Haha, yeah. Grimloq didn't shout out his name until after he was far away on his newly created landmass, so I figured that since Orfai couldn't have heard the name before he went and was then busy singing shadowy hagfish into merfolk because magic, 'lizard god' is mostly what he has to go on right now lol.
Orfai reemerged from the ocean, his task complete. The formless shadow moved again across the beach away form the ocean, turning towards the newcomer as he heard her words. The shadow reformed slowly, hardening and becoming more distinct, taking the shape of that which he had just created; a large Faliargun with brilliant bronze scales and keen eyes, hovering above the ground with the shadowy wreath still surrounding it's tentacles.
"It has already begun, Aella; I have given life to the oceans, and Kap-gam has given the souls that now breath through my Faliargun, who think and feel and dream. Another, the Lizard God, has set about his work already, creating the beginnings of something... but has drifted far from my sight." Orfai said, filling her in and running his eyes along her, then glancing to the other gods briefly before looking back to her; they stood and talked while there was creation to be done. Did they conserve, perhaps? And what had that other meant by her children... such a thought would be concerning. Whatever Kikoqautl made seemed less inclined to produce a sudden influx of life onto the world, although he was curious about it's ultimate use. Something to place aside in his mind for later, he reckoned.
Whatever the case, this newcomer seemed inclined to start the process of creating life for the world, and he would very much like to see the land covered by life as well. He would not use his energy to fill that too, he felt he would have need of his might again soon. Besides, he felt somewhat tired, exerted by his efforts- at least, those would be the words he would choose to describe the sensation. This language is so insufficient.
"A fourth has created energy, but it is not life. So now, nothing grows upon the lands save the soul fungi itself. Perhaps you would remedy such?" Orfai finished. The intonation in his voice suggested that it was more a question than a request, although in truth he intended it to be both; legitimate curiosity mixed with a desire to see more of the canvass filled in. How painful it was to be a god of knowledge and secrets, when there is not yet anything to know about or any secrets to keep!
It awoke from darkest dreams, the sleep of nonexistence. Many fathoms of black void surrounded him but a distant crack of light broke through the liquid blackness and settled upon him. He kept many secrets in his mind and knew much already, although for some reason he couldn't recall his na-
Orfai. He remembered his name. He moved slowly at first towards this light, curious as to its existence. The shimmering surface of an ocean.
He emerged through it suddenly, splashing water aside as the shadowy being burst through it and landed atop the beach. The shadow shifted and changed, as formless and vague as he felt. The shadowy figure skulked across the item, each step surrounded by a black mist as it examined what lay around it. Blank and empty and lifeless, just sand and water. A fresh canvass.
The shadow figures... 'head' turned slowly to regard the other gods, then it turned and reached out to the oceans behind him. He channeled his might and broke a piece of it down into four smaller pieces, and used them to give it life; first, he raised the flora through the ocean; seaweed and algae and the likes. Then he added the first fish, simple eel like creatures that would in time become greater life. He placed within each of their simple and primitive minds the desire to multiply and reproduce, the instinct to avoid danger and within their very being the potential to grow unchecked by his own divinity.
He paused and considered his new creation for a moment. Then he reached out for a small school of seven of these primitive fish and gripped them beneath the waters, wrapping his shadowy energy around them and sang to them- softly at first, and then as the individual shadows separated off and grew larger he sang louder and more powerfully! The resonance of he notes echoed through their little minds and bodies and transformed the very core of the being. As each of these seven shadows dissipated an entirely different being took the place of the fish. It was roughly 11 feet in length when fully extended, although a good deal of this was made up by it's long tentacles with which it would propel itself through the waters of the ocean. The upper portion of their being was much more humanoid (he didn't bother to question how he knew what a humanoid was; he's a god, he just knows such things) and similarly proportioned, with a human-like head and two arms for grasping, each ending in a five digited hand. They had a thick and scaled hide, and two keen, large eyes. He made them capable of eating both flora and fish, that they might sustain themselves from the fruits of the ocean.
Their minds were keen and sharp, capable of imagination and reason and above all independence and freedom. Yet for now, they were filled with nothing beside their basic instincts. Orfai would give them a small... helping hand, in time. And a name too, they'd need a name. And some way to communicate too, beyond these primitive instincts.
