire bird decided this would be the perfect time to make his own vessal. Fire wrapped around itself quickly until it formed a large egg. Inside that egg was a feather from the hottest blazing bird. The egg glowed with life beside the caccoon, together they would birth new life. One a dragon and the other a Phoenix. While normally rivals, these two would be siblings.

Kion, Fae, Grace, Manta, Shell and Moonrise

Manta was in the First Kingdom when the first few waves hit, destroying the majority of the Kingdom. The Flying Mantaray Reserve was one of the many things that were destroyed. Luckily Manta, Shell and the others worked together to get to safety. "The timeline is changing. I've never felt such powerful ripples through time before! Something truly big is coming and I don't know how any of us can prepare for it." hearing that Neptune quickly spoke. "We need to get the Mantas to heaven, Now!" Moonfall looked to the others and nodded. "Agreed, this is bad. We need to contact Frost." With that the Angelic Companions put their power together and brought the Mantas' to heaven. It was Shell who spoke this time. "Something is changing, something big. This change, whatever it is, it's the biggest change in history that we have ever felt." Obelisk spoke up next with his demonic voice. "Simply healing the Mantas' will not be enough. No, not this time." Grace looked to Frost, fear in her eyes. Then she looked back to the Mantas' and nodded. Without a moment later she placed the strongest possible barrier around their minds and forced them into a deep sleep coma while placing a barrier around them as well for good measure. She watched as Frost put them into a deep cryonic coma herself. After that Grace turned to the others. "What in good graces is coming?" Just as she finished a huge shockwave rippled through heaven and her eyes widened. Fae who had chosen to stay quiet was hit by the shockwave, her eyes flashing before sending a shockwave of her own, while this was happening Kion quickly spoke in a unbelieving tone. "Was...was that Ahrah awakening?" Grace opened her mouth but no words came out. Quickly she teleported them all down to the city and began to look around, trying to figure out what happened and to see if it were safe to release the mantas' yet.

Raphi watched as the gates opened and the music began to play. Prince Ali was here. He watched closely as he made his way through not very impressed with the show. Once Prince Ali stepped out the meeting began with Pixie greeting him but that didn't last long when a searing insult was shot. Raphi was as shocked as anyone else and it didn't get better from there. Things continued to take a turn for the worst as Pixie grew angrier. As Prince Ali went to eat he let out a small sigh. That was until he tipped the table, running all the food and wine. At that point it hit the peak. Pixie began to turn black as she shouted at him. "Someone has to do something!" He stepped forward quickly but before he could do anything Thunder stood in the way. He was forced to do nothing but watch. Just as Prince Ali finished talking to Pixie Her entire form was now black and red. She released a powerful shockwave which sent Raphi flying back and moments later she released a dozen more shockwaves at least sending him and most others flying back even more and further and instantaneously demolishing several buildings. When it was all over Pixie had fallen unconscious.


Kion was teleported along with everyone else to Grace. He listened to her then looked to Foxy. It seems that despite being caught he would still be able to witness the creation of magic. He turned around and watched closely as Prince Ali came through. Nothing interesting happened yet. When he got out and spoke with Pixie he knew that it was about to happen. He watched closely as Pixie grew angrier and angrier still however Pixie still looked like herself. It didn't take long for Pixie to start losing control though as her fur began to turn black and red. "It's happening. This is horrible!" He could barely bare to watch as Pixie changed then just as the transformation was completed a huge shockwave was sent out heading straight for them. Before Grace and Foxy could do anything Clara and Frost teleported them away from the city, taking them all to Heaven and thus protecting them from the shockwaves and destruction that would surely follow. Kion wasn't sure what to say he looked to Clara slowly and took a deep breath. "What...happened?"


Rena had seen this time and time again. She wasn't surprised at the events that unfolded. It was almost the same every time. It was point A leading to point B. The only thing that really changed was point B leading to point C. When the transformation was complete she resisted the initial shockwave at first but jumped up to make sure she didn't get blown back completely. It was the additional dozen more shockwaves that caught her off guard. Her eyes opened wide and while still in mid air with no time to react all she could do was throw her arms in front of her before being hit with all the force of the shockwave. She was quickly sent flying back and landed several feet outside the city, pain filling her entirely.


