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    1. Darth Firias 10 yrs ago


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The Siege

The moon shone brightly over the Prison that the local officials had taken Dargo Karr. Though prison was hardly the appropriate word for the edifice that loomed in the valley below Darth Firias, a fortress was more apt a description. Firias gazed outward from a perch high in one of the trees that ran along the topmost edge of the large hill that looped around the fortress in a northerly bowl shape. The only natural entrance to the bowl shaped valley was a break in the hills to the Southeast. They would never suspect a single man on foot to either breach the initial perimeter defenses undetected, let alone mount an assault on the prison itself.

Firias continued to study the large structure for any apparent flaws in its defenses. There appeared to be none, unfortunately. Massive laser targeting rail cannons mounted along the topmost ridge of the structure provided highly accurate ground and air assault, while nearly two hundred strong soldiers guarded the perimeter and the many balconies of the edifice.

This was not a prison that an antagonist in a bar would be sent to. Someone knew Karr was here. Whoever they were, they did not want him to leave.
Firias shrugged, there was nothing for it. One way or another he was going to free Dargo Karr. The though surprised him. To think he was going to risk nearly everything for a man he had only met a few weeks prior. He shook the confusing thoughts away, they were a distraction, and he knew he was using Karr to gain more power in the end.

The moon was now low in the night sky and hours had passed without Firias a much as shifting position, but the moment had arrived, the sentries on the wall were relieving the watch. While this did not suppress the threat of the rail cannons, it provided as much of an opportunity as Firias could hope for. He had no intention of being detected regardless.

He shot off of his perch like a laser bolt. He was a shadowy blur against a dark environment. In a matter of seconds, he had made it to the first cover. Five hundred yards to go, and downhill. He sensed the rail cannon’s pass over his location and sprang into action the moment they roved away. He moved down the rocky slope in a blur, his movements focused and enhanced by the force for maximum speed and minimal exposure. Second cover, one fifty yards remaining. The perimeter laser fence is the last obstacle and a caravan is entering the main gate in approximately 45 seconds.

Plenty of time.

He explodes from the cover of the large fallen tree and slips silently through the underbrush towards the caravan. The guards surrounding never see the dark blur exiting the forest and sliding under the antigravity land freighter second from the rear of the compound and latches on until the vehicle passes multiple security checkpoints and proceeds into the supply docks in the back of the facility.
Various voices can be heard, some giving orders directing the unloading efforts, and some directing vehicles. The freighter that he is hiding under does not appear to be moving any time soon.

Thinking of being stealthy is new to Firias, who is unaccustomed to not using brute force to gain entry. If they want Karr imprisoned, they will likely kill him in the event of a breakout attempt. This in mind, Firias leans out to see the layout of the room. There is supply crates stacked along the back wall of the large hold, perfect. Reaching out with the force, Firias shears off the bolts of all restraining mounts of the middle row of crates, causing several to topple to the floor with an earsplitting crash.

Whoever is in charge of the unloading operations begins barking orders to various people to clean up the mess and then moves on the berating the engineer for installing poor materials into the restraining straps. Firias smiles darkly and slips away behind a now abandoned stack of crates. After a quick scan of the room, it is obvious that all attention is aimed at cleaning up the mess that is halting business as usual. Just what kind of prison is this Firias wonders.

Overhead is a large air duct, as there always seems to be in these large structures. Vaulting high off the crates, using the force to propel his leap, he reaches the vent twenty yards overhead. He slowly unbolts the screws that hold the vent cover in place, and as soon as the cover falls way, he is nearly blasted back down to the floor. Only his supernatural reflexes save him from falling the hundred or so feet to the cold durasteel floor below as he catches the lip of the opening and hauls himself gracelessly into the duct.

“Good think Karr isn’t here to see that.. he’d be so insufferable I’d have to kill him” he grumbles to himself.
After winding his way through the ventilation of the structure for hours it seemed, Firias finally arrives above a command station of some sort a few stories above the ground floor. Four operators man large holographic monitors of the myriad of security cameras and guard units of the structure. Seeing an opportunity, Firias gestures at the four men and they begin to choke in unison. After crushing the life out of the men, Firias drops down out of the ventilation and looks at the console. Realizing he is no computer expert, he begins scanning the cameras on the monitors. There! Dargo Karr is in a cell on sublevel ten, three hundred feet below the surface. Just who were these people that wanted Karr so far out of the way?

