"Jones, you drive like you've been drinking. We don't want them to think we're a nation of drunks." Richard barked to the driver before glancing back to Edwin, who was staring out of the window. He wore the traditional dark green uniform of the Kings Lifeguards, though affixed to his right shoulder was a small shield, divided party per pale with blue and red. In the centre of this shield was a white Wyvern.
Any noble who served the military, when in ceremonial dress, had a patch of their families coat of arms stitched to their uniform. Richard's, for example, was a Wyvern on a yellow saltire. The two families, Drakewine and Ashleigh, were closely linked and shared a Wyvern for their heraldry. Indeed, it was only due to the Ashleigh family, the traditional dukes of Mercia, that the House of Drakewine even existed; They were raised to the nobility by the Duke of Mercia and eventually superseded them to become their overlords. The Ashleighs had profited greatly from this in the long run. They had been granted the title 'King of Wales' after the creation of the title by the emperor some 900 years ago. Although the land had passed out of the Empire, the family still held the title. They were given new lands to reimburse them, as many of the lords who had lost land when the British were pushed out received. This caused a lot of problems that are best left to the history books.
Whatever the case, this made Richard the King of Wales who had never once set foot on Welsh soil. He was not the only one. Of the some 50 kings under the Emperor of Britannia, at least 7 of them were the kings of lands outside of Britannia.
"Troubled?" Richard asked
"Somewhat." Edwin admitted as he shuffled slowly to turn to Richard, and the captains presence instantly made him straighten up as if at attention. "Wouldn't you be?"
"Yeah, I would." Richard paused for a moment and ran his hand over his blonde hair before continuing "You know I agree with you about this whole thing, but your father wants you to do this. You are a lieutenant in his household guard; It is your duty to obey."
"'Even to my dying breath.' I know." Edwin looked away again, glancing down to his belt and affixing his ceremonial sword to it, checking his 9mm didn't have a round in the chamber before placing it back into its holster. "Do I introduce myself as King of Anatolia or Prince of Britannia?" Edwin asked as the car pulled up outside the castle. Typically, the former was used in court and the latter was used abroad but this was no normal diplomatic visit...
"Try both." Richard grunted as he climbed out, holding the door open for Edwin, who thanked him as he disembarked. Two soldiers got out from the seats in front of them, flanking the pair and escorting them up to the other royals.
As they reached them Richard motioned for the soldiers to stop and drew back behind Edwin's right soldier. Edwin turned to the King first and gave a small bow "Your grace." before running his eyes quickly along the assembled individuals, recognising them all from images; As usual, Richard had made him learn absolutely everything he could about absolutely everyone who was expected to be present.
And his betrothed...
Well, it would be an interesting meeting to say the least. He had read about her and her condition and - What a merry pair of fools they would look together, him towering over her.
He waited for any other introductions and conversation to die down before stepping forwards and bowing deeply. "My gracious hosts; I am elated to make your acquaintance. I am Edwin, King of Anatolia and Heir to the Crown of Britannia. I come heralding gifts for our hosts for my father the Emperor sends an oil tanker filled with our product to reach you."
There were perks to owning one the majority of the worlds reserves of crude oil whether directly (Their Empire spanned the Arabian peninsula and most of the middle east) or indirectly (for example, the Kingdom of Arboles which spanned some of northern south America was quite firmly under Britannian influence ever since the South Atlantic Trade pact. It's oil was now extracted by the West Indian Trading company). They lacked any political control of the North American supplies, a fact which weighed heavily on their decisions. Despite that, they had more than a little control over the supply of oil and as it was hard for a first world kingdom to run without oil Britannia had become absurdly rich and acquired a reputation for ruthless - And sometimes bloody- business. Indeed, he knew of more than a few plans...
Edwin rose slowly and then stepped to the right side and scanned the group as they spoke, remaining quiet and making mental notes about each other them as he continued to observe. He knew for a fact that Richard was doing the same. The coming days would be an excellent opportunity and his father would expect a lot for Edwin.
Speaking of his father, Edwin quietly thanked god that he had been delayed by several days; He could get this meeting out of the way without the looming figure of the emperor watching over his shoulder...
He turned and walked slowly, scanning the faces for his betrothed - He Cathy sight of her eventually and moved towards her. He bit his lip in nervousness and found himself having some trouble with fully comprehending his situation. She actually looked like a young child, how could he be expected to-
He out the thought out of his head as he reached her and gave a small bow and paused for a moment as if thinking before finally speaking "Ave Liviana. It's a pleasure to meet you at last, the light of lights smiles upon this hour of our meeting." He said as he rose back to his full height and looked her up and down - And realised the difference in height was indeed very pronounced