Fae was teleported to Grace like everyone else. She listened to Grace and Foxy giving a small nod. "Thank you and I am sorry for causing so much trouble." She bowed her head then turned to watch the King. As the events unfolded Fae's eyes opened wide with shock. "I can't believe this is happening!" There was a Nimbat that was transforming right in front of them. The shockwave that would cause, now she understood and Fae was right. Moments later a huge shockwave was shot off and they were all taken to Heaven to protect them. Fae opened her mouth slowly but not sure what to say. "We have to go back, there are people who'll need help." None of them knew just how bad it would be down there, none of them could possibly know the changes that would unfold.


Aerial watched as the events unfolded, Prince Ali coming in and angering Pixie causing her to transform. The moment he went to do anything he was blocked off by Thunder. As the first shockwave was sent his eye's widened and shouted out loudly in surprise. "Oh My God!" Quickly he jumped forward and held his arms up quickly. As the wave hit him he was sent flying back at first but he kicked off a building and sent him forward once more. Just as he passed through the wave his own shockwave emitted from him, suspending him in mid air as his eyes glows brightly but moments later his shockwave was swalloweed his eyes widened again. The shockwaves hit him hard and Aerial was sent flying back. He was thrown out of the city and through the trees of the forest before slamming into a something sharp. Slowly Aerial looked down and saw his weapon had gone straight through him, the other end stuck out of a large tree in the forest. He tried to breath but nothing would come out. Instead he hung there dying slowly and painfully.

Red Dawn

Red Dawn watched as the events unfolded. She had seen this many times before and nothing was a surprise to her anymore. That was until Pixie evolved. The initial blast wasn't a problem. She held her spear up and cut through it like cake. Then lowered her weapon again. Moments later however a dozen more blasts were fired off. Red Dawn's eyes widened in surprise and that moment in hesitation made it impossible to react. Instead she shouted out loudly. "Watch out!" The shockwaves hit her hard and she was sent flying back. Her was quickly ripped out of her hand then she slammed into a building. Moments later the building was demolished and Red Dawn was sent back further until she smashed to the ground and slided across it like Lightning until she eventually stopped. She had no idea where Erik was or what happened to him and she didn’t know where her spear went off too either.


Serenity was off on the right side of the crowd in the far back. She watched in silent horror as the events unfolded. As it grew steadily worse she began to step back slowly. That was when Pixie transformed. The shockwaves came straight for her and she used her Autumn powers to quickly protect herself wrapping herself in an autumn ball. The initial shockwave shredded the leaves but she survived with no problem. However the dozen more shockwaves hit her like a ton of bricks. She was sent flying back like everyone else, the pain of the actual shockwave was unbearable as she was flung back she slammed her back into a jagged wall, her eyes widened as her back instantly snapped before falling to the ground unconscious.

Blue Fang

Blue Fang watched as the events unfolded rapidly. Pixie was turning darker as she grew angrier and Blue Fang quickly realised the seriousness of the situation. He looked to Aki and spoke quickly. "We need to leave, now!" He grabbed Aki in an attempt to pull him along but when he refused to leave with Blue he turned back to Pixie quickly. At that point it was too late. She transformed and a huge shockwave instantly washed over him but at first he didn't move a muscle. Instead his eyes glowed brightly and his own shockwave escaped from him but it didn't last long as the next set of shockwaves swallowed it up and hit him like a ton of bricks. He was sent flying back with no time to react or do anything. Eventually he slammed into a large wall just on the outskirts of the City when suddenly a huge spear came straight for him. His eyes widened but before he could react it stabbed him in the heart. The wall behind was then instantly destroyed and the shockwaves forced the spear to pierce through him even more. Blue Fang slided against the floor and stopped just outside the City.


Grace watched as the events unfolded unsurprised by how it turned out. As Pixie transformed she and Foxy went to put up a barrier when immediately they were all teleported to Heaven. She looked around slowly before looking back to Clara. "Why did you two bring us here? We could of easily stopped the wave of energy, unless... something has changed?" She was aware that the two of them were Guardian Seekers, if they chose to retreat then it had to be extremely bad. Grace waited for an answer as she grew slowly worried.