Looking at the monitor displaying the layout of the structure, Firias chooses his route. The time for subtlety is over. A moment of inspiration comes over him and he uses the console to find a way to shut off the security cameras along the route. After several tries, he succeeds only in finding a way to reset the mainframe of the system. The result is 45 seconds of rebooting. Forty-five seconds to reach Karr. Four hundred feet down.

Again, plenty of time.

The first few levels present no obstacle, the few guards stationed in the above ground levels fall to his blade without pause for his passing. The lower levels are far more heavily guarded. Particularly the passageway leading to the cells that Karr is in. After checking the bodies of the four guards lying in his feet in pieces, he finds a few smoke grenades and gathers them up. Using a severed hand on the access console, he opens the blast door to the last passageway that is filled with what appear to be elite guards. He throws the grenades into their midst and closes the door before they have a chance to retaliate. A bang and shouts of alarm and orders to don breathing devices sound out from the blast door. Firias channels the force into himself, boosting his speed and strength to inhuman levels. He opens the blast door and begins his attack.

The first guard raises his pulse rifle and fires into the direction of the opening blast door, as the third bolt of iridescent energy leaves the barrel, an amber blade descends diagonally through its haft, severing both the barrel and the forearm bracing it. The man’s scream is cut short as the same blade whips through his visor. A second guard engages an energy shield to use as cover but in the last instant sees a dark shape vault high through the smoke and land behind him, his scream is cut short as his lungs instantly boil from the blade searing through his chest as the killer moves on to his next victim. Ducking low, Firias charges the next guard, slamming his palm into the man’s shoulder, dislocating the joint and shattering the collar bone before the force of the blow sends the guard careening into an adjacent guard. As the guard pulls his downed comrade off of himself, he is greeted by a glowing yellow blade to the center of his helmet, splitting his skull lengthwise. One left. The man calls vainly for is comrades to report the location of the assailant, when he hears only radio static he begins the panic, screaming and cursing he begins firing wildly into the smoke filled corridor. A rough voice behind him makes him nearly piss himself in fear.

“Here,” is all Firias says as he grabs the man’s backpack and hurls him at the blast door at the end of the passageway. With a bone shattering crash the man strikes the thick durasteel door and, heroically, retains his feet though his left leg and arm are surely broken. An instant later the same cruel voice says into his ear, “Impressive, your resolve is admirable.” A broken scream is cut off as the burning blade of a lightsaber ignites his heart and begins melting the blast door behind him.

Firias extinguishes his blade, letting the dead guard fall to his feet before catching a gloved hand and, after removing said glove, uses the access console to open the last door to Dargo Karr’s prison block. Firias strides up to the cell door, the man is sitting calmly in the back of the cell on a bench with his chin in his palm.

“Well it’s about time isn’t it?” says Karr nonchalantly.
The Depths

Half of a week passed by and it was beginning to become obvious that this Malcom Raynor was not coming any time soon. Darth Firias often wondered what he was even doing, allowing this Republic traitor to run free and not be brought back to Firias’s Dark Overlords back on Korriban. The answer was obvious, of course, but not one readily admitted by the Sith warrior. He rather enjoyed the haphazard company and enlightening conversations he had with Dargo Karr. Though he’d sooner kill the man than admit that to Karr, he had a suspicion Karr already knew that secret.

So it was with little trepidation that he watched from a dark corner of the cantina whenever Karr decided to toy the rabble out of a bit of their credits, or, a lot of their credits depending on Karr’s mood. He sat and watched… and learned. Firias could already feel his mind beginning to work in ways he had previously believed to be frivolous, but now understood to be cunning. He was beginning to see the bigger picture, right down to the angry Rodian Karr had just beaten, who was about to confront Karr with hateful thoughts on its mind.

What happened next was most surprising. Rather than be taken unawares, as his mellow state would have one assume, Karr saw the attack coming, and had planned a suitable defense. And so it went, with Karr being at least two maybe three moves ahead of his would be attackers. Once the brawl started, it was savage, but quick. It took several minutes for most of the cantina’s patrons to lie unconscious on the floor, and the few who remained standing to assess that the fight was over. Karr had, of course, been almost solely responsible for it’s abrupt conclusion.

