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    1. Dawn Phox 10 yrs ago


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Dawn Phox, born Valara Jeseladai, was born to a poor family in a region that was raided soon after by the Zygerrian Slavers Guild, and acquired as a slave, her family slaughtered in the process. However, instead of sharing in the fate of most slaves and being quickly sold off on the black markets shortly after capture, the Guild itself kept Valara for their own purposes and made her run small tasks for them. It was due to this unfortunate turn in her life that Valara (alias, Dawn) began learning to endure cruel torture methods of various varieties, building up a resistance to pain, amongst other things. While other children often perished quickly around her, only days, weeks, or months after being acquired, she proved to be indubitably strong, and survived ordeals that would have killed grown adults, still only a child. In this way she observed and learned much from the slavers, and unbeknownst to them, picked up more than a few skills to her advantage. Most notably, she learned the ways of concocting incredibly deadly poisons. Within a couple of years, the slavers got comfortable that they had broken her, and allowed her more freedoms, and more access within their rankings as well. That was how, when the slaves riled together during one very badly planned raid, she made their revolt and subsequent escape possibe-- by poisoning nearly half of the guard to death and distributing the retrieved keys amongst the prisoners. In an odd turn of events, it turned out that amongst these slaves an official for the Republic had been accidentally apprehended, and this individual managed to contact his own people around the time of the escape. Those of the Republic arrived on the scene to find most of the slave traders dispatched with – the greatest single amount by a small girl. That feat captured their interests, and they became suddenly very interested in her constitution and skills. When everyone had either dispersed, run, or been taken in by the Republic, the Republic made sure to bring Valara back with them to Coruscant, where the Jedi Council, upon hearing her tale, demanded to see the oddly stoic girl-child for themselves. Upon meeting with her, it was discovered that she was compatible with using the force, to a nearly-volatile degree. However, there was question of her ability to fit in with the other padawans, due to the hard past she had endured her entire life, and her own dark actions at such an impressionable age. They saw a great potential for the dark side from the broken child, and it worried them. However, they were reluctant to simply let her go, or even keep her in hiding-- afraid that she would be scouted out by the Empire and inducted into the ranks of the Sith, turning to the dark side. In fact, they were nearly certain that if they didn't take this chance to get to her first, the Dark Side certainly would. They eventually decided that they might as well get what they could from the unfortunate ordeal. And so, they agreed to take her on.... but in secret, and into an experimental special projects program, aimed at creating the perfect “undercover agent” to infiltrate the Empire and Sith. Although she was trained as a Jedi (technically) her training was unorthodox to say the least, and as such only very select high ranking members who were all known for being rather radical in their approach were privy to the details of said activities. A great deal of that training involved intensive torture and resistance tactics both mentally and physically. Not knowing any better, when they began her training, Valara thought nothing of it, expecting the pain as much as she expected to breathe. Years of this intensive study and practice passed, and all the while she was molded to be loyal to the Republic every way they knew how. In a very rare move, justified as necessary to combat the increasingly greater evils, she was allowed to access the dark side of the force and learned to balance the two halves, as well as suppress either one or the other side at any given moment. In this time, she learned not only combat and saber wielding, but other skills such as infiltration, thievery, and hacking. Changing from a near-mute slave girl with crudely short-cut crimson tresses, often clad only in filthy and ripped beige cloths, she blossomed into a full-figured woman, with a tongue of battery-acid and (unfortunately) a bit of a secret drinking problem. Her mentors took her transformation into a rather attractive woman as a stroke of unforeseen but helpful luck, and she was then also taught and trained to use her wiles, becoming their ideal version of a double agent. They felt it would help her bypass a greater variety of obstacles if she knew how to flaunt her waist-length voluminous tresses, or bat her midnight-blue eyes, kiss with her full lips, or show just the right amount of starkly pale porcelain