Name: Ille Krueger (first name pronounced 'eel')
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Experiment Type: Dark Magic from Pr. Talia Veiss and a bit of Cybernetics from Dr. Robert Veiss
Powers: Due to the Dark Magic experimentation, when Ille becomes hostile towards a target, the target will begin to halucinate as long as the target is within a 10 ft radius of her, said halucinations vary. Due to the Cybernetic experimentation, Ille now has increased agility and speed, which she takes advantage of by running on all fours often, and has been implanted with a hidden row of needle sharp surgical steel teeth behind her natural ones.
Weaknesses: Since she has both Dark Magic and Cybernetics, it has taken quite a toll on her body and has made her rather thin, which means brute strength is out the window. Her eyes are now completely white and she can now only see in a black and white thermal spectrum, completely unable to tell one person from another by looks and has to focus on other identifiable aspects. Also she has developed sensitivity/intolerance to heat and can pass out easily in high temperatures. However, this also means that her body temperature is now naturally low and colder temperatures generally won't effect her and its difficult for her to be picked up by any heat sensor. The Dark Magic has warped her mind to the point of possible insanity, she can no longer speak normally and has caused her to speak backwards, and has caused her to develop vampirism.
Bio: (((Umm, I don't really have anything for a bio right now xD but I will sometime soon I promise)))