Zakroti watched Amaryllis with no small degree of amusement. He guessed what was coming from the way she looked at him after she had cleaned the floor but feigned ignorance. Best to let it play out. As such, he feigned a surprised grunt as the cloth hit him in the face, splashing him with the water. The cold that stung his face brought back memories, one's that were hardly kind either. Slowly, he raised his hand up to his face to remove the rag Upon hearing her words, he managed to suppress the small smile he was tempted to crack and merely stared at Amaryllis with a blank expression for a few moments, before raising his eyebrows and turning his head to the side slightly in an exaggerated expression of agreement, nodding.
"Not to worry, Amaryllis, accidents happen." He placed the cloth into the pitcher slowly and cast a sudden glance to the glass in his hand, then cranked his head sideways as he heard Miry speak and felt a gust of air carry across his face. So, she was trying to channel warm air around his face to dry him off it seemed. He gave a friendly smile and for those short few seconds a sliver of kindness came over his eyes "Thank you."
He paused for a few moments in thought and felt nothing but pity for the girl. She had been dragged away from home and forced to marry him because her sister had dared to stand up against the Drakken Lords. Astaelin had been an unbelievable fool to shoot an arrow at a lord without due consideration of the potential consequences to herself and her little sister but then all young people made rash decisions. It was part of being young to make rash decisions that weren't exactly the best long term. (You know that all too well) At least somebody had the balls to stand up and do something.
Miry though apparently had none of her sisters tenacity, none of her bravery or forwardness. He couldn't tell what exactly it was a result of, though he guessed to some extent that Miry had become used to hiding behind her sister. Perhaps she had never really had to defend herself and in the absence of her sister isn't entirely sure how to be assertive. She was tearful at the parting of her sister, that much was obvious, and the agreement between the two never to speak again clearly made this an horrific ordeal for her. In some respects he felt
His thoughts were interrupted by Miry falling onto him and then jerking away. "It's quite alright, Miry." Zakroti asked as he quickly ran his eyes over her and noted that while he would have initially deemed the action impossible she appeared to be even more frightened than she had been before. He let out a light chuckle as he watched her apologise profusely for her apparent offence. "You can relax, Miry, I don't hold it against you. You didn't do it deliberately and I am not carrying a pox so you can touch me without looking as though you think you will be killed for it." He flashed her a kind smile again and he lifted his hand up to wipe the remaining dirt from his face. "Are you alright? The fall didn't hurt, did it?"
Zakroti turned his attention back towards Amaryllis and looked at the floor, before running his eyes back up Amaryllis "It looks much better now, doesn't it? Perhaps I should ask you to clean the floors of my estate too, my... Servants would be glad of an extra pair of hands to bear the load." He flashed Amaryllis another wry smile. He was quite clearly taking enjoyment at her rebelliousness rather than annoyance.
"You should really watch yourself, Amaryllis. I trust you do wish to return home one day and you are doing a remarkable job of convincing me not to let you go." Zakroti gave a small chuckle before pausing for a moment to let the words he had just said sink into both girls. He glanced to Miry for a moment, realising that even if he did let her go, her sister would still be in the hands of Edoric. He wondered precisely how she would explain it to people regardless; Would they simply believe she had run away rather than been dismissed? No, she probably wouldn't even explain it and would just meekly agree with everything the local constable said to her, whether it was true or not.
Was it cruel to dangle the possibility of freedom before their eyes? He supposed he was being somewhat misleading in commenting that they might return home. After all, they would not be released soon for certain, his grandfather would gut him if he ever tried to do so and unfortunately for the two girls Zakroti was nothing if not pragmatic. The pair had a value to his plans for certain even if he wasn't exactly satisfied with the value they had... but then again he wasn't outright lying. He had no desire to kill Miry or Amaryllis and their usefulness to his family would in time fade with age, such was the nature of looks and wombs. A waste of the prime of their lives, certainly, he had his suspicions that even Amaryllis could have, if she had desired, snared most Gem boys should she of cleaned herself up a little, but it was better than what most gems could hope for. Returning at age 40 was better than returning in a coffin or disappearing into the abyss of memory, that was for certain. 20 years was a long time, to be sure, but their situation could be far worse.
Yes, brides didn't tend to last long after they finished being pretty and giving children, if they were lucky enough to make it that far. None had ever returned home from what he could recall (Again, he made a mental note to find some information on the subject when he returned to his estate), but just because something was unprecedented didn't make it impossible, even if the... disposition of certain lords meant those who past their age would meet a gruesome end to satisfy their needs.
Zakroti cast a subtle glance to the floor, letting sadness creep into his face for a moment and claim the smile that formerly lay across it, replacing it with a solemn and almost forlorn gaze. Some met a very gruesome end indeed. He masked his face and by extent his emotion as best he could by raising the glass up to his mouth again to take a short sip from it, taking a moment to harden his face again behind the glass. He wasn't trying exceptionally hard, it didn't much matter whether the girls saw him give a momentary mournful glance but he wasn't inclined to give Amaryllis anymore ammo to use against him than she already had.
Speaking of which... He snapped his head straight again, steeling his gaze again and turning his attention back to Amaryllis. He lifting the damp cloth and slung it at her head in retaliation. It was almost a soft throw and the cloth hit her head without even so much force as to make her stumble forwards, more as though he was playing with her than attempting to punish her or even cause her some discomfort.
"Sorry about that. It just slipped." He repeated to her with an amused smile on his face, raising the glass as if in toast before finishing the contents. "A very slippery cloth it seems." He steeled his face again a moment later and continued with a fake seriousness to his voice "Now, are we done with the antics for the evening or do you have more entertainment planned for me? I must say you have done very well in making what I feared would be a boring trip rather amusing. Perhaps I will pay more mind to the pair of you than I planned after all."
He glanced up to the clock on the wall and gave a sly smile as he raised from the chair and crossed the room towards the door "Come on. Onwards to the feast with some haste. Don't want to miss the spectacle." He raised his hand as he approached the door and the metal latch creaked as it swung backwards the wooden door swung open to let him pass, humming a rather sombre piece to himself which echoed down the hallway.