After Clara, Grace and Foxy left to investigate what was changing the timeline Frost began searching the city still hidden by light magic when she saw Fea disguised as a Nimbat. Frost flew over to her and used light magic to make Fea invisible as well before removing her disguise

“You shouldn’t be here why have you come? You should still be in the first Kingdom.”


Kion wasn't sure how to answer the questions but he had to think of something. He opened his mouth ready to say something when another Nimbat came up and spoke but he could recognise that magic anywhere. It was small but there was no doubt the magic signature was Clara's. He gave a nervous smile not saying anything as he slowly flew away with her. When they had made enough distance he spoke quietly. "So... uuh. The King will be here soon." He looked to the gathering crowd slowly. He must be pretty close now.


Rena listened to Rosde and was about to speak when Kinoa came. She looked to Kinoa before looking to Rose. Prince Ali was scheduled to arrive at any moment now. She sighed and then looked to Kinoa one last time. "Fine, take over but don't go easy on her!" With that she teleported back to the ground and walked into the crowd waiting for the King while wondering what more could go wrong.


Just before Fae could move Frost came and turned her invisible then undid her disguise. She looked around then looked to Frost as she spoke. "I'm sorry, Kion brought me and Rose here. He told us about some big event, I assume creation of magic and it will help us prepare for the council meeting in two days." She was perfectly honest and just as she had finished she turned around to see the gates starting to open. Now it was time.


After each person had been gathered Grace appeared and summoned everyone to her before looking at them all. "So, it was you three. The King is due to arrive any second now." She sighed as she saw the gates beginning to open. "I suppose there isn't much else we can do. The chain of events have already started and if you're this determined to see what happens then you'll only try again next time. Stay out the way and do nothing." with that she turned towards the gates while wondering how much worse this could get. She let out a sigh as she watched.
Raphi and Aerial

Raphi didn't get chance to do much as everything happened so fight. One moment the fight had started then the next Foxy had stopped it. The Aerial clones had been destroyed by Rhiaroar and the real Aerial was hidden but not to Foxy. After Foxy had finished talking they were all teleported back the the ground and the coliseum had vanished. Raphi and Aerial noticed that almost everyone was gathering around as the King was approaching the gates still neither of them could concentrate properly when an angel had gotten involved. Instead the question of why and who was on their mind as they gathered around silently not sure what to say.


Fae was looking around, the battle in the sky was raging on and then Sky approached her. She asked who she was and Fae opened her mouth to speak not sure exactly on what to say. "Oh, me? Well....I am just any other Nimbat. I don't really uuuh come out much so you probably don't see me very often." She gave a nervous smile when she saw people starting to gather around she quickly changed the subject. "Oh, look! Something's happening!" Just as she pointed it out Sky Gasped and rushed off. Fae let out a small sigh of relief. There really weren't many places to hide here.


Kion gave a nervous smile as Nightingale spoke to him. He wasn't sure what to say but he should of figured that she would know. She always knew something was going on. Before he could say anything she placed a plate of food in front of him. He looked at it nervously, it was a bunch of Nimbat food and honestly not something he would not enjoy in the slightest. He played with the food slightly before sighing. "Oh uuh, thank you. It looks.....lovely." Slowly he took a bite and his crunched up face showed his disgust but luckily she had made the fast taste at least editable. Kion gave a small sigh before slowly continuing to eat.

Red Dawn

Red Dawn listened to Bella and then gave a small nod. Then as Bella began to play music she let out a sigh and looked around. Things were already changing and quickly. She stood up slowly then just as she walked past Bella she spoke. "Don't worry, with each dreams comes with understanding. As Nightingale said, they are dreams of your destiny and the closer the day comes the clearer they'll be." She smiled and then walked up as she looked up in the sky. Using her magic, she could see Rena and Rose in the sky and she slowly shook her head. Then she saw Foxy handling the coliseum. It seemed the angels had gotten involved now. Which meant there wasn't much that she needed to do. Instead she walked over to Erik and Lamy and tapped both on the shoulder. "It's time, let's get ready to meet Prince Ali." She smiled and then led the two of them off to gather around the crowd and wait for him as he approached the gates.

