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I only know 5th edition so that would limit my options. That said the other stories do sound very interesting and if you do go with one of them then I hope they turn out well.
Finally got another post up, sorry about the wait.
Thanox crouched over the partially eaten remains of some wild animal. Some sort of boar perhaps? It was hard to tell from what remained of the carcass. While there was not any meat left to harvest, he was happy to note that the beast’s bladder was intact. Once it was cleaned and dried out it could make a decent waterskin, however the group would need more, and preferably larger ones, if they wanted to explore more of this new land.

Thanox clicked his mandibles together, something he often did while irritated. So far, the hunt was mostly unsuccessful. He may have found something that could be of value, but he hadn’t had any luck finding more food for the group. Now he had a choice, keep looking and hope he can find something, or admit defeat and return to the others. As much as it sickened him to do so he would have to return practically emptyhanded. Going too far in an unknown land, with unknown dangers was too risky. After all, he may have failed the group today, but tomorrow things could be different.

With a resigned shake of his head he began to make his way back towards the beach where he had last seen everyone else. They would have most likely moved on by now, but it would be fairly easy to find their tracks and meet up with them wherever they decided to make camp.
Alright I'm really sorry it took me so long to get something up and its really short, but I've just had a lot going on lately.
As Thanox went deeper into the woods he focused on the ground looking for any tracks to lead him to his prey. The main problem, however, was that he did not know what his prey was. He had no doubt that it would be very different from what he hunted back in his home land, but he didn’t know just how different it would be. As confidant as he was in his skills as a hunter he didn’t want to take too big a risk by fighting an unknown predator.

Another problem was that, judging from the tracks, there wasn’t much here besides smaller game. Useful for food, not quite as useful for hauling water, unless someone knew how to work leather and had the proper tools. Still, there were always larger creatures around, ready to feed on anything smaller than them. He just needed to find them and it looked like he was not alone in his search. A few of the others were already searching inland, and the others would probably move in soon to find better shelter.

Thanox stopped and crouched down to get a better look at the ground. There were some tracks here, they were older, but they were there. Hopefully they could lead him to an animal, or perhaps a watering hole. Standing up, he carefully followed the tracks. They may not lead anywhere, but he had to at least try and see what he could find.
Sorry about being gone for a bit, my computer had a virus and I had to take care of it. I'll try and post soon.
Thanox picked up another broken jug and sighed. It appeared that most of the containers had sustained some sort of damage which may not have been surprising, but it was still disappointing. Without a container to store water in, the group would have to travel to the water source every time they wanted a drink. It may not be too much of a problem if it was nearby, but assuming that it was at least an hour walk inland then it would be too long a trip.

There was also the problem of irrigation for the future crops. Having lived in a desert for most of his life, Thanox did not know much about farming, only over hearing a few things during the trip, however even he knew that a stable source of water would be necessary to let the crops thrive. That left them with no choice, they would need some sort of container to store water in, and it didn’t look like they would find one here. Standing up, Thanox made his way back towards the exit. He was a hunter and it was time he put those skills to use. If they couldn’t find a container, they would just have to make one. An animal bladder would work just fine, or they could skin a beast and use it’s hide. It may not hold much, but it would be a start.

As he was walking out he noticed a door slightly ajar, he would have walked by, but he noticed something lying on the floor. Gripping his boomerang in one hand he cautiously made his way to the door and slowly opened it. On the floor was a body, a quick examination told him the man was dead. It made since, the Arrowhead was a large ship and clearly not everyone had been as fortunate as they were. It wouldn’t surprise him to find more bodies on the ship. This man deserved a burial, as did anyone else who died on the ship, however that would have to wait until they could all be sure that they were not going to perish as well. Thanox walked out of the room and scratched a mark into the door with his boomerang, he would return after his hunt to properly bury the crew and passengers.

Thanox nodded as the kitsune introduced herself and stuck out her hand towards him. It was a strange gesture that he hadn’t seen until he left his homeland and traveled through other settlements, but he understood that it was used as a sign of friendship. He extended one of his upper arms and grasped her hand, slowly moving it up and down as he had seen others do. It seemed to please her and she walked off with the box, asking if his people used four swords. He was actually glad that someone was interested in his people, and in their fighting styles. At first he had not guessed that she was a warrior, but looking now she did seem to carry herself like a fighter would.

