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Hwær cwom mearg? Hwær cwom mago?
Hwær cwom maþþumgyfa?
Hwær cwom symbla gesetu?
Hwær sindon seledreamas?
Eala beorht bune!
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Hu seo þrag gewat,
genap under nihthelm,
swa heo no wære.

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<Snipped quote by RomanAria>

@NarcissisticPotato @agentmanatee [@ i can't remember who else pinged me]
Aaaah, I'm so sorry guys for disappearing! A lot was going on, I was finishing high school and graduating/doing prom/various other things and I just didn't have time to come back! I'm sorry for worrying you! On the bright side my grandmother's treatment went very well and she's now on an experimental treatment because she's in such good condition. It was a really lucky break for my family! In any case I'm SO sorry I left without saying anything, I'd be happy to return if you guys want me back but if you wrote me out or anything I totally understand ^_^

Welcome back. Glad to hear about your grand mother's treatment.
@agentmanatee Oh, yes. I saw what you said.
The Man At Arms turned to his comrades patrolling the hall and approached them, calling out for their attention. They came to a halt and turned to face him as he approached

"Acta Gemminite hilyatoz, O ulma geh a Aymiriaeiz seru." He said, causing the other two to look at each other for a moment before one turned towards the blackguard at Zakroti's door

"Kilio, runisze Muth Zakroti, Aymiriaeiz seru a hilyatoz." One of them called out; Kilio nodded and turned, opening the door and stepping inside. Zakroti awoke with a start as the door swung open, jumping to his feet.

"Muth, Aymiriaeiz seru a hilyatoz, geh a zo an uuj." Kilio reported to Zak, who nodded in response and waved his hand to dismiss him. He approached the bedside table and lifted his sword, placing it into his bed as he dropped his clothing on, fastening the sheath of his sword to his belt with a heavy sigh.

The rest of the household was not idle from the disturbance, however. But a few moments later, Ayltam exited her own room and, after a short exchange with one of the guards, opened the door to the girls room and stepped inside. She examined the sight before her silently for a few moments before speaking

"Vivarieiz varlas, what happened?" She asked as she approached the pair, reaching out to offer a small cloth for the newcomer to dry her tears on. A pair of figures appeared in the doorway, a hastily clothed Zakroti and a half dressed Qeynate looking in on the scene. The pair exchanged looks before Zakroti entered the room and stood silently as if awaiting an explanation.

Qeynate entered behind him and spoke directly to Aery with a stern tone, glancing to Zakroti out of the corner of his eye "Who's your husband?"
In UK Leaves EU 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
<Snipped quote by darkwolf687>

time to have a referendum on the referendum. "The Referendum Referendum" sounds pretty boss.

Let's just skip it all and go straight to the Neverendum.
In UK Leaves EU 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Aaaaaand the petition calling for a second referendum has already broke 2.3 million. If it keeps this up it will definitely have record levels of signatures.
In UK Leaves EU 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@darkwolf687 They are re-negotiating first. I hope something comes out of that for the entirety of the EU. The EU needs serious reforms (such as the 20 million move from Brussels to Strasbourg once a year.) We need to reduce it to economic and military cooperation, not political.

Yeah, there's a two year period to negotiating the exit, isn't there? Things can change in two years, this can serve as a wake up call rather than an actual "we are leaving" and the UK could remain a part of a reformed EU. Depends on whether European Politicians are actually willing to budge though.
In UK Leaves EU 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
@darkwolf687 I just wanna let you know the Dutch country, my country, held a referendum on the association treaty with that beautiful country called Ukraine.

You know, these guys, and these people.

Same referendum set up, where it was only an advisory referendum. We 'won' aka my side that was against the treaty won with 60% to 30% or so.

However the legally binding aspect came from the fact that leading parties said they'd use the referendum and 'consider it binding' despite being against referendums in general. (They said that, yes, indeed, they are against democratic referendums) Naturally they hoped people would vote FOR the treaty. They didn't, and now they're backtracking and trying to find a way to pull the treaty through without seeming corrupt (and they're failing hard at that.)

Despite the advisory role of referendums, they are sort of legally binding unless you want to lose all political support you have.

David Cameron resigned because he doesn't want to be associated with this referendum, mostly cause his side lost, otherwise because if the results of the referendum turn out to be a bad move, he has a good shot at being chosen again. In the end though the referendum won't matter, because this is who leads the EU:

Europa über Alles, nicht?

Yeah, I said earlier that the power it has comes from it being political suicide... but given the very tight result (this wasn't anything like 60% in favour of leave. It was 51.9 to 48.1) and the apparent regret, it isnt a certainty.
In UK Leaves EU 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
<Snipped quote by darkwolf687>

I've just read the article. That's so rich. :DDD Too late for regrets now. The cat's out of the bag! And I doubt there's gonna be a 2nd refferendum. People that voted leave and regret it better start learning to live with their choice.

Well, it's basically just a glorified opinion poll legally, the country doesn't have to follow through on this. If there is a strong enough feeling of public regret then it might not go ahead at all.
In UK Leaves EU 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
Just going to place this here as I suggested that there were people who voted Leave just as a protest or so they could say they did without expecting to leave.


It does seem there are a lot of leave voters who want to turn back the clock and vote remain and there is a petition for a second referendum with over 1.3 million signatures. Thoughts?
In UK Leaves EU 9 yrs ago Forum: Spam Forum
I have a question: if Scotland, north Ireland and Wales break off from England, wtf is the Union Jack going g to become? The Queen's Jack?

You'd just take St Andrew's and Patrick's saltire off (Wales doesn't have any representation on the Union Jack), leaving just St George's cross.

Calling it the Queen's jack would kinda be implying it is her flag really; Its juet the flag of one of her realms. The Queen already has a flag, the royal standard, which would be unlikely to change because in the Scottish Indy referendum last time it was stated that Scotland wanted to and would keep the Queen as head of state, Loyalism in Northern Ireland would likely result in the Queen remaining as head of state... aaaaaand even if it didn't, well, they didn't change the symbol the first time and so I doubt they would the second time.

Anyway, as Nexerus said the only country which has any likelihood of secession realistically is Scotland... and as he also said, the No camp would have more ammunition this time to fire back at the nationalists (though of course the Nats will also have a fresh example for their England overriding Scotland argument... which means the Government has to hope that if the UK does leave the EU (This referendum is not binding, though it would be politically dangerous (read: suicide) to disregard it, it is still possible. It was also a close vote.), it succeeds or at least the EU fails a lot harder.)

It is a very messy situation. Nobody seems to have actually expected this result and even leave voters seem shocked and I have heard a couple regret their decision. Anecdotal, I know, but I can't help but wonder if more than a few voted leave just so they could vent about it later without ever expecting or truly wanting to leave...

Perhaps the best case scenario would be for Britain to use this for hard-line renegotiations now the will of the UK at large is shown? There have been calls for referendums elsewhere, the EU might insist it won't budge but it seems that steps towards reform now have to be taken to save it and the world economy seems to have been feeling the repercussions of a Brexit already and nobody really wants to face more finacial problems when we barely got out of our last mess. With it being a close vote, the government /could/ try and get the EU to give it better terms and settle for that instead of going all the way, could they not? Standing on the brink, the alternative is not looking too pretty...

Edit: Please excuse any shitty English and all that; I didn't sleep well last night, it's 3:10 AM and I am ill. It's going to be fun to read this through in the morning and cringe... if not at my writing then as an "Oh my god did I actually say that?" type of reaction. That is usually the case when I try to do this sort of stuff, especially when I am knackered haha.
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