Blue Fang

Blue Fang sighed when his brother decided to go challenge Rena. This was going to go well, he was sure. He watched as Rena politely declined his request but Aki still didn't give up. It was then that Rena threw him to the side before flying off towards the sky. He gave a bit of a laugh and slowly got himself up. "Wow. That went really well. Anyway, the King will probably be here soon. We should probably make ourselves presentable. You know how he can be." With that Blue Fang grabbed his brother's hand and pulled him up before walking off and preparing for the King's arrival.


Serenity listened to Frost and gave her head a little nod, she opened her mouth to speak but wasn't sure what to say. She waited for a moment until she saw others gathering around which meant Prince Ali was almost here. She stood up slowly and bowed her head to him. "We should probably get ready for Prince Ali." She gave him a small smile before walking off and getting ready for his arrival.


Grace watched everything closely, making sure everything was in order but she saw things were rapidly changing. She sighed and couldn't argue with Foxy when she spoke. Grace gave her nod of approval before Foxy disappeared then turned to Frost and Kinoa. "Frost, Kinoa, would you two please investigate this further?" She then turned to Clara. "If you wish, you can also join the investigation. I'm going to watch the timeline directly and try and make sure nothing else changes." With that Grace disappered. She knew that something was going on, someone had gone there when they weren't supposed to. Now she had to try and make sure it didn't effect the timeline too drastically while the others did crowd control.

Just as Draco walked out he heard a huge explosion. He looked up to see fire and smoke in the sky then he heard Ryiaroar call to him. He turned around to see him approaching and listened to what he had to say. When he was finished he looked up slowly to see the coliseum before turning back to Ryiaroar. "Sure, but me and Aerial are an unstoppable pair. I doubt you'd stand any chance." He lifted his sword to the coliseum then at the same time, he and Ryiaroar shouted. "Duel Coliseum!" With that the Coliseum would shot two beams of light that would instantly hit them both before teleporting them. The two would appear in the Coliseum, so thick with smoke that you couldn't see your own two feet.


Raphi heard Ryiaroar had joined him in the training area so when the two explosions came it didn't phase him at all. He continued to train himself when he heard the explosion that came from the sky and it caught him off guard, making him fall with all the weight on top of him. He coughed a little before pushing everything off him. He got up and looked to the sky as Ryiaroar said he was going to ask Draco if they wanted to make it a team battle. Raphi quickly followed to hear Draco accepted and then they had the coliseum teleport them. At this point he thought it would be a good idea if he joined along but being the Duel Coliseum he would need someone to challenge. He initially thought of Kiwi but he knew that wouldn’t be as fun. Instead he decided to go to the courtyard where silver meditated. He thrust his arm forward and pointed to him. "Hey Silver, I challenge you to a duel in the Duel Coliseum. Do you accept?" He lowered his arm and watched him closely, waiting for his response.


Rena continued to meditate but as she heard him say 'no' under his breath she let out a mental sigh. It seems things were changing dramatically at this point which meant someone or someones' were here when they weren't supposed to be. "I said..." She snapped open her eyes and the yin yang mirages of her parents would lash out and grab him. "No Thank You!" With that the mirages would send a painful shock to both sides and drain his energy making him feel drained and tired before throwing him back to his brother. Then moments later Rena got herself up. "Who the hell is changing the timeline?" she said it quietly but loud enough that those who were watching the timeline know something was definitely happening. She looked around quickly until she saw a Nimbat fly into the clouds. "You!" She ran and then jumped in the air. Yin Yang energy surrounded her and Rena shot off like a rocket. She stopped directly in front of Rose and then held out her palm. "You're not a Nimbat, are you? Reveal!" As she called out Rose would transform back into herself. At which point Rena would look confused. "Of all people, what are you doing here?" She looked down below for a moment thinking to herself. If Rose was here, then that would mean Fae must be here somewhere as those two were never far apart.


