I'm going to be out for a bit. My schedule is full. Beyond ful .
9 yrs ago
I promise to catch back up..haha
9 yrs ago
Oh man, I spent the last two days wondering why the text had seemingly shrunk on the status updates sidebar.... my whole screen was zoomed out by 10%. Haha.
9 yrs ago
My death will be by crispy m&ms.
Hey guys, how is it going?
I love writing anything and everything but comedy, and sometimes romance. It really just depends on how the romance is done.. if that makes any sense. I may incorporate some of my novel's setting into a RP or two, since I've been obsessed with it. I love to 1x1 roleplay only because I feel large RPs are hard to keep track of, people drop out for various reasons (life sucks) and having a smaller group or just 1x1 minimizes the confounding variables, so to speak.
I spend most of my time in advanced roleplays, sometimes casual if they are more advance casual than plain casual. My absolute favorite genres are: Sci-Fi, Post/Apacolypse, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Law Enforcement related, fight-incorporated, anything fun and exciting and points for uniqueness!
If all this sounds good to you, we should share some ideas!
Eh, a unicorn necromancer doesn't sound too manageable. I mean... stab the dead bodies with the horn and bam they're alive again. But now you're basically doing a handstand as a horse.. and that's just disastrous.
Hey guys, how is it going?
I love writing anything and everything but comedy, and sometimes romance. It really just depends on how the romance is done.. if that makes any sense.
I may incorporate some of my novel's setting into a RP or two, since I've been obsessed with it. [color=00FFFF][b]I love to 1x1 roleplay[/b][/color] only because I feel large RPs are hard to keep track of, people drop out for various reasons (life sucks) and having a smaller group or just 1x1 minimizes the confounding variables, so to speak.
I spend most of my time in [color=00FFFF][b]advanced roleplays[/b][/color], sometimes casual if they are more advance casual than plain casual.
My absolute favorite [color=00FFFF][b]genres [/b][/color] are: Sci-Fi, Post/Apacolypse, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Law Enforcement related, fight-incorporated, anything fun and exciting and points for uniqueness!
If all this sounds good to you, we should share some ideas!
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">Hey guys, how is it going?<br><br>I love writing anything and everything but comedy, and sometimes romance. It really just depends on how the romance is done.. if that makes any sense. <br>I may incorporate some of my novel's setting into a RP or two, since I've been obsessed with it. <font color="#00ffff"><span class="bb-b">I love to 1x1 roleplay</span></font> only because I feel large RPs are hard to keep track of, people drop out for various reasons (life sucks) and having a smaller group or just 1x1 minimizes the confounding variables, so to speak. <br><br>I spend most of my time in <font color="#00ffff"><span class="bb-b">advanced roleplays</span></font>, sometimes casual if they are more advance casual than plain casual. <br>My absolute favorite <font color="#00ffff"><span class="bb-b">genres </span></font> are: Sci-Fi, Post/Apacolypse, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Law Enforcement related, fight-incorporated, anything fun and exciting and points for uniqueness! <br><br>If all this sounds good to you, we should share some ideas!</div>