Name: Coation Lysander
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 23
Occupation: Apothecary
Personality/Interests: Coation is generally rather cheerful; he's optimistic and sees the bright side of any situation, no matter how grim. He is imbued with a fiery temper when one threatens something he holds dear, however, and is an extremely determined young man who rarely lets anything stop him.
Additionally, Coation is a compassionate and helpful person. He claims to be motivated motivated solely by his desire to help other people and to heal the sick.
He is not particularly skilled at fighting and as such prefers to avoid altercations where is necessary; He prefers to make compromises with others than to try and force his own point of view.

Body build: Relatively lean
Hair: Cut very short
Hair color: Brown
Skin color: White
Eye/Iris color: Brown
Height/Weight: 5'11, 10 and a half stone
Notable Features:
Clothing Description: Coation usually wears a cloak when travelling, along with a rucksack and a small pouch Tha carries various herbs.
Equipment: Mortar and Pestle, Alembic, Retort.
Weapon(s): Coation carries a long metal staff with him; It is beautiful and ornate, with a green crystal on the bottom. It is crowned with a green crystal sphere that is surrounded by five metal prongs that rise above it and curve towards each other, forming the outline of a circle above the sphere. There are many runes carved down the side of it in what appear to be decorative patterns
Unique Abilities: Coation, as a mage, is capable of using magic to bend the world as need be. Through these magical arts, Henry has become skilled healer and apothecary, capable of healing even some of the most grievous of wounds and mixing potions and medicines for many different ailments and purposes.
Coation is also fully capable of utilising war magic in order to defend himself.
Skills/Talents: He is capable of fighting with his staff should need be, though typically prefers not to due to his disposition.
Coation is gregarious in nature and is quick to befriend others where possible; Some might even call his attempts to do so excessively servile, but ultimately he is very good with words and people in general.
History: Coation was born the third child of a poor family of farmers on the outskirts of the village. Growing up within the village, he was apprenticed to the village apothecary and learnt the fundamentals of magic from her. He was naturally trained as a healer and proved to be quite adept at it as he grew older.
Shortly after his 14th birthday, however, an extended period of rain resulted in a flood that consumed vast section of the village. All the food and crops were lost and a famine ensued, with over half the village dead from the disaster and the ensuing starvation during this time, many families simply left to search for a new home. Coation left to wander the lands with his mentor, healing the sick and aiding villages using their magic in exchange for room and board. The apothecary taught her apprentice everything she knew, and eventually paid for him to be enrolled in a magic college as a final gift to her student.
Coation spent several years at the college, making the most of the education there and studying many texts from its massive libraries, expanding his knowledge ever further.
After leaving the college, now far more skilled, he began to use his magic for other purposes and began to sell his services as a healer to soldiers at war.
After a year of doing this, he quickly stopped helping soldiers on their way to war. This decision was brought on by a horrific event to which he bore witness; During one of the campaigns, an army under the control of a duke lay siege to a town which had rebelled against his rule. After finally seizing control of the town back from the rebels, the duke decided to teach the local populace a lesson in obedience. Coation watched helplessly as the army he had been helping sacked the town, raping and pillaging and killing at will. After that day, he decided never to play a part in a war ever again and elected to avoid conflict wherever possible.
Recently, he resolved to assist bands of heroes in their quests, ensuring that they didn't succumb to their wounds and helping them to accomplish their goals; Ultimately, there were events that required heroes, and heroes couldn't do everything alone...