Ross paused for a moment, clearing his head and thinking; Not, this time, on what had happened but rather on what should happen next.
He was dead, that much was indisputable, but it appeared he had been transformed, along with the other individuals involved in the crash, into something distinctly paranormal. That they had just displayed this to the world at large would no doubt have major repercussions and frankly he wasn't sure whether he could be killed a second time or not.
And... He glanced down to his hand and slipped the small golden ring off his finger, sliding it into his pocket with a small sigh. Frankly, he didn't want his children to be "the kids with the ghost dad"; They had been through enough dealing with the headmaster being their father. Humans have historically rejected things they didn't understand.
He cursed himself quietly under his breath: if he had acted sooner, if he had just disposed of his own body then he could have easily acted as though he had survived, especially as people had initially been distracted by what the others had been doing, especially that cosplayer or whatever they called them these days. But now he'd have to make do.
He turned right and headed down the street, looking uncharacteristically nervous as he opened the door to the supermarket and stepped inside. He glanced up to the signs, running his eyes along them before walking slowly through the aisles, keeping his eyes peeled.
It wasn't long until he found the sign indicating the restroom. He opened the door and stepped inside, noting a glum looking man inside washing his hands. The man looked up at him and from the look, Ross could tell that he must have been in quite the state. He pretended not to notice and went over to the cubicle, stepping inside and picking it.
He waited as the man dried his hands and listened for the door, unlocking the cubicle only once he was certain the man had left. He approached the mirror and looked at his reflection.
He really did look a mess.
His hair was no longer in the neatly combed state it had left home in, he had several small cuts across his cheek and his nose seemed crooked. He stared at himself for several moments as he gathered himself together and shook his head.
Thankfully, he didn't appear to have his brain leaking from his skull, so that at least was a start. Yet he felt as if...
He paused again and focused hard; Sure enough, he found that he could. Slowly, his white hair darkened and the cuts along his cheek sealed up; The wrinkles on his flesh slowly faded away into nothingness and his face slimed slightly. Finally, it was complete and... Oh, it was as if he had turned the clock back to the time when he had started his doctorate!
Ross couldn't help but smile at the rather charming (if he did say so himself) reflection. He by no means considered himself to be a vain man, but it was nice to see his younger self again.
Perhaps... Too young.
He paused and focused again. Once more, his face began to morph, putting on a decade and a half; A few wrinkles graced his face again and his hair became flecked with silver.
That would make him a lot harder to recognise, for the layman at least. He was dead. He didn't want to attract undue attention, so it made far more sense to change his appearance. Perhaps at a later date he'd do something more dramatic, but for now he felt changing his age would be enough.
Ross turned towards the door of the bathroom and reached out to open it, but stopped short. Strange, something was telling him- No, he felt something inside- Or did he just know? Whatever the case, he paused and concentrated again on the door, waiting for several seconds before opening it and revealing a purple void where the supermarket should have been.
Oh, yes, now he understood...