Firias sat in the back, observing it all, with an arched eyebrow of surprise and admiration for Karr’s talents. Perhaps he hadn’t been bluffing those days prior in the empty cantina on Nar Shadaa. Intriguing.

Firias quietly slipped out of the cantina as the local authorities arrived to haul Karr away. As he was being forcefully shoved into one of their landspeeders, Karr threw a wink at Firias before disappearing into the speeder’s cabin. Firias allowed himself a chuckle. Perhaps a night or two in jail would calm Dargo Karr, but he had at least given Firias the amusing task of breaking him out of jail. Even if it wasn’t Karr’s intent, Firias would not abide some would be authorities taking this fount of knowledge from him. Firias would not admit the second half to that truth that Karr had become something of a friend. The Sith’s warrior mind did not know how to process that truth’s meaning, so it was pushed aside.

Under the pale moon of Aldaran’s night sky, a lone figure sat before a small glowing crimson pyramidal crystal. To anyone foolish to be an onlooker, it would seem as though the figure were communicating with the glowing crystal. They would be right.

Firias bent his will against the crystal for perhaps the thousandth time. He pressed hght and fury and indignation at being denied its secrets into the structure in an effort to coax a whisper of knowledge. Sweating and frustrated Firias relented. The crystal’s wards would not budge.

A thought came to him then. Something Karr had said days before in the empty cantina. “An over-abundance of power makes you think uni-laterally…” With a grimace, the dark warrior tried a new approach. He split his mind into three pieces, as he had learned to do when playing Karr’s lightboard game. He pushed ever so slightly with his will, split thrice, upon the crystal before him.

The crystal suddenly became intensely bright. As if it were impatient that this tactic had taken far too long to be imagined, it opened up to Firias like it never before had.

“It would seem, my young apprentice, that you have finally given real thought to your mind’s progression, and not just its power. A master of the Force must be a master of his mind. Power is not everything, though it is a tool to wield against the foolish that would stand against you. True power comes from cunning and guile, and being able to outmaneuver your opponents both on the battlefield and off. The same is true with the ways of the Force. Not everything is a matter of will and strength. The Force has subtleties that you could never comprehend in a thousand, thousand years. You must open your mind to it. You were failing.”

Firias recoiled at that last statement. His eyes all but glowed with fury at his own foolishness. The Dark Master of the Force continued on:

“You have seen the truth of things now, however. In doing so, you have passed yet another test I have imbued within this holocron. Prepare your mind and body, young Sith. Your training takes on a new level of difficulty. You will become something more than your brethren. Something more… than Sith!”

Long into the night, the dark figure sat before his crimson crystal, learning again the secrets of the force with renewed devotion. The dawn would bring interesting tidings…
It was late night, or early morning, one could never tell in the perpetual dark of Nar Shadaa, when Darth Firias touched down in his starship. He punched a few keys into the navigation console and initiated the ship’s auto defense systems. No matter how powerful in the force he was, no Sith or Jedi had ever figured out how to fly through space at light-speed.

The last broken informant had told him that Karr had fled to this moon city, right before his heart gave out from the fear. He ground his molars in frustration. Another damned all encompassing city, and this one seemed dirtier than the last somehow.
Firias gathered his thoughts inward and drew upon the Dark Side, seeking his prey yet again through a veritable forest of fears and hatreds. Again frustrated that he could find nothing, he vented his rage on a nearby Gungan that had wandered too close to his launchpad than was advisably safe. His outstretched hand formed a grip on the air and the Gungan’s neck seemed to implode. A pitiful squeak escaped its lips as it writhed its death throes on the cold bitter deck of the star-port. Somewhere far off a protocol droid laughed in triumph.

Not a single soul looked his way in admonishment. He allowed himself a smirk before setting out into the dimly lit city in search of a trail to follow.. It wasn’t long before he found an informant that had the information he wanted. To say he had a knack for getting information was a sad and sore understatement, and practice made him all the more ruthlessly efficient. With renewed vigor he turned to follow this new path, or tried to as powerful hands clamped down on his arms and attempted to wrench them around backward painfully.

Enraged that anyone would be so bold, he resolved to find out how exactly the assassin crept up on him despite his heightened Sith senses, but not before crushing this would be assassin. He drew upon the latent force around him, bolstering his strength and broke free of his attacker’s iron grip. With a flick of his wrist, his lightsaber flew from his belt to his hand..

