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Current "Þæs ofereode, þisses swa mæg." - Deor.
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"Point me out the happy man and I will point you out either egotism, selfishness, evil - or else an absolute ignorance."


Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
Eala byrnwiga!
Eala þeodnes þrym!
Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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Yeah, I'll have it done by tonight.
I'll finish my CS at some point... I've been handed a shit tonne of unexpected problems on short notice...
<Snipped quote by darkwolf687>

Heh, Britiain would have a drastically different history in this universe, since they wouldn't have conquered a lot of countries. I'm sure that alone is enough to get creative with!

Well, if I do do Britain I'm probably going to make it the descendent of my last Crusader Kings 2 dynasty, resulting in a very... Interesting history where the 'Empire of Britannia' basically rules all of the middle east and Britain has an arabian queen at once point because yay genealogy lol. It also owned most of north Africa, chunks of western India, a considerable slice of modern day turkey and in the mid game got control of most of France and half of the Iberian peninsula but I'll cut that bit out because it'd be unreasonably restrictive to people who want to have characters coming from those places. I'd chop out Egypt too since interest was expressed in it, and dial back control of India. Basically, its a history where Britain would end up expanding east ways from the start instead of initially expanding west ways simply by virtue of the Pope giving the King of England the crown of Jerusalem after a crusade.
I think its going to be very interesting, especially since potato might be making a nation which kicked the Brits out of Britain. So basically you would have have a Catholic Arabian Empire calling its self British.

TL;Dr: I want to play a descendent of my old CKII dynasty now that the games reached its end. Crusades and Holy Wars in CKII are broken as fuck and if you are lucky enough to become big, you can go around chewing anyone out whenever an opportunity arises. Then you get bad RNG and end up with an heir with low stewardship and goodbye half the empire lol.
I'm probably boring and unimaginative enough to just do a Britain... But I'm not sure. I am toying with another idea that could be very fun.
Sounds good; I think I'm probably going to wait for other people to post and sort of serve as more of a helping hand to the hero's or something xD
When shall we be starting then?

Edit: Ah, timing as usual lol

I may be interested, if we have space for a villain *evil laughter*
In ### 9 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm afraid I'm going to have to withdraw; I'm having trouble creating an interesting character at the moment, my minds on too many things at once at this time. Apologies
D'awww I'm honored Haley.

Pinging @Keyguyperson and @darkwolf687 because I think you two might enjoy something like this.
*puppy dog eyes*

Aw, you know I cant resist your begging but I know absolutely nothing about the series so I have no idea what this is.

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