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23 days ago
Current I don’t know, but I’m on team melons.
24 days ago
I hate how I crack a smile at any and all puns. My humour is broken.
7 mos ago
Old RP's you loved and put effort in that died are always bittersweet to look back on.


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I can’t wait to see Thierry’s reaction to finding Aurélie, Cress’s interesting choice of words and Sabrina.
@LexisheepsOkay but did you cry?
Lexi when they come back online

Sabrina has me in TEARS.
Stella has me in TEARS.
@Days Why did you have to make me cry like that?

I'm sorry, I cried a little too, haha.

Also, Stella as she stabs the dragon.


Added Aurélie DB version to the character tab!

It had almost been cathartic. Almost. Maybe it would have been if Aurélie still knew what happiness felt like. Now, the sight was just as thrilling as watching paint dry. Aurélie, or what was left of her, had stood there on the white tiles, glaring her victim down. The almost clinical cleanliness of the floor had been ruined by the pool of blood that slowly spread, staining the grout in between. The young woman’s victim, fellow researcher, prison guard; depending on who you ask, had been gurgling, holding his hand against his jugular, his striking blue eyes in shock. The pen that she had almost expertly used to stab the man had still been jutting out between his slick, blood-soaked fingers. He would survive. Probably. But Aurélie hadn’t found herself caring much, anymore. They had taken away the only thing she had left; Cosette.

Everything then seemed to go in slow motion. The man had fallen to his knees, and Aurélie had stood shaking in anger as she was grabbed, her arm twisted painfully behind her back. But the pain didn’t register anymore, nor did anything else. The eldest de Villiers daughter wouldn’t let Von Galloes use and abuse her anymore. Not now that he took away the only thing that kept her going in this rotten, miserable place. Her only reason to stay alive, and his only leverage over her. For seven years, Aurélie fought, then conformed, worked, then schemed, planned. Only for it all to be shattered by Von Galloes’s words. ”This will be the last time you see your precious, little sister.”

He had sent Cosette off to die. To never come back.

TW: Depressed thoughts

Aurélie was supposed to think about her sins, here in this cell, but Aurélie couldn’t find a single one. Did she wish she had stabbed Von Galloes instead? Yes. But the bastard usually didn’t show his face. As if she was too minor to deal with. A nuisance. But she didn’t regret what she did, to the man that ordered her around for years in Von Galloes’ name. Fucking bastard. How was she supposed to think about her sins when she was brutally ripped away from her family seven years ago, together with her little sister, and became a prisoner? One that, didn’t get to sit still. He worked her to the bone. She was tested on and prodded and got an augmentation installed. She worked with the research team on Dark Energy, and the beasts corrupted by it. If Aurélie fought tooth and nail, the man in charge wouldn’t allow her to see Cosette. Leverage. Cruel, cruel leverage. So, in reality, how was any of this her fault? What had she even done to deserve this?

The visits she was granted with Cosette were just another special flavour of torture, too. With her memory wiped, and Cosette's appearance altered, she didn’t recognise her Aurélie, the sister she adored. Well, used to. For a long time, Aurélie tried to trigger her memory by telling her of their family. Theo, and his silly little inside jokes with Cosette. Sabrina’s kind love and amazing sandwhiches, and Thierry’s funny traditions on la Fête Nationale or his big adventure stories. She told the girl tales of their adventures in their old home, playing hide and seek in the massive estate and taking forever to find each other. Icecream by the Seine, watching the parade along the Champs Elysées on Jour de la Victoire en Europe, Theo picking her up from school, their holiday to Australia, and England. But nothing ever rang a bell. Desperately, Aurélie searched for something to click.

She begged and cried until she eventually became numb. Then, her visits, which were only allowed if Aurélie behaved well, became more like visiting your grandmother with dementia. You’re spending time, but they don’t know who you are. There’s no recognition in their eyes. But the two bonded, anyway. Until, eventually, Cosette’s mind would be wiped once more, and Aurélie would have to start the process all over again. Every time that she had to introduce herself as Aurélie, someone Cosette can trust, a little piece of her soul shattered until there was almost nothing left. While outwardly she showed good behaviour to be granted these visits, in secret, she wasn’t backing down. It took a great deal of patience to learn everything. From guard rotations to people’s personal details. Slowly, so achingly slowly, Aurélie armed herself with something very powerful: knowledge.