At the exact moment his adversary pulled a vibrosword of his own. With a shrill whirring noise the blade activated. The man wore a jet black uniform with piecemeal armor covering various vulnerable points. He had a black helmet with a reflective face shield hiding his visage and giving off an air of cruel anonymity. Without so much as a whisper the man sliced downward at Firias’s off hand, but feinted for a stab to the neck at the last instant. Firias anticipated the move and lined up his lightsaber accordingly. There was another shrill screech when the vibroblade met the amber energy of the lightsaber, but the metal blade did not break or melt.

Unfortunately for Firias, his lightsaber extinguished on its own accord when it came in direct contact with the blade. Cortosis! It was a cortosis blade! This fight just got interesting. The vibroblade descended down onto Firias’s shoulder, havn deflected from his neck. Firias launched himself into a backward somersault but not fast enough as the blade bit into his trailing forearm, splitting the ceramic plate and muscle underneath like butter.. It was Firias’s force assisted speed and reflexes that saved the limb altogether.

With a grunt of pain, Firias summoned up his renewed fury. Bolstered by rage, he reignited his lightsaber and stood at the ready, daring his opponent to attack. Again, wordlessly, the assassin charged right in, and caught a force blast to the chest. The man was sent sprawling backward into some cargo crates thirty feet behind him. They smashed into splinters and bent nails. His left arm bent at an awkward angle at the elbow, the man in the black mask stood back up defiantly.

The fight was back to an even keel, or so it would have been had the assassin known anything about the Dark Side that Firias had access to. Though obviously trained to fight force sensitives, the man simply had no other defense against it beyond his incredible stealth and agility. So as the man rose fully he nearly caught a blast of force lightning to the chest. It was his turn to show incredible reflexes as he dove forward under the arcs of lightning streaming from Firias’s fingers. Unrelenting, the man dove forward again at a different angle, closing the distance and dodging a second blast. He came to his feet to the left and behind Firias, who turned with an underhanded slash to the assassin’s knee. The assassin lifted his leg out of the arc of the saber and slashed down again, confident that his cortosis blade would finish the job.

He had underestimated Firias’s fury. The blade bit into Firias’s shoulder as his lightsaber crossed under and into the vibroblade’s hilt, ceasing its matter ruining vibrations. With the blade embedded firmly in his shoulder, Firias turned his torso savagely, ripping the blade from the surprised assassin’s hands. The amber blade of superheated energy whipped through the assassin’s torso above the waist and continued out through his ruined left arm. With a grunt, Firias kicked the man in the chest in a pushing motion, and still augmented by his rage and the Dark Side. The man’s top half flew again into the broken crates and was still. The legs continued to teeter slightly until Firias, nearly consumed by fury, hurled them with the force as powerfully as he could. It would be a strange day for whoever discovered a pair of legs had landed in their vehicle.

Firias fought to control his emotions warring within him, and slowly the air around him ceased to ripple and shake with his fury and power in the force. He calmly walked over to the assassin’s top half and raised him out of the rubble with the force, suspending the lifeless body in the air. He walked forward and searched the myriad of pockets on the man’s person, halved as though it was. Firias briefly thought his act of launching the legs might prove to have been foolish as was finding nothing in his top half.

At last he found what he had been looking for. A small data chip in a pocket in the man’s armored bracer of his remaining arm. Firias dropped the body unceremoniously to the deck and pulled his cloak up around his head.

It would be a long walk back to his ship. But now he had another lead…
The informant he had just dominated informed the dark warrior that Karr was lying low in the underbelly of Corusant, which suited Firias just fine. He would be able to move freely with his dark powers paving the way for him without the eyes of would-be authorities following his wake.
Authorities could be such a bother, that is by slowing him down by way of dying upon his lightsaber.

His typical method of barrel in and overwhelm with force could not be feasibly but to use in this dark underworld of the city, however, due entirely to the population density. Firias knew his power was great, but not that great… not yet.

He moved his way through the throngs of obscure humanoids, who parted before him almost subconsciously, though some more notably whenever they met his furious gaze. He was on the tail of yet another lead that could prove fruitful in his hunt for Dargo Karr, who was a surprisingly deft hunt. It seemed this Karr was able to see Firias’s moves before ever he made them. The only headway he seemed to gain was undoubtedly due to his brutal approach to interrogation.