Hm. They looked unto him, this unfathomable darkness that had given them form. He withdrew from them, to leave them to their devices now in the ocean life that was forming. There were other matters to attend to for now, and it was better not to be hasty in these matters.
Orfai 4 Initial Might 2 Might used - Broken down into Miracle -- Create Sapiant Species: Faliargun, an almost merfolkish sapiant species. 2 Miracles used 1- Creates Sea Flora 2- Creates the First Fish
So when one goes about creating life, does one need to spend the miracles to create it individually by species or is it enough to specify a vague classification for mundane animals? Like say, fish? And does one need to spend the miracles to create flora too, or only for fauna and flora being a free action?
That looks like it will be very concerning indeed, perhaps something shall have to be done about that - or just taking notes, that's an option too. Could be amusing after all
While Orfai is more generally interested in knowledge, he takes a special interest in secrets. Not just any old secrets (although those will certainly suffice), but oftentimes forbidden knowledge, or knowledge about the unknown. Often referred to as the Keeper of Secrets, Orfai is in the business of collecting these secrets and mysteries, capable of obscuring some information whether by the request of mortals or for his own ends and hiding away relics and artefacts of power. It is said that he can be bargained with to obscure ones deeds, and that he can hardly resist taking up a particularly good secret and crafting a mystery around it. For this reason, some less than saintly types attempt to interact with him and make offerings in the hopes of covering up a particularly ruinous secret or a crime, having him to lock it from mortal gaze in exchange for something- although he operates on exact words, and it is wise to consider exactly what one is asking of him and what one is offering him before hand. But Orfai does not only horde these things; whether out of a genuine sense of duty or for his own curiousty, he also imparts knowledge of the universe to mortal inventors and thinkers, wondering how it might affect the world. To some he is thus considered a patron of learning and academia, something that he embraces as a part of himself and his duality; he regards knowledge as power, and power can be used for both good and evil, for both chaos and order.
True Neutral
Orfai is something of an enigma; He is neither good nor evil, neither chaotic nor lawful. Like all beings however, in spite of his nature, there are a number of things about Orfai that are consistent; he is inquisitive and enjoys hoarding knowledge, however mundane it might seem at a glance. He is smug and often self assured, treating the mortal world as a personal laboratory for experimentation. The word scientist might be applied to him, and while he lacks the portfolio of innovation (somewhat to his chagrin), he does not shy away from planting seeds of knowledge and technology in the heads of mortal men to lead them to great discovieries. He is a patron of philosophers and thinkers, but also the source of great change and upheavel. Despite change itself not being his domain, as the result of the dissemination of knowledge, Orfai has somewhat adopted it into himself.
Orfai often takes the role of an observer to the going ons of the world, but this is a facade. The god is very active in influencing the affairs of Mortals, inserting powerful artefacts into the world, imbuing the ambitious with supernatural powers and orchestrating the rise and fall of cities and kingdoms simply to see the effect it will have on the world. When he is not observing - or perhaps experimenting or playing with would be more apt - the mortal world, Orfai is working to expand his knowledge and collection of secrets. He is the kind of being who would not be content until he knows everything there is to know, and even then he would likely be double checking to make sure he didn't miss something. Aside from this endless pursuit of knowledge, a frivolous goal stalks his fantasies; The vault that Mater Lei guards. Though he does not admit it openly (or indeed, even to himself at times) and keeps it hidden away, he hungers for the knowledge that lies sealed inside. He would see the extradimensional vault and door fall under his authority - not to use that which lies within nor even out of any dislike of Lei, whom he is in fact rather fond of- but simply because it is in his nature to desire it.
Orfai is not static with his appearance, indeed he is deliberately changing and secretive. Sometimes he appears as a formless void or even changes through multiple forms right in front of others. This had led to him being almost impossible to depict by mortals, so he is often instead indicated by his mark, which is perhaps the only uniform thing about him. Still, while he tends to change his appearance, if he takes a humanoid form it is often as a dignified figure of learning unless he is deliberately seeking to mask his identity; a scholarly old academic, a wizened philosopher or a governess. Otherwise it is as a shapeless mist, or a figure that is constantly changing shape.
The Faliargun are intelligent, omnivorous aquatic beings that are roughly 11 feet in length when fully extended, the bulk of this being their large tentacles that they use for propulsion . The upper portion of their being is humanoid (and similarly proportioned, with a human-like head and two arms for grasping, each ending in a five digit hand. They had a thick and scaled hide, and two keen, large eyes.
