Avatar of Zverda
  • Last Seen: 4 yrs ago
  • Joined: 9 yrs ago
  • Posts: 311 (0.09 / day)
  • VMs: 3
  • Username history
    1. Zverda 9 yrs ago
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Recent Statuses

7 yrs ago
Current I love my job, but I hate how it makes me feel at the end of the day.
8 yrs ago
I didn't make it to my appointment and the reason why is... rather bothersome to me
8 yrs ago
I'm finding that I am able to relax more now that I have you to talk to... but I'm also trying to be careful not to rely on you too much... I don't want to push you away
9 yrs ago
Who would have thought I'd be so stressed out I wouldn't be able to sleep? If my mind doesn't give out soon... my body sure as hell will.
9 yrs ago
I know its bad if you don't grieve properly... but being alone has stopped me from being able to react the way a normal human probably should. Don't compartmentalize people, you'll eventually explode.


Well... I was told this is a thing I should do... so here is the thing...


Hi. I'm Zverda... formally Kokushi on this site! People call me Koku a lot... dunno why it just sorta started up one day and stuck.

- I'm 24 and I like playing in my age range. I prefer to stick with people who are 20+, mostly because I feel more comfortable doing any form of romance with people within that age group. If you are still a teen, I am sorry but I'm just not comfortable RPing with you just yet, nothing personal I assure you. However, if you are not looking for romance, I'm cool with RPing with you as long as you are not any younger than 18.

- I love posts that are decent in length. I won't go Nazi on you about your post length... though I will admit that if you can't give me at least 2 GOOD paragraphs, I will get bored... and fast. I give as good as I get, so please, if you do not want Crap do not give me Crap.

- I consider myself Mid to High Casual. I am not a grammar freak by any means, I just ask that you do not text talk... please have a basic understanding of the English Language, be it American English or British Language.

- I RP in PMs mostly, though I also favor Google Docs if you are looking at it to be more of a story setting rather than just a jumble of things.

- I prefer playing a female character though I do not lack the ability to play a male character, I am just relatively new to it.

What you can more or less expect from me:

On average I write anywhere from 2 to... however many Paragraphs that I feel like. If it is something I am enjoying and you are just as interested in what we are doing, I can easily knock out a few paragraphs, at least on a good day XP. Now I understand that everyone has off days, so if you are having any issues, please let me know and I will do my best to work with you ^.^

Also, I have a tendency of responding just about every day, sometimes I can only manage one a day if I am super busy (which isn't often to be honest), other times I go nuts. For the Next three weeks starting Monday Dec 21st I may be a little slow until Jan 11 as I will be visiting Family in New York, but I WILL respond, I promise you that!

What things do I like you ask?

- Action
- Progressive Character Development
- Fantasy
- Sci-fi
- Egyptian Mythology
- Greek/Roman Mythology

Stories that take place in either:

- Modern Day
- Medieval Times

Things I do not enjoy... in the least

- being the only one who pushes stuff forward, if you have a question about moving forward, all you need to do is ask. If you have an idea, please, use the OOC to bring it up to me.
- Damsels in distress so please do not expect me to play one.
- Ridiculously submissive characters... some submission is ok but try to have a backbone... and this is also something I will refuse to play, so don't ask.
- Insane amount of swearing. Now, I have the mouth of a Soldier so I understand swearing as much as the next person, but even I have a limit to what I will tolerate.

My feeling on Romance in RPs:
I do not mind Romance in the least, however I will not make it the main premise of the story. It is perfectly fine as an addition, as in some cases it is completely normal for people traveling together to end up forming some form of bond with one another. I don't expect it to be instantaneous... I rather have it be something that forms gradually over time as it makes it more believable. If Romance isn't something you want to do, just let me know that you have no intentions towards that, trust me, it won't bother me in the least.

What to do with ideas:
I typically have ideas, just let me know what type of things you are looking for and we can always work on something together. If I already have a basic plot outline I will run it by you and if you like it, we can flush it out together and if you don't, then we can come up with something completely new. If you have things you want to do, or just basic ideas off of things I like to do, lemme know ok? Frankly, I hate making people think that I only wanna do what I wanna do, because that isn't true I assure you. The more ideas, the more fun things can be for either party.

