Zakroti followed Miry carefully with his eyes as she stepped forward to help Kzaar rise to his and listened to her as she made her request.
”Y-yes… M-my lord, I f-forg-give him. B-but… I-if I may make a r-request? P-please don’t make a-anyone kn-kneel bef-fore me, e-ever ag-gain. I-I’m not w-worthy o-of it.”
Zakroti gave her a smile and a friendly nod. He no real wish to harm Kzaar for doing his duty faithfully and was pleased that Miry had not held a grudge against him. Indeed, Kzaar must have seemed more like a monster to the Gems than a person given that he stood so tall and was fully capable of cleaving men in half with a single swipe. Many Gems harboured an innate hatred of the Drakken after so many years and he could only assume they would be quick to jump on the opportunity to have one harmed and yet here Miry was, helping a Drakken warrior to his feet.
"As you desire, Miry, I will ne-" He began in a polite tone, but suddenly cut off as he saw her scamper away from his side and launch into a sudden dash across the room. He reached out in an attempt to seize her arm before she could get to far in fear for her safety but failed to grab her before she made it out of reach. He traced where she was racing too and saw Astaelin in thick iron chains, Miry wrapping her arms around her sister.
With the clank of plate metal boots another of the blackguard, a 6'7 Drakken by the name of Gaikus, stepped forwards and placed his hand against his sword, glancing over to Zakroti and waiting for him to give the order, more than willing to throw himself hopelessly at Edoric and his men if his master gave the command.
Zakroti paused for a few moments in consideration of his next command, glancing towards Edoric and noting that his attention was far too preoccupied with his Goats... Still, it would cause a scene if Zakroti decided to have his men storm Edoric and seize his girls... And then all the Drakken would probably start trying it and the place would become a bloodbath. Too chaotic. It was better to observe and act only if Edoric made a move to harm Miry.
But perhaps...
Zakroti's line of thought was interrupted when he noticed Astaelin was shooting a harsh glare towards him. He merely looked straight at her eyes with his usual blank, emotionless look. No. The girl would be more useful to him in Edorics position anyway; He had to be pragmatic for this to work, he could not risk his life rescuing a bride simply because he felt sorry for her and her sister.
Then, Zakroti heard Krones voice make an announcement, declaring that this would be the last peaceful reaping. As Zakroti has expected, peace between the two nations had finally broke down and he had no reason to believe the Gems were well prepared for this. He glanced over his room and gouged the reactions of the gems. Many were solemn, many were terrified but others seemed to be completely unfazed... He couldn't understand why.
At the heart of this entire declaration, after all, lay the question of exactly what the Drakken would do to the Gems. In fact, with the beginning of a war with the Gems the brides would likely find their value greatly diminished. After all, they were provided by the Gems as part of a peace agreement and with this agreement gone the Warlords would take it upon themselves to take any girl from the towns they invaded at will. Concordantly, the brides were treated like goods and when there is a sudden increase in supply without an increase in demand... Well, every no name warrior in every no name warband was about to have a sheath for his dagger, so to speak.
This was not to say Zakroti actually found this abhorrent. Zakroti had been a slaver for many years and had dealt with the trafficking of females for the sexual pleasure of certain... individuals. This was nothing new to him by any stretch of the imagination, with everyone campaign he had been on he had returned with a wealth of slaves. He usually split them up into several groups; There were the Prizes who were usually young and pretty girls who would be auctioned off to various Drakken lords for sexual gratification or to act as servants, there were the Labourers who he would set to work in mines and construction or sell them off to serve and then there were the Warriors who he either press ganged into military service or sold off to certain more blood thirsty nobles to fight in their fighting pits or arena's.
It was a very profitable business and he had found, in his experience, that slave warriors were ironically extremely loyal once they had been broken through a strict training regime. Indeed, those who were survived and freed usually offered their services as paid officers for the slave legions instead. This slave army supplemented his more standard forces of Drakken warriors and the results had been very pleasing thus far.
He heard someone approach him and, given that his blackguard had not demanded they halt, it must have been one of his. He turned his head ever so slightly so he could catch a glimpse of the man out of the corner of his eye. The Drakken held a letter in his raised hand and approached Zakroti as he raised his own corresponding hand to take the letter. The servant quickly backed away and Zakroti broke the seal on the letter reading over it. After a few moments of reading he quickly whipped out a parchment and quill, Kzaar placing an inkwell down beside him. Quickly, he dipped the quill into the ink and began to scrawl a letter out in cursive, before folding it over and handing it to the messenger. He repeated this action many times, writing more and more letters which were slowly accumulating in a pile in the poor servants hands.
Orders had to be given! Now was an opportunity like no other.
Despite his joy at the prospect of the riches that might soon flow and be his, he managed to keep his face like stone with little emotion conveyed on it what so ever. He wanted to appear composed in order to appear more dangerous, even if it meant he would have to wait to crack a smile.
His timing was nearly perfect; As he finished and folding the last letter, handing it off to the servant to be taken away, Miry came down beside him and spoke in a quiet voice that would almost certainly not be audible to anyone further than five feet or so away in this racket... Given that she had just been talking to Astaelin and there had just been an announcement for war, he guessed that she probably wanted his assistance in some way or at least his assurance that he would not invade. A word in private? Fine. He needed an excuse to leave anyway, he wanted to be away from here before any more 'excitement' broke out. He turned his head towards the now standing Kzaar.
"Kzaar; Find Amaryllis. I think we've had enough time among the 'folk of quality ' to last a lifetime, nevermind this night. I have no doubt she too will be pleased to get away from this rabble." Zakroti ordered, to which the hulking Drakken warrior simply nodded and headed back towards the banquet to find the Bride, a black head towering above the crowds. Zakroti turned his attention back towards Miry and motioned for her to follow him, the blackguard filing in around the pair in a triangle formation with Gaikus at the front.
He led her through the winding stone corridors, noticing the corpse of a Drakken down one of them and sighing weakly as they pressed on until they were back in the Chamber where he had met with Nastaki earlier (His grandfather was thankfully absent from the room) and pushed open the doors to the balcony, stepping past the massive ballista and quickly peering around. There were now two weary looking Drakken leaning against the war machine, entertaining themselves by having a rather vulgar conversation about which brides they would have a 'night of pleasure' with if they happened to find them alone, though given the contents of their conversation that the group could overhear before the two Drakken realised they has company and wisely quietened down, it was entirely clear that the pleasure would be very one sided and certainly not consensual. Zakroti motioned for the pair of them to leave while giving them a glare that would of been fitting on the face of Krenta himself and although the pair needed no convincing to accept a dismissal from their ice cold post, he motioned for Gaikus to draw his sword to throw a scare into them anyway, causing them to half walk half run back into the wroth.
The blackguard set about checking over the edges of the balcony and in the alcoves by the door. Once Zakroti was satisfied that there was nobody eavesdropping, he motioned for the blackguard to close the door to the balcony and in response Kilio took up position in the far side, blocking it off. As they did, he felt the icy grip of the mountains but did he best to ignore it. Now was no time for complacency based on a desire for personal comfort, he would rather that none outside of himself, Miry and his blackguard would know the details of the conversation that would follow...
"Your sister is in chains, Krone announces war and you want to speak with me in private. I am going to assume you want my assistance in some way, correct?" He asked in a serious and somewhat solemn tone as he turned to face her, his face grim and more serious, the glow from the moon light caught his face in such a way as to make him appear more solemn than he had intended as he spoke.