Aerial watched Palka closely as he began to prepare for his first attack. He was ready for anything that the little neko could bring. When Palka began to use a combination of two extremely deadly attacks his eyes went wide with surprise. He waited for him to start running at him and when he did Aerial quickly kicked out his leg and did a full 360 degrees spin before leaping in the air creating a cyclone in his place which would disorientate Palka. He watched as Palka ran into it then towards the coliseum wall. There was a huge explosion and the entire coliseum filled with thick smoke. The smoke was so thick that even the best rito wouldn't be able to see through. He closed his eyes and let out a quiet breath. "Aerial Arts 01: Aerial Sight!" He opened his eyes again which glowed brightly. Now he could see through anything. He looked down to see that Rhiaroar, Raphi, Draco and Silver had joined the coliseum. He could only assume that the three brothers would be on the same team. He nodded then held his sword tightly before thrusting it deep into his chest. "Aerial Arts 30: Aerial Projection!" He yanked the sword out and suddenly 30 copies of him shot out of his chest and surrounded the top of the coliseum. Then just as the smoke began to clear each version of him rose their sword. "Aerial Arts 10: Aerial Barrage!" Suddenly each and every Aerial would jump down to slash at Palka, Rhiaroar and Raphi then explode whether stopped or successfully hit. The real Aerial quickly called out to himself. "Aerial Arts 12: Aerial Vaniash." Suddenly Aerial would disappear and instead another version would take his place and continue with the Aerial Barrage.

While Aerial was waiting for them to answer Bo came up and began to help him with the banners. He watched her as she did it with ease then turned to her when she spoke to him. "Thank you for the help Bo." Before he got chance to say anything more Palka came up to him. He smiled as he spoke and looked to the banners once more then looked back to him. "Sure, why not. Now that the banners are all done I've got plenty of time. Let's go." Aerial held out his long sword then held it up to the sky. "Another battle, another war. From earth to sky let boundries be no more." He swung his sword down and stabbed it in the ground. "Samurai Art 35: Duel Coliseum!" Suddenly energy would surround them both and the two of them would shoot into the sky. Once they were high in the sky the energy would explode in a shockwave and in it's place would be a huge coliseum where he and Palka would stand. He held his blade staring at Palka as he waited for his move.


Rena didn't even open her eyes as Aki came to challenge her. She continued meditating as if he wasn't even there. The only indication she gave that she had heard him was a simple "No thank you" She didn't move a single muscle, the energy around her didn't falter.

Kion and Fae

Kion and Fae watched as Aerial came jumping down almost landing on them. He asked them who they were and before they could open their mouths to speak Bo came to save the day. Then Rose dragged the two off. Kion let out a small sigh before looking around. "We need to be more careful. I think we should separate so we aren't together. Remember, try to change as little as possible." With that he flew off. Fae looked to Rose and nodded. "That's a good idea. I'll find a place to stay, see you later." with that Fae flew off too.

Red Dawn

Red Dawn nodded to her and watched her for a little longer as she spoke. "I'm sure it will be fantastic. Are you still having those dreams Bella?" Red Dawn showed a serious expression as she waited. Not noticing the coliseum just yet.


Serenity was so focused that she barely heard Frostflame come up to her. When Frost spoke she turned around quickly and then gave a small shy smile. "Oh, Hello Frost. I uuuh. Well..." She wasn't sure what to say. She placed her hands down for a moment before looking to Frost again. "I know you are probably right but.... uuum. I don't know. I always have Autumn to help me but I never know who to approach. I never know who to talk to i don't want to bother anyone." She looked away for a moment, staring down at her hands.


Kion wondered where the best place would be to go without causing too much of a disturbance. He looked around and then smiled, coming up with an idea. He flew over to where Nightingale was and sat down then looked around. He could see everything here and he could avoid trouble. It wasn't like he could change anything here. This was just the dining table. Everyone came to eat, nothing more. He relaxed for a moment when he saw a huge coliseum in the sky. "What.....is that?" He stared up at it with his eyes wide.


Fae wasn't sure where to go exactly. She saw Red Dawn talking to Bella so she couldn't go anywhere near there and Kion took to the Dining area. So instead so decided to fly towards an open area in the middle of the city, this time looking up to see if there were any flying Inumimi but instead she saw a huge coliseum. "Uuuh. Is this meant to happen?" She stared up, not sure what to think.