But it all didn’t matter now. Not when Cosette was gone and no one out there was even searching for Aurélie. Or so she had been told by Von Galloes. Years ago, she doubted him, refused to believe him. Surely, her father would do anything to get her back? Her mother wouldn't give up, and Theo would move mountains. But as time went on, and one month turned into one year, and then seven, Aurélie was sure. She was abandoned, and alone. And there was no reason to fight anymore. Yet, every time Aurélie tried to run, or fight, or not eat, Von Galloes activated the augmentation inside of her. Controlling her body to its very core. He didn’t even give her the dignity to die. She had been in this cell for a month, now, since he told her of Cosette’s faith and Aurélie went into a rage fit.

Suddenly, a metal clang was heard, and Aurelie turned her head, the white collar around her neck scafing her skin. Nothing really spooked her anymore. The small latch that they would use to bring her food through was opened. But she just ate, right? Or was her entire understanding of time passing gone, too? Blinking, she pushed herself up from the dark, stone floor and shuffled to the door. Her brow creased when she witnessed it was a needle. What? There was an involuntary spasm in one of her hazel eyes before they opened wide. Not controlling her own body anymore, her hand grabbed the needle and flicked off the cap with her thumb with alarming proficiency. Her legs sauntered her back, letting her sink back on the cold floor. With alarming speed, her arm went to stab the needle in her neck, and Aurélie could feel her entire world sink beneath her feet.



If she was going to leave this world, it was going to be on HER fucking terms.

But before she could even fight, the needle stopped and hovered by the skin. It didn’t pass by Aurélie that this was the same spot she had stabbed her superior around a month ago. She was stuck like this, and her bottom lip trembled. That was her own doing, as were the tears that pooled in her waterline. What was happening? It seemed like forever, sitting there, her knuckles white with the vice-like grip on the needle, when she suddenly heard sounds outside her room. She could barely hear it over her own laboured breathing. The door to her cell opened entirely, letting in the flickering light from the hallway. Two figures appeared as Aurélie whimpered. A blond man. She- wasn’t entirely sure if she recognised him or not, but he was about her age. Her eyes shifted from him to the other man beside him. A sob wrecked through her body, her tears spilling over her freckled but pale cheeks as she saw the face of her father.

”Papa… où étais-tu?” She asked, her voice weak and shattered, breaking midsentence and sending her sobbing.

If there ever was an odd spot for a clock tower, it would be here. Yet, it was there, in all its glory, almost mockingly. And they were walking right to it. Around it, a multitude of structures from different times, cultures and dynasties. As if they’ve arrived in a historical theme park, where the actors annoyingly act like they’re actually from that time period. Right about now, the same question was on repeat in her mind once more. What the actual fuck had she gotten herself into? The woman swallowed before taking a step forward. Her eyes opened wide in recognition at the movement around her. Dark energy animals. Her mouth opened as she stared into the sky, looking at what passed for birds flying over them. Before them, a small creature, seemingly innocent, was scurrying around. Nova hunched down, leaning her forearm on her knee and took snapshots through her lens with a twitch of her finger. Now this, this Dragon would like to see.

Nova couldn’t decide if she was entirely disturbed, or if her biologist heart just started beating faster. If she could just take a sample then she co-… a roar sounded, and Nova was back on her feet, her eyes going toward the source of the sound. Beside her, Ghost muttered, and Nova followed her gaze to a massive beast. And maybe most importantly, what was behind it. Their way out, hopefully. Quickly, she scurried away with the rest, hiding behind the large rocks. ”Is that a fucking dragon? Like- an actual one?” She whispered, her voice laced with terror even though her face stood amazed. It was just like the factsheets and research books said. Dark Condensed Energy, the focus of her research, the whole reason she took this damn job. Her still damp hair fell from over her shoulder to her back when she turned her head once more, thankful the beast hadn’t noticed them. While she was more than willing to test out her own Dragon back home, she wasn’t really willing to tame this one. Was she equipped enough for this? Probably not. In all fairness, who is ever equipped enough for a dragon?