While Orfai is more generally interested in knowledge, he takes a special interest in secrets. Not just any old secrets (although those will certainly suffice), but oftentimes forbidden knowledge, or knowledge about the unknown. Often referred to as the Keeper of Secrets, Orfai is in the business of collecting these secrets and mysteries, capable of obscuring some information whether by the request of mortals or for his own ends and hiding away relics and artefacts of power. It is said that he can be bargained with to obscure ones deeds, and that he can hardly resist taking up a particularly good secret and crafting a mystery around it. For this reason, some less than saintly types attempt to interact with him and make offerings in the hopes of covering up a particularly ruinous secret or a crime, having him to lock it from mortal gaze in exchange for something- although he operates on exact words, and it is wise to consider exactly what one is asking of him and what one is offering him before hand. But Orfai does not only horde these things; whether out of a genuine sense of duty or for his own curiousty, he also imparts knowledge of the universe to mortal inventors and thinkers, wondering how it might affect the world. To some he is thus considered a patron of learning and academia, something that he embraces as a part of himself and his duality; he regards knowledge as power, and power can be used for both good and evil, for both chaos and order.
True Neutral
Orfai is something of an enigma; He is neither good nor evil, neither chaotic nor lawful. Like all beings however, in spite of his nature, there are a number of things about Orfai that are consistent; he is inquisitive and enjoys hoarding knowledge, however mundane it might seem at a glance. He is smug and often self assured, treating the mortal world as a personal laboratory for experimentation. The word scientist might be applied to him, and while he lacks the portfolio of innovation (somewhat to his chagrin), he does not shy away from planting seeds of knowledge and technology in the heads of mortal men to lead them to great discovieries. He is a patron of philosophers and thinkers, but also the source of great change and upheavel. Despite change itself not being his domain, as the result of the dissemination of knowledge, Orfai has somewhat adopted it into himself.
Orfai often takes the role of an observer to the going ons of the world, but this is a facade. The god is very active in influencing the affairs of Mortals, inserting powerful artefacts into the world, imbuing the ambitious with supernatural powers and orchestrating the rise and fall of cities and kingdoms simply to see the effect it will have on the world. When he is not observing - or perhaps experimenting or playing with would be more apt - the mortal world, Orfai is working to expand his knowledge and collection of secrets. He is the kind of being who would not be content until he knows everything there is to know, and even then he would likely be double checking to make sure he didn't miss something. Aside from this endless pursuit of knowledge, a frivolous goal stalks his fantasies; The vault that Mater Lei guards. Though he does not admit it openly (or indeed, even to himself at times) and keeps it hidden away, he hungers for the knowledge that lies sealed inside. He would see the extradimensional vault and door fall under his authority - not to use that which lies within nor even out of any dislike of Lei, whom he is in fact rather fond of- but simply because it is in his nature to desire it.
Orfai is not static with his appearance, indeed he is deliberately changing and secretive. Sometimes he appears as a formless void or even changes through multiple forms right in front of others. This had led to him being almost impossible to depict by mortals, so he is often instead indicated by his mark, which is perhaps the only uniform thing about him. Still, while he tends to change his appearance, if he takes a humanoid form it is often as a dignified figure of learning unless he is deliberately seeking to mask his identity; a scholarly old academic, a wizened philosopher or a governess. Otherwise it is as a shapeless mist, or a figure that is constantly changing shape.
Zakroti noted her step back away from him. Perhaps that had not been the best way to bring up the subject, but this certainly confirmed it for him- not that he had truly needed much in the way of indication. She was indeed related to Kasari in some way, likely a sister or cousin.
Zakroti found the sudden invocation of Pyrus actually more... Amusing than anything. It was the fire he had expected. He had not quite expected to have death wished upon him right out of the gate but it wasn't entirely shocking either. Doubtless the girl was not quite expecting to be handed to one who had known her sister. He kept himself composed as best he could, the colour returning to his face along with a slightly... Arrogant smirk.
