Avatar of DeadlyEssence
  • Last Seen: 8 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 127 (0.04 / day)
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  • Username history
    1. DeadlyEssence 9 yrs ago


Recent Statuses

8 yrs ago
Current Life, right?
1 like
9 yrs ago
I'm going to be out for a bit. My schedule is full. Beyond ful .
9 yrs ago
I promise to catch back up..haha
9 yrs ago
Oh man, I spent the last two days wondering why the text had seemingly shrunk on the status updates sidebar.... my whole screen was zoomed out by 10%. Haha.
9 yrs ago
My death will be by crispy m&ms.


Hey guys, how is it going?

I love writing anything and everything but comedy, and sometimes romance. It really just depends on how the romance is done.. if that makes any sense.
I may incorporate some of my novel's setting into a RP or two, since I've been obsessed with it. I love to 1x1 roleplay only because I feel large RPs are hard to keep track of, people drop out for various reasons (life sucks) and having a smaller group or just 1x1 minimizes the confounding variables, so to speak.

I spend most of my time in advanced roleplays, sometimes casual if they are more advance casual than plain casual.
My absolute favorite genres are: Sci-Fi, Post/Apacolypse, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Law Enforcement related, fight-incorporated, anything fun and exciting and points for uniqueness!

If all this sounds good to you, we should share some ideas!

Most Recent Posts

It's alright, no big deal. Tiredness is natural as well.
Looking for a 1x1, I had a small haitus and have returned; I just want a simple 1x1 to keep me going for now. I wont juggle many rp's but I'll probably get 1 or 2 posts a day (more if it's a good day).

I've no ideas to share, but we can work on a plot and setting.

No romance.

Pm me if you're interested. ~

(I'm going to recycle this thread with bumps and new ideas so I don't end up creating a billion threads).

Things about my RP style:
Casual - Advanced
Can do Multiple characters
I post at the least once a day/ every other day.
The only mature content I may include is blood/gore. No romance.
@ScreenAcne You should probably post first? That way I can either include you (as having followed Pheonix) or not, and that way it doesn't seem awkward to have your post after mine, in which your character does whatever he does.

I'll finish my post after yours is up.
I feel like you guys are dying on me... That's okay. I'll work on my post.

Any progress on the CS?

I'm going to work on some stuff on the other thread.

@POOHEAD189 Sorry! We're full. but if others continue to want to join I'll consider opening a second larger RP with a different plot for more to participate in.

@paragloan Good thinking! I like mixing plots too, so that definitely isn't a bad idea. I also like lots of twists and conflicts and problems.. hah.

@Arista It seems we have some momentum! Do you have any thoughts, ideas or input on the plot and storyline?
Okay that is great. Also, I would love your input on maybe which plot idea you would like the most, or your own ideas, thoughts.. etc. That way we can get a little further on getting this started.

@paragloanOf course I am. Glad you're interested~
Name: Aria Raxi
Race: Shiftress/Demon mix
Gender: Female
Age: unknown for now
Current location: After the destruction of one of the major cities Aria has settled in the temporary town that has been set up. She does not know how long she will reside here.

Shifter Form:
Appearance: She is tall for a female, slender figure.
Skin color: A dark tan, (unusual to the shifters as a result of her demon half)
Markings: No markings
Hair: Wavy black hair to her shoulders, layered.
Eyes: Greenish Yellow eyes
Attire: (Typically described in text)

Demon Form:
Appearance: Demons naturally are larger than any other race. She is an average female demon stature.
Skin color: Dark purple
Markings: Black tribal markings on her cheeks, forehead and chin. (Pic) i992.photobucket.com/albums/af47/Deadl..
Hair: None
Eyes: Greenish Yellow eyes
She is almost never in her natural demon form just to keep from being noticed as a mixed blood.

Skills: No refined skills
Profession: She helped her mother with the'hospital' and now 'helps' her Aunt at the medic housing. She has not been trained in any other profession
Powers/Mastery: Masco Shifter, she trains her skills and has surpassed her peers.
She also has the ability to shift other objects into practically anything simply because of her demon form (however she rarely uses this because all things she shifts have the coloration of her demon form and she would be given away as a mix) thus this skill is not trained and is still very unreliable.
In her demon form she has the typical poison control (but weakened), immense strength but has lost the power of possession due to her mixed blood.
She is typically more easily exhausted than her peers because she is always exerting energy to remain in her shiftress form. Her natural state is demon form.

Personality: Strong sense of justice, she feels she should participate in the war and thus trains for it. She wants to protect the ones she loves - especially her demon father. She trusts no one, has made almost no friends because of her secret, she suppresses a sarcastic nature. Sometimes her social interactions are a bit dry and she may not pick up on simple things, jokes, sarcasm, etc.
Notice: Personality is subject to alterations and revamps prior to the start of the RP.

History/Other relevant information: Updated later.

This is a general character sheet; which can be used, deviated from, disregarded or whatever really.

Current location: (Major city, minor city, town, etc)

Skin color: (Please see the races to choose one)
Markings (design?/color):

Profession: (I'm sure this is important somehow?)
Powers/Mastery: (See the race sheet for applicable powers, and how well those powers have been trained).


History/Other relevant information:

Try to keep in mind Strength/Weaknesses/Flaws.
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