There is only so much a sentient mind can handle when its assailant understands more than just physical pain.

Through the Dark Side he could feel the fear of his quarry. He was gaining ground. Suddenly it seemed as the incessant din of voices, shouts, screams, and threats that pervade the underworld of the planet city took on a new timbre. Bodies pressed wildly against him in an attempt to flee some unknown horror that was coming up the street towards Firias. His senses were briefly overwhelmed by the fear of the throng pushing towards him. As he deftly moved through the mass of horrified bodies surging forward, he heard a deafening roar. A beast had escaped from an illegal trafficking cartel not far down the lane.

“Someone has misplaced their rancor.” He smiled humorlessly, at war with himself. If he stopped and felled the beast, it would fill him with great rage and triumph, increasing his power in the Dark Side, the holocron had taught him as much. Unfortunately for him, not so much the rancor, that would mean the guaranteed escape of his prey, and another setback in finding Dargo Karr.

So, with a furious scowl, he threw up his cloak to conceal his features and with effort of his will and the power of the Dark Side, pushed his way perpendicular across the street and into an alleyway that smelled of ten kinds of fodder, throwing fear stricken humanoids aside like leaves before a storm. They had no powers of the force themselves, and thus had no hope of interrupting Firias’s force fueled advance.

He reached the alleyway in short order, is scowl becoming all the deeper for the filth he saw there that seemed to have stratified throughout the centuries of the cities existence. Exhaling, he centered himself on his rage and used the emotion to heighten his other senses, the ones that didn’t have to do with sight, smell, taste, and didn’t take him long to find who he was searching for, the man reeked of fresh fear; he had been tipped off to the dark warrior’s approach it would seem. This Karr was well informed.

With a resolution to find out who his informant was at a later time, he turned towards the carbon steel wall behind him and began to climb, finding hand and foot holds in the grime that collected and hardened over a lengthy period of time. No one cleans the undercity. His quarry was only a few levels above him, and was guarded by fearful men. They may not think they felt fear, or would admit to it, but Firias knew how to find the fear in the hearts of all sentient life. It was one of the first lessons the dark holocron had bestowed.

“It is not enough to master your own fear, you must dominate it. In doing so, you will be able to so dominate any who would oppose you who lack the will that is necessary.” The voice of the holocron said in its sepulchral tone, echoing in his thoughts. A lesson burned into his very soul.

It was this very fear he could sense that lead him to an alcove in the heights of the underworld below Corusant. Four figures stood silhouetted against the dark of the city by a red floodlight illuminating the balcony to the alcove. It was to be his quarry’s last stand locale it would seem. Again a mirthless smile found its way to Firias’s face. It would seem his prey would show its claws after all. He was counting on that.

Without preamble, he launched himself from his hold on the side of the wall, using the force to propel him through the stagnant air towards the guard nearest him. The guard never saw him coming, and his death cry was cut short by an amber bladed lightsaber burning its way across his lungs and through his heart. He was dead before his breath was boiled out of him. The other guard cursed loudly in Nautalon and drew his blaster and threw the weasel of a man he was being paid to guard aside to his other member of the bodyguard. Perhaps, he was not being paid nearly enough. He let fly with his blaster, but the Sith warrior simply held the guard he had impaled aloft and absorbed the blaster bolts with his fleshy shield. The bolts of superheated plasma melted into the man’s flesh with dull thumps and the smell of burning hair and meat filled the already rancid air. Firias poised his hand in a claw behind the spine of his impaled shield, and let fly with a tremendous shock of force that sent the limp body careening towards the guard who had opened fire. A sickening crunch followed as their skulls collided with fatal force and both bodies fell in a tangle of limbs and broken bones.

The last guard took out both of his laser pistols and took aim at the warrior just as he saw his colleague fly through the air, thinking to take this attacker by surprise. He had dealt with force users before and would not entertain the possibility of giving the warrior a chance to turn his efforts towards himself. He let loose a hail of laser fire on the enemy, thinking to overwhelm him.

