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Mill’s head was throbbing, but he could still see the orc coming towards him, ready to end the young farmer. As Mill prepared himself for the emptiness of the void that was death a voice called out. "Turn Hell Hound Turn!" Saamir, bloodied and battered, charged towards Mill and engaged the orc. The fight was short, but brutal, Saamir cleaved into his foe’s arm before destroying the beast’s head. Mill was quite surprised that Saamir was able to kill the orc so quickly, especially since he was injured worse than Mill.

Saamir’s injuries and exhaustion seemed to catch up to him however, and he leaned against Mill for support. “Careful brothers, they’ll have the upper hand on open ground. Tread lightly.” Mill nodded it was sensible for them to take things cautiously, after all none of them were real fighters. However, Saamir seemed to reconsider his advice and spoke again. “On second thought, chase them down. If they see us halt our attack, it’ll steel them. We don’t want them to be steeled.” There was a certain merit to what he said this time as well, however, Mill didn’t understand why he changed his mind so quickly.

“I’m not sure that’s the wisest idea,” Mill said as he helped Saamir stand on his own. “But, I suppose if we’re going to die, it might as well be fighting. Catch your breath Saamir, I’ll try to clear the way.” Mill rushed forward, along with the other farmhands, his scythe at the ready. If we could limit the orcs movement, we could regain the advantage, he thought. Glancing around, however, showed that there was little they could do at the moment besides rushing to meet the orcs.

Mill lashed out with his scythe, no longer aiming for the body or head of the orcs. Instead he aimed for legs and arms, hoping to cripple the enemy and leave them to one of the others to finish off. While attempting to hold off the orcs, Mill saw Horace slip into his home, or what remained of it, he barely noticed at first however he did notice the two orcs enter after him. He knew Horace was a fighter, and being in an enclosed space might even help even the odds, but he doubted it would matter if the orcs caught him off guard. Mill broke off from his opponent and rushed towards Horace’s house, unfortunately the orc got one last blow in, if the burning sensation down his back was any evidence to go by. Ignoring the wound for his moment he saw the two orcs walking down the steps leading to the cellar, doubling his pace Mill tackled the one in the back sending all three tumbling down the steps.
If you want Abysmal, I'll try to have my next post connect to yours.
I'm here, I've just been busy so I haven't had a chance to post yet.
Mill Grayer, Cowfallow Bridge

Mill was still struggling when he heard a voice calling out. He couldn’t hear exactly what the person was saying, but he got the feeling it was supposed to be inspirational. Too bad it was very difficult to inspire a follower of Fala, especially one who was about to be killed by an orc.

Fortunately for Mill, another farmhand seemed inspired by the words and struck at the orc with a hoe. Unfortunately for Mill’s would-be savior, the orc seemed more annoyed by the hit and grabbed the man before tossing him into the river. It’s probably safer down there than it is up here, Mill thought as he swung his scythe at the orc. He lodged the blade into the orc’s arm and yanked it to the side, throwing the orc off balance and letting another farmhand finish it off with a pitchfork to the chest.

Mill paused for a second, trying to catch his breath as he looked around the bridge. Several orcs were dead, however there were still more and several of the other farmhands had already been killed or wounded. His rest was cut short however, when several more orcs began to come across the bridge towards him. He swung his scythe in a wide arc, trying to stall them. The orcs faltered, but only for a second before they continued their assault. Mill rushed one of them and shoved him back with the handle of his tool, while a few of the others tried to push back the remaining orcs to prevent them from advancing.

Mill glanced around looking for someone who could assist them. He saw two men and troll not far away. “Saamir, Horace, Kordo give us a hand!” he called out. However, his momentary distraction was enough for the orc he was fighting to get the upper hand. The large beast head-butted him in face and Mill stumbled backwards clutching his head.
Mill Grayer, Cowfallow Bridge

Mill wasn’t sure why he had followed some of the other farmhands back to the village. If there was something wrong, could they really do anything? If Fala and The Rat were to be believed, and he did believe in them, then no matter what he did it wouldn’t really change anything. Still, seeing the fleeing villagers and the panic caused by the orcs made Mill feel oddly content with his decision to join the others. He would most likely die, but maybe he’d die thinking he did something somewhat worthwhile, even if no such thing existed.