white skin. And they were right, those traits were useful on their own. On the day that she graduated to “Jedi”, during the staged and very public ceremony, she was to “defect” to the Dark Side and “lose control” of her powers, drawing attention from an Empire that had successfully had its eyes shielded from her potential. The ploy worked and she was immediately recruited by the Empire, taken in as an apprentice from where she watched, waited, and fed information back to the Republic. That was, until she got a very peculiar mission one day, from Senator Nalgen himself. He had gone to great lengths to contact her while she was deep undercover, risking both of their lives more carelessly than ever before, to make it clear that she had to convince the Empire to send her on some ridiculous mission, so that she could watch some washed-up tactical planner and make sure he did the job the Republic had instructed him to quietly fulfill, without drawing too much attention to himself. Evidently, he was hard to miss. She had to accept. Going to the Empire after digging up information on everything pertinent regarding her necessary cover, she voiced her concerns over this untrustworthy “Dargo Karr” individual, thankfully being able to use the involvement of Darth Firias (he had evidently failed to either kill or capture the deserter within a reasonable space of time). She claimed to wish to prove herself to the Empire and locate Karr, as well as Firias (if he lived), and spy on them, reporting any worthwhile findings to the Empire, before eliminating them both. The Empire bit on her offer, and she was able to contact the Senator to confirm that she had a cover for joining with Karr. She then received her full mission from Nalgen, and was set to cross paths with Karr. She was instructed to aid him on his mission with all of her skills, keep the Empire off their tails, and guard him if need be. _________________________ Dawn breezily sauntered through the crowded lounge area, her long crimson hair woven with crystals that winked in the soft lighting, twisting elegantly to the side so that the tresses cascaded down her chest to provide a classy edge to the otherwise revealing ensemble. The burgundy floor-length silk dress was fine quality and swayed invitingly with the outline of her curves, a single pale leg revealing itself nearly to the hip with each step she took. She gave the appearance of entitled laziness (and perhaps a little drunkenness) in her sensual movements, attracting more than one eye while she made her rounds, scouting. Nalgen certainly did pick the oddest places to set up a contact point, and she sighed inwardly before flashing her brightest smile at the fifth rich snob she passed, barely rolling her eyes when the middle aged man grabbed her ass. Continuing on through the room, she focused on her target. Dawn needed to acquire a pass to get into the penthouse of this particular wealthy building, at which point it would be safe to contact the senator via a small skin-embedded communicator and report back on her success with the Empire. Apparently, this was the only building in the area that had the level of security necessary to conduct such secretive business set up. And only for this evening, at that. Apparently the man who had rented it out had a penchant for illegal activities and paid top dollar to shield his interests. Speaking of which, she spotted the rich mogul from her position in the middle of the club, and wasted no time in making eye contact, winking, and adoring him with a seductive smile, her lush lips curving up in a grinning pout. He stared back at her without question, and waved her over quickly. The spy took her time getting there, walking timidly and pushing her hair back behind her ear in feigned innocence when she did so, batting her lashes down, “Did.... did you want to see me?” She blushed expertly, all the while gagging inside and pushing down the insistent burn coursing through her for a stiff drink. “Yea....” the man grinned cockily, “You got somewhere else to be babe? 'Cuz I'm pretty sure you have an appointment.. in my pants..” He snorted, the gaggle of scantily clad girls giggling around him, Her eyes flashed and she grinned widely, poison practically dropping from her teeth, “Oh .. is that so...” Dawn cooed, allowing him to grab her arm and pull her into his lap where she crossed her legs so that her bare leg was displayed right under his nose. Dawn didn't even need to use any of her force-given abilities to con this loser, and it took her less than five minutes to slip the pass from his pants pocket before she disentangled herself with the promise of returning with more drinks. It was a good thing she was effective without relying on the force, for, as usual, the paranoid senator made it clear that she was to suppress all of her abilities while getting into contact with him, on the off chance that there might be someone, somewhere, that could pick up on even the smallest use of the