Most Recent Posts

Mulan watched as the others began to fight, but only briefly before she found herself nearly immediately having to cut down more shadows as they came her way. While she was thankful to have more people fighting alongside her, she did hope that none would tire out too fast, thought she doubted that the one with the Bow, Merida if she remembered correctly, would have too much trouble with that unless being drunk opted to tire her out all on its own. Of course, that was not her main concern right now, that was reserved strictly for ensuring that the shadows were taken care of as quickly and efficiently as possible so they would eventually give up on their targets before anyone got hurt. Of course, with the late hour and the long travel times of those around her, she had no doubt there may be a semblance of fatigue in each of them which had her hoping that this fight would be far shorter than those in her past had been. Exhaustion caused people to make mistakes, and mistakes with these creatures would leave an opening that they would do their best to take advantage of.

Upon the entrance of the new comer, Mushu had poked his head out of his place within the Soldier's collar and made a noise between surprise and... was that disgust in the dragon's tone? There was no time for that! Thankfully, he did not get a chance to make a quip as Mulan immediately found herself turning around in an attempt to defend herself from a different angle, breaking the Dragon's line of site on the one who had come to join them. It seemed he was good with his hands, at least not having a weapon did not seem to deter the newcomer.
There was no thought in the tiger's mind at this point, no thoughts of wanting to defend those who were near death, no human want to help the Paladin who was fighting against a foe who hit as hard as Cyan did. Nothing, nothing but the want to rip into flesh, to kill anything in its path that stopped it from it's ultimate goal of simply getting rid of everything that was a danger to it and it alone. If it seemed threatening to its safety, it wanted it gone, out of the way and bleeding on the ground. With that simple instinct raging through it, the beast lashed out with teeth, wishing to inflict as much injury to the one before it as it stepped forward. Teeth sunk into flesh, hoping for the taste of blood to rush over its tongue, looking for a sign that it had managed to somehow hurt the one before it far more than it intended to hurt it. Of course, that taste did not come as the one before him seemed to manage, somehow, to avoid the injury the Tiger wished to bestow upon it, but maybe it was close. Maybe the one before it would die soon, and that was all it wanted. It wanted it dead so the next threat could be dealt with.

"That's right, you run like the chicken you are!" Mushu shouted as he waved his own fist at the bird, then decidedly slipped into the back of Mulan's collar, "I'll just be right here."

Mulan rolled her eyes at the exchange, then looked at the strange toothpick of a man that had come running up to herself and Cassim before promptly falling on his face like a child who had yet to master the ability. Of course, not everyone had a graceful run, Mulan understood this well and would not hold it against him... too much. However, she did not get the chance to really respond to the Emperor of a far away land before the Thief piped up about a tall skeleton man who was apparently their ally, and also had a ghost dog? "Is he an ancestor of your's?" she asked Cassim with mild confusion, "I've never known an ancestor to be out and about like that. Though, at this time it does not much matter... be careful while fighting these creatures, conserve your energy the best that you can otherwise you will regret your decision sooner than you think. This is going to be -"

Mulan cut off when Jack joined their group upon the ground, her almond shaped eyes growing wide, not only because of the man's height and strange limbs, but also because of exactly how much of a skeleton he was. Even if Cassim said this, man?, was an ally, one would not have thought so at first sight. He was, in fact, a rather unsettling looking character and that alone was enough to put her on edge and have Cri-kee decide it was time to hid in her collar as well. "Chirrrrrrrr-kreeeeeeeee," came the nervous sound of her companion as he hid.

