I personally assumed the lie was the obvious trance placed upon her victims, discharging their autonomy. It was cool, but I'm just not sure whether it can really be classified as a lie since its a spell...? Or whether it is a lie at all, in truth. Its a murky area, I suppose but as you say the writing of the story is more important than a strict adherence to the theme, and I certainly enjoyed the story and think that it was one of the best in there. I am glad I read it so well done to you :)
I'll be entirely honest, mate; I didn't even proof read it. Additionally, after I got about half way through writing it, something happened in real life, so approximately the last 9000 words were half arsed. Thus, I cannot in good faith accept any praise for effort because the effort I put in was pitiful. I once spent nearly two full days with no work done on it at all before finally going "Oh yeah, I should probably write..." I entered this because a friend urged me to, I put in only a modicum of effort to write a piece up and have no intention of actually winning anything. I have never entered a contest here before and quite possibly never will again.
As for the ending, I am sorry it disappointed. In truth, I had nothing in the way of ideas for an ending, decided not to think anything ul and so just choose to simply play it straight. This is probably just another sign that I'm lazy haha.
It is the world of Half life and I am glad you think I portrayed it well; Though I am hesitant to pat myself on the back for it could easily have been so much better
I have been putting off reviewing on the grounds of fear because most of them are honestly good... And I am horrible at praise.
A good piece, it was on a subject to which I cant really relate but it was delivered in a way that... I almost could, if that makes sense. It probably doesn't. 7/10
Unfortunately I know that women like this do exist, and I have seen events not unlike this one unfold. Putting aside my instinctive emotional response however, the style is one that doesn't suit me. It just didnt entertains me so to speak and I think that's because outside of soliciting a natural emotional response, the subject matter just doesn't interest me. Its rather arbitrary of me, I know. 6/10
When I started reading: Oh, it's going to be one of those When I finished reading: Well, it wasn't actually what I expected in the end, and I'm glad I did read the whole thing despite having been initially a little put off (The quote at the beginning just felt a little pretentious, I suppose, but its rather unfair of me to talk about things being pretentious xD) I liked it, some of the choice in lexis was a little irritating to me but I understand why and it is a nice piece over all. The deception here was a good one, even if it is not my favourite. All in all, one of the better entries in this contest. 8/10
Ah, the poor girl. A creative lie, I love it. Unfortunately, I don't love the delivery. Again, this is something entirely subjective but I just couldn't get drawn in. The jumps kept pulling me out and this is a personal thing. The sections didn't stay long enough for me to feel as though I was reading continuously so I couldn't get drawn into it. One was literally just a paragraph that, while I could see the purpose of, I feel could have been done more elegantly. It felt interjected and the resulting disorder played havok with my aspie mind. Sorry. 6/10
Well, well... I loved the style. This was a beautiful piece, in my opinion. The lexis was good, the syntax was accurate and the plot was nice in my eyes. Its unfortunate then, that the lie is not the best on here and as such I cannot do this piece justice by awarding it with a vote. I feel, the same I feel with Reality Checkmate, that my understanding of this contest is going to cheat this and that piece out of me considering it for my vote. 9/10
Oh how an unimaginative title belies this work! Well written and in a world which felt rich, although I saw the twist coming I loved it all the same and while I will not spoil it for another who for whatever reason is skimming the reviews rather than reading (In which case, go read!), I will say that the delivery of it was good... One minor gripe though "Yo." This took me right out and made me laugh, but once I got over it, it didn't dull my desire to read the rest. Well done. 9/10
I cant decide whether I like or dislike this piece. Each time I read it, I think something different. As has been said before, the ambiguity at the ending is nice... But then I also don't like it, to some extent. I feel there is no closure, but rather than the lack of closure at the end of say fatherland which left me in wonder, this lack of closure left me feeling kind of... Annoyed. Overall, however, it is a good piece when my subjectiveness is set aside. 7/10
Perhaps it is because I am not American and my knowledge of American social and political affairs is limited, but I did not enjoy this. I would assume it is a parody of the hyperbolic conservative views on Obama and his acts that I see trumpeted on occasion. Its a shame that while it fits the technicalities for good poetry, it fails at the core and the biggest shame is I think that's due to cultural divides and not any fault on your part. 5/10
At the risk of sounding like a pretentious and condescending knob, the chess was a clever move. It is a game with some deception in and of its self; Misdirection and what not, sacrificing a piece as bait for a trap to take off a more valuable piece. As said before the rhyming was great and the rhythm was fluid but... I see no lie in this piece. Obviously, the subject is lies but I don't think there is an actual lie in it (Unless I'm missing something obvious, which is entirely possible due to it being half four in the morning) and thus unfortunately that means I cant really vote for it though I really want to, as the instructions say to vote for the one with the best lie. I am truly sorry about that. 9/10
What is this madness? Reviewing ones own work?!
