What I remember most about the rise of the Empire is how quiet it was.
After we had broken the Separatists back on Utapau we were immediately evaced off-world back to our ships and then were inbound for Coruscant.
We all new what was about to happen,what we were about to do.
Did many of us have any private traitorous thoughts?
Perhaps.But not a word was spoken.Not on the return to Coruscant,not when we marched on the Temple,and not amidst the battle.
Not a word.
~Unknown Clone Commander
Where were you?Were you in the gardens,enjoying the beautiful plants brought to the temple from other worlds?Were you in the library catching up on your studies or enjoying good stories?Were you putting in extra training in the Temple training rooms?
How did you react?Did you stay by your friends and masters to defend the temple?Or did you flee via the hangars?Or did you beg for mercy?
You decide.Its your story.
(This RP begins on Coruscant amidst the beginning of Order 66,you must survive this onslaught and the destruction of the Jedi?
You will begin at the attack on the temple,you may choose to try and hold out or flee for safety.Then you must make decisions.Will you go into hiding?Will you create a militia or rebel army and strike back at the Empire?Or will you go rogue and choose a new career as a bounty hunter or smuggler?
It's up to you.)
Jedi Name:
Appearance:(Image or detailed description.)
Fighting Style:
Lightsaber Appearance:(Image or Description.)
Rank:(Council Member,Knight,or Padawan.)
Biography:(At least a paragraph.)
Midichlorian Count:(7000-12,000)
The Nomad