"So let Pyrus come and face me in battle, if he had the bravery and daring to try it. I have not yet killed a god, but it would sit well alongside my other achievements." He jested, darting his hand to the hilt of his sword in mock preparation before with sliding his hand away again with an amused look on his face, his body relaxing. His voice was slightly shaken, but he maintained his composure well enough for now. His moment of amusement subsiding, he glanced off to the side across the hall, eyes darting around curiously to each of the faces around him before turning back to Kasari. He opened his mouth and began to speak "I know th-"
He was cut off by her sudden outburst- and with her next words, his composure was broken again but for a moment. Was she accusing him of murdering Kasari? The cheek of it, after warriors had bled and died fighting that night. Including one of his warriors. And had she just called Miry a snivelling child? The shame of it, had another Drakken dared to say such, he would have had their tongue cut out and cast away into the dirt! How dare she think that she could get away with such an insult.
He could feel the heat radiating off her as she grew increasingly angry with him, could see her fists clenching- and the fury in her eyes! He thought that was part of what was making him so angry, the way she looked at him. It was almost like a challenge, something instinctual inside him wanted to glare at her until she backed down. It wanted deference. His own emotions played off of hers, her anger adding fuel to his own...
Zakroti took a step forwards and leaned in towards her, his face being drawn into a frown and anger burning in his eyes. In that moment the guilt vanished completely, the shame and shock replaced by indignation and offence. He had treated her sisters death with more respect and care than any other Drakken would have... After everything he had done, who was this girl to so falsely accuse him of murder? He had killed men for lesser insults than that.
Then Aurora seemed to try and calm herself somewhat, to regain her own composure. The bowing placated his instincts somewhat, yet although her body and face had relaxed, he could still see the anger inside her eyes.
Peace, he told himself. She had every reason for her wroth, to have lost a sister was devastating to these Gems. He had seen that with Miry, and was it an unreasonable expectation for her to assume that the Drakken who had taken her had a hand in it? Of course not, in her place he would have made the exact same connection - although he liked to think he would not be such a fool as to voice it and threaten his superiors to their faces. Further, this was precisely what he would have expected from her, was it not? Fire was not so easily tamed. This was as much within his nature as his own instinctual desire to subjugate her was. He would not be baited by it so easily. No, he would avoid the trap, and subvert her expectations.
So his expression softened over the following seconds into a more neutral one, his face relaxing and his reptilian eyes fixed on hers as he spoke. He considered each word carefully, and weighed up his options. He would not insult her as she did, he would not threaten her as she threatened him. No, that would only alienate her and weaken his position.
'My crime? I did not harm your sister, let alone kill her. You have fire in your heart indeed to jump to such conclusion without good cause. Nonetheless, I concede explanations are necessary and deserved. I can give you it here if you so desire, although a more private venue might be better. Suffice it to say, the one who killed her is long dead, and the one responsible for this whole affair was struck down and turned a drooling fool by my hand. I avenged your sister." Zakroti said; his voice was calm and careful, to try and hide his indignation. He was eager to cast himself away from the role of a villain; yes, he felt this was to a large degree his fault. Had he refused to allow Aery entry or merely not decided that arming the Gems was the right course of action, none of this would have happened. But he would not be branded a murderer for that minor inadequacy.
Zakroti paused, glancing off to the side for a moment again as he took a step away and turned slightly so that his right side was closer to her. It was disguised as a casual gesture, as idle movement, but this served only to disguise its true nature. If there was one thing he had learnt from that incident the year before, it was that grief stricken Gems and blades made poor bedfellows. While he doubted she would be able to draw it before he stopped her and indeed there was much she could do with it to harm him, it was better not to tempt fate by presenting such an opportunity to her while her judgement was still clouded by anger. He looked back to her as he weighed his options carefully.
"I understand your outburst; any one of these events would be difficult to handle individually, let alone thrown at you together. When we withdraw to my families spare residence here in the city this night, you may interrogate me for every detail of that morning your sister died and I shall answer the best I can. If you find it insufficient or find me at fault, you may throw every curse you like at me, launch whatever other empty threats you desire- vent your anger and hatred and sorrow and so forth. But here in public, I must maintain appearances. Is that a reasonable proposition?" He said, his voice much quieter now to avoid any eavesdropping.
It was a fair offer, by his reckoning. He did not wish to hurt her, but no Drakken could not merely accept tongue lashings from brides, especially not a lord such as himself. This served both their interests far better than insults and bickering ever could; she would answers, he would not be forced to discipline her to save face. Further, both would have had time to collect themselves from this sudden turn of events. He doubted she would be anything near calm, but he felt he at least had a somewhat better chance of getting rational responses out of her than he would have if he tried to explain himself to her now. It was perhaps a long shot, but one he felt preferable to both parties. It was far better than having to choose between his pride and reputation or his hope at convincing her he had not murdered her sister. Aside from his own emotional investment in such, he seriously doubted that having a bride with a vendetta against him would be in any way beneficial...