Personally, I am very disappointed with my own entry. I wanted to do more with Izotok and the brigade but I was just too lazy to write anything for it. The Yeomen were originally going to play an actual role as being a general nuisance but again, I was too lazy to actually write it. Many other ideas were abandoned because I couldn't be bothered to write them and the entire piece wasn't even proof read before being submitted. In the end, my own lack of commitment to this piece of work really shows. I've shown myself and my writing up and honestly I'm rather embarrassed to have it posted up here.
4/10, slightly below average.
Had I wrote these reviews in any other circumstance than from my phone while half asleep at 04:31 in the morning, they would be longer, more detailed and generally better. Apologies. I wish to idle a while longer on my vote, but so far I am leaning towards giving it towards Dramatic Reveal.
Given that Mr Crowley is long since deceased I think the reward should automatically fall to the runners up, though to honour Crowley for indeed it was his entry which won he should certainly receive an honourable mention (Indeed, it's certainly what he would have wanted, having been a bit of an arrogant sod.)
Tip is not the first to cheat in a contest and certainly won't be the last. The team running this event has underestimated the natural human desire for attention and praise regardless of how small and concordantly the human tendency to use underhanded methods to achieve its goals. This is perhaps to their credit, as it displays that unlike myself they are not a bunch of cynics and still have some faith in humanity.
While google searches are not a sure fire way they are still very useful; Placing random excerpts from a text into google will usually bring up that text. Of course, obviously some texts will have similarities to others; I have seen instances where people have replicated nearly an entire sentence innocently (Perhaps subconsciously) so when the results come up quickly scanning through it to ensure it is plagiarism and not just bad luck is a must. There are multiple tools on the internet for checking plagiarism; While they are not the most reliable tools (Indeed, they sometimes pick up original work as being plagiarised), should you run a text through two of these tools and they both return a 'plagiarised' result then at least you know what to look into with some more depth. Naturally, you will not catch people out people 100% of the time but had this been done the offending entries would have been discovered and removed. In fact, just google searching the first two lines of 'Conquer all' brings up 'Power', the original work.
tldr; In my experience, I have found that most stolen work can be found simply by putting the beginning or end of several paragraphs into a search engine individually and checking them. Plagiarism tools can be lying bastards but can lend a hand in knowing what to give more attention to.
Well, if it lets me have a good, orky waaaaaagh I don't mind!
Edit: "perhaps some ancient Forerunner-like race that left all kinds of interesting stuff around"
This makes more sense to me than a fuel source. Fuels tend to get superseded and replaced with time, after all. Super advanced tech, if carefully controlled by the GM's, would not be in danger of being pushed to the side by people seeking their own unobtanium fuels.
On the other hand, it would mean there would have to be certain relative tech caps, but again with careful oversight from the GM's its doable."
"What does everyone think about letting the GM and Co-GM(s) throw in random encounters and anomalies?" Consult with the people they involved first. Nobody knows their own nations better than themselves, something a GM thinks might be a disaster could be almost inconsequential to a nation due to the way their technology works, thus kind of taking the entire point out of having random occurances all together.