“Yes, there are some of our warriors who use four swords, although it is difficult to master so not many do so. The ones that do are usually elites and are either tasked with guarding the queen or are given important missions during war.” Thanox explained as they exited the ship. It was nice to have someone to talk to, normally he enjoyed being alone but being completely cut off from his people was not as easy as he first thought.

While Yukine walked back into the ship, Thanox noticed another of the survivors, Turk, had managed to catch a few fish and seemed to be enjoying one now. “Food will be important, but so will water.” Thanox said as he turned to ocean. He didn’t like it, back home water was rare and valuable, and it saved lives, but this water was abundant and yet was not safe to drink. It was almost funny in a strange way.

He shook his head as he walked back into the remains of the ship. A few others had already moved farther inland, so hopefully they had found something, and if not they could always search again tomorrow. For now they still needed to finish checking the ship, although they seemed to have covered most of it already. He ignored the others as they seemed concerned with a snake, he knew they could handle it so he moved farther into the ship.
Thanox continued to sift through the remains of the ship. So far it seemed that the others had managed to recover a few bags of seeds, these ones in better shape than the one he had found, as well as a red crystal that the elf seemed determined to keep. He shook his head when he heard her declare that she would be the only one to use it. Hoarding things would not help the group in any way. On the other hand though, he had no idea how to use it, so he supposed that it may be for the best.

While he searched a thought occurred to him. “Perhaps this ship could serve as our shelter, at least briefly. We would need to make sure it is safe to stay in, but it could keep us from being exposed to the elements.” He said to no one in particular as he looked around. It would take some work patching some of the holes, but it might be a good place to start, the biggest problem would be the tide. If they couldn’t find a part of the ship that was high enough to stay dry then it would never work. Still, there would be time to decide where to sleep later. Right now they needed supplies, and once they finished searching the ship they could check farther inland and hopefully find freshwater. Shaking his head Thanox resumed looking for anything useful.

As he continued to his fruitless search he heard the kitsune ask for help. She had found a crate of seeds, but it was pinned under a large piece of debris. He walked next to the girl. “I will assist you. On three. One, two, three!” He bent down and grasped the broken piece of wood with all four arms and pulled up. It was quite heavy, but he was able to move it to the side with her help.
He picked up the box and handed it to the kitsune. It occurred to him that he did not know her name, he had only learned the names of a few individuals, but it would be rude not acquaint himself with the others, especially seeing as how they would all be working together to survive now. “I am called Thanox, I do not believe I ever caught your name.”
Thanox waited while the Oni Masaru checked to make sure the ship was safe. He was a bit surprised when a small elf and a kitsune joined them. The kitsune looked fit at least, but the elf seemed frailer. Still it was not his place to judge, and if she wished to do what she could to help everyone then that was commendable.

After a moment Masaru returned and gave the go ahead to check the ship. Thanox glanced around the inside of the ship, the outside had looked very rough but even that didn’t compare to the inside. Crates and boxes containing supplies personal belongings were smashed open, their contents scattered everywhere, most of them soaked and ruined. Thanox clicked his mandibles together in irritation, it didn’t look like they would find much in here, but anything would be better than nothing, and so he began to pick up some of the heavier pieces hoping to find something that had remained intact.

A sudden shriek caused him to whirl around, his boomerang already in hand. The noise came from the kitsune who laughed and explained that it was just sea slime. Thanox relaxed, but kept his boomerang in one of his lower hands. It may have been nothing this time, but it would do no good to be unprepared for trouble in an unknown land. The kitsune also pulled out a scythe, a farming tool from what he had learned, it might come in handy, assuming they were able to raise crops.

When she asked about seeds, Thanox saw a small bag on the floor. It was ripped open and the contents were gone, most likely swept out to sea, but on the side it was labeled corn. “This one is gone, but there may be others nearby. I will keep looking.”
So far the search was not looking promising. However it had only just started, there was no need to be disheartened yet. Even if they could not recover enough supplies, they were all skilled individuals they would find a way to survive.
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