Zakroti feels his blood boil at the accusation, but calms himself and deliberately tries to subvert her expectations. He makes an offer to her in the hopes of defusing the situation and saving himself from a no win situation; while he can't ignore his brides threatening and insulting him in public without risking a credible blow to his reputation, disciplining her as would be expected of a Drakken warlord would not precisely be conducive to convincing her that he was not a violent brute who murdered her sister.
Sorry for this post taking so long and for it being quickly cobbled together and of rather poor quality. As it turns out I've got two more university coursework deadlines on top of the one I was already working on, leaving me with a bunch more essays and a short timespan in which to complete them. I also managed to accidentally delete it last night so that was fun.
While Orfai is more generally interested in knowledge, he takes a special interest in secrets. Not just any old secrets (although those will certainly suffice), but oftentimes forbidden knowledge, or knowledge about the unknown. Often referred to as the Keeper of Secrets, Orfai is in the business of collecting these secrets and mysteries, capable of obscuring some information whether by the request of mortals or for his own ends and hiding away relics and artefacts of power. It is said that he can be bargained with to obscure ones deeds, and that he can hardly resist taking up a particularly good secret and crafting a mystery around it. For this reason, some less than saintly types attempt to interact with him and make offerings in the hopes of covering up a particularly ruinous secret or a crime, having him to lock it from mortal gaze in exchange for something- although he operates on exact words, and it is wise to consider exactly what one is asking of him and what one is offering him before hand. But Orfai does not only horde these things; whether out of a genuine sense of duty or for his own curiousty, he also imparts knowledge of the universe to mortal inventors and thinkers, wondering how it might affect the world. To some he is thus considered a patron of learning and academia, something that he embraces as a part of himself and his duality; he regards knowledge as power, and power can be used for both good and evil, for both chaos and order.
True Neutral
Orfai is something of an enigma; He is neither good nor evil, neither chaotic nor lawful. Like all beings however, in spite of his nature, there are a number of things about Orfai that are consistent; he is inquisitive and enjoys hoarding knowledge, however mundane it might seem at a glance. He is smug and often self assured, treating the mortal world as a personal laboratory for experimentation. The word scientist might be applied to him, and while he lacks the portfolio of innovation (somewhat to his chagrin), he does not shy away from planting seeds of knowledge and technology in the heads of mortal men to lead them to great discovieries. He is a patron of philosophers and thinkers, but also the source of great change and upheavel. Despite change itself not being his domain, as the result of the dissemination of knowledge, Orfai has somewhat adopted it into himself.
Orfai often takes the role of an observer to the going ons of the world, but this is a facade. The god is very active in influencing the affairs of Mortals, inserting powerful artefacts into the world, imbuing the ambitious with supernatural powers and orchestrating the rise and fall of cities and kingdoms simply to see the effect it will have on the world. When he is not observing - or perhaps experimenting or playing with would be more apt - the mortal world, Orfai is working to expand his knowledge and collection of secrets. He is the kind of being who would not be content until he knows everything there is to know, and even then he would likely be double checking to make sure he didn't miss something. Aside from this endless pursuit of knowledge, a frivolous goal stalks his fantasies; The vault that Mater Lei guards. Though he does not admit it openly (or indeed, even to himself at times) and keeps it hidden away, he hungers for the knowledge that lies sealed inside. He would see the extradimensional vault and door fall under his authority - not to use that which lies within nor even out of any dislike of Lei, whom he is in fact rather fond of- but simply because it is in his nature to desire it.
Orfai is not static with his appearance, indeed he is deliberately changing and secretive. Sometimes he appears as a formless void or even changes through multiple forms right in front of others. This had led to him being almost impossible to depict by mortals, so he is often instead indicated by his mark, which is perhaps the only uniform thing about him. Still, while he tends to change his appearance, if he takes a humanoid form it is often as a dignified figure of learning unless he is deliberately seeking to mask his identity; a scholarly old academic, a wizened philosopher or a governess. Otherwise it is as a shapeless mist, or a figure that is constantly changing shape.