Mill watched one farmhand, Saamir perhaps, being knocked down by an orc. Before he could move to help him, another orc intercepted him, swinging a vicious looking ax at his head. Mill stumbled back, and fell to the ground. Before the orc could make a second swing, Mill lashed out with his scythe cutting into the orc’s leg just above the ankle. The green skinned brute also fell onto the bridge and Mill scrambled to his feet quickly. He swung the scythe once more plunging the blade into the orc’s chest and finishing it off.

He had barely pulled the blade out of his fallen foe when another orc attacked him. This one swung a large sword that Mill was barely able to block with the long shaft of his scythe. However the orc was much stronger and forced him to his knees, struggling to keep the orc’s sword away from him.
Race: Human

Race Description: N/A

Avatar: The Rat. Mill follows The Rat because he believes that there will always be a struggle for life, but that ultimately life will not change. Maybe the humans will push back the orcs, but the orcs will return someday. Or maybe the orcs will triumph, but in the end humans will rise back up and drive them out. There may be temporary victories, but nothing will truly change in the end.

Name: Mill Grayer

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: Mill is tall and gaunt with a perpetual forlorn look on his face. He has black that is roughly cut short and blue eyes. He wears a white work shirt with a brown leather vest over it. He also wears brown leggings and thick boots. He is somewhat muscular, but not as much as some of the other farmhands.

Current Equipment: Besides his work clothes Mill is only carrying the scythe he was using to cut wheat, he owns a bow and a few arrows but they are at his house. He also has a pendent shaped like the avatar he worships, The Rat.

Handy Skills: Mill has some experience with tanning and leather work, as well as carving and fletching.

Personality at RP's Start: Mill is a glum person in general. He tends to be very pessimistic and is usually the first to point out how something could go wrong. Despite this, he can be a good and loyal friend, and he is not the type to leave someone behind. Furthermore, as a follower of The Rat and Fala, he believes that the Orc invasion is just as futile as the human defense, which in his mind puts them on equal footing. Also due to his belief that life has no deep meaning, he is often the first to volunteer for any suicidal plan or action since living or dying makes no difference to him.

Facts Likely Known To Others: Mill is not generally very talkative, but having worked with the others for some time they have come to know him fairly well. They know he is not a good person to talk to if they need cheering up and that he tends to depress people unintentionally. However, they also know that he is a good person overall and that he works hard to support his younger sister, who is a follower of an avatar of Magmehn and is the complete opposite of Mill.
Thanks for accepting Mill, I'll move him over to the character section.
I updated Hollow's origins a bit, I'm still not sure if it's okay, but I wanted to try and fix it as soon as I could. If it still needs work I'll try and get to it as soon as possible.
Race: Human

Race Description: N/A

Avatar: The Rat. Mill follows The Rat because he believes that there will always be a struggle for life, but that ultimately life will not change. Maybe the humans will push back the orcs, but the orcs will return someday. Or maybe the rocs will triumph, but in the end humans will rise back up and drive them out. There may be temporary victories, but nothing will truly change in the end.

Name: Mill Grayer

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Appearance: Mill is tall and gaunt with a perpetual forlorn look on his face. He has black that is roughly cut short and blue eyes. He wears a white work shirt with a brown leather vest over it. He also wears brown leggings and thick boots. He is somewhat muscular, but not as much as some of the other farmhands.

Current Equipment: Besides his work clothes Mill is only carrying the scythe he was using to cut wheat, he owns a bow and a few arrows but they are at his house. He also has a pendent shaped like the avatar he worships, The Rat.

Handy Skills: Mill has some experience with tanning and leather work, as well as carving and fletching.