It was then that the creatures began to make themselves known, prompting the swordswoman to jump into action, the metal of her blade seeking its first target with a swiftness that had been drilled into her only years before. Thankfully, it would be easier to deal with the threat with more people willing to fight beside her, and hopefully that meant they would be chased off faster.
Torus watched as the individual made it away from his bite, a low growl rumbling in his chest in his annoyance, so he simply pounced on the individual in an attempt to place his hulking mass between the Axe wielder and his group. Sure, he fur was matted with blood at the moment, but he was not about to let the guy have an easy time getting to those who may be able to deal with him far more in the time to come. As much as he wanted to assist their Paladin, even he knew he had to be careful with prioritizing who could be dealt with with relative ease. Though, it did not help that he seemed to hit far harder than one would wish. Lashing out with claws, the sharp keratin edges sliced into armor, and hopefully flesh. However, it seemed the wielder was still dexterous enough to avoid the bite that was soon too follow, Torus finding his jaws snapping at nothing but air. This alone pulled another growl from between his feline lips, golden eyes narrowing as he planted himself firmly. There was no doubt in his mind he was to lose this form, but it mattered not, for he had another to call upon when the time came.

@The Harbinger of Ferocity@Hekazu@Ryonara@Lucius Cypher@Norschtalen
AoO = 22
Bite Dmg = 11

Do you want me to post or do you want to just incorporate it in your post? I'm fine with either choice

Mulan decided to followed Cassim outside, wanting to separate herself from the noise and narcissism that seemed to permeate the air. Once out of the door, she looked around for a moment, barely catching a glimpse of Cassim's cape as he dart around a corner. A bit confused as to why he would have done such a thing considering he had simply strolled out, she rounded the corner in time to hear the tail end of what the bird, Iago was it? Had to say. However, the words on her lips never finding their way into vocalization as a shouted warning met her ears so soon after the eerie howl, prompting an immediate draw of the blade she carried at her hip.

"Put your celebration hold, we have bigger problems to deal with it sounds," Mulan said as she began to scan the area, "Cassim was it? You really should have just kept his belt, if it was just a shined Bronze it may have caught you a decent price. It's harder to find than your precious gold."

Mulan smirked as Mushu made his way to her head, eyeing the thief in a distrusting manner. As much as he had enjoyed the praise, even he knew better than to trust a man who let his greed lead him forwards in his actions. "I'm the Guardian of Mulan kinda," Mushu half snapped, "And it's good to know the chicken on your shoulder can talk."

Mulan snorted, but shushed the small dragon on her shoulder with finger to her own lips, now was not the time to start exchanging witty or snarky remarks, they had worse things to deal with at the moment. "I hope you are as good at fighting as you are at pilfering things from people thief," she stated, "Because we are going to have a nice long fight on our hands and it's going to be tough."

This form was entirely too weak, the weight of the creature he had become weighing him down as he tried to lash out at the being before him, but was too sluggish as he easily dodged the bite. That axe had done more damage to the form than he had thought, but at least he was hanging on by a thread for the moment, a thin thread, but it held all the same. However, maybe it was time to switch to something different and a little more bothersome for those that would attempt to attack them. Though, this looked like it might be a fight they should have tried to weasel away from considering now they would have to deal with the one in charge. So tired... all he wanted to do was rest, this non-stop fighting was going to get someone killed, and it wouldn't just be of those whom they were fighting. Sure he had been ready to continue to fight, but who in their right mind would have actually wanted to keep going after the beatings?

I wish this site could alert my phone, I'm fine with using the dex rules

"Who knew people in this city were so rude," she said, loud enough for Gaston to hear as the one with the parrot moved to make his escape, "Is it normal for you to attack envoys to your city in such a way? I'm not sure your King would be happy to hear that you are setting up a bad precedence for those who wish to establish trade with your fine country."

Of course, Cassim making a beeline straight for her did not go unnoticed, and it was rather startling to be sure as her eyes focused on him with confusion. "Yes?" she questioned, eyes narrowing a bit as she noticed the belt in his hand, and the one missing from the individual who had grabbed him. At this point, Mushu had taken up his roost on her shoulders once more and Cri-kee was currently on her head. She did not like the look in his eye, it was unsettling and caused her to take a small step back, her own tankard in hand as she had decided she wanted to stand around and watch the drinking contest that had broken out between the strange accented woman and the man who was all too sure he would win. "Is there something you need from me or are you just looking to hide behind someone? That man, Gaston I guess his name is, does not look too happy that you had managed to escape his grasp."
Look at me rolling horribly 3
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