Avatar of Zverda
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 311 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Zverda 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I love my job, but I hate how it makes me feel at the end of the day.
8 yrs ago
I didn't make it to my appointment and the reason why is... rather bothersome to me
8 yrs ago
I'm finding that I am able to relax more now that I have you to talk to... but I'm also trying to be careful not to rely on you too much... I don't want to push you away
9 yrs ago
Who would have thought I'd be so stressed out I wouldn't be able to sleep? If my mind doesn't give out soon... my body sure as hell will.
9 yrs ago
I know its bad if you don't grieve properly... but being alone has stopped me from being able to react the way a normal human probably should. Don't compartmentalize people, you'll eventually explode.


Well... I was told this is a thing I should do... so here is the thing...


Hi. I'm Zverda... formally Kokushi on this site! People call me Koku a lot... dunno why it just sorta started up one day and stuck.

- I'm 24 and I like playing in my age range. I prefer to stick with people who are 20+, mostly because I feel more comfortable doing any form of romance with people within that age group. If you are still a teen, I am sorry but I'm just not comfortable RPing with you just yet, nothing personal I assure you. However, if you are not looking for romance, I'm cool with RPing with you as long as you are not any younger than 18.

- I love posts that are decent in length. I won't go Nazi on you about your post length... though I will admit that if you can't give me at least 2 GOOD paragraphs, I will get bored... and fast. I give as good as I get, so please, if you do not want Crap do not give me Crap.

- I consider myself Mid to High Casual. I am not a grammar freak by any means, I just ask that you do not text talk... please have a basic understanding of the English Language, be it American English or British Language.

- I RP in PMs mostly, though I also favor Google Docs if you are looking at it to be more of a story setting rather than just a jumble of things.

- I prefer playing a female character though I do not lack the ability to play a male character, I am just relatively new to it.

What you can more or less expect from me:

On average I write anywhere from 2 to... however many Paragraphs that I feel like. If it is something I am enjoying and you are just as interested in what we are doing, I can easily knock out a few paragraphs, at least on a good day XP. Now I understand that everyone has off days, so if you are having any issues, please let me know and I will do my best to work with you ^.^

Also, I have a tendency of responding just about every day, sometimes I can only manage one a day if I am super busy (which isn't often to be honest), other times I go nuts. For the Next three weeks starting Monday Dec 21st I may be a little slow until Jan 11 as I will be visiting Family in New York, but I WILL respond, I promise you that!

What things do I like you ask?

- Action
- Progressive Character Development
- Fantasy
- Sci-fi
- Egyptian Mythology
- Greek/Roman Mythology

Stories that take place in either:

- Modern Day
- Medieval Times

Things I do not enjoy... in the least

- being the only one who pushes stuff forward, if you have a question about moving forward, all you need to do is ask. If you have an idea, please, use the OOC to bring it up to me.
- Damsels in distress so please do not expect me to play one.
- Ridiculously submissive characters... some submission is ok but try to have a backbone... and this is also something I will refuse to play, so don't ask.
- Insane amount of swearing. Now, I have the mouth of a Soldier so I understand swearing as much as the next person, but even I have a limit to what I will tolerate.

My feeling on Romance in RPs:
I do not mind Romance in the least, however I will not make it the main premise of the story. It is perfectly fine as an addition, as in some cases it is completely normal for people traveling together to end up forming some form of bond with one another. I don't expect it to be instantaneous... I rather have it be something that forms gradually over time as it makes it more believable. If Romance isn't something you want to do, just let me know that you have no intentions towards that, trust me, it won't bother me in the least.

What to do with ideas:
I typically have ideas, just let me know what type of things you are looking for and we can always work on something together. If I already have a basic plot outline I will run it by you and if you like it, we can flush it out together and if you don't, then we can come up with something completely new. If you have things you want to do, or just basic ideas off of things I like to do, lemme know ok? Frankly, I hate making people think that I only wanna do what I wanna do, because that isn't true I assure you. The more ideas, the more fun things can be for either party.