Personality at RP's Start: Mill is a glum person in general. He tends to be very pessimistic and is usually the first to point out how something could go wrong. Despite this, he can be a good and loyal friend, and he is not the type to leave someone behind. Furthermore, as a follower of The Rat and Fala, he believes that the Orc invasion is just as futile as the human defense, which in his mind puts them on equal footing. Also due to his belief that life has no deep meaning, he is often the first to volunteer for any suicidal plan or action since living or dying makes no difference to him.

Facts Likely Known To Others: Mill is not generally very talkative, but having worked with the others for some time they have come to know him fairly well. They know he is not a good person to talk to if they need cheering up and that he tends to depress people unintentionally. However, they also know that he is a good person overall and that he works hard to support his younger sister, who is a follower of an avatar of Magmehn and is the complete opposite of Mill.

I kinda rushed this so if I left anything out, or you need more details please let me know.
Name: Hollow

Real Name: Henry Vollers

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Brief history: Henry worked as a special effects expert for several movies before being injured in a pyrotechnics accident. While recovering in a hospital, he overheard a man bribe one of the doctors to not perform a lifesaving surgery on a patient. Shocked by this, Henry found out that the patient was an unconscious police officer named Kendricks who had been shot several times. Although there was nothing he could do to save the man’s life, he promised himself to find out why the Kendricks was left to die. During his research he found that the officer’s partner had been the one to bribe the doctor and that man who died had been one of the few non-corrupt officers left in the GCPD. Later, the set of a movie that Henry was working on was destroyed by a bomb, killing several of his coworkers and friends, and injuring Henry. A note was delivered to him while he recovered warning him to stop his investigation or else he would end up like Kendricks. Horrified that the people who were supposed to be protecting the city were no better than the criminals they supposedly punished, and angered by the deaths of his friends, Henry decided that if he couldn’t rely on any else to look after the city then he would do it himself and he would do anything in his power to keep more innocents from dying.

Personality: Henry is a well-meaning sort of person. He’s quick to lend a hand even if it will land him in bigger trouble. He tends to be reasonable and likes to think things through, although he will acknowledge that there are times when action, not planning, is needed. However, when confronting criminals Henry shows a different side of himself. Inspired by Batman, and even the villain Scarecrow, Henry loves causing his opponents to feel fear, not only because it makes them more likely to make a mistake, but also because he wants them to know how the everyday people of Gotham feel.

Flaws: Ever since the event at the hospital Henry has lost his trust in authority. He now believes that any one in a position of power is only interested in furthering their own agendas, even well-meaning people such as Commissioner Gordon, and so he refuses to cooperate with them. He is also afraid of any injury that could send him to a hospital, since he could end up dying the officer did.

Abilities and skills: Henry is in above average shape physically, however his real strength is in his equipment. While he does use a regular wooden bat for up close fighting, his year as a special effects expert have allowed him to develop several tools, as well as a good source of supplies to make his tools. He has made flash powder bombs to blind his opponents, small flares to burn someone, or provide light, and various light and sound producing objects used to trick his opponents. He also owns a motorcycle to use as transportation when he is in his Hollow persona.

Appearance: Henry is about 5’11 and of average build. He has slightly pale skin as he tends to spend most of his time working on special effects for his job, or working on tools for his nighttime outings, he has short black hair and grey eyes. He also has a few minor scars on his face and arms from various incidents over the years. As Henry he tends to wear casual, but durable clothing, usually a grey t-shirt, blue jeans and brown work boots. As Hollow, he wears an old green jacket with patches sewn on the back and arms, underneath the jacket he wears a black long sleeved shirt and worn blue pants, also with patches sewn in, to complete the scarecrow like look, he wears orange and black face paint and dyes his hair green, giving him a jack o lantern look. He also generally wears a simple black motorcycle helmet when he patrols the city.

If I left anything out or you need something explained better please let me know. I hope you like him.
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