Yukari Yozakura
After finishing her meal, Yukari put her dishes away and wandered outside. There was still time in lunch left, and she figured she might as well get some exercise in so she doesn't feel so bloated. Nothing too serious, just something to keep her stomach from getting too heavy. After she washed up in the bathroom Yukari went outside to get some fresh air and sunlight. As she walked further away from the cafeteria things got quieten, but at the same time Yukari would pick up more noises from her surroundings. Because of her blindness she was much more sensitive to the ambient noises of city life, and even subtle feelings like the air pressure, temperature, and even soft scents in the air were all things Yukari both notices more, and has gotten used to filtering. She wonders if any of the other students have picked up on her disability yet. She could only imagine maybe two from her hero class who might have some clue, but she does her best to hide it so no one would ever suspect it.
"I just hope this won't become a problem later. Like if people ask me to describe what someone looks like or shows me pictures... Uwa..." Eventually Yukari would find herself back at the gym. Since everyone had gone to lunch, the gym was mostly empty. She could hear the faint buzzing of the electricity and pipes in it's larger corridors as she went inside and just walked around. The faint smell of soap told her that the janitor must've been here at least an hour ago, and some parts of the floor was still wet. Soon she'd find herself back inside the main gym area where she had demonstrated her quirk.
"Ora! This will be a good place to train!" Yukari spent a few moments to stretch, literally, extending her arms and legs a couple meters in order to get herself limbered up. She wasn't going to do anything as fancy as what she did this morning, not yet at least, but just enough to get the blood pumping. As she was walking around she found a smelly room that had some of the sport equipment in it.
"Ah, Mako-Sensei must've not locked the supply room. Or maybe another class opened it? Either way, I'm sure there's something fun in here."Digging around the room Yukari eventually found what she could identify as a basketball. It was bouncy but had a thick exterior with bumps, which she's been told is what a basketball is suppose to be like. So she gave it a few bounces, getting a feel for it's weight.
"Hmm... Maybe one day I can be bouncy like a basketball too." Yukari bounced the ball in her hands for a while, dribbling it around the court. If anyone had seen her though they could tell she has no idea how to properly dribble a basketball since she was using both hands at the same time.
"Ano ano.... I think I'm suppose to throw these into hoops right?" Yukari had a vague idea where these hoops were at since she had been making some noise in the room. She knew there was something big and flat above her, but her senses weren't so sharp that she could keenly identify what it looked like via just noises alone. But she guessed that's what she was suppose to throw the ball at, so picking up the basketball in her dominant hand, she wrapped her arm around the ball before spinning it over her head once and slinging it at the backboard.
She managed to hit the backboard solidly, causing the ball to bounce straight back to Yukari. That would be when a couple of other students would arrive just in time to see Yukari get hit in the face with the basketball, causing her entire body to bounce off the ground from the surprising recoil and shock.
"Uwa! It didn't swoosh!"