force. He also seemed to be ever-concerned about cameras and monitoring systems picking up glitches around her if she tampered with them, so she was to remain as inconspicuous as possible. Walking steadily to the bar, she slipping through a rather dense group converging there, and angled directly into a small hallway leading to the private elevator up. The moment she had exited the room, her whole demeanor morphed, her movements become snake-like and calculating, flowing with unreasonable dexterity. She was at the elevator, unhindered, in seconds, and had swiped the pass, stepped into the elevator, and been carried to the top floor in another few seconds. Once there, she used the pass again, gaining access to the highly guarded and restricted inner sanctum. Dawn activated her contact device, waiting for mere moments before the senator's voice spoke out to her, choppy through all of the encrypted tech and distortion systems they still had to use. Her voice was cold, calculating, devoid of all emotion. “I have arranged to hunt down Karr. The Empire sanction it.” She reported curtly. “Very well. You know your mission. You will cross paths with Dargo. Make sure he doesn't draw attention to himself, or you. Make sure he stays on course. You will aid him on his missions, making any of your skills available. Guard him. Watch him, and keep the Sith from your trail.” The instructions were short, and clear, and soon after the connection broke. Dawn understood well enough. Slipping a tiny dagger from her bosom, she stabbed it into her own wrist, twisting the tip of the blade until the communications device popped out of her flesh. As soon as it was exposed to the air, it gave off a red beep and burst into quickly consumed flames. She would receive a new communicator when the senator wished to contact her once more. But now, she had a job to do. Licking the small drop of blood from the dagger, she wiped it against her dress and leaped onto the nearest surface to vault herself to the ceiling using pure acrobatics. Once she pad propped herself up in an opportune position, she slid the thin metal blade under a vent control panel, disrupting the system, and crawling through the opening in the blink of an eye. Dawn climbed quickly and soundlessly through the hatch, emerging onto the roof via access panel. Her kit was already waiting for her. Stashing the blade, she ripped the dress off and slid into her usual attire. A black one piece suit that clung tightly and moved with her better than the air-- and indeed was made to help her move through the air better. Picking the gems out of her hair, she threw them back in her bag and sealed her tools up, fetching one single item out first. Striding over to the side of the building without hesitation, she leaped off. The woman calculated her fall precisely and managed to slow her descent enough to catch on to a window about half way down, using the tool she had reserved. Swinging for a moment, she propped her legs up against the side of the building and reached into her pack with one hand to pull out a small laser and carve a space large enough for her to fit through in the large glass panel. Dawn was well on her way to the lowest levels of this establishment, and to the port that contained her chosen mode of transportation, when a guard stepped in front of her. Just her luck. She narrowed her eyes and sneered, not giving him enough time to open his mouth before she had already struck him three times in rapid succession. One, she bruised his windpipe, two, she kicked him back, her leg thrusting up to connect with his jaw in one swoop, and three, she vaulted him into the wall until his face broke through the solid barrier. The man was out, but she didn't want to risk any possible retaliation, so she swiftly broke both of his arms and every one of his fingers in a single move, before darting back down the hallway and into the servants passage. Reaching the port without further incident, she shadily drifted between those that had converged at the small bar present on the lower levels, just to conceal her movements in case anyone had noticed her. No one of importance had, but that didn't stop her from being accosted none the less. A black market dealer had caught notice of her expensive gear and approached her wryly, placing his hand on her shoulder. She grabbed his fingers, twisting his arm back and cracked the mans face into the class counter. “Ouch, ouch, I give! What the hell!” He moaned, “Don't you have any damn charm at all..” She leaned in close next to her ear and hissed, “I'll spend my charm on you when I want something from you,” shoving him once before turning to walk away, a snarl of disgust on her features. Dawn paused, looking back at the bartender. “Give me a drink.” And threw the credit at the man, grabbing up her shot and downing it in a well-practiced gulp before vanishing back into the crowds.
- sorry for the accidental double post -
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