Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

5e Dungeons and Dragons - d20 Modern - 3.5e Dungeons and Dragons

I am far from new to the role of being the Dungeon Master, having done so traditionally for years now, but for too long in recent have I gone without doing so. No less, I believe it has been much too long since I told a story and allowed players to find themselves into it how they so desire. Because of this, I have created a selection I think might interest a number of persons familiar to the genres, and while I would prefer those experienced in Dungeons and Dragons, all are welcome if they have any background at all. If you wish to participate, voice your opinion and what games you would like to play; only the one with the highest amount of votes and attention will I run.

  • Advent (d20M, 3.5e) (Dystopian, Near Modern, Science Fiction)
    • A not so distant future holds a time of tremendous turmoil technologically and socially; man, machine and metahumanity tenuously coexist. The use of cybernetics has become available to the public, just as the rarity of genetic augmentation remains in part elusive. However, there exists the haves and have nots, with those in between unsure which path to follow. Together, they determine what path to follow.
  • Defiance (d20M, 3.5e) (Future, Post Apocalyptic, Science Fiction)
    • As an unknowable, unfathomable threat bears down upon mankind from all angles in a war already lost, a sense of desperation takes hold. Despite the futility of these efforts, the human race and some of its last few members aboard a war vessel are willing to strike back one last time to not fade quietly away. There is only total success or absolute failure.
  • Lost Lands (5e) (Adventure, Fantasy, Heroic)
    • A few select heroes discover a power they could never have known were it not for setting out on a now failed quest. Discovering worlds beyond their own, they fight a battle against time to prevent the forces of darkness from overwhelming existence; a door they themselves accidentally opened. Without one another they will unquestionably fail, but together they might just succeed. Despite these great stakes, their passionate hearts never lose their levity or sight of hope.
  • Minutes to Midnight (d20M, 3.5e) (Apocalyptic, Modern, Survival)
    • A small group of regular people are pitted against an overwhelming series of natural disasters and terrible odds in the United States. As society around them revolts under the strain of disease and a terrible environmental calamity, they are forced to fight for every little advantage they can. But there's something more, almost otherworldly at work. Is it tidings of ills to still come or is it a source of newfound hope?
  • The Wrath of the Wild (3.5e) (Exploration, Low Fantasy, Savage)
    • A band of mundane men and women are forced to take up arms after they find their village reduced to cinder and bathed in blood in the wake of an unnatural storm, a scene of violent battle. A sole survivor accompanies them, remembering only glimpses of the events in nightmare and left with a scar that no restorative magic can seemingly heal, being their sole guide to follow. With nothing left and wanting answers, they press into the great realm abroad, growing from common folk to unlikely heroes of the realm in a time after the great adventurers.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I've never tried d20M (and have never been a fan of 3.5e), so my vote would be for the 5e game. I am too busy at the moment to commit to learning a new system, sadly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As it is, for the sake of simplicity only, I am leaning toward a Fifth Edition game, but I am hopeful to take a different tonal direction and design with the Third Edition stories if we do manage to go that particular. Granted, this is the one time I am actively encouraging players to play "good hearted, good aligned" characters, so I reasoned I might as well make the whole experience more light and lively, as well as paced upon action, rather than story and intrigue. An excuse of sorts to fight ample monsters on an adventure and feel like heroes again, @JBRam2002.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Decker126


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I only know 5th edition so that would limit my options. That said the other stories do sound very interesting and if you do go with one of them then I hope they turn out well.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

This seems to be fairly common among the community, that Fifth Edition is what they are familiar to. It has its benefits for certain in that it will not take much effort to get going, so provided we can get at least one, preferably two, other players then we may see it on its way, @Decker126.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@The Harbinger of Ferocity so for the 5e game, you are planning a good-only party? Just to help me start planning. Also, core only, Core + official, or UA included?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yes, I would like to actually have a heroic, more light hearted party of characters who are some form of Good aligned, be it Lawful, Chaotic or Neutral Good; I haven't seen it done in years. As for the material, all Wizards of the Coast material be it the prints or the Unearthed Arcana are permitted. The only stipulation to that is, is that whatever it is needs to use the most current version of its incarnation; thus the rangers use the improved ranger, the Favored Soul origin is the one that does not receive bonus spells and the like.

To give you an idea of the tone @JBRam2002, the party has been with each other for a while, they began from the start that way, but are now taken out of their element and cast far from it. The majority of foes they will be facing are not killed but rather banished and dispersed. Those who are actual beings, friend or otherwise, are not exactly killed either. Death is not a so permanent issue, given the environment is in the Planes and beyond; getting hit by sword or spell damages your essence, in place of your body and blood.

But do not misunderstand me, anyone who reads this, there are still penalties in mind. Just not so much, given I intend to have quite a bit of combat.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zverda
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Zverda Walker of Worlds

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I am interested in punching people with a sword as a Paladin... I will be the only Paladin I don't hate
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Easy enough to do, @Zverda.

For those interested, both @JBRam2002 and @Decker126 as well, some recommendations for this game given that it will be Fifth Edition and in the Planes, that it is high fantasy sword and sorcery. So, Eldritch Knight fighters, paladins of all forms, and all other magical martial classes should feel right at home. As for races, my recommendations would be to err toward elves, humans, half elves and aasimar. For plot reasons and how important alignment is on the Planes, please try to avoid anything morally questionable or historically evil; demons, devils and undead are all inherently evil, and any association with them tends to have others view you that way as well.