Rena was also at the Nimbat City that day. She had spoke to Pixie earlier and now she was sitting on one of the large tree stumps around the large tables. Her legs crossed and her eyes closed. She had witnessed this event every time and each and every time she did the exact same thing without fail even if she was aware of the time loops. She meditated quietly and so focused that white and black energy surrounded her lifting her in the air. Even those who had never met her would be able to sense her godly power. As she meditated mirages of her parents would appear behind her as she focused on her meditation.


Aerial was helping prepare for the King. He grabbed one corner of a banner, took a few steps back then ran and leaped in the air reaching the 10ft pole with ease. He grabbed it and held onto it as he tied the banned on. After pulling up the other corner and grabing it he leaped off but instead of landing to the ground he kicked the air sending him in another direction towards the other pole. He grabbed onto it and once again tied it on. Once he was done he leaped off and went into a dive. As he was approaching the ground he saw three Nimbats in his landing spot. He quickly did a somersault in mid air and landed just in front of them creating a huge dent in the soil. "Hey! Be careful! I told everyone not to be in this area while I was working! You could of been seriously hurt. Who are you anyway? I don't recognise you. I'm Aerial nice to meet you." He tilted his head as he waited for their answer.


Serenity was also helping to set up the city. Using her autumn powers she created beautiful decorations like lights, statues and even figurines for the King. She made a few all over the city. She knew it wasn't much but she had to do her part. Once she had made enough Serenity walked over to one of the benches and sat herself down quietly. She placed her hands together then slowly pulled them apart creating a small autumn ball in the cage of her two hands. There she focused on it, tuning out the world as she played with her creation. At first she created things like trees, grass, plants and water. Then she started with animals, insects and fish. After that she would create early humans and watched them closely.

Blue Fang

Blue Fang was sat on one of the round tables with his brother Aki. He watched as everyone helped prepare the city for the King. One of the people he noticed was a young child meditating. At first he didn't think much of her until she began to levitate. He saw the yinyang aura radiating off her and then moments later mirages of her parents appeared. One fierce white bear and a even more intimidating menacing black bear. Slowly he leaned over to Aki and spoke. "Wow, look at her. I don't think neither of us could even dare to challenge someone like her!" He continued to watch her a little longer before he turned and looked elsewhere. There he saw Aeriel setting up the banners. He leaped high in the air and grabbed on to the first pole at which point he spoke again. "How can anyone jump that high? Especially someone like a lalafell?" He was amazed at just how good the little guy was when it came to jumping. It was insane. There weren't any heights that he couldn't achieve.


Swaol was preparing to leave on her trip with Blue Rose. They may of been going to different locations but they agreed they would leave together. She smiled brightly as Pixie gave her the supplies. Before taking them though she gave Pixie a big hug. "I'm going to miss you Pixie. Thank you. I could never imagine anyone else being Nimbat Leader." She watched as she left to get Blue Rose's supplies and when she came back she waited for Pixie to be done. Then she turned to Blue Rose with a smile. "Well, we're all set. Let's get ready to go but remember, any artifact can be dangerous. Make sure you take every possible precaution you can, okay?" She turned to Pixie and watched as she approached Sky before turning to leave. She walked out the Nimbat City and into the forest. They would travel through the ancient forest and separate after they reached the end to their own destinations.

Red Dawn

Red Dawn came through the gates with Erik and Lamy just as Pixie finished talking to sky. She smiled when Pixie came to greet them. She looked to Erik as he spoke to Pixie and shook her hand then Pixie asked if she could read Erik's book. After Erik went to leave she looked to Pixie. "It's nice to see you again Pixie. I'll make myself at home." When Pixie left she walked over towards Erik and Lamy as they were heading off with the book. "Erik, leave the book on Pixie's counter then take Lamy with you and stay by Nightingale and Miarikia." With that said she walked off over to Bella who was preparing music sheets for the King. "Greetings Bella. I can't wait to here your concert, I'm sure it's going to be beautiful." Red Dawn gave her a welcoming smile as she sat herself down.
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