Reaching back, she unhooked her bow from her pack, testing the weight in her hand. It was lighter than her usual, wooden bow. This one was of mixed materials she yet had to find out what it was, but it was both bendable and strong as hell. Voidlight definitely had their shit together. From the band over her chest, she took out one of the small rods. She clicked it, and immediately an arrow appeared. Better docked and ready than sorry, right? She was supposed to be searching and rescuing these people. Well, search complete. Rescue definitely pending, most likely failing. She bit her lip and focussed her attention back on Ghost, telling the girl she called 3 to stay with her. Nova wanted to object but knew it would be fruitless. If this girl was a priority to Ghost, then she was a priority to Nova.

She held her bow and arrow with one hand as she placed her free one on 3’s shoulder. ”Don’t worry, 3, it’ll be okay. Get ready to run when I say go, okay?” She said to her, before locking eyes with Ghost, giving her a curt nod of understanding, watching her leave. The blonde man approached her, and this reminded Nova she should really be asking names at this point. Her lips pressed together, to avoid grinning at the sight of him in the suit. She was about to reply when a sound from the scene beyond the rocks took her attention from him and to Ghost. Or, as the man beside her called, out Stella. Another codename, or her real name? Nova’s heart made a nice home in her throat as she watched Ghost gain a purple aura. There was something entirely off with her.

Suddenly, she was torn between running for safety now that the distraction was created, however creative, or helping out Ghost- Stella. But, in some way, Nova thought she didn’t need it, right about now. Nova focussed her attention back on 3. ”We’re going to run, okay? I need two hands for my bow and arrow, so you stay as close as you can, okay? I won’t leave you, I promise.” Her eyebrows dipped as Nova’s features made her promise ring true. She looked back at the young blonde guy, telling Nova that the dragon was the least of their problems. The young scientist rapidly blinked in confusion. What could be more daunting than a Dark Energy Dragon? Well, actually, Nova didn’t want to find out. Still, curiosity got the best of her and her eyes went to the direction of the man’s pointing. Her jaw dropped as she was sure her blood iced over, seeing something that yes, was definitely more daunting than a dragon. Frankly, Nova immediately considered going to cuddle with it as opposed to staring at whatever was doomingly looking at them. ”What- what is it?” She asked, even though she wasn’t sure she’d get an answer. She looked back at him. The suit was too big, and aside from his laptop, he was unarmed. She filled her lungs with oxygen and thought for a split second. Could she trust him?

Ghost seemed to trust him. Letting go of 3 for a moment, she took her gun from her leg holster and held it out to him. ”Here. I don’t know what that is, and I don’t think I even want to, but have this.” She waited until he took it before putting her eyes back on 3, standing up straight. Her dilemma between running and helping Gho- Stella was suddenly a triangle, wanting to find out where the dark-haired man, Ramses, was too. Yet, 3 was her priority. ”I need to get he-” Nova let out a sudden, pained sound as a metallic voice was in her head. One that she could hear, not read. Challenging them. Terror was visible on her face once more, and she tabbed the communication in her suit, hoping the dragon couldn’t hear her. ”Ghost- I- I’m not sure how familiar you are with this, but is Dark Condensed Energy in beast form. In my studies, once we deactivated the core within, the DCE died out. But, that theory is with fucking bunnies and butterflies, and cockroaches. Not a dragon the size of a mansion.”

But where would it be? In her studies… Nova’s hands moved before she fully thought it trough. She had one opportunity. It could work, it could not, but she was not going to stand around doing nothing now that the way to the submarines was fully blocked, and their cover blown. She raised the bow, and the strong arrow nocked in no time. Pulling the string with all her might, she sent an arrow straight toward the dragon’s chest.
I'm confirming some details with our GM about Aurélie, but mine's in the making :)

And you will need tissues, too.
*Holds onto Lexi*
@Lexisheeps Bahaha totally valid dad response, though too much has happened to Theo at this point that he’s gonne be like oh yeah? A life with an absent father, a busy mother and two missing sisters was REAL SAFE DAD.
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