The battle for the hearts and minds of many planar locations and other realms is at stake, so do know this will lean more toward combat - quite a few consistently back to back at times. Granted of course these multiple encounters will always be a bit easier than say, of course, a major engagement.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@The Harbinger of FerocityAnother question - What is your intended starting level for the 5e game? If not lvl 1, what sort of gear do you intend to allow us to start with?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

My current intent is to start at 2nd level, if not perhaps 3rd, @JBRam2002. Mostly because while I want the group to be aspiring heroes, I wish for the majority of them to have their abilities. All starting equipment that seems reasonable, essentially anything less than fifty gold pieces and non-magical, is probably reasonable. I am intent on providing you all a magic item as well, but that is mostly after the introduction. Given it is intended to be heavy on the combat side of things, I would like you all to feel comfortable fighting until the classes all begin to hit their stride.

So, I would say anything starting from 1st level, plus a second set of items that meet that criteria; gold will not be doing much for you as is in the Planes, at least not in the lesser quantities low level characters see. Another note related to this is, is that because much of it is more readily available, there won't be need for much shopping short of say, restocking on potions or antitoxins in the future to come.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

I am interested in the 5e game as well, although I have a few questions.

What medium do you plan on using for sessions? I'll be limited to using a mobile device for the most part, although I can try to get my borked computer in working condition.

Would you allow us to use the roll for wealth rule in lieau of choosing the starting equipment for the class pages?

Will we be rolling our stats, or using a point buy?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@The Harbinger of Ferocity In addition to Cu's questions, I might suggest that starting at lvl 5 might be an option for a combat-heavy campaign. That's where casters get cantrip bonuses, martial classes get Extra Attack, and full casters have enough spells to feel useful without needing a long rest every three battles. In addition, the DMG provides suggestions for starting gear at lvl 5. Just a suggestion; I don't mind starting at lvl 3, but the low levels are simply not as fun for me personally (I've had plenty of campaigns get to lvl 5 and just stop).

Also, if this is intended to be a live game, I will be unable to join, as I simply don't have the uninterrupted free time for it. If it's PBP on the forum, I shouldn't have any issues. Still trying to figure out a character idea, but I'm considering a martial bard.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

As far as class selection goes, I'm leaning towards a Rogue Thief, seeing as the character I'd like to be is a cartographer. A fighter, ranger, or perhaps even a wizard could also work as well.

I can also always go my Phoenix Sorcerer Chef I've had worked up a while back, but he's a Tiefling. A chaotic good Tiefling who loves cooking and adventures to create the "perfect dish," but due to the setting, being him may not be wise.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Cu Chulainn Personally, I'm always a fan of juxtaposing character concepts with the culture of the setting. It makes for more interesting interactions with NPCs. I also wouldn't mind seeing a Pheonix Sorc, but if we've got a bard, a paladin, and a sorc, we're going to be the most charismatic party to ever adventure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chao
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Chao Resident Space Cowboy

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I am, somewhat, interested.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Cu Chulainn, the medium will be the Guild, so Theater of Mind play will be the standard, with combat played out in posting order determined by initiative. Players who do not post within their window of time will have their turn assumed by me and played relative to what would be the most reasonable action for them to take at that time. This means both the character's needs and the party's are taken into consideration.

As for wealth, because of my prior statement on it, provided you are not spending more than fifty gold on it and it is non-magical, it is reasonable to start with automatically. If you are after a particular item, say plate mail, that might be a bit too far at its price of fifteen-hundred, versus where I am willing to yield on a hand crossbow by comparison which is only seventy-five gold. If you really want to roll for wealth you are welcome to, but I see no particular benefit in it either way.

Ability Scores will be determined by one of two things. Either all the players must desire to roll for them or we will use the standard array. Now, beyond this I am debating how to determine those rolls. I might do something as roll them all myself, assign numbers to each score, and let the players pick at random from those numbers without knowing the scores.

Dealing with character level @JBRam2002, I need a starting point for the party and a means to give progression. By 5th level that has cut out an enormous amount of time, too much so. Again, by going to the Planes the difficulty and events are going to be quite different. I have already adjusted down the average Challenge Rating slightly because of the more common number of encounters which is about three, unlikely to reach five. Between that and the experience gain, I am fairly confident you all will not remain lowly for long.

No one likes drawn out low levels short of E6 and I do not intend to make you feel them. You're meant to be legitimate, actual heroes in a high fantasy realm fighting a vastly more numerous, but individually far weaker, foe while going from world to world, realm to realm and eventually Plane to Plane. This transitions slightly, in that here is the general overview of what we are looking at.

This accounted for, I make the following few notes.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

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Seeing as we're probably going to be Cha heavy, I'm considering switching to a Wis char. I'm looking at Way of the Sun Soul from SCAG (pg 131). Might cross that with Cleric or Druid at some point for some heals, but I might just go full monk. Also, I just now saw Sun Soul and it looks interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by The Harbinger of Ferocity

The Harbinger of Ferocity

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

I would not worry too much about healing, @JBRam2002. I believe that would be a reasonable choice in terms of thematics and ability, as well as an archetype that I have not see many play as of it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

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The Favored Soul has its wings back in the newest UA. I know what I'm going
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