Most Recent Posts

A Little on the late side, sorry all -- I'm all for doing more exploring if that's what everyone wants to do.
"Good idea Kyra," Torus said, "Prevents anyone from following us, at least in a timely manner, and allows us to not really have to worry too much about anyone following close behind that we may not want to deal with at the present moment." The Druid nodded his head briefly as he spoke to show in a physical manner that he agreed with her. "We should continue to move with caution however, considering the traps when we came in, it would not be a great surprise if there were even more as we continued our trek forward."

Considering the rest was over, Torus pushed himself off the wall he had been leaning on and brushed his hands on the front of his clothing. He was ready to get moving, the sooner they could get out of this cave the happier he would be.
@Hekazu I had given my consent through IC to the short rest, even had Torus say he would keep watch since he wasn't injured XD Past him offering that I didn't really have anything to add to the short rest.
"Best just stay in here," the Druid said as he stared over at Orchid, arms crossed as he leaned against a wall, "I can keep watch, out of all of us I am the one uninjured thanks to my more primal forms." He motioned for his party member to return to the fold with the other's, eyes focused on the Orc in a way that suggested he thought the idea of anyone going into the room alone was foolhardy and that one would have to have ulterior motives to even consider volunteering to go in there alone. "Come sit with the others and remain safe rather than run the risk of getting yourself killed because we cannot get to you in time."
Torus had taken the time to look at those who had fared far worse than his current form and frowned, resting wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea for the sake of treating wounds. "People are rather hurt, would it not be best to secure the area and attempt to treat wounds before they fester?" the male piped up, pulling himself from the thoughts of the battles they had just faced. It had certainly been some work, but they were out of danger for now from what he could see and there were enough people barely hanging on that a rest seemed like the ideal option. His beast had kept him from dealing with any of the real problems that would have arisen had he himself taken any of the damage that had been targeted at him, trap and weapons alike, but the others had not been as lucky as he. It would be a lie to say he was not concerned, but he remained silent past the words he had already said, a soft voice mocking him for the appearance of concern, be it genuine or not.
@Hekazu I did a Medicine roll for Torus in case he could use his medicinal know how to maybe help Parum.
Torus had spent most of the time quiet, sitting on his haunches as he simply stared at the deceased beings before them, then to those that had been severely injured. Sadly, he had nothing but two berries and they would not do much to assist in the healing process in the least, so for that he would have to consider himself useless unless they wanted to attempt to call upon his medicinal skills. After a moment of contemplation, he finally dropped the form of the tiger and found himself on two legs once more. "That was close," he muttered, looking over his comrades for a moment before going over to Parum, simply wanting to look over her wounds, "Here, drink some water and stay still." He offered the woman his waterskin as he began inspecting her wounds in an attempt to see if there was anything he could do to help without the aid of potions and spells. The last thing they would want was her passing out, and while it wouldn't be impossible for him to carry her, he thought it best not to revert to a bestial form unless he absolutely had to at the moment. He had almost lost himself towards the end of that confrontation, the body of an animal feeling more at home to him in the heat of the battle than his own as he had gotten closer to the end.

I apologize for the shortness, but I don't have much to add past an attack and any more typing will probably make me want to chop my hand off
And so they were left with the lone axeman, of course, Torus couldn't find a way to weasel himself between the threat and the nearly downed barbarian which made him let out a rather annoyed huff of air. Instead, he simply jumped in, sharp claws slashing across any exposed flesh he could find. Thankfully, his attack landed, leaving ribbons of blood behind as claws sank into flesh and tore it open much like a knife through butter. He just wanted this creature to die, its danger to those he was here to protect irritating him and something in the back of his mind screaming at him to rend, tear... kill.

... I can make the area under Cyan's feet diffcult Terrain... or slap some fog into the cave? XD
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