Firias growled under his breath and brought his lightsaber to bear on the incoming laser bolts, neatly picking them off as he advanced towards the guard. His prey was scrambling to his feet trying to escape through the security access door, so Firias aimed one of the bolts he was deflecting at the man’s legs. It blasted clear through the small man’s knee, ruining the joint and dropping him onto his face which stifled the scream he had let loose.. Not waiting to see how his assailant would react he drew deeply upon the Dark Side of the Force and filled his body with hate fueled power. He surged toward his opponent suddenly and viciously, keeping low and out of the field of fire above his head. A few bolts burned through his cloak, giving it yet more character to its already tattered appearance. Before the guard could react, Firias whipped his lightsaber through the man’s wrists, severing them neatly and dropping the pesky laser pistols to clatter on the alcove floor. The man’s face was white with shock as he stared disbelievingly at the smoldering stumps where his hands once were. Firias simply walked by the man, who never saw the blade swipe from behind him, level with his shoulders, and the guard’s head too clattered and bounced to the deck, the look of shock still etched into its features.

The small man whimpered pitifully as he clutched his ruined knee and tried in vain to back away from this monster who laid waste to his guards with seeming little effort.

“Just what in the hell do you want with me?” the man screamed in uncontrollable fear.

Darth Firias had him now; he bent all of his will on crushing what was left of the man’s sanity. Using his might in the Dark Side he wielded fear as though it was his very lightsaber, able to burn through even the steadiest resolve, a blistering malice born of years of training and pain before the trials of the holocron and his dark Master before that. To any whom he focused this dark intent, he would appear as a vision of death incarnate, come to destroy the very soul of the one he sought and take what was left back into whatever dark place he had come.

The sniveling man never had a chance. As a fetid yellow puddle formed between the man’s legs, he gave Firias all the information he wanted to know, and then some.

Dargo Karr was not so far off as he seemed, thought the dark warrior as he gazed upward towards the upper city…
He sat as still as the metal framing of his starship in the lotus position, hands upon his knees, meditating on the lesson from the holocron still hours before, the voice of the dark master of the force guiding his thoughts to the true path of power.

Peace is a lie. There is only passion.
Through passion, I gain strength.
Through strength, I gain power.
Through power, I gain victory.
Through victory my chains are

These simple words had been the rote of his soul for longer than he cared to remember. Even his name was long since forgotten, the Dark Side had no need of names. Only one name served him now, only one name that was his to wield through reputation and terror.

Darth Firias.

A name earned through blood and sweat and pain. Given to him by the master of the Dark Force whose bones lie to rot on the planet Gravion IV. Felled by Firias's own lightsaber with not so much as a grim smile for his ascension. Breaking the chains was the only motive, his master was simply an obstacle to be overcome and subsequently destroyed having served his purpose. Not even his name was worth carrying forth.

The voice from the holocron, however, was worth far more and then some. It was everything. Ancient in the purest sense, from a master of the Force that the galaxy had long since forgotten, yet whose mark is indelibly there for those who know how to see it. Yet even this prehistoric Force of darkness had no name that Firias was able to discern through the vast teachings contained within the pyramidal crystalline holocron before him.

At last with a controlled exhalation, Firias opend his eyes, blood red ringing an iris of golden yellow, eyes of rage and pain and passion. With careful deliberation he picked up the holocron and put it into one of the secret pockets concealed beneath his armor. He wore a simple suit of high-density ceramic plates that covered his vitals and limbs meshed with a nanowire cloth that fit his form like a second skin, and could stop a vibro-knife with as little as a bruise to show for it. Over this he wore a dark cloak, frayed from years of combat and wear. It hung about him like a shadow, concealing his form and armor beneath. He was otherwise completely unadorned with any sort of frivolous trinkets or piercings as was typical sith custom. No tattoos marred the pale complexion of his skin. The dark side did not curry power based on appearance. Firias learned early on that fear is largely based in imagination, not in detail. Besides, tattoos do not block laser bolts or weak jedi lightsabers.

He slowly rose from his seated position like a shadow sliding from the movement of a star. Nearly formless save for its imposing six foot height. He moved with the casual grace of a born warrior from his meditation room to the control room of his small starship. Its holographic displays indicating a myriad of mechanical details about his voyage to his destination. He said a single word in the ancient sith language and the voice of the AI informed him of the time of arrival. He would be on the surface of the planet in under an hour.

While his mission was of yet unclear, his resolve was as hard as Mandalorian Iron. He was charged with finding a certain Dargo Karr by one of the Emperor's many Dark Lords. Never one to question the will of the embodiment of the Dark Side, Darth Firias obeyed with a grim resolution. Dargo Karr would face his